atheists will love this.....

Here is an outline of the argument:

1. The universe either had (a) a beginning or (b) no beginning.
2. If it had a beginning, the beginning was either (a) caused or (b) uncaused.
3. If it had a cause, the cause was either (a) personal or (b) not personal.

1: Falls apart- the physical universe has a beginning, as we now know
That's the position the argument supports, buddy. Try reading it before making a fool of yourself. :lol:

You're as much of a dogmatist as any theist. You won't even bother reading something cursorily if you think it contradicts your beliefs, suggesting that you harbor some insecurities over whether or not they're correct...
Third thread with the same video...

1. The statistics are inflated.
2. Nobody is going to do anything to drastically alter current demographic trends whether they like it or not.
Third thread with the same video...

1. The statistics are inflated.
2. Nobody is going to do anything to drastically alter current demographic trends whether they like it or not.

I think that's the point--the trends won't be altered.
While everyone is concerned about the Muslims taking over the world, they are paying little attention to the Jehosaphists, who worship Jumping Jehosaphat. In the end, the world will be 100% Jumpers.
Atheism is based on a lack of faith- on the word of noone, you might say. It is grounded in reason and the only logical conclusion. Care to try to back up your claims? You said it 'fails to consider most logical arguments'- yet put forth no such arguments

I think atheism goes too far. Its one thing to think, 'There is no evidence of God so I will not believe in God, but if things change...'. Its another to think, 'There is no evidence of God, so He doesn't and cannot exist and I will NEVER believe in God.' That teeters on the edge of dogma, and dogma is anathema to truly open-minded, scientific, rational and logical thought. Atheism in regard to dogma is little different than religion. I don't believe in God, but that's because there is no evidence to support that there is a creator. However, I refuse to cling to a dogmatic certainty that one can not exist and become no different (and no better) than a religious adherent.

Not all atheists are like that though. Some simply do not feel they need a reason, while others fear the reason. Atheism is as variable as any religion.
Jews do those things? Are you being sarcastic??

Have you read the Torah? I thought it was Mein Kampf until I looked at the title. The damned things full of rape, genocide, racism, excuses for slavery- all ordered by the evil god of the Jews- who try to make the only good guy look evil by lying and claiming he lied.
Have you read the Torah? I thought it was Mein Kampf until I looked at the title. The damned things full of rape, genocide, racism, excuses for slavery- all ordered by the evil god of the Jews- who try to make the only good guy look evil by lying and claiming he lied.

I find all radicals repugnant....
kalam, you sure don't have a complete grasp of what's going on in the muslim world, it's as though you're not even muslim. No caliphate? Go tell that to osama bin laden and we'll see how you like hanging from your ball sack.
Jihad is meaningless? There goes your right hand.
Sheets over your women are against the teachings of Islam? That slicing sound is your other hand being lopped off.
Dude, you better not spout that bullshit during your Hadj, things could get out of hand and 500,000 guys with itchy beards could go on a rampage.
And whatever you do, NO CARTOONS!
Unfortunately I have to agree with you on that one. :lol: Altho, he admitted that a good percentage of muslims are apparently not practicing Islam in what he thinks is the correct manner.
Unfortunately I have to agree with you on that one. :lol: Altho, he admitted that a good percentage of muslims are apparently not practicing Islam in what he thinks is the correct manner.

I re-iterate, and Kalam exemplifies it perfectly...the ONLY Muslims who insist that Islam is a religion of peace are either woefully ignorant, lying, or not Muslim.
kalam, you sure don't have a complete grasp of what's going on in the muslim world, it's as though you're not even muslim.
What are you talking about? You're the one who seems to be unable to differentiate between the true teachings of Islam and the actions of some of those who claim to be Muslims.

No caliphate? Go tell that to osama bin laden and we'll see how you like hanging from your ball sack.
Why am I supposed to agree with Osama bin Laden? Do you think I'm unaware of the fact that he and similar douchebags would probably kill me if they had their way?

Jihad is meaningless? There goes your right hand.
When did I say that jihad is meaningless? All Muslims are involved in some sort of religious effort daily, whether it be internal or external. I merely reject the simplistic notion that jihad = "kill infidels."

Sheets over your women are against the teachings of Islam? That slicing sound is your other hand being lopped off.
Again, why am I supposed the share the incorrect beliefs of terrorists?

Dude, you better not spout that bullshit during your Hadj, things could get out of hand and 500,000 guys with itchy beards could go on a rampage.
And whatever you do, NO CARTOONS!
I doubt Saudi Arabia would give me a Hajj visa.
I re-iterate, and Kalam exemplifies it perfectly...the ONLY Muslims who insist that Islam is a religion of peace are either woefully ignorant, lying, or not Muslim.
All of my positions and claims regarding Islam are veritable and well-sourced; I've provided an ample amount of scripture to back them up. I don't care whether you believe it's a "religion of peace" or not, but don't act as if you know more than I do about something I study daily, something about which you seem to be hopelessly misinformed.
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Unfortunately I have to agree with you on that one. :lol: Altho, he admitted that a good percentage of muslims are apparently not practicing Islam in what he thinks is the correct manner.

It isn't my opinion of their beliefs that matters; what's important is that their ideology and their conduct is irreconcilable with what the Qur'an teaches. I'll also take a stab in the dark and guess that I probably know more about my religion than its detractors here, as I'm sure they probably know more about theirs than I do.

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