Athiest Playbook

Then lets give any woman who is poor and sexually active and doesn't want kids free iud's with obamacare. If 90% of the abortions that would have happened in the next ten years didn't happen because the women never got pregnant, would that make you happy?

Either way those kids will never be born.
for one thing, there is very little correlation between poverty and abortion......
No, theres a corrrelation between poor people with kids and poverty. Lower the number of unplanned pregnancies whether through contraception or birth control and you will lower the crime rate and poverty. A woman with two kids in poverty has a harder time getting out of poverty than a woman with no children
Guttmacher Institute says 42% of abortions are obtained by women living in poverty. Obviously that means the majority of women getting abortions (58%) are NOT......
Induced Abortion in the United States

You have first to control how many are statistically in the group "poverty". If poverty rate is for example 5% and the population size is 300 million then the group poverty had a size of 15 million people and the other group is 285 million people. 42/15=2.8% per million in the group poverty. 58/285=0.2% per million outside of this group. 2.8/0.2=14. So poverty would be in this case a 14 times higher risk for abortion.

What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

1 in 3 are convicted and sent to jail for crimes.
Until the fetus is able to live outside the womb, it is not an infant.
That's wrong. A human being evolves as a human being.
Until that point the mother has a right to her own body. If she does not want to carry a child, she should not be forced to by anyone.

The mother and father made a contract with the spirit of life. Who kills the own child breaks the seal of truth and destroys a universe of possibilities. A doctor who is doing abortions is in conflict with the oath of Hippocrates. A doctor is not allowed to be a deathsman.

I don't know what you really defend if you defend abortions - but it has nothing to do with a reasonable human behavior nor with a loveful human society.

what of the harm to the mother?

A sea full of tears is not able to describe the hell of abortions. One of the most perfidious and terrible things is it how our world forces mothers to agree that their babies have to be killed in them. I guess the psychological pain of such wounds are so extraordinary high that it's impossible to feel the pain of this wounds any longer.

fathers are not always in the picture when a woman decides to get an abortion.

In my eyes intrigant men are the main reasion for this desaster worldwide, They give women no chance to be emancipated as women and mothers. They often like to see only another form of men in women. This breaks the women so they agree to let their babies be killed, A tragedy in many ways.

Raising a child on your own is a difficult choice. Not all women can do that.

I'm a Christian not a believer in nonsense nor a believer in immutable fate. A man and a women can have sex without tzeh result pregnancy. But if the woman is pregnant - then both together should be able to carry their baby a short time through this world of woe.

The mother is the patient, not the fetus.

Pregnancy is not a sickness.

The woman must decide to carry the fetus till birth and only the women.

A mother carries her fetus hopefully not only til birth but through the whole life. To give every mother thw right to let her children be executed independent from the age of her children would be a strange law - but there would be some logic inside. Abortion has no logic at all.

Oh by the way: My experience tells me that wars of words help no one and people who are pro-abortion will anyway ignore everything what anyone else says against abortion. So I try to say as less to this theme as possible. Unfortunateley to say nothing to such themes of absurde ways of antilife seems to be for some people an agreement.

Actually doctors can and have been mercy killers for those in pain and dying.

That's wrong. A doctor of medicine has no spiritual right to kill anyone. This has also to do with his profession: a healer is not a deathman. If someone likes to do suicide he has to do this on his own.

They can withhold medicine or increase medicine to the patient. Patients have the right to refuse meds and to be given enough to control pain.

A doctor has the duty to help to live - a patient has not the duty to let himselve help.

The woman has the right to refuse to carry a fetus.

To be honest: I would feel much more comfortable with a law what allows a woman to kill the idiot who made her pregnant. Her baby is innocent.

There might be any number of factors in her decision. There might be risks to her heath or she might carry genes that would give the infant a short life or disability for life. The choice should be between her and the doctor not those outside. Others should have no right to dictate to the women what she must do. That cruel and unusual punishment. Where is the difference between forcing a women into unwanted labor for nearly a year and slavery?

You have not right to control her body.

I never controled any body of any woman. What a nonsense. Again: It's an unalienable human right to live. Who says something else is either a liar or has absolutelly no plan what he is speaking about.

Women are not forced to have an abortion. ...

So no one needs abortions - or do you really like to say a woman gets pregnant and likes to abort just for fun?

There are a number of reason for the mother or child that wold make a pregnancy a high risk. It should be an option rather than risk death, suffering or major mental and physical deformity.

Even in the best of pregnancies there can be complications and a woman might bleed to death, or close to before the bleeding is stopped.

If a women is going to go through such a risk it should with full information and consent. Not because she is being forced to by some outside party.
Non believers spend great amount of time worrying about believers. It's like they are a little worried :rolleyes:
Non believers spend great amount of time worrying about believers. It's like they are a little worried :rolleyes:

Just the one that push their religion but have not real way of explaining it or proving any miracles or the existence of god(s)

They might be viewed as nuts but they have to right to be nuts in private. When they start dictating to everyone else or cursing others for being too logical to blindly believe in something not there, it become a problem

There is not reason to suspend our ability to think and question.
... What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

You are definitively a Nazi

I'm trying to prevent women who shouldn't have children from having them. Look at what almost every violent criminal has in common. They are fatherless. They come from mostly poor single moms. It's not murder if the woman takes the morning after pill or if she wears an IUD and doesn't get pregnant in the first place.

I would much rather these women wear IUD's than get abortions but my point was that a poor woman should have access to abortion for economic reasons. Cheaper on all of us in the long run too, for those of you who are anti welfare Republicans.

no comment

After a four-month investigation, London police today cleared Pete Townshend of kiddie porn charges. But the rock star will still spend five years on a U.K. register of sex offenders because the co-founder of The Who visited a web site containing child porn images. Townshend was nabbed in January on suspicion of possessing indecent images of children, though no such photos were found following a search of his home and computer. At the time of his arrest, Townshend admitted using his credit card to visit a web site offering child porn, but told cops he was just conducting research.
I don't care either way. I think a woman should have the right even if she's rich and just doesn't want to birth a baby.
so all your arguments about poor people were bogus........knew it actually, no long as you can kill a child the rest is gravy......
Guttmacher Institute says 42% of abortions are obtained by women living in poverty. Obviously that means the majority of women getting abortions (58%) are NOT......
Induced Abortion in the United States

You have first to control how many are statistically in the group "poverty". If poverty rate is for example 5% and the population size is 300 million then the group poverty had a size of 15 million people and the other group is 285 million people. 42/15=2.8% per million in the group poverty. 58/285=0.2% per million outside of this group. 2.8/0.2=14. So poverty would be in this case a 14 times higher risk for abortion.
Then lets give any woman who is poor and sexually active and doesn't want kids free iud's with obamacare. If 90% of the abortions that would have happened in the next ten years didn't happen because the women never got pregnant, would that make you happy?

Either way those kids will never be born.
for one thing, there is very little correlation between poverty and abortion......
No, theres a corrrelation between poor people with kids and poverty. Lower the number of unplanned pregnancies whether through contraception or birth control and you will lower the crime rate and poverty. A woman with two kids in poverty has a harder time getting out of poverty than a woman with no children
Guttmacher Institute says 42% of abortions are obtained by women living in poverty. Obviously that means the majority of women getting abortions (58%) are NOT......
Induced Abortion in the United States

You have first to control how many are statistically in the group "poverty". If poverty rate is for example 5% and the population size is 300 million then the group poverty had a size of 15 million people and the other group is 285 million people. 42/15=2.8% per million in the group poverty. 58/285=0.2% per million outside of this group. 2.8/0.2=14. So poverty would be in this case a 14 times higher risk for abortion.

What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

so you're saying we should kill more black males because they will just grow up to be criminals?.......
No women should be forced to carry a child she is not ready for.
why not?.......can we say "no woman should be forced to continue owning a dog she is not ready for, so she can kill her dog"......can we say "no woman should be forced to continue being married to a man she is not ready for, so she can kill her husband'......can we say "no woman should be forced to raise teenagers that she is not ready for, so she can kill her teenagers".......
for one thing, there is very little correlation between poverty and abortion......
No, theres a corrrelation between poor people with kids and poverty. Lower the number of unplanned pregnancies whether through contraception or birth control and you will lower the crime rate and poverty. A woman with two kids in poverty has a harder time getting out of poverty than a woman with no children
Guttmacher Institute says 42% of abortions are obtained by women living in poverty. Obviously that means the majority of women getting abortions (58%) are NOT......
Induced Abortion in the United States

You have first to control how many are statistically in the group "poverty". If poverty rate is for example 5% and the population size is 300 million then the group poverty had a size of 15 million people and the other group is 285 million people. 42/15=2.8% per million in the group poverty. 58/285=0.2% per million outside of this group. 2.8/0.2=14. So poverty would be in this case a 14 times higher risk for abortion.

What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

1 in 3 are convicted and sent to jail for crimes.

so you want to restrict killings to one third of black male children?.......
till it can live on it's own outside of the body it is not a human being.
you can search all the medical dictionaries in the world and you will not find that to be part of the definition of human being.....sorry......

It has not taken a breath on it's own, it is just so much cells till it actually lives outside the womb.

A woman's body essentially treats a fetus like a tumor, especially in the first few months. The heart cells are immature and it does not even begin to move till after the third month. Until the middle of the seventh month even with special neonatal equipment there is a high probability it will not survive till at least the eighth month.
What kind of a life is it if the fetus cannot eat, breath or even regulate it's own heartbeat or body temperature without machines? The fetus is not living, the machines are keeping it alive artificially.

No women should be forced to carry life any more than she should be forced to undertake any medical treatment or procedure if she does not want to. It is her body, first and foremost.

We choose what to believe and what to do. We are even stupid enough to use dangerous drugs and to drink too much sometimes. We choose to mark and cut our bodies for our amusement. We choose what to where. We choose what to do. Would you have a woman choose suicide because she could not get a legal abortion? Why are you denying her the right to her body when it comes to childbirth? That is a nine month commitment, where she is not free to control her own body? Some women don't want to suffer with labor, even though we cut into her body to forcibly remove the baby in some cases. Even an episiotomy can be a painful recovery............and men are scared to get their prostrate checked and whine like children even with a cold.

A woman has a right to free choice of her body, even in jail that right is not taken away. Rape and abuse are punishable against those in the system and those that run it.

At any time during the pregnancy if the mother's life is at risk the pregnancy can be terminated. I have three wonderful children and we lost one in the first few months but I can't believe that a woman should be told you much carry and give birth over a period of nine month without having a choice. There are far too many horrors in the world to bring forth an unwanted child. There are far too many risks with pregnancy and childbirth, even in this day and age, for a woman to not be totally committed to going thought it.

Go save those already living before you start to consume yourself with those not yet living on their own.

.............and if your are terminating a fetus, how you do so as long as it does not do permanent harm to the women or her ability to carry a child later on should not really matter, nor what is done with the tissue afterwards. If something good can come out of a bad situation and current lives can be saved, why not let medical labs use the tissue. Why not let them use umbilical cords, placenta and even menses if it can be of benefit. It should not be about not saving any life, but just not forcing a woman to commit to a life she is not ready for.

Life should be about quality not quantity. Too many live in less than ideal conditions. Take better care of those lives first.

When we live in a world of plenty with not crime, high education, lots of job opportunities, excellent housing and the world is not at risk of imploding or exploding by our own hand, then you can begin to worry about the lives not yet born. Even then it will still be up to the women what happens to her body.
No, theres a corrrelation between poor people with kids and poverty. Lower the number of unplanned pregnancies whether through contraception or birth control and you will lower the crime rate and poverty. A woman with two kids in poverty has a harder time getting out of poverty than a woman with no children
Guttmacher Institute says 42% of abortions are obtained by women living in poverty. Obviously that means the majority of women getting abortions (58%) are NOT......
Induced Abortion in the United States

You have first to control how many are statistically in the group "poverty". If poverty rate is for example 5% and the population size is 300 million then the group poverty had a size of 15 million people and the other group is 285 million people. 42/15=2.8% per million in the group poverty. 58/285=0.2% per million outside of this group. 2.8/0.2=14. So poverty would be in this case a 14 times higher risk for abortion.

What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

1 in 3 are convicted and sent to jail for crimes.

so you want to restrict killings to one third of black male children?.......

crime has more to do with how they are raised and eduction than the number of births. Eliminated poverty and want, improve education, create more higher paying job with benefits, improve the community........................

Your impression of crime was incorrect. It was not 2-4% but closer to 30%. That is not a small difference. Care for those lives first.
I don't care either way. I think a woman should have the right even if she's rich and just doesn't want to birth a baby.
so all your arguments about poor people were bogus........knew it actually, no long as you can kill a child the rest is gravy......
I don't want to get an abortion. There was a time where I would have wanted an abortion. 17-24. Now I'd love to have a kid. Now that I'm ready. I wasn't then but I liked sex. And I just don't think of that seed as something so precious a woman should be forced to have it. I know you do so don't ever get an abortion.

We all know cigarettes are no good but God damn it people want them. Lol
No i
for one thing, there is very little correlation between poverty and abortion......
No, theres a corrrelation between poor people with kids and poverty. Lower the number of unplanned pregnancies whether through contraception or birth control and you will lower the crime rate and poverty. A woman with two kids in poverty has a harder time getting out of poverty than a woman with no children
Guttmacher Institute says 42% of abortions are obtained by women living in poverty. Obviously that means the majority of women getting abortions (58%) are NOT......
Induced Abortion in the United States

You have first to control how many are statistically in the group "poverty". If poverty rate is for example 5% and the population size is 300 million then the group poverty had a size of 15 million people and the other group is 285 million people. 42/15=2.8% per million in the group poverty. 58/285=0.2% per million outside of this group. 2.8/0.2=14. So poverty would be in this case a 14 times higher risk for abortion.

What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

so you're saying we should kill more black males because they will just grow up to be criminals?.......

No I think poor single black and white women should be encouraged to insert iud's so 90% of them don't have unplanned pregnancies. That should be a goal we share. That would significantly lower the number of abortions.

Here is what's nuts about you theists. You probably don't even like rubbers getting in the way of gods will.

You probably think pulling out is murder. Lol
till it can live on it's own outside of the body it is not a human being.
you can search all the medical dictionaries in the world and you will not find that to be part of the definition of human being.....sorry......

It has not taken a breath on it's own, it is just so much cells till it actually lives outside the womb.

A woman's body essentially treats a fetus like a tumor, especially in the first few months. The heart cells are immature and it does not even begin to move till after the third month. Until the middle of the seventh month even with special neonatal equipment there is a high probability it will not survive till at least the eighth month.
What kind of a life is it if the fetus cannot eat, breath or even regulate it's own heartbeat or body temperature without machines? The fetus is not living, the machines are keeping it alive artificially.

No women should be forced to carry life any more than she should be forced to undertake any medical treatment or procedure if she does not want to. It is her body, first and foremost.

We choose what to believe and what to do. We are even stupid enough to use dangerous drugs and to drink too much sometimes. We choose to mark and cut our bodies for our amusement. We choose what to where. We choose what to do. Would you have a woman choose suicide because she could not get a legal abortion? Why are you denying her the right to her body when it comes to childbirth? That is a nine month commitment, where she is not free to control her own body? Some women don't want to suffer with labor, even though we cut into her body to forcibly remove the baby in some cases. Even an episiotomy can be a painful recovery............and men are scared to get their prostrate checked and whine like children even with a cold.

A woman has a right to free choice of her body, even in jail that right is not taken away. Rape and abuse are punishable against those in the system and those that run it.

At any time during the pregnancy if the mother's life is at risk the pregnancy can be terminated. I have three wonderful children and we lost one in the first few months but I can't believe that a woman should be told you much carry and give birth over a period of nine month without having a choice. There are far too many horrors in the world to bring forth an unwanted child. There are far too many risks with pregnancy and childbirth, even in this day and age, for a woman to not be totally committed to going thought it.

Go save those already living before you start to consume yourself with those not yet living on their own.

.............and if your are terminating a fetus, how you do so as long as it does not do permanent harm to the women or her ability to carry a child later on should not really matter, nor what is done with the tissue afterwards. If something good can come out of a bad situation and current lives can be saved, why not let medical labs use the tissue. Why not let them use umbilical cords, placenta and even menses if it can be of benefit. It should not be about not saving any life, but just not forcing a woman to commit to a life she is not ready for.

Life should be about quality not quantity. Too many live in less than ideal conditions. Take better care of those lives first.

When we live in a world of plenty with not crime, high education, lots of job opportunities, excellent housing and the world is not at risk of imploding or exploding by our own hand, then you can begin to worry about the lives not yet born. Even then it will still be up to the women what happens to her body.
They should have forced segornie Weaver to have the alien. Lol

Isn't it funny they worry about a pre human not yet born but wish they'd just kill all the murderers in prison. Doesn't matter the horrible childhood they had.

Not every woman is qualified to be a mom and not every guy should be a dad.

I always wonder what a 3rd brother or sister would have been like. My parents both got fixed after 2 kids. If they told me they got an abortion sure I'd wonder what that life would have become. But I worry more about orphans in Russia or African kids starving. They're actually so many better issues to worry about.

Again, religion makes people dumb. They use it to control the masses. Just look at gay marriage and abortion.
No i
No, theres a corrrelation between poor people with kids and poverty. Lower the number of unplanned pregnancies whether through contraception or birth control and you will lower the crime rate and poverty. A woman with two kids in poverty has a harder time getting out of poverty than a woman with no children
Guttmacher Institute says 42% of abortions are obtained by women living in poverty. Obviously that means the majority of women getting abortions (58%) are NOT......
Induced Abortion in the United States

You have first to control how many are statistically in the group "poverty". If poverty rate is for example 5% and the population size is 300 million then the group poverty had a size of 15 million people and the other group is 285 million people. 42/15=2.8% per million in the group poverty. 58/285=0.2% per million outside of this group. 2.8/0.2=14. So poverty would be in this case a 14 times higher risk for abortion.

What percent of young black males are criminals? That's a very small number, right? But imagine those 2% or 4% aren't here because their mothers aborted. She'd be better off and so would we.

so you're saying we should kill more black males because they will just grow up to be criminals?.......

No I think poor single black and white women should be encouraged to insert iud's so 90% of them don't have unplanned pregnancies. That should be a goal we share. That would significantly lower the number of abortions.

Here is what's nuts about you theists. You probably don't even like rubbers getting in the way of gods will.

You probably think pulling out is murder. Lol

waste of potential life :)

We should be more concerned with all those lives out there are are being wasted, not ones that do not yet actually exist. Care for all those people around the world that could actually benefit from some help. And all those children out there that need good safe loving homes.

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