Athiest Playbook

What's nonsense and everyone who is able to think knows it. Children from human beings are human beings and not hippopotami or spiders.

I wonder myselve always why men are not existing in this discussion.

Trees? Seeds? What about to speak about bees, beers, berries or extrabearastrians? I don't see any sense in such a war of words. If someone had aborted you then you would not live now.

Your arguments are not convincing me. No one aborts a baby with some cells size if the father dies and the baby is the heir of some million dollars. And indeed no one has any right to kill human beings. That's independent from their parents, their age, their richdom, their size and so on and so on. The only reason is a conflict in the health of the mother. And indeed there's a priority for the life of the mother, because without mother anyway the baby is not able to survive. But this explains not the unbelievable high numbers of abortion.

Until the fetus is able to live outside the womb, it is not an infant.

That's wrong. A human being evolves as a human being.
Until that point the mother has a right to her own body. If she does not want to carry a child, she should not be forced to by anyone.

The mother and father made a contract with the spirit of life. Who kills the own child breaks the seal of truth and destroys a universe of possibilities. A doctor who is doing abortions is in conflict with the oath of Hippocrates. A doctor is not allowed to be a deathsman.

I don't know what you really defend if you defend abortions - but it has nothing to do with a reasonable human behavior nor with a loveful human society.

what of the harm to the mother?

A sea full of tears is not able to describe the hell of abortions. One of the most perfidious and terrible things is it how our world forces mothers to agree that their babies have to be killed in them. I guess the psychological pain of such wounds are so extraordinary high that it's impossible to feel the pain of this wounds any longer.

fathers are not always in the picture when a woman decides to get an abortion.

In my eyes intrigant men are the main reasion for this desaster worldwide, They give women no chance to be emancipated as women and mothers. They often like to see only another form of men in women. This breaks the women so they agree to let their babies be killed, A tragedy in many ways.

Raising a child on your own is a difficult choice. Not all women can do that.

I'm a Christian not a believer in nonsense nor a believer in immutable fate. A man and a women can have sex without tzeh result pregnancy. But if the woman is pregnant - then both together should be able to carry their baby a short time through this world of woe.

The mother is the patient, not the fetus.

Pregnancy is not a sickness.

The woman must decide to carry the fetus till birth and only the women.

A mother carries her fetus hopefully not only til birth but through the whole life. To give every mother thw right to let her children be executed independent from the age of her children would be a strange law - but there would be some logic inside. Abortion has no logic at all.

Oh by the way: My experience tells me that wars of words help no one and people who are pro-abortion will anyway ignore everything what anyone else says against abortion. So I try to say as less to this theme as possible. Unfortunateley to say nothing to such themes of absurde ways of antilife seems to be for some people an agreement.

Actually doctors can and have been mercy killers for those in pain and dying.

That's wrong. A doctor of medicine has no spiritual right to kill anyone. This has also to do with his profession: a healer is not a deathman. If someone likes to do suicide he has to do this on his own.

They can withhold medicine or increase medicine to the patient. Patients have the right to refuse meds and to be given enough to control pain.

A doctor has the duty to help to live - a patient has not the duty to let himselve help.

The woman has the right to refuse to carry a fetus.

To be honest: I would feel much more comfortable with a law what allows a woman to kill the idiot who made her pregnant. Her baby is innocent.

There might be any number of factors in her decision. There might be risks to her heath or she might carry genes that would give the infant a short life or disability for life. The choice should be between her and the doctor not those outside. Others should have no right to dictate to the women what she must do. That cruel and unusual punishment. Where is the difference between forcing a women into unwanted labor for nearly a year and slavery?

You have not right to control her body.

I never controled any body of any woman. What a nonsense. Again: It's an unalienable human right to live. Who says something else is either a liar or has absolutelly no plan what he is speaking about.

Women are not forced to have an abortion. It is their right to choose if they want one. By the same token, women should not be forced to have a child. She might not be ready to be a mother.

A women in the navy might risk her chance as promotion and her spot on the ship because she is grounded. There might be other jobs where she might loose pay and positions because the company can not keep her in the same slot or give her the time needed for check-ups and maternity leave. Maybe the pregnancy would pose a danger or interfere with her job. Maybe she drives and happens to be short, to move the seat to make room for the belly means she can't reach the pedals anymore. Maybe she is a mechanic and can't roll under the cars. Maybe she work around radiation or electricity or chemicals.

A woman should not be forced to carry a fetus. Her bod should not be hijacked and pulled out of shape. She should not be forced to go through childbirth.

She is the only one that should be making any determination of what happens to her body.

Think about it. I'm an adult and she's an adult and we don't want kids. The rubber broke or she forgot to take the pill. This mistake or accident should not so dramatically change the course of their short lives. It's their lives and life is too short.

Now no one is for or in favor of women aborting 5 month old healthy babies, but within a month? Why not? My life is too precious to let you dictate this too me.

Since you have no evidence your or anyone else's God is real, please don't tell me what your superstitious ancestors wrote 1500 years ago.
You are aware this is a US message board? You expect americans to not speak of their own laws as that is their frame reference to compare the world in discussions?

Laws are unimportant if no one believes in justice any longer and tries to bring laws in relation with justice again. An aborted human being is for example not able to ask the USA for a compensation for the own stolen life.

World history and geography and political studies are not a major focus in schools. It is not like the european schools.

Better six hours in school than not to sleep at all.

Many are trying to understand how things are and why religion and politics are so entangled and viewed across the pond

Good luck.

It comes down to this. Should I have to have a baby if I get pregnant. I say not if I don't want to I shouldn't.

Why don't you help all the living humans that are alive and suffering.

I bet finances are a reason abortion is necessary. Let's solve poverty then worry about abortion later. Maybe abortions will go down if poverty is eliminated. Be as passionate about solving as you are abortion and it might lower the number of people that get them.

Let's pay for women's iud'siud's in obamacare. They are 90% effective over 10 years. Better than condoms and pills. Imagine how many less planned pregnancies would happen? So less abortion
But the delusion that is Catholicism is against birth control.

Catholics never were against birth control. We are discussing sometimes somehthing - like for example the use of condoms in case of Aids or the use of the pill in context with birth control, that's all.

And the last of my descriptions for Obama was by the way "emperor William Obama" when I heard he called the PKK a terrororganisation. If I see it in the right way then the Kurds were the only reliable partner for the USA, when the USA created the terrororganisation "IS" as a reaction of the idiocies of the american politics in the Iraq and Syria.

Catholics aren't anti birth control anymore?

Catholics are not responsible if Anticatholics start to believe in their own propagda against Catholics. Someteims even Catholics believe in the propaganda against Catholics.

Then why did all my Catholic friends my whole life all tell me they are? Or are you saying the church has changed its position?

No. As far as I know "The church" changed not any position in the question of birth control.

You tell me why I should believe what you say over ten other Catholics.

On no resaon.

And if you are right, which you are not,

As far as I know the catholic church is the only christian church what sees in natural famlily planning no problems.

why wasn't the rule clear to all of you? Why so much confusion?

This was always clear and I don't know why some people are confused.

It's because they use that book to make you confused. Control you. You think it makes you good. Some of you are obsessed. I gotta go to work. Good morning

Sounds a litte "ballaballa" what you say here. No idea wether this german expression needs a translation.

All I had to do was Google to learn you are wrong. Birth control - Catholic answers.

Are you being intellectually dishonest with me? Google 1968 Pope pauls comments on birth control.

I just love how you guys can spin anything. The Catholic church is back peddling. They can explain away anything to you as long as you believe the moses and Jesus stories.

Good to see religion changes with the times. We no longer need Catholics breeding like rabbits. We already know many Catholics break this church doctrine. Cherry pickers. But the church doesn't want to lose members so pass the hat.

Who am I to judge? That hasn't always been the Catholic way.

By the way, the Pope ain't saying anything I hadn't already said. Catholics who now agree with him didn't agree with me, why?

And I've heard conservative Catholics say they don't like the new Pope.

You know which Pope was best? None of them. Ultimately they're all pushing the ultimate lie, that God revealed himself to them. Ridiculous.
Laws are unimportant if no one believes in justice any longer and tries to bring laws in relation with justice again. An aborted human being is for example not able to ask the USA for a compensation for the own stolen life.

Better six hours in school than not to sleep at all.

Good luck.

It comes down to this. Should I have to have a baby if I get pregnant. I say not if I don't want to I shouldn't.

Why don't you help all the living humans that are alive and suffering.

I bet finances are a reason abortion is necessary. Let's solve poverty then worry about abortion later. Maybe abortions will go down if poverty is eliminated. Be as passionate about solving as you are abortion and it might lower the number of people that get them.

Let's pay for women's iud'siud's in obamacare. They are 90% effective over 10 years. Better than condoms and pills. Imagine how many less planned pregnancies would happen? So less abortion
But the delusion that is Catholicism is against birth control.

Catholics never were against birth control. We are discussing sometimes somehthing - like for example the use of condoms in case of Aids or the use of the pill in context with birth control, that's all.

And the last of my descriptions for Obama was by the way "emperor William Obama" when I heard he called the PKK a terrororganisation. If I see it in the right way then the Kurds were the only reliable partner for the USA, when the USA created the terrororganisation "IS" as a reaction of the idiocies of the american politics in the Iraq and Syria.

Catholics aren't anti birth control anymore?

Catholics are not responsible if Anticatholics start to believe in their own propagda against Catholics. Someteims even Catholics believe in the propaganda against Catholics.

Then why did all my Catholic friends my whole life all tell me they are? Or are you saying the church has changed its position?

No. As far as I know "The church" changed not any position in the question of birth control.

You tell me why I should believe what you say over ten other Catholics.

On no resaon.

And if you are right, which you are not,

As far as I know the catholic church is the only christian church what sees in natural famlily planning no problems.

why wasn't the rule clear to all of you? Why so much confusion?

This was always clear and I don't know why some people are confused.

It's because they use that book to make you confused. Control you. You think it makes you good. Some of you are obsessed. I gotta go to work. Good morning

Sounds a litte "ballaballa" what you say here. No idea wether this german expression needs a translation.

All I had to do was Google to learn you are wrong. Birth control - Catholic answers.

Are you being intellectually dishonest with me? Google 1968 Pope pauls comments on birth control.

I just love how you guys can spin anything. The Catholic church is back peddling. They can explain away anything to you as long as you believe the moses and Jesus stories.

Good to see religion changes with the times. We no longer need Catholics breeding like rabbits. We already know many Catholics break this church doctrine. Cherry pickers. But the church doesn't want to lose members so pass the hat.

Who am I to judge? That hasn't always been the Catholic way.

By the way, the Pope ain't saying anything I hadn't already said. Catholics who now agree with him didn't agree with me, why?

And I've heard conservative Catholics say they don't like the new Pope.

You know which Pope was best? None of them. Ultimately they're all pushing the ultimate lie, that God revealed himself to them. Ridiculous.

today the pope supports the use of condoms, especially when it come to reducing the spread of disease.

Pope John XXI promoted not just birth control but wrote on methods to induce an abortion.
It comes down to this. Should I have to have a baby if I get pregnant. I say not if I don't want to I shouldn't.

Why don't you help all the living humans that are alive and suffering.

I bet finances are a reason abortion is necessary. Let's solve poverty then worry about abortion later. Maybe abortions will go down if poverty is eliminated. Be as passionate about solving as you are abortion and it might lower the number of people that get them.

Let's pay for women's iud'siud's in obamacare. They are 90% effective over 10 years. Better than condoms and pills. Imagine how many less planned pregnancies would happen? So less abortion
But the delusion that is Catholicism is against birth control.

Catholics never were against birth control. We are discussing sometimes somehthing - like for example the use of condoms in case of Aids or the use of the pill in context with birth control, that's all.

And the last of my descriptions for Obama was by the way "emperor William Obama" when I heard he called the PKK a terrororganisation. If I see it in the right way then the Kurds were the only reliable partner for the USA, when the USA created the terrororganisation "IS" as a reaction of the idiocies of the american politics in the Iraq and Syria.

Catholics aren't anti birth control anymore?

Catholics are not responsible if Anticatholics start to believe in their own propagda against Catholics. Someteims even Catholics believe in the propaganda against Catholics.

Then why did all my Catholic friends my whole life all tell me they are? Or are you saying the church has changed its position?

No. As far as I know "The church" changed not any position in the question of birth control.

You tell me why I should believe what you say over ten other Catholics.

On no resaon.

And if you are right, which you are not,

As far as I know the catholic church is the only christian church what sees in natural famlily planning no problems.

why wasn't the rule clear to all of you? Why so much confusion?

This was always clear and I don't know why some people are confused.

It's because they use that book to make you confused. Control you. You think it makes you good. Some of you are obsessed. I gotta go to work. Good morning

Sounds a litte "ballaballa" what you say here. No idea wether this german expression needs a translation.

All I had to do was Google to learn you are wrong. Birth control - Catholic answers.

Are you being intellectually dishonest with me? Google 1968 Pope pauls comments on birth control.

I just love how you guys can spin anything. The Catholic church is back peddling. They can explain away anything to you as long as you believe the moses and Jesus stories.

Good to see religion changes with the times. We no longer need Catholics breeding like rabbits. We already know many Catholics break this church doctrine. Cherry pickers. But the church doesn't want to lose members so pass the hat.

Who am I to judge? That hasn't always been the Catholic way.

By the way, the Pope ain't saying anything I hadn't already said. Catholics who now agree with him didn't agree with me, why?

And I've heard conservative Catholics say they don't like the new Pope.

You know which Pope was best? None of them. Ultimately they're all pushing the ultimate lie, that God revealed himself to them. Ridiculous.

today the pope supports the use of condoms, especially when it come to reducing the spread of disease.

Pope John XXI promoted not just birth control but wrote on methods to induce an abortion.

I'm glad to see religions willing to change with the times. There's no question Catholicism was anti birth control and for a Catholic to say otherwise tells me either they lie or are ignorant.

Today it makes no sense that a loving couple of 20 years should either not screw or risk having 20 kids. That may have been a good thing back in jesus' day when mortality rates were so high and birth rates were low. If you own a farm or army encourage lots of future serfs or soldiers.
They'll still be able to get them just like they did before roe v Wade.
if they can still get them we haven't made it harder.....I said make it harder.....
Then lets give any woman who is poor and sexually active and doesn't want kids free iud's with obamacare. If 90% of the abortions that would have happened in the next ten years didn't happen because the women never got pregnant, would that make you happy?

Either way those kids will never be born.
for one thing, there is very little correlation between poverty and abortion......
No, theres a corrrelation between poor people with kids and poverty. Lower the number of unplanned pregnancies whether through contraception or birth control and you will lower the crime rate and poverty. A woman with two kids in poverty has a harder time getting out of poverty than a woman with no children
Guttmacher Institute says 42% of abortions are obtained by women living in poverty. Obviously that means the majority of women getting abortions (58%) are NOT......
Induced Abortion in the United States

You have first to control how many are statistically in the group "poverty". If poverty rate is for example 5% and the population size is 300 million then the group poverty had a size of 15 million people and the other group is 285 million people. 42/15=2.8% per million in the group poverty. 58/285=0.2% per million outside of this group. 2.8/0.2=14. So poverty would be in this case a 14 times higher risk for abortion.

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What's nonsense and everyone who is able to think knows it. Children from human beings are human beings and not hippopotami or spiders.

I wonder myselve always why men are not existing in this discussion.

Trees? Seeds? What about to speak about bees, beers, berries or extrabearastrians? I don't see any sense in such a war of words. If someone had aborted you then you would not live now.

Your arguments are not convincing me. No one aborts a baby with some cells size if the father dies and the baby is the heir of some million dollars. And indeed no one has any right to kill human beings. That's independent from their parents, their age, their richdom, their size and so on and so on. The only reason is a conflict in the health of the mother. And indeed there's a priority for the life of the mother, because without mother anyway the baby is not able to survive. But this explains not the unbelievable high numbers of abortion.

Until the fetus is able to live outside the womb, it is not an infant.

That's wrong. A human being evolves as a human being.
Until that point the mother has a right to her own body. If she does not want to carry a child, she should not be forced to by anyone.

The mother and father made a contract with the spirit of life. Who kills the own child breaks the seal of truth and destroys a universe of possibilities. A doctor who is doing abortions is in conflict with the oath of Hippocrates. A doctor is not allowed to be a deathsman.

I don't know what you really defend if you defend abortions - but it has nothing to do with a reasonable human behavior nor with a loveful human society.

what of the harm to the mother?

A sea full of tears is not able to describe the hell of abortions. One of the most perfidious and terrible things is it how our world forces mothers to agree that their babies have to be killed in them. I guess the psychological pain of such wounds are so extraordinary high that it's impossible to feel the pain of this wounds any longer.

fathers are not always in the picture when a woman decides to get an abortion.

In my eyes intrigant men are the main reasion for this desaster worldwide, They give women no chance to be emancipated as women and mothers. They often like to see only another form of men in women. This breaks the women so they agree to let their babies be killed, A tragedy in many ways.

Raising a child on your own is a difficult choice. Not all women can do that.

I'm a Christian not a believer in nonsense nor a believer in immutable fate. A man and a women can have sex without tzeh result pregnancy. But if the woman is pregnant - then both together should be able to carry their baby a short time through this world of woe.

The mother is the patient, not the fetus.

Pregnancy is not a sickness.

The woman must decide to carry the fetus till birth and only the women.

A mother carries her fetus hopefully not only til birth but through the whole life. To give every mother thw right to let her children be executed independent from the age of her children would be a strange law - but there would be some logic inside. Abortion has no logic at all.

Oh by the way: My experience tells me that wars of words help no one and people who are pro-abortion will anyway ignore everything what anyone else says against abortion. So I try to say as less to this theme as possible. Unfortunateley to say nothing to such themes of absurde ways of antilife seems to be for some people an agreement.

Actually doctors can and have been mercy killers for those in pain and dying.

That's wrong. A doctor of medicine has no spiritual right to kill anyone. This has also to do with his profession: a healer is not a deathman. If someone likes to do suicide he has to do this on his own.

They can withhold medicine or increase medicine to the patient. Patients have the right to refuse meds and to be given enough to control pain.

A doctor has the duty to help to live - a patient has not the duty to let himselve help.

The woman has the right to refuse to carry a fetus.

To be honest: I would feel much more comfortable with a law what allows a woman to kill the idiot who made her pregnant. Her baby is innocent.

There might be any number of factors in her decision. There might be risks to her heath or she might carry genes that would give the infant a short life or disability for life. The choice should be between her and the doctor not those outside. Others should have no right to dictate to the women what she must do. That cruel and unusual punishment. Where is the difference between forcing a women into unwanted labor for nearly a year and slavery?

You have not right to control her body.

I never controled any body of any woman. What a nonsense. Again: It's an unalienable human right to live. Who says something else is either a liar or has absolutelly no plan what he is speaking about.

Women are not forced to have an abortion. ...

So no one needs abortions - or do you really like to say a woman gets pregnant and likes to abort just for fun?

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Laws are unimportant if no one believes in justice any longer and tries to bring laws in relation with justice again. An aborted human being is for example not able to ask the USA for a compensation for the own stolen life.

Better six hours in school than not to sleep at all.

Good luck.

It comes down to this. Should I have to have a baby if I get pregnant. I say not if I don't want to I shouldn't.

Why don't you help all the living humans that are alive and suffering.

I bet finances are a reason abortion is necessary. Let's solve poverty then worry about abortion later. Maybe abortions will go down if poverty is eliminated. Be as passionate about solving as you are abortion and it might lower the number of people that get them.

Let's pay for women's iud'siud's in obamacare. They are 90% effective over 10 years. Better than condoms and pills. Imagine how many less planned pregnancies would happen? So less abortion
But the delusion that is Catholicism is against birth control.

Catholics never were against birth control. We are discussing sometimes somehthing - like for example the use of condoms in case of Aids or the use of the pill in context with birth control, that's all.

And the last of my descriptions for Obama was by the way "emperor William Obama" when I heard he called the PKK a terrororganisation. If I see it in the right way then the Kurds were the only reliable partner for the USA, when the USA created the terrororganisation "IS" as a reaction of the idiocies of the american politics in the Iraq and Syria.

Catholics aren't anti birth control anymore?

Catholics are not responsible if Anticatholics start to believe in their own propagda against Catholics. Someteims even Catholics believe in the propaganda against Catholics.

Then why did all my Catholic friends my whole life all tell me they are? Or are you saying the church has changed its position?

No. As far as I know "The church" changed not any position in the question of birth control.

You tell me why I should believe what you say over ten other Catholics.

On no resaon.

And if you are right, which you are not,

As far as I know the catholic church is the only christian church what sees in natural famlily planning no problems.

why wasn't the rule clear to all of you? Why so much confusion?

This was always clear and I don't know why some people are confused.

It's because they use that book to make you confused. Control you. You think it makes you good. Some of you are obsessed. I gotta go to work. Good morning

Sounds a litte "ballaballa" what you say here. No idea wether this german expression needs a translation.

All I had to do was Google to learn you are wrong. Birth control - Catholic answers.

What a nonsense - I don't know what's wrong with the english speaking world - but there seems to be a lot wrong.

Are you being intellectually dishonest with me? Google 1968 Pope pauls comments on birth control.

Did he? Ah yea - I remember. He said something about the pill.

I just love how you guys can spin anything. The Catholic church is back peddling. They can explain away anything to you as long as you believe the moses and Jesus stories.

Good to see religion changes with the times.

Only because the universe is unfolding as it should doesn't mean the universe changes. And in case of birth control Catholics never were against birth control.

We no longer need Catholics breeding like rabbits.

Bye bye

We already know many Catholics break this church doctrine. Cherry pickers. But the church doesn't want to lose members so pass the hat.

Who am I to judge? That hasn't always been the Catholic way.

By the way, the Pope ain't saying anything I hadn't already said. Catholics who now agree with him didn't agree with me, why?

And I've heard conservative Catholics say they don't like the new Pope.

You know which Pope was best? None of them. Ultimately they're all pushing the ultimate lie, that God revealed himself to them. Ridiculous.

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... I'm glad to see religions willing to change with the times. There's no question Catholicism was anti birth control and for a Catholic to say otherwise tells me either they lie or are ignorant. ...

The catholic church was never in history against birth control.

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... Think about it. I'm an adult and she's an adult and we don't want kids. The rubber broke or she forgot to take the pill. This mistake or accident should not so dramatically change the course of their short lives. It's their lives and life is too short. ...

Before their lifes were too short the people in the universe of this story had in average an expactancy of life of about 80 years - after the decision and abortion the expectancy of life for the three persons was in average less than 54 years.

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if they can still get them we haven't made it harder.....I said make it harder.....
Then lets give any woman who is poor and sexually active and doesn't want kids free iud's with obamacare. If 90% of the abortions that would have happened in the next ten years didn't happen because the women never got pregnant, would that make you happy?

Either way those kids will never be born.
for one thing, there is very little correlation between poverty and abortion......
No, theres a corrrelation between poor people with kids and poverty. Lower the number of unplanned pregnancies whether through contraception or birth control and you will lower the crime rate and poverty. A woman with two kids in poverty has a harder time getting out of poverty than a woman with no children
Guttmacher Institute says 42% of abortions are obtained by women living in poverty. Obviously that means the majority of women getting abortions (58%) are NOT......
Induced Abortion in the United States

You have first to control how many are statistically in the group "poverty". If poverty rate is for example 5% and the population size is 300 million then the group poverty had a size of 15 million people and the other group is 285 million people. 42/15=2.8% per million in the group poverty. 58/285=0.2% per million outside of this group. 2.8/0.2=14. So poverty would be in this case a 14 times higher risk for abortion.

What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.
... Think about it. I'm an adult and she's an adult and we don't want kids. The rubber broke or she forgot to take the pill. This mistake or accident should not so dramatically change the course of their short lives. It's their lives and life is too short. ...

Before their lifes were too short the people in the universe of this story had in average an expactancy of life of about 80 years - after the decision and abortion the expectancy of life for the three persons was in average less than 54 years.

So we didn't have to pay social security.
... What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

You are definitively a Nazi

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... Think about it. I'm an adult and she's an adult and we don't want kids. The rubber broke or she forgot to take the pill. This mistake or accident should not so dramatically change the course of their short lives. It's their lives and life is too short. ...

Before their lifes were too short the people in the universe of this story had in average an expactancy of life of about 80 years - after the decision and abortion the expectancy of life for the three persons was in average less than 54 years.

So we didn't have to pay social security.

Meanwhile I'm convinced you are a Nazi. This changes a lot for me. I have to think about what this means.

... What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

You are definitively a Nazi

I'm trying to prevent women who shouldn't have children from having them. Look at what almost every violent criminal has in common. They are fatherless. They come from mostly poor single moms. It's not murder if the woman takes the morning after pill or if she wears an IUD and doesn't get pregnant in the first place.

I would much rather these women wear IUD's than get abortions but my point was that a poor woman should have access to abortion for economic reasons. Cheaper on all of us in the long run too, for those of you who are anti welfare Republicans.
... Think about it. I'm an adult and she's an adult and we don't want kids. The rubber broke or she forgot to take the pill. This mistake or accident should not so dramatically change the course of their short lives. It's their lives and life is too short. ...

Before their lifes were too short the people in the universe of this story had in average an expactancy of life of about 80 years - after the decision and abortion the expectancy of life for the three persons was in average less than 54 years.

So we didn't have to pay social security.

Meanwhile I'm convinced you are a Nazi. This changes a lot for me. I have to think about what this means.

Why are conservative christians against providing these to every young single woman who is sexually active? Why are these not covered for poor women in Obamacare?

IUDs implants vastly more effective than the pill -

I don't know what you mean by Nazi.
... What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

You are definitively a Nazi

I'm trying to prevent women who shouldn't have children from having them. Look at what almost every violent criminal has in common. They are fatherless. They come from mostly poor single moms. It's not murder if the woman takes the morning after pill or if she wears an IUD and doesn't get pregnant in the first place.

I would much rather these women wear IUD's than get abortions but my point was that a poor woman should have access to abortion for economic reasons. Cheaper on all of us in the long run too, for those of you who are anti welfare Republicans.

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... Think about it. I'm an adult and she's an adult and we don't want kids. The rubber broke or she forgot to take the pill. This mistake or accident should not so dramatically change the course of their short lives. It's their lives and life is too short. ...

Before their lifes were too short the people in the universe of this story had in average an expactancy of life of about 80 years - after the decision and abortion the expectancy of life for the three persons was in average less than 54 years.

So we didn't have to pay social security.

Meanwhile I'm convinced you are a Nazi. This changes a lot for me. I have to think about what this means.

Why are conservative christians against providing these to every young single woman who is sexually active? Why are these not covered for poor women in Obamacare?

IUDs implants vastly more effective than the pill -

I don't know what you mean by Nazi.

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Until the fetus is able to live outside the womb, it is not an infant.
That's wrong. A human being evolves as a human being.
Until that point the mother has a right to her own body. If she does not want to carry a child, she should not be forced to by anyone.

The mother and father made a contract with the spirit of life. Who kills the own child breaks the seal of truth and destroys a universe of possibilities. A doctor who is doing abortions is in conflict with the oath of Hippocrates. A doctor is not allowed to be a deathsman.

I don't know what you really defend if you defend abortions - but it has nothing to do with a reasonable human behavior nor with a loveful human society.

what of the harm to the mother?

A sea full of tears is not able to describe the hell of abortions. One of the most perfidious and terrible things is it how our world forces mothers to agree that their babies have to be killed in them. I guess the psychological pain of such wounds are so extraordinary high that it's impossible to feel the pain of this wounds any longer.

fathers are not always in the picture when a woman decides to get an abortion.

In my eyes intrigant men are the main reasion for this desaster worldwide, They give women no chance to be emancipated as women and mothers. They often like to see only another form of men in women. This breaks the women so they agree to let their babies be killed, A tragedy in many ways.

Raising a child on your own is a difficult choice. Not all women can do that.

I'm a Christian not a believer in nonsense nor a believer in immutable fate. A man and a women can have sex without tzeh result pregnancy. But if the woman is pregnant - then both together should be able to carry their baby a short time through this world of woe.

The mother is the patient, not the fetus.

Pregnancy is not a sickness.

The woman must decide to carry the fetus till birth and only the women.

A mother carries her fetus hopefully not only til birth but through the whole life. To give every mother thw right to let her children be executed independent from the age of her children would be a strange law - but there would be some logic inside. Abortion has no logic at all.

Oh by the way: My experience tells me that wars of words help no one and people who are pro-abortion will anyway ignore everything what anyone else says against abortion. So I try to say as less to this theme as possible. Unfortunateley to say nothing to such themes of absurde ways of antilife seems to be for some people an agreement.

Actually doctors can and have been mercy killers for those in pain and dying.

That's wrong. A doctor of medicine has no spiritual right to kill anyone. This has also to do with his profession: a healer is not a deathman. If someone likes to do suicide he has to do this on his own.

They can withhold medicine or increase medicine to the patient. Patients have the right to refuse meds and to be given enough to control pain.

A doctor has the duty to help to live - a patient has not the duty to let himselve help.

The woman has the right to refuse to carry a fetus.

To be honest: I would feel much more comfortable with a law what allows a woman to kill the idiot who made her pregnant. Her baby is innocent.

There might be any number of factors in her decision. There might be risks to her heath or she might carry genes that would give the infant a short life or disability for life. The choice should be between her and the doctor not those outside. Others should have no right to dictate to the women what she must do. That cruel and unusual punishment. Where is the difference between forcing a women into unwanted labor for nearly a year and slavery?

You have not right to control her body.

I never controled any body of any woman. What a nonsense. Again: It's an unalienable human right to live. Who says something else is either a liar or has absolutelly no plan what he is speaking about.

Women are not forced to have an abortion. ...

So no one needs abortions - or do you really like to say a woman gets pregnant and likes to abort just for fun?

I don't believe any woman take abortion lightly. They take the action because it is the right choice for them under the situation. Nothing fun about it. You are demented to think it is.

And if acupuncturists induce or a woman uses herbs or more drastic means.............

I'd rather see clinics offer abortions than for women to find some back street practitioner or resorting to coat hangers.

If it is know that birth control like a condom failed, there re over the counter methods. By two weeks to a month those methods are too late and an abortions is the only option to terminating the pregnancy. No women should be forced to carry a child she is not ready for. There are too many unwanted or unloved children out there already. Too many living in poor conditions and malnourished. Too many abused.
There is no rational reason for forcing a woman to be an incubator against her will.
If men had to carry and give birth every time they engaged in sex this would not be an issue. As for issues of abuse or rape there should never be any restriction to access to abortion.
Abortions and birth control have been a part of society since the dawn of civilization, perhaps even before. Women do not simply go out and gather their birth control any more and few understand the use of nature for inducing an abortion or even neutralizing male sperm.
The world is over populated and there is enough conflict that bringing an unwanted child into the mix is cruel and senseless.

Every child that is birthed should be one that will be loved and cherished by it's parents and family. Women are not slaves and should not be expected to be birthing machines.
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