Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own

Atheists are big on talk....that's about it. Annoying assholes
so what do the statutes say to you

The same thing your toilet says to you when you kneeled down before it and was sick saying OH GOD PLEASE HELP
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.

" equal claim at being the correct one"

That is from the mouth of ignorance,
or more likely, from the mouth of one who does not want to know if God exists or anything about Him.
Soooo, the only path to salvation isn't through Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, etc, etc, etc? :dunno:

If you wanted to know the truth, you would put forth the effort to know.
You are not as stupid as you want to pretend.
Obviously you're either a zealot of just mentally slow to not understand what I'm getting at. :dunno:
Mentally slow, for that particular moment. : )

maybe it was the devil costume that threw me.

I will respond.
Devil costume?? WTF are you talking about?
Maybe so in your antagonistic and narrow minded ways.

But I have little patience for cynics and skeptics who dismiss miracles like it's all baloney or hoaxes.
You have no answers to supernatural manifestations yet you boldly proclaim "no evidence."

And I keep quoting the Barbra Streisand song --- "that which is too painful to remember, we simply choose to forget."
You have as much evidence for supernatural manifestations as the people from Ghost Hunters do.

That's the thing with believers, they believe, they do not think.
Could you possibly be any more full of shit or is this as full as you get?

Oh, close to home then?
No, just pointing out your generalizing and stereotyping, shows you have a serious lack of critical thinking skills. :thup:

You're rather "pushy" hon, and I'm having difficulty locating concern for your concern.
" equal claim at being the correct one"

That is from the mouth of ignorance,
or more likely, from the mouth of one who does not want to know if God exists or anything about Him.
Soooo, the only path to salvation isn't through Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, etc, etc, etc? :dunno:

If you wanted to know the truth, you would put forth the effort to know.
You are not as stupid as you want to pretend.
Obviously you're either a zealot of just mentally slow to not understand what I'm getting at. :dunno:
Mentally slow, for that particular moment. : )

maybe it was the devil costume that threw me.

I will respond.
Devil costume?? WTF are you talking about?

Everyone has their belief systems, some are more "pushy" and/or strident than others about it.
(I quoted pushy because it denotes multiple possible applications in this instance, some negative, some positive, some neutral).
Agreed. I see "pushy" as negative. Offering help or an opinion isn't "pushy". Telling someone they are going to burn in Hell for something is being pushy.
You have as much evidence for supernatural manifestations as the people from Ghost Hunters do.

That's the thing with believers, they believe, they do not think.
Could you possibly be any more full of shit or is this as full as you get?

Oh, close to home then?
No, just pointing out your generalizing and stereotyping, shows you have a serious lack of critical thinking skills. :thup:

You're rather "pushy" hon, and I'm having difficulty locating concern for your concern.
Don't worry Simple Jack, with any luck you'll figure it out but I won't hold my breath. :thup:
Everyone has their belief systems, some are more "pushy" and/or strident than others about it.
(I quoted pushy because it denotes multiple possible applications in this instance, some negative, some positive, some neutral).
Agreed. I see "pushy" as negative. Offering help or an opinion isn't "pushy". Telling someone they are going to burn in Hell for something is being pushy.
Pushy (in this instance) can be subjective.
Soooo, the only path to salvation isn't through Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, etc, etc, etc? :dunno:

If you wanted to know the truth, you would put forth the effort to know.
You are not as stupid as you want to pretend.
Obviously you're either a zealot of just mentally slow to not understand what I'm getting at. :dunno:
Mentally slow, for that particular moment. : )

maybe it was the devil costume that threw me.

I will respond.
Devil costume?? WTF are you talking about?

You're really not very good at this, are ya......... :eusa_whistle:
If you wanted to know the truth, you would put forth the effort to know.
You are not as stupid as you want to pretend.
Obviously you're either a zealot of just mentally slow to not understand what I'm getting at. :dunno:
Mentally slow, for that particular moment. : )

maybe it was the devil costume that threw me.

I will respond.
Devil costume?? WTF are you talking about?

You're really not very good at this, are ya......... :eusa_whistle:

You are? Jesus bub, really. What do we have here, again. An opening post by a zealot slagging atheists, and then some snide ass believers snidely chiming in. Just can't find a way to take any of this seriously. Or you for that matter.
" equal claim at being the correct one"

That is from the mouth of ignorance,
or more likely, from the mouth of one who does not want to know if God exists or anything about Him.
Soooo, the only path to salvation isn't through Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, etc, etc, etc? :dunno:

If you wanted to know the truth, you would put forth the effort to know.
You are not as stupid as you want to pretend.
Obviously you're either a zealot of just mentally slow to not understand what I'm getting at. :dunno:
Mentally slow, for that particular moment. : )

maybe it was the devil costume that threw me.

I will respond.
Devil costume?? WTF are you talking about?

I took a gander at your signature guy and that's all. I did not study him. I thought he was anton levay the famous occultist. I have no idea who or what he represents.

Back to your earlier comment which I misunderstood.

"Soooo, the only path to salvation isn't through Jesus Christ, Mohammad, Buddha, etc, etc, etc?"

If you want my opinion and that of Catholic teaching I am quite sure ---- the only path to salvation is through Jesus Christ. That is because Jesus Christ is God and the judge.

Does that mean you have to be a Christian to make it to heaven? No.
Does that mean you have to have accepted Jesus Christ as your lord and Savior to make it to heaven? No.

It means Jesus is your judge and savior. Many souls who never knew Christ are in heaven because of how they treated their neighbor and how they obeyed a well formed conscience. And I could go on explaining many reasons or ways salvation is attainable, one can start with the Beatitudes in Matthew. Blessed are the peacemakers... etc. Or go to Matthew 25:31-46 the Final Judgment. See who Jesus accepts into heaven and who he turns away. Hint: Charity or lack of charity is gigantic.
Pushy (in this instance) can be subjective.
Agreed, but sometimes subjectiveness is obviously true and sometimes it's obviously false.

An attractive woman is in an office and habitually wears low-cut blouses over her ample bosom. A coworker is introduced to her and he momentarily glances at her cleavage. Would she feel justified in feeling sexually harassed? Yes or no? Would a reasonable person(s) think she was justified?

How about if the man continually stared at her bosom from across the room? Reasonable man theory applies.
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.
Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

American right wing Christians don't have theories. They have bibles.

Now, about evolution and an expanding universe billions of years old and vaccines..............
Atheists reject Christian answers to the big questions but have no answers of their own.

So if you are an atheist, you basically have no idea how we got here, why we got here, where we are going, or even if there is a damn reason for all of it.

Atheists disbelieve in Christian theories, but they lack theories of their own.

Atheism is not the opposite of Christianity, it is a nullification of Christianity, but has no positive qualities of its own.

Atheism does not even have rules to guide you through life like do not steal, do not kill, do not bear false witness, do not commit adultery. Atheists can follow these rules, but they have no compelling reason to do so.

There is no reason to be an atheist, unless you like having no rules to guide you in life, and want to break the Christian rules and think you are getting away with it.

The price you pay for being an atheist, however, is giving up the hope of life after death, and giving up the belief that life has meaning, or that good ultimately triumphs over evil.

Yes, as a nonbeliever I have to figure out for myself why there's something rather than nothing, the meaning of life, what is moral, what is consciousness, is faith really important or is doubt more important, epistemology, etc.

The Christians answers for these questions are satisfactory or coherent. I can't accept them. Christian apologetics aren't convincing or even compelling anymore than Muslim, Mormon, or Scientology aren't convincing.

That is the reason I an a nonbeliever: because the answers provided by the world's religions aren't good answers just wishful thinking.
Now, about evolution and an expanding universe billions of years old and vaccines..............
Good idea!

What do you think about this picture? Obviously science can't explain it since science only deals with inside the natural universe.
The problem with theism is that every faith and religion has an equal claim at being the correct one. Including extinct and forgotten religions. And including atheism.

No, actually they don't. There is no way paganism is 'equal' to Christianity, Buddhism, or Taoism as theologies. These are sophisticated philosophies, as opposed to mondless pagan brutalism and superstition.

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