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Atheists More Suicidal, Marry Less, Have Fewer Children, More Depressed

Like it's cool to riot, loot and burn businesses. You godless Leftists have turned science, reason and common sense on their heads.

Lenin on atheism.jpg
Why do you hate science?

WQ, I couldn't help but wonder the basis for your challenge above so I looked at the nonsense written by the individual on my Ignore List for previous gibberish.

The published paper did NOT state that all atheists are alike. It looks at averages.
One might think that a pretend sophisticate who is SO "intellectual" and SO "rational" would know that everyone in any group does not fit into one average characteristic of that group. But this one makes a big deal to show that he is smarter and better than his average group. In so doing, he misses the point they are always trying to make, of being SO much smarter and SO much better.

It's a Q.E.D. moment.

Separately, my county has a high IQ club, Mensa. Anyway the president is remarrying and his picture was in the newspaper. He's also overweight. I wrote to him laughingly of his silliness. It's fun to have fun but you have to know how.- - The Cat in the Hat

This data has been known for decades. Those without faith are more prone to substance abuse, depression, and suicide. One person's anecdotal story doesn't mean shit. The data is the data. As I as always said Dims like science until they don't like science. This is one of those instances.

Yes, and there's a reason for that. We were not meant to gain peace and happiness through things like drugs, money, material things, addictions, entertainment, or even other people. So when people turn to temporary things to fill that 'void' inside, it's like putting the wrong type of fuel in a car.... it just doesn't work. We were designed to seek and be reconciled to our Creator.

That's why you'll see wealthy celebrities who seem to have it all end up throwing their life away with drug addictions, etc... and sometimes end up committing suicide. As the song says, they're looking for 'love' in all the wrong places.
And that reminds me of a quote by C.S Lewis, from the excellent book, Mere Christianity:

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

One of my favorite singers even made a song about that...

Like it's cool to riot, loot and burn businesses. You godless Leftists have turned science, reason and common sense on their heads.

View attachment 403650

On the other hand...

Pretty clever that the Catholic Church managed a worldwide crime syndicate.
And that reminds me of a quote by C.S Lewis, from the excellent book, Mere Christianity:

"If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world."

One of my favorite singers even made a song about that...

And that's really the important point about the statistics of mental health and happiness.

We are free to pursue pleasure, wealth, power and fame but in the end none of those things will satisfy us because we were made for more.
What does it profit a man if he gain the world but lose his soul.

Bill Cosby
Harvey Weinstein
Jeffrey Epstein
Bernie Madoff
Phil Spector
(Hunter Biden)
(Joe Biden)
What does it profit a man if he gain the world but lose his soul.

Bill Cosby
Harvey Weinstein
Jeffrey Epstein
Bernie Madoff
Phil Spector
(Hunter Biden)
(Joe Biden)
What does it profit a man if he gain the world but lose his soul.

did she commit suicide - to read the book of forgeries and fallacies as a course in living in its lies being the same, suicide. chemical, subject of their own thread. spiritually.
Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation.
  1. Do not falsely accuse victims or "explain" murders as suicides, or attempted murders as attempted suicides. That is not rational.
  2. We as a society have become "churched" out of all proportion to the truths of life expressed in the writings of the Holy Bible.
  3. There is no hope of "salvation" in a religious sense under the "church-law" authority of cop-calling whores and pimps for preachers.
  4. Churches maintain extremely vicious anti-LGBT "eyes-of-God" policies of hate, based on community reputations, rumors among street ladies, and various other false witnesses, rather than true and voluntary confession.

The amount of energy required to refute bullshit is always an order of magnitude bigger than to produce it. - Brandolini's Law, applicable here in spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs

To my Ignore List you go.
ciao brutto
Ecclesiastes 3:11 He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.

Can you name even one aspect of our universe that is known “from the beginning to the end”? Research continues everywhere, with absolutely no end remotely in sight. Research at the subatomic level, at the molecular level, at the cellular level, at the human level, at the planetary level, and at the galactic level.

How is it that we don’t know everything about anything, if all that we see came about from nothing, as materialists contend? How is that possible? Infinite complexity from nothing is infinitely absurd and infinitely improbable. There is not the slightest scientific basis or law for their grand proposal. Profound organization and information and consistency and physical laws, originating…. HOW ! An infinite God makes spiritual sense. He is utterly beyond the purview of science - which is merely another of God’s brilliant creations. As to the mocking question of “Who made God,” Professor John Lennox of Cambridge University gives us the answer: “If anybody made God, then He wouldn’t be God, would He!” (See Lennox’ one hour lecture, “A Matter of Gravity” on YouTube.)

Two things are incomprehensible. First, the origin of everything from nothing, and second, God Himself, Who so wondrously explains and accounts for everything else. Everyone must choose his own incomprehensible option. The first is random and meaningless, literally and figuratively. The second option is elegant, beautiful, hopeful, and wonderful beyond understanding. This second option matches the creative genius that surrounds us.
Marrying less means that for any Homo sapiens the education about familial Oedipus may well be worth the price of freedom from its iron collar. Everyone is always already working on their own suicide, and we see no stats on the religious status of covid-era suicide victims, though there has been an increase. Regarding drugs other than religion, there is less suicide if one ingests the tranquilizer, cannabis.
Invoking Brandolini’s law (another supposedly savvy Italian, Pontius?) exposes the xian psychopath as like a public library. The scapegoat is given just enough information via shallow learning to make them dangerous to themselves and others. Julia Kristeva has already remarked on the remarkable amount of mental energy required of the religious believer to maintain. (New Maladies of the Soul)
The theologian-pimp has relied on giving its victims few choices ever since the Neolithic, so the argument for religious affiliation has its foundation in protection-racketism and either-or choices.
Marrying less means that for any Homo sapiens the education about familial Oedipus may well be worth the price of freedom from its iron collar. Everyone is always already working on their own suicide, and we see no stats on the religious status of covid-era suicide victims, though there has been an increase. Regarding drugs other than religion, there is less suicide if one ingests the tranquilizer, cannabis.
A dope-head atheist pretends to posit wisdom. Rich.
I am sorry for your hatred, your anger, your arrogance and condescension, thinking yourself so very wise and worldly.

The Devil's Delusion by David Berlinski is a must read for you.

Inside Cover

Has anyone provided proof of God’s inexistence? Not even close. Has quantum cosmology explained the emergence of the universe or why it is here? Not even close. Have our sciences explained why our universe seems to be fine-tuned to allow for the existence of life? Not even close. Are physicists and biologists willing to believe in anything so long as it is not religious thought? Close enough. Has rationalism and moral thought provided us with an understanding of what is good, what is right, and what is moral? Not close enough. Has secularism in the terrible 20th century been a force for good? Not even close, to being close. Is there a narrow and oppressive orthodoxy in the sciences? Close enough. Does anything in the sciences or their philosophy justify the claim that religious belief is irrational? Not even in the ball park. Is scientific atheism a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt? Dead on.
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Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation. Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members. Furthermore, subjects with no religious affiliation perceived fewer reasons for living, particularly fewer moral objections to suicide. In terms of clinical characteristics, religiously unaffiliated subjects had more lifetime impulsivity, aggression, and past substance use disorder. - Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt, American Journal of Psychiatry, December, 2004
Psychiatry Online

How will atheists try to squirm out of this science when they're constantly boasting of their "rationality" and "intellectualism".

i dont believe in god

i cant fake it

im in a 30 year relationship with the woman of my dreams

im still very much in love with her.

we r not married.

i have never contemplated suicide

people like me!

i am friendly witty charming well read polite courteous kind

i know the names of people i interact with on a regular basis and always engage in pleasant conversations....

now....i was going to post/list all the christians who have committed adultery, divorced, had gay relationships, stole millions from churches , lied in courts....

but apparently the internet cant absorb that much data!
Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation. Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members. Furthermore, subjects with no religious affiliation perceived fewer reasons for living, particularly fewer moral objections to suicide. In terms of clinical characteristics, religiously unaffiliated subjects had more lifetime impulsivity, aggression, and past substance use disorder. - Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt, American Journal of Psychiatry, December, 2004
Psychiatry Online

How will atheists try to squirm out of this science when they're constantly boasting of their "rationality" and "intellectualism".

religiously affiliated more likely to commit mass suicides ala jonestown

more likely to attempt terrorists attacks

more likely to deny rights to others

more likely to kill gays and atheists

more likely to endorse child marriages

more likely to ban divorce, pot, premarital sex, music, dancing, fun, thinkng, non christian books
What does it profit a man if he gain the world but lose his soul.

Bill Cosby
Harvey Weinstein
Jeffrey Epstein
Bernie Madoff
Phil Spector
(Hunter Biden)
(Joe Biden)
What does it profit a man if he gain the world but lose his soul.
View attachment 403869
did she commit suicide - to read the book of forgeries and fallacies as a course in living in its lies being the same, suicide. chemical, subject of their own thread. spiritually.
Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation. Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members. Furthermore, subjects with no religious affiliation perceived fewer reasons for living, particularly fewer moral objections to suicide. In terms of clinical characteristics, religiously unaffiliated subjects had more lifetime impulsivity, aggression, and past substance use disorder. - Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt, American Journal of Psychiatry, December, 2004
Psychiatry Online

How will atheists try to squirm out of this science when they're constantly boasting of their "rationality" and "intellectualism".

i dont believe in god

i cant fake it

im in a 30 year relationship with the woman of my dreams

im still very much in love with her.

we r not married.

i have never contemplated suicide

people like me!

i am friendly witty charming well read polite courteous kind

i know the names of people i interact with on a regular basis and always engage in pleasant conversations....

now....i was going to post/list all the christians who have committed adultery, divorced, had gay relationships, stole millions from churches , lied in courts....

but apparently the internet cant absorb that much data!
So you are without sin? Not all those professing to be Christian are, and some are very selfish. However, GOD knows the difference. Let me see, you're charming, polite, courteous, in love, and 30. Now ponder the reality that unless you meet with an accident, die of some plague, etc., in a year or two or five, maybe ten or twenty ----- you will an an old man. And that lovely thing you are sleeping with will begin to put on weight and have sagging breasts and look like a washer woman with wrinkly skin. Then let's see how you will perceive your existence and how much you will cherish another day passing...
Religiously unaffiliated subjects had significantly more lifetime suicide attempts and more first-degree relatives who committed suicide than subjects who endorsed a religious affiliation. Unaffiliated subjects were younger, less often married, less often had children, and had less contact with family members. Furthermore, subjects with no religious affiliation perceived fewer reasons for living, particularly fewer moral objections to suicide. In terms of clinical characteristics, religiously unaffiliated subjects had more lifetime impulsivity, aggression, and past substance use disorder. - Religious Affiliation and Suicide Attempt, American Journal of Psychiatry, December, 2004
Psychiatry Online

How will atheists try to squirm out of this science when they're constantly boasting of their "rationality" and "intellectualism".

religiously affiliated more likely to commit mass suicides ala jonestown

more likely to attempt terrorists attacks

more likely to deny rights to others

more likely to kill gays and atheists

more likely to endorse child marriages

more likely to ban divorce, pot, premarital sex, music, dancing, fun, thinkng, non christian books
I don't see Christians beating up gays in bars. I don't imagine Christians even enjoy getting drunk --- much less doing such in a bar. I don't know where you get your ideas from! Most public schools in the US don't allow the reading of Christian books or novels in school. Atheists certainly would be up in arms if a science teacher even thought of having a Creation discussion in the classroom. And where would a History class go if the Bible was applied along with other ancient historic texts. Isn't this a denial of rights and in fact very bias? And frankly, Christians have been dealing with such exclusions for well over 50 years. Yes, I would agree that there are "religious" people who engage in terrorism; however, how are you defining "religious"? Would that be only CHRISTIANS or would that be anyone who pursues a set of beliefs or an ideology at the expense of everyone else. Nazis, Communists, Capitalists, and Anarchists don't have to believe in GOD to be "religious" in their ideology do they?

I once asked a guy what he called fun, and his response was getting high or drunk and having sex. Not to judge, but if that is all there is to having fun, then what's the point of living at all?
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