Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own

]Thanks, once again, for proving the narcissistic and hateful nature of ardent "Christians" who believe their way is not only the only way, but feel free to shit all over anyone who believes differently. You sir, IMHO, are not truly following in Christ's footsteps since to do so would mean you are more forgiving and kindly toward your fellow mankind.

I'm not a Christian, in fact I've made it clear several times I'm an agnostic.

I do know my history, and you clearly don't. Christians aren't 'hateful and narcissistic', you just can't make an intelligent point about them and go off on these idiotic tantrums as a response to being shown you're wrong, that's all. Grow up. Educate yourself first; that way you don't have to fall back on sniveling and ad homs all the time, like 'OldSchool' has to do.
Christians aren't 'hateful

Killings for Christianity

Nothing can further exemplify the deep roots of a Christian need to force others to accept Jesus Christ as savior than the gory, bloody rampage of the Crusades, which over years left countless "infidels" slain. Or one can look at the inquisition where non-believers in Christ were tortured and executed.

Add to that, just for the sake of example, the missionary slaughter that took place when Spain and Portugal colonized Central and South America for Christ (and gold and other riches). Or the savagery of European Christian nations conquering Africa and engaging in slavery.
That's not what this thread is about, fuckwad. Start another thread, don't hijack this one. Please no one respond to this bullshit.
Obviously you're either a zealot of just mentally slow to not understand what I'm getting at. :dunno:
Mentally slow, for that particular moment. : )

maybe it was the devil costume that threw me.

I will respond.
Devil costume?? WTF are you talking about?

You're really not very good at this, are ya......... :eusa_whistle:

You are? Jesus bub, really. What do we have here, again. An opening post by a zealot slagging atheists, and then some snide ass believers snidely chiming in. Just can't find a way to take any of this seriously. Or you for that matter.
Oh my, he doesn't take me seeriowisy....... I'm devastated........ :lmao:
Soooo, the only path to salvation isn't through Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, etc, etc, etc? :dunno:

If you wanted to know the truth, you would put forth the effort to know.
You are not as stupid as you want to pretend.
Obviously you're either a zealot of just mentally slow to not understand what I'm getting at. :dunno:
Mentally slow, for that particular moment. : )

maybe it was the devil costume that threw me.

I will respond.
Devil costume?? WTF are you talking about?

I took a gander at your signature guy and that's all. I did not study him. I thought he was anton levay the famous occultist. I have no idea who or what he represents.

Back to your earlier comment which I misunderstood.

"Soooo, the only path to salvation isn't through Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, etc, etc, etc?"

If you want my opinion and that of Catholic teaching I am quite sure ---- the only path to salvation is through Jesus Christ. That is because Jesus Christ is God and the judge.

Does that mean you have to be a Christian to make it to heaven? No.
Does that mean you have to have accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior to make it to heaven? No.

It means Jesus is your judge and savior. Many souls who never knew Christ are in heaven because of how they treated their neighbor and how they obeyed a well formed conscience. And I could go on explaining many reasons or ways salvation is attainable, one can start with the Beatitudes in Matthew. Blessed are the peacemakers... etc. Or go to Matthew 25:31-46 the Final Judgment. See who Jesus accepts into heaven and who he turns away. Hint: Charity or lack of charity is gigantic.
Missed the point, not surprised....... :eusa_whistle:
Pushy (in this instance) can be subjective.
Agreed, but sometimes subjectiveness is obviously true and sometimes it's obviously false.

An attractive woman is in an office and habitually wears low-cut blouses over her ample bosom. A coworker is introduced to her and he momentarily glances at her cleavage. Would she feel justified in feeling sexually harassed? Yes or no? Would a reasonable person(s) think she was justified?

How about if the man continually stared at her bosom from across the room? Reasonable man theory applies.
Subjective is subjective.
The difficulty I have with atheists is I would not trust one. If I was considering taking on a business partner, I would not want an atheist as a business partner. That is because he lacks the belief that a higher power would punish him if he were to rip me off. This is a practical business consideration, and I don't think any of atheists' abstract arguments can overcome it.
So Christians don't engage in activities their scripture prohibits? What works in theory doesn't always work in practice and we all know Christians are sinners.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own..

Just like not collecting stamps has no 'positive qualities of its own'.

I don't believe in your fairy tales- or your magic pixies.

I don't need to believe in them. I don't need a magical creation story, or a story of now a man built a boat that carried two of each species to save them from the flood because the magic pixie was going to murder most of life on earth.

I don't need your magic pixie to tell me what is right or wrong.

But if you do need to believe in your magic pixie- thats okay with me.
What atheists have is the belief that their actions don't have consequences, so long as they don't get caught.

What Christians believe is that they can do anything- including murder someone- and as long as they repent before they die- they won't have any consequences.

And yes- that is a parody of your idiotic post.
Killings for Christianity

Nothing can further exemplify the deep roots of a Christian need to force others to accept Jesus Christ as savior than the gory, bloody rampage of the Crusades, which over years left countless "infidels" slain. Or one can look at the inquisition where non-believers in Christ were tortured and executed.

Add to that, just for the sake of example, the missionary slaughter that took place when Spain and Portugal colonized Central and South America for Christ (and gold and other riches). Or the savagery of European Christian nations conquering Africa and engaging in slavery.
So you agree Muslims are as bad as Christians? That the "Religion of Peace" is a lie and that we should ban Muslims from entering the country?
Subjective is subjective.
Okey dokey

"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the--if he--if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."
-- Bill Clinton​
What Christians believe is that they can do anything- including murder someone- and as long as they repent before they die- they won't have any consequences.

And yes- that is a parody of your idiotic post.
Excellent example of broad brushing 2 Billion human beings.

Lemme guess, you're not a Christian, but you are under 30 and an Atheist? Feel free to correct me where I'm wrong. I can take it. :)
Subjective is subjective.
Okey dokey

"It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is. If the--if he--if 'is' means is and never has been, that is not--that is one thing. If it means there is none, that was a completely true statement....Now, if someone had asked me on that day, are you having any kind of sexual relations with Ms. Lewinsky, that is, asked me a question in the present tense, I would have said no. And it would have been completely true."
-- Bill Clinton​
Is does not have a subjective meaning no matter what Billy Boy or any lawyer tries to claim it does. :thup:
Is does not have a subjective meaning no matter what Billy Boy or any lawyer tries to claim it does. :thup:
Thanks for your subjective opinion. :D

Let's face facts: All opinions are subjective. Yours, mine, everyone's. If you back up an opinion with fact, well , that's less subjective.

Where are your facts backing up your subjective opinion?
Is does not have a subjective meaning no matter what Billy Boy or any lawyer tries to claim it does. :thup:
Thanks for your subjective opinion. :D

Let's face facts: All opinions are subjective. Yours, mine, everyone's. If you back up an opinion with fact, well , that's less subjective.

Where are your facts backing up your subjective opinion?
Third person singular present indicative of be.


What Christians believe is that they can do anything- including murder someone- and as long as they repent before they die- they won't have any consequences.

And yes- that is a parody of your idiotic post.
Excellent example of broad brushing 2 Billion human beings.

Lemme guess, you're not a Christian, but you are under 30 and an Atheist? Feel free to correct me where I'm wrong. I can take it. :)

What part of 'parody' was difficult for you to understand?

Yes, No, Yes.
Is does not have a subjective meaning no matter what Billy Boy or any lawyer tries to claim it does. :thup:
Thanks for your subjective opinion. :D

Let's face facts: All opinions are subjective. Yours, mine, everyone's. If you back up an opinion with fact, well , that's less subjective.

Where are your facts backing up your subjective opinion?
Third person singular present indicative of be.


Sorry, but I don't play semantic games. They're bullshit just like the example of Bill Clinton given previously. Have a really great day!
Is does not have a subjective meaning no matter what Billy Boy or any lawyer tries to claim it does. :thup:
Thanks for your subjective opinion. :D

Let's face facts: All opinions are subjective. Yours, mine, everyone's. If you back up an opinion with fact, well , that's less subjective.

Where are your facts backing up your subjective opinion?
Third person singular present indicative of be.


Sorry, but I don't play semantic games. They're bullshit just like the example of Bill Clinton given previously. Have a really great day!
Semantic games are fun!!!!! :D

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