Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own

So Christians KNOW were GOD came from? Do they know all the dynamics that led to god's creation? Can we digress from that to know what made the thing that made God "just" happen, happen? This gets silly after a while. Atheist or Theists don't know or understand the origins of the universe. So here we are, back at square one.
So Christians KNOW were GOD came from? Do they know all the dynamics that led to god's creation? Can we digress from that to know what made the thing that made God "just" happen, happen? This gets silly after a while. Atheist or Theists don't know or understand the origins of the universe. So here we are, back at square one.
Some do, some don't. Should all atheists be compared against Stalin and Mao? If not, then why compare all Christians against the fucking pushy assholes making all the noise? Do you really believe all 2+ BILLION Christians are like Ted Cruz?
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.


"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation, whose purposes are modeled after our own--a God, in short, who is but a reflection of human fraility. Neither can I believe that the individual survives the death of his body, although feeble souls harbor such thoughts through fear or ridiculous egotism."
~Dr. Albert Einstein~ (excerpt from his obit)

"And the day will come when the mystical generation of Jesus, by the supreme being as his father in the womb of a virgin will be classed with the fable of the generation of Minerva in the brain of Jupiter"
~Thomas Jefferson~ (excerpt from a letter to John Adams)
I try not to bash people or be hurtful. I am an atheist, there, I said it. I have morals and ethics, independent of religion. Spare you the lectures. They aren't necessary. If the Multi-verse is constant and changing, does it NEED a creator? Seems unnecessary, and if so, how do you know which is the real one from all the others? And what is the point of it, anyway? Is God playing hide and seek?
]Thanks, once again, for proving the narcissistic and hateful nature of ardent "Christians" who believe their way is not only the only way, but feel free to shit all over anyone who believes differently. You sir, IMHO, are not truly following in Christ's footsteps since to do so would mean you are more forgiving and kindly toward your fellow mankind.

I'm not a Christian, in fact I've made it clear several times I'm an agnostic.

I do know my history, and you clearly don't. Christians aren't 'hateful and narcissistic', you just can't make an intelligent point about them and go off on these idiotic tantrums as a response to being shown you're wrong, that's all. Grow up. Educate yourself first; that way you don't have to fall back on sniveling and ad homs all the time, like 'OldSchool' has to do.
Christians aren't 'hateful

Killings for Christianity

Nothing can further exemplify the deep roots of a Christian need to force others to accept Jesus Christ as savior than the gory, bloody rampage of the Crusades, which over years left countless "infidels" slain. Or one can look at the inquisition where non-believers in Christ were tortured and executed.

Add to that, just for the sake of example, the missionary slaughter that took place when Spain and Portugal colonized Central and South America for Christ (and gold and other riches). Or the savagery of European Christian nations conquering Africa and engaging in slavery.
That's not what this thread is about, fuckwad. Start another thread, don't hijack this one. Please no one respond to this bullshit.

Hardly anybody does that has been here a while. 'Guno is a moron troll, just as most of the Dawkins Dufuses are that devote all their lives to spamming Religion Forums on message boards at the behest of their sociopathic cult leader, 'A Little Pedophilia Is Okay' Dawkins.
You're only argument is that religions who have written more stuff down are somehow more correct. Fact is, they all have exactly the same amount of evidence.

Oh, it's not even remotely my 'only argument', just the only one worth using regarding your idiotic post. Fact is they don't have 'exactly the same amount' of anything, that's just your ignorant belief they do, not fact.
If you want to prove what I said isn't a fact, you have to come up with some credible evidence to present that proves one religion's beliefs are more correct and legitimate than another's. And we both know you cannot do that.

Because you said so, right? You've already proven you wouldn't understand a thing said to you, so you're left with just posting idiotic 'I Touched You Last!!! Nyah Nyah Nyah!!!' like the other ignorant trolls. you can't back up your claim, which is why you didn't try to, so you go first if you're really serious; of course you aren't, so we needn't expect a discussion of your pap.
Hardly anybody does that has been here a while. 'Guno is a moron troll, just as most of the Dawkins Dufuses are that devote all their lives to spamming Religion Forums on message boards at the behest of their sociopathic cult leader, 'A Little Pedophilia Is Okay' Dawkins.
Is that Richard Dawkins or Father Dawkins of the Church of the Holy Fuck the Child?
I try not to bash people or be hurtful. I am an atheist, there, I said it. I have morals and ethics, independent of religion. Spare you the lectures. They aren't necessary. If the Multi-verse is constant and changing, does it NEED a creator? Seems unnecessary, and if so, how do you know which is the real one from all the others? And what is the point of it, anyway? Is God playing hide and seek?
Discussion spared. Have a great day, Ma'm.
So Christians KNOW were GOD came from? Do they know all the dynamics that led to god's creation? Can we digress from that to know what made the thing that made God "just" happen, happen? This gets silly after a while. Atheist or Theists don't know or understand the origins of the universe. So here we are, back at square one.

Don't know of any Christians who claim any of this. Can you post some examples or links to these Christians who claim they know where God came from?
The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

Yep. It's lights out at death, life really has no meaning beyond what I make for myself, good doesn't always win, and the universe is a vast, wondrous, amazing place that doesn't give a shit about some intelligent monkeys on a backwoods plant that somehow managed to evolve some level of self-cognizance.

Just enjoy what time you have, go good and help others, and don't worry about what mythological beings may or may not exist.
Hardly anybody does that has been here a while. 'Guno is a moron troll, just as most of the Dawkins Dufuses are that devote all their lives to spamming Religion Forums on message boards at the behest of their sociopathic cult leader, 'A Little Pedophilia Is Okay' Dawkins.
Is that Richard Dawkins or Father Dawkins of the Church of the Holy Fuck the Child?

What??? This makes no sense. Try again.
The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

Yep. It's lights out at death, life really has no meaning beyond what I make for myself, good doesn't always win, and the universe is a vast, wondrous, amazing place that doesn't give a shit about some intelligent monkeys on a backwoods plant that somehow managed to evolve some level of self-cognizance.

Just enjoy what time you have, go good and help others, and don't worry about what mythological beings may or may not exist.

Do you grasp the concept that many Xians know that anthropomorphism and allegories are literary devices? You're confusing pagan nonsense with Christian theology; either that or you aren't familiar with it at all, but think you are for some reason.
Don't know of any Christians who claim any of this. Can you post some examples or links to these Christians who claim they know where God came from?
Either you are lying or stupid. I know plenty of "Christians" who are so obnoxious. You included as I pointed out before. If you truly believe in the words of Christ, try walking in his footsteps instead of bullshitting others.
]Thanks, once again, for proving the narcissistic and hateful nature of ardent "Christians" who believe their way is not only the only way, but feel free to shit all over anyone who believes differently. You sir, IMHO, are not truly following in Christ's footsteps since to do so would mean you are more forgiving and kindly toward your fellow mankind.

I'm not a Christian, in fact I've made it clear several times I'm an agnostic.

I do know my history, and you clearly don't. Christians aren't 'hateful and narcissistic', you just can't make an intelligent point about them and go off on these idiotic tantrums as a response to being shown you're wrong, that's all. Grow up. Educate yourself first; that way you don't have to fall back on sniveling and ad homs all the time, like 'OldSchool' has to do.
Christians aren't 'hateful

Killings for Christianity

Nothing can further exemplify the deep roots of a Christian need to force others to accept Jesus Christ as savior than the gory, bloody rampage of the Crusades, which over years left countless "infidels" slain. Or one can look at the inquisition where non-believers in Christ were tortured and executed.

Add to that, just for the sake of example, the missionary slaughter that took place when Spain and Portugal colonized Central and South America for Christ (and gold and other riches). Or the savagery of European Christian nations conquering Africa and engaging in slavery.
That's not what this thread is about, fuckwad. Start another thread, don't hijack this one. Please no one respond to this bullshit.

Hardly anybody does that has been here a while. 'Guno is a moron troll, just as most of the Dawkins Dufuses are that devote all their lives to spamming Religion Forums on message boards at the behest of their sociopathic cult leader, 'A Little Pedophilia Is Okay' Dawkins.
such a lower IQ goyim

Do you grasp the concept that many Xians know that anthropomorphism and allegories are literary devices? You're confusing pagan nonsense with Christian theology; either that or you aren't familiar with it at all, but think you are for some reason.
Interesting. Most Christians I know find the use of "Xmas" and "Xians" offensive. Are you are a Christian, Picaro? Or just playing one?

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