Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own

The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.

No, actually they don't. There is no way paganism is 'equal' to Christianity, Buddhism, or Taoism as theologies. These are sophisticated philosophies, as opposed to mondless pagan brutalism and superstition.
Soooo, the only path to salvation isn't through Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, etc, etc, etc? :dunno:
Agreed. All are just means/tools to spiritual development. The truth of all religions or spiritual development is not found in their differences, but in their similarities.

Almost all of them have proved to be dead ends. The Christian philosophy has proved to be the best for society and individuals both, as it deals much more closely with humanity, social constructs and logic on multiple levels than the others have, which all trend inwardly, toward narcissism, vanity, and self-absorption. these are the reasons Buddhism, for one, is so popular as a pop 'religion', in the West, incidentally, as it has a lot of appeal to to the self-centered materialists.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.

No, actually they don't. There is no way paganism is 'equal' to Christianity, Buddhism, or Taoism as theologies. These are sophisticated philosophies, as opposed to mondless pagan brutalism and superstition.

Yes, nobody thought you had the education and knowledge of theologies to refute what I or anybody else said. you're just here to throw out shallow tropes and memes that fit into the narratives other people came up with that appeal to your lack of empathy and alienation from sane people.
........these are the reasons Buddhism, for one, is so popular as a pop 'religion', in the West, incidentally, as it has a lot of appeal to to the self-centered materialists.
Nice qualifier "in the West", thus both simultaneously negating 3/4's of the global population and pointing out the centristic narcissism of mankind.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.

No, actually they don't. There is no way paganism is 'equal' to Christianity, Buddhism, or Taoism as theologies. These are sophisticated philosophies, as opposed to mondless pagan brutalism and superstition.

Yes, nobody thought you had the education and knowledge of theologies to refute what I or anybody else said. you're just here to throw out shallow tropes and memes that fit into the narratives other people came up with that appeal to your lack of empathy and alienation from sane people.
You're only argument is that religions who have written more stuff down are somehow more correct. Fact is, they all have exactly the same amount of evidence.
........these are the reasons Buddhism, for one, is so popular as a pop 'religion', in the West, incidentally, as it has a lot of appeal to to the self-centered materialists.
Nice qualifier "in the West", thus both simultaneously negating 3/4's of the global population and pointing out the centristic narcissism of mankind.

nonsense 'logic'. The West didn't reject the missionaries, most of the others did, so it's on them, not those who did tolerate and accept it,so no, it's not 'narcissistic' nor 'centrist'; Christianity is a universalist theology, doesn't discriminate by race, ethnicity, color, while those '3/4's of the planet' did, so you have it ass backwards.
You're only argument is that religions who have written more stuff down are somehow more correct. Fact is, they all have exactly the same amount of evidence.

Oh, it's not even remotely my 'only argument', just the only one worth using regarding your idiotic post. Fact is they don't have 'exactly the same amount' of anything, that's just your ignorant belief they do, not fact.
You're only argument is that religions who have written more stuff down are somehow more correct. Fact is, they all have exactly the same amount of evidence.

Oh, it's not even remotely my 'only argument', just the only one worth using regarding your idiotic post. Fact is they don't have 'exactly the same amount' of anything, that's just your ignorant belief they do, not fact.
If you want to prove what I said isn't a fact, you have to come up with some credible evidence to present that proves one religion's beliefs are more correct and legitimate than another's. And we both know you cannot do that.
nonsense 'logic'. The West didn't reject the missionaries, most of the others did, so it's on them, not those who did tolerate and accept it,so no, it's not 'narcissistic' nor 'centrist'; Christianity is a universalist theology, doesn't discriminate by race, ethnicity, color, while those '3/4's of the planet' did, so you have it ass backwards.
Thanks, once again, for proving the narcissistic and hateful nature of ardent "Christians" who believe their way is not only the only way, but feel free to shit all over anyone who believes differently. You sir, IMHO, are not truly following in Christ's footsteps since to do so would mean you are more forgiving and kindly toward your fellow mankind.
Oh, it's not even remotely my 'only argument', just the only one worth using regarding your idiotic post. Fact is they don't have 'exactly the same amount' of anything, that's just your ignorant belief they do, not fact.

1: A good Christian follows the idea Jesus put forth in Matthew 7:1-3.
1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"

]Thanks, once again, for proving the narcissistic and hateful nature of ardent "Christians" who believe their way is not only the only way, but feel free to shit all over anyone who believes differently. You sir, IMHO, are not truly following in Christ's footsteps since to do so would mean you are more forgiving and kindly toward your fellow mankind.

I'm not a Christian, in fact I've made it clear several times I'm an agnostic.

I do know my history, and you clearly don't. Christians aren't 'hateful and narcissistic', you just can't make an intelligent point about them and go off on these idiotic tantrums as a response to being shown you're wrong, that's all. Grow up. Educate yourself first; that way you don't have to fall back on sniveling and ad homs all the time, like 'OldSchool' has to do.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.
Agreed to those who claim their path is the only path. Not all believe this strict ideology. Many accept that there are many paths to the mountaintop and that the purpose of religion is to bring one closer to God, not separate us from each other into those who are right and those who are wrong.

Sri Ramakrishna said :
" Many are the names of God and infinite forms through which he may be approached.
In whatever name and form you worship him through that you will realize him."

I have studied theosophy, and their basic doctrine is, ' There is no religion higher than the truth'.

The occult is practical, and can be tested for oneself, but most people never discover that.
Oh, it's not even remotely my 'only argument', just the only one worth using regarding your idiotic post. Fact is they don't have 'exactly the same amount' of anything, that's just your ignorant belief they do, not fact.

1: A good Christian follows the idea Jesus put forth in Matthew 7:1-3.
1"Do not judge, or you too will be judged.
2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
3 “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"


That's pretty funny considering your crybaby posts and responses.
The difficulty I have with atheists is I would not trust one. If I was considering taking on a business partner, I would not want an atheist as a business partner. That is because he lacks the belief that a higher power would punish him if he were to rip me off. This is a practical business consideration, and I don't think any of atheists' abstract arguments can overcome it.
The difficulty I have with atheists is I would not trust one. If I was considering taking on a business partner, I would not want an atheist as a business partner. That is because he lacks the belief that a higher power would punish him if he were to rip me off. This is a practical business consideration, and I don't think any of atheists' abstract arguments can overcome it.
So you will trust someone who needs the thread of eternal damnation to keep him honest, over someone who is naturally honest?
The difficulty I have with atheists is I would not trust one. If I was considering taking on a business partner, I would not want an atheist as a business partner. That is because he lacks the belief that a higher power would punish him if he were to rip me off. This is a practical business consideration, and I don't think any of atheists' abstract arguments can overcome it.
Not unusual for people to distrust atheists.

Although it's your choice, I wouldn't make a religious test part of a business deal since there are too many ways that could be part of a scam. OTOH, if someone is constantly bringing religion into the office, and I consider Atheism to be a religion, then that's poor business practice IMHO.
So you will trust someone who needs the thread of eternal damnation to keep him honest, over someone who is naturally honest?
1) It's a known fact people can't tell if another is "naturally honest".

2) People often associate with those they feel more comfortable in being with. They often do not associate with people that make them uncomfortable be it a Bible Thumper or an asshole Atheist constantly telling others they are cowards who fear death and need a Sky Daddy for reassurance.
]Thanks, once again, for proving the narcissistic and hateful nature of ardent "Christians" who believe their way is not only the only way, but feel free to shit all over anyone who believes differently. You sir, IMHO, are not truly following in Christ's footsteps since to do so would mean you are more forgiving and kindly toward your fellow mankind.

I'm not a Christian, in fact I've made it clear several times I'm an agnostic.

I do know my history, and you clearly don't. Christians aren't 'hateful and narcissistic', you just can't make an intelligent point about them and go off on these idiotic tantrums as a response to being shown you're wrong, that's all. Grow up. Educate yourself first; that way you don't have to fall back on sniveling and ad homs all the time, like 'OldSchool' has to do.
Christians aren't 'hateful

Killings for Christianity

Nothing can further exemplify the deep roots of a Christian need to force others to accept Jesus Christ as savior than the gory, bloody rampage of the Crusades, which over years left countless "infidels" slain. Or one can look at the inquisition where non-believers in Christ were tortured and executed.

Add to that, just for the sake of example, the missionary slaughter that took place when Spain and Portugal colonized Central and South America for Christ (and gold and other riches). Or the savagery of European Christian nations conquering Africa and engaging in slavery.
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