Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own

So Christians KNOW were GOD came from? Do they know all the dynamics that led to god's creation? Can we digress from that to know what made the thing that made God "just" happen, happen? This gets silly after a while. Atheist or Theists don't know or understand the origins of the universe. So here we are, back at square one.

Don't know of any Christians who claim any of this. Can you post some examples or links to these Christians who claim they know where God came from?
Where you born yesterday? This is ALL about theists, they always seem to think they have a direct line to the creator. And, how can anyone even have the gall or the ego or the ignorance to think they know what GOD wants or thinks, let alone if a supreme being being is even real ? Something is wrong with people that think they understand GOD or know what rules or values such a high vaulted being wants. Prove GOD exists, I don't nor can I prove a negative. We will go from there, and then we can argue how you KNOW what god's will IS and how you know it.
Don't know of any Christians who claim any of this. Can you post some examples or links to these Christians who claim they know where God came from?
Either you are lying or stupid. I know plenty of "Christians" who are so obnoxious. You included as I pointed out before. If you truly believe in the words of Christ, try walking in his footsteps instead of bullshitting others.

You're an idiot who can't read, so why do you keep posting such stupidity? You can't change the fact you have nothing but ridiculous falsehoods in this thread, yet you keep quoting me and never respond with anything but gibberish and whining. Are you desperate for male attention, like some neurotic kid who deliberately poops his pants trying to get Daddy to pay some attention to him? you and Guno could maybe start a support group. lol
Do you grasp the concept that many Xians know that anthropomorphism and allegories are literary devices? You're confusing pagan nonsense with Christian theology; either that or you aren't familiar with it at all, but think you are for some reason.
Interesting. Most Christians I know find the use of "Xmas" and "Xians" offensive. Are you are a Christian, Picaro? Or just playing one?

lol I already answered that; you should try reading posts. you even quoted the post I answered that in. You really are lost here. Isn't there a comic book forum you can feel adequate in somewhere on this board?
Where you born yesterday? This is ALL about theists, they always seem to think they have a direct line to the creator. And, how can anyone even have the gall or the ego or the ignorance to think they know what GOD wants or thinks, let alone if a supreme being being is even real ? Something is wrong with people that think they understand GOD or know what rules or values such a high vaulted being wants. Prove GOD exists, I don't nor can I prove a negative. We will go from there, and then we can argue how you KNOW what god's will IS and how you know it.

1) I doubt Picaro is the "Xian" he claims to be.

2) Atheists can be as big of assholes as Theists. Lighten the fuck up.
lol I already answered that; you should try reading posts. you even quoted the post I answered that in. You really are lost here. Isn't there a comic book forum you can feel adequate in somewhere on this board?
Disagreed. You are not the Christian you purport to be. Your posts prove this. Now ridicule me some more to prove my point.
Where you born yesterday?

You apparently were, since you have no idea what you're talking about and avoided answering the question. I'll ask again, since the rest of your post is just inane drivel and doesn't answer it either: Can you cite these Xians who claim they know where God comes from or not? Where in the bible does it say where God comes from? these are simple direct questions.

As for proofs of God, there are several Xian philosophers who made pretty good efforts at it, and one who did an excellent job of formal logical proofs. You wouldn't read it, of course, since it involves a longer attention span than you have.

. Prove GOD exists, I don't nor can I prove a negative. We will go from there, and then we can argue how you KNOW what god's will IS and how you know it.

I'm an agnostic, and I don't need to argue about anything; you're just a knee jerk reactionary, obviously, so you won't be much of an 'arguer', really.
lol I already answered that; you should try reading posts. you even quoted the post I answered that in. You really are lost here. Isn't there a comic book forum you can feel adequate in somewhere on this board?
Disagreed. You are not the Christian you purport to be. Your posts prove this. Now ridicule me some more to prove my point.

I don't have to ridicule you; you do that very well yourself. lol ...
I don't have to ridicule you; you do that very well yourself. lol ...
If it makes you feel better about yourself to think so, go for it. Personally, I think there is more to life than ridiculing others. Your choice to live your short life as you please.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.
This fails as a straw man fallacy.
And many Christians believe in the literal words in the Bible.
Define "many". Yes, "many" do. "Many" do not. Go figure. Do you also believe all Muslims are terrorists? All Jews "Zionists" bent on world domination?

Many = more than one, less than all. Some Christians are okay with allegory, others are literalists.
No,not all Muslims are terrorists, although Islam demands terror and the sword.
No, not all Jews are "Zionists" bent on world domination.

I discount mythology as a guiding principle in my life.
Many = more than one, less than all. Some Christians are okay with allegory, others are literalists.
No,not all Muslims are terrorists, although Islam demands terror and the sword.
No, not all Jews are "Zionists" bent on world domination.

I discount mythology as a guiding principle in my life.
Agreed. No, not all Atheists are fucking narcissistic, oppressive assholes. Some are really nice people.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.
Yep. That's why when I decided that I had never faced the ultimate issue of Gods existence I studied all religions to determine who had the truth. I could have followed any belief in my research to answer the ultimate issue in life. Years later a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did homework to prove his wife's faith in Christ was wrong. He instead formed the same conclusion I did.

As I posted in another thread, no other faith is a life changer like Christianity. Angola prison is filled with 80% of their inmates serving life sentences and averaged 40 murders a year. A new warden came in and ordered prisoners and guards to treat each other with dignity as if they were all created in Gods image. He opened a Christian college and several chapels within the prison. Angola basically became a Christian seminary with a number of inmates becoming ordained Pastors. There has not been a murder in Angola since 1996.
I was told that Jesus is the answer, but when it put that on my trigonometry exam, I got an "F", so I'm not going to be fooled about Christianity again....
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.
Yep. That's why when I decided that I had never faced the ultimate issue of Gods existence I studied all religions to determine who had the truth. I could have followed any belief in my research to answer the ultimate issue in life. Years later a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did homework to prove his wife's faith in Christ was wrong. He instead formed the same conclusion I did.

As I posted in another thread, no other faith is a life changer like Christianity. Angola prison is filled with 80% of their inmates serving life sentences and averaged 40 murders a year. A new warden came in and ordered prisoners and guards to treat each other with dignity as if they were all created in Gods image. He opened a Christian college and several chapels within the prison. Angola basically became a Christian seminary with a number of inmates becoming ordained Pastors. There has not been a murder in Angola since 1996.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.
Yep. That's why when I decided that I had never faced the ultimate issue of Gods existence I studied all religions to determine who had the truth. I could have followed any belief in my research to answer the ultimate issue in life. Years later a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did homework to prove his wife's faith in Christ was wrong. He instead formed the same conclusion I did.

As I posted in another thread, no other faith is a life changer like Christianity. Angola prison is filled with 80% of their inmates serving life sentences and averaged 40 murders a year. A new warden came in and ordered prisoners and guards to treat each other with dignity as if they were all created in Gods image. He opened a Christian college and several chapels within the prison. Angola basically became a Christian seminary with a number of inmates becoming ordained Pastors. There has not been a murder in Angola since 1996.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.
Yep. That's why when I decided that I had never faced the ultimate issue of Gods existence I studied all religions to determine who had the truth. I could have followed any belief in my research to answer the ultimate issue in life. Years later a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did homework to prove his wife's faith in Christ was wrong. He instead formed the same conclusion I did.

As I posted in another thread, no other faith is a life changer like Christianity. Angola prison is filled with 80% of their inmates serving life sentences and averaged 40 murders a year. A new warden came in and ordered prisoners and guards to treat each other with dignity as if they were all created in Gods image. He opened a Christian college and several chapels within the prison. Angola basically became a Christian seminary with a number of inmates becoming ordained Pastors. There has not been a murder in Angola since 1996.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.
Not true at all. The other religions have all had successful civilizations. And Christianity has committed its fair share of atrocities. Hinduism was part of successful civilizations going back thousands of years before Christianity.

Also, there are countless people from other religions who share the same opinion of their religion as you just shared about yours.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.
Yep. That's why when I decided that I had never faced the ultimate issue of Gods existence I studied all religions to determine who had the truth. I could have followed any belief in my research to answer the ultimate issue in life. Years later a reporter for the Chicago Tribune did homework to prove his wife's faith in Christ was wrong. He instead formed the same conclusion I did.

As I posted in another thread, no other faith is a life changer like Christianity. Angola prison is filled with 80% of their inmates serving life sentences and averaged 40 murders a year. A new warden came in and ordered prisoners and guards to treat each other with dignity as if they were all created in Gods image. He opened a Christian college and several chapels within the prison. Angola basically became a Christian seminary with a number of inmates becoming ordained Pastors. There has not been a murder in Angola since 1996.
Countless people from every religion on the planet share your same opinion about their religion. And they also have their own examples that they claim proves their opinion as fact.
That's what I said. But unfortunately Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam use violence and/or society pressure to maintain their faiths.

And no, only Christianity has the track record of making civilization better.

Buddhism is violent?

Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.
Feel the butt hurt

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