Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own

The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.
Yep. That's why when I decided that I had never faced the ultimate issue of Gods existence I studied all religions to determine who had the truth. I could have followed any belief in my research to answer the ultimate issue in life. Years later a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did homework to prove his wife's faith in Christ was wrong. He instead formed the same conclusion I did.

As I posted in another thread, no other faith is a life changer like Christianity. Angola prison is filled with 80% of their inmates serving life sentences and averaged 40 murders a year. A new warden came in and ordered prisoners and guards to treat each other with dignity as if they were all created in Gods image. He opened a Christian college and several chapels within the prison. Angola basically became a Christian seminary with a number of inmates becoming ordained Pastors. There has not been a murder in Angola since 1996.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.
Yep. That's why when I decided that I had never faced the ultimate issue of Gods existence I studied all religions to determine who had the truth. I could have followed any belief in my research to answer the ultimate issue in life. Years later a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did homework to prove his wife's faith in Christ was wrong. He instead formed the same conclusion I did.

As I posted in another thread, no other faith is a life changer like Christianity. Angola prison is filled with 80% of their inmates serving life sentences and averaged 40 murders a year. A new warden came in and ordered prisoners and guards to treat each other with dignity as if they were all created in Gods image. He opened a Christian college and several chapels within the prison. Angola basically became a Christian seminary with a number of inmates becoming ordained Pastors. There has not been a murder in Angola since 1996.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.

Buddhism is violent?

I'm going back to Cambodia in a couple of months. I can show you what Buddhists can do.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.
Yep. That's why when I decided that I had never faced the ultimate issue of Gods existence I studied all religions to determine who had the truth. I could have followed any belief in my research to answer the ultimate issue in life. Years later a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did homework to prove his wife's faith in Christ was wrong. He instead formed the same conclusion I did.

As I posted in another thread, no other faith is a life changer like Christianity. Angola prison is filled with 80% of their inmates serving life sentences and averaged 40 murders a year. A new warden came in and ordered prisoners and guards to treat each other with dignity as if they were all created in Gods image. He opened a Christian college and several chapels within the prison. Angola basically became a Christian seminary with a number of inmates becoming ordained Pastors. There has not been a murder in Angola since 1996.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
All the famous atheists that I know were either Christian raised but then had a really bad experience or else they were born and raised rich and religion never came up in their family.
How many famous atheists do you know?

Having a bad experience seems like a silly reason to reject something. A person has a bad experience as a child at the doctor's office so now they don't ever seek medical help? WTF?

Some people are very materialistic and rich people epitomize materialism. It's not unusual that the very rich would reject spiritual development. Their philosophy can be summed up in the pity saying "He who dies with the most toys wins".

What does their wealth have to do with your faith in God?

Shucks.....those believers can't just worship anywhere:




Yep. That's why when I decided that I had never faced the ultimate issue of Gods existence I studied all religions to determine who had the truth. I could have followed any belief in my research to answer the ultimate issue in life. Years later a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did homework to prove his wife's faith in Christ was wrong. He instead formed the same conclusion I did.

As I posted in another thread, no other faith is a life changer like Christianity. Angola prison is filled with 80% of their inmates serving life sentences and averaged 40 murders a year. A new warden came in and ordered prisoners and guards to treat each other with dignity as if they were all created in Gods image. He opened a Christian college and several chapels within the prison. Angola basically became a Christian seminary with a number of inmates becoming ordained Pastors. There has not been a murder in Angola since 1996.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.
I try not to bash people or be hurtful. I am an atheist, there, I said it. I have morals and ethics, independent of religion. Spare you the lectures. They aren't necessary. If the Multi-verse is constant and changing, does it NEED a creator? Seems unnecessary, and if so, how do you know which is the real one from all the others? And what is the point of it, anyway? Is God playing hide and seek?

You're lucky! I lived in the church two or three days a week until I finally decided to quit lying to my family and quit. I haven't been back since I was sixty years old.......that was 22 years ago.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

I'm perfectly comfortable not knowing all of those things.

I understand that's hard for you to understand.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.


You are welcome to believe whatever you want, but let's not kid ourselves about "evidence".
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.


You are welcome to believe whatever you want, but let's not kid ourselves about "evidence".
Let me rephrase that.
Evidence for those who have an open mind.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.
You don't know what my beliefs are. But yes, when it comes to the completely unknown, you can make up anything you want and claim it's true. It doesn't matter what you're rationale is, because you can't be proven wrong. Even if many aspects of your beliefs have been proven wrong in the past, you can still cling to the ones that are impossible to test.

It's why people can wear colander's on their heads in driver's license photos, because you can't prove the flying spaghetti monster didn't create everything, and you can't prove that those people don't actually believe that.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.


You are welcome to believe whatever you want, but let's not kid ourselves about "evidence".
Let me rephrase that.
Evidence for those who have an open mind.


Is today opposite day?
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.
You don't know what my beliefs are. But yes, when it comes to the completely unknown, you can make up anything you want and claim it's true. It doesn't matter what you're rationale is, because you can't be proven wrong. Even if many aspects of your beliefs have been proven wrong in the past, you can still cling to the ones that are impossible to test.

It's why people can wear colander's on their heads in driver's license photos, because you can't prove the flying spaghetti monster didn't create everything, and you can't prove that those people don't actually believe that.
Doesn't make a difference what your faith is. I'm just interested that you say you have no evidence to support your faith.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.


You are welcome to believe whatever you want, but let's not kid ourselves about "evidence".
Let me rephrase that.
Evidence for those who have an open mind.


Is today opposite day?
Evidence is only for those looking.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.
You don't know what my beliefs are. But yes, when it comes to the completely unknown, you can make up anything you want and claim it's true. It doesn't matter what you're rationale is, because you can't be proven wrong. Even if many aspects of your beliefs have been proven wrong in the past, you can still cling to the ones that are impossible to test.

It's why people can wear colander's on their heads in driver's license photos, because you can't prove the flying spaghetti monster didn't create everything, and you can't prove that those people don't actually believe that.
Doesn't make a difference what your faith is. I'm just interested that you say you have no evidence to support your faith.
I don't. Neither do you.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

it's not only atheists who think christianity is misguided. personally, i don't care what you choose to believe. my issue is that you're arrogant enough to think others are supposed to believe it too.
Depends upon your definition of successful civilization. Rome was successful for over a thousand years. It also expanded by military conquest, had slaves, held games with humans dying for entertainment, etc. Muslims consider their civilization superior also. I'm sure women, homosexuals, and non Muslims disagree as well as the Muslims who don't like living in a police state.
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.
You don't know what my beliefs are. But yes, when it comes to the completely unknown, you can make up anything you want and claim it's true. It doesn't matter what you're rationale is, because you can't be proven wrong. Even if many aspects of your beliefs have been proven wrong in the past, you can still cling to the ones that are impossible to test.

It's why people can wear colander's on their heads in driver's license photos, because you can't prove the flying spaghetti monster didn't create everything, and you can't prove that those people don't actually believe that.
Doesn't make a difference what your faith is. I'm just interested that you say you have no evidence to support your faith.
I don't. Neither do you.
I do. But you're not interested in it.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

it's not only atheists who think christianity is misguided. personally, i don't care what you choose to believe. my issue is that you're arrogant enough to think others are supposed to believe it too.
If a Christian really believed in what they say they do, how much would they have to hate you to not tell you the good news?
Yes at the end of the day, as always when it comes to discussing which of the many past, present, and future religions is the true and correct one, it all comes down to opinion with 0 definitive evidence.
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.
You don't know what my beliefs are. But yes, when it comes to the completely unknown, you can make up anything you want and claim it's true. It doesn't matter what you're rationale is, because you can't be proven wrong. Even if many aspects of your beliefs have been proven wrong in the past, you can still cling to the ones that are impossible to test.

It's why people can wear colander's on their heads in driver's license photos, because you can't prove the flying spaghetti monster didn't create everything, and you can't prove that those people don't actually believe that.
Doesn't make a difference what your faith is. I'm just interested that you say you have no evidence to support your faith.
I don't. Neither do you.
I do. But you're not interested in it.
Countless people from other religions claim to have as much evidence for their religions as you do yours. Many claim to have more.

If we go by your standards, then I also have plenty of evidence that my beliefs are more correct than yours. But you're probably not interested.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

it's not only atheists who think christianity is misguided. personally, i don't care what you choose to believe. my issue is that you're arrogant enough to think others are supposed to believe it too.
it's the goyim "mind"
Interesting you think your beliefs have just as much evidence as mine.
You don't know what my beliefs are. But yes, when it comes to the completely unknown, you can make up anything you want and claim it's true. It doesn't matter what you're rationale is, because you can't be proven wrong. Even if many aspects of your beliefs have been proven wrong in the past, you can still cling to the ones that are impossible to test.

It's why people can wear colander's on their heads in driver's license photos, because you can't prove the flying spaghetti monster didn't create everything, and you can't prove that those people don't actually believe that.
Doesn't make a difference what your faith is. I'm just interested that you say you have no evidence to support your faith.
I don't. Neither do you.
I do. But you're not interested in it.
Countless people from other religions claim to have as much evidence for their religions as you do yours. Many claim to have more.

If we go by your standards, then I also have plenty of evidence that my beliefs are more correct than yours. But you're probably not interested.
A. You don't know what evidence I have.
B. One just needs to see what a faith does for society. In our case, it created the greatest nation in world history.

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