Athiest Playbook

crime has more to do with how they are raised and eduction than the number of births. Eliminated poverty and want, improve education, create more higher paying job with benefits, improve the community........................

Your impression of crime was incorrect. It was not 2-4% but closer to 30%. That is not a small difference. Care for those lives first.
if you are going to justify killing black children because they are engaged in crime it is illogical to stop just because momma gave do we identify the children who will grow up to be criminals and how old do they have to be before we stop killing them?.......

I'm not justifying killing of blacks. .
then in defense of abortion why argue that 30% of black males end up in jail......

I was correcting the claim of 2-4% when the actual number is much closer to 30%

My argument is for women to have the right to choose if they want to have a child or not.

What happens after birth is the responsibility of the community, family and parent/parent figure
Anything before is the decision of the women/mother

Why many rape victims don t fight or yell - The Washington Post
Myths and Facts Sexual Assault Prevention and Awareness Center
Was I Raped RAINN Rape Abuse and Incest National Network

No women should be forced to carry an unwanted child, not matter how she got pregnant.
Isn't it funny they worry about a pre human not yet born but wish they'd just kill all the murderers in prison. Doesn't matter the horrible childhood they had.
and yet you two are the ones who argued we needed abortion because 30% of black males end up in prison say you don't want to kill the murderers in prison but you want to kill the children who MIGHT end up in prison....
I want to prevent a bad woman from having a baby with a bad man and then raising a bad child. If only she had 2 abortions she'd be free.

Surviving children say Detroit mom tortured them for years before killing and storing siblings in freezer
if she didn't want the children why not place them for adoption when they were born?......

She should not be required to carry the child and give birth. It is her body. There are far too many unwanted children in the world, far too many in foster care that can't find homes, far too many in poverty or abused.

Adoption is her choice, but so is having an abortion.
crime has more to do with how they are raised and eduction than the number of births. Eliminated poverty and want, improve education, create more higher paying job with benefits, improve the community........................

Your impression of crime was incorrect. It was not 2-4% but closer to 30%. That is not a small difference. Care for those lives first.
if you are going to justify killing black children because they are engaged in crime it is illogical to stop just because momma gave do we identify the children who will grow up to be criminals and how old do they have to be before we stop killing them?.......

I'm not justifying killing of blacks. .
then in defense of abortion why argue that 30% of black males end up in jail......

I was correcting the claim of 2-4% when the actual number is much closer to 30%
thus arguing that more of them ought to be killed......
Isn't it funny they worry about a pre human not yet born but wish they'd just kill all the murderers in prison. Doesn't matter the horrible childhood they had.
and yet you two are the ones who argued we needed abortion because 30% of black males end up in prison say you don't want to kill the murderers in prison but you want to kill the children who MIGHT end up in prison....
I want to prevent a bad woman from having a baby with a bad man and then raising a bad child. If only she had 2 abortions she'd be free.

Surviving children say Detroit mom tortured them for years before killing and storing siblings in freezer
if she didn't want the children why not place them for adoption when they were born?......

She should not be required to carry the child and give birth. It is her body. There are far too many unwanted children in the world, far too many in foster care that can't find homes, far too many in poverty or abused.

Adoption is her choice, but so is having an abortion.
what is killed is not her body......there are no unwanted children, the problem of children in foster homes now is that the parents refuse to release them for adoption.....if they were truly "unwanted" by their parents they would have been adopted when they were infants......
Isn't it funny they worry about a pre human not yet born but wish they'd just kill all the murderers in prison. Doesn't matter the horrible childhood they had.
and yet you two are the ones who argued we needed abortion because 30% of black males end up in prison say you don't want to kill the murderers in prison but you want to kill the children who MIGHT end up in prison....
I want to prevent a bad woman from having a baby with a bad man and then raising a bad child. If only she had 2 abortions she'd be free.

Surviving children say Detroit mom tortured them for years before killing and storing siblings in freezer
if she didn't want the children why not place them for adoption when they were born?......

She should not be required to carry the child and give birth. It is her body. There are far too many unwanted children in the world, far too many in foster care that can't find homes, far too many in poverty or abused.

Adoption is her choice, but so is having an abortion.
what is killed is not her body......there are no unwanted children, the problem of children in foster homes now is that the parents refuse to release them for adoption.....if they were truly "unwanted" by their parents they would have been adopted when they were infants......

They be come wards of the state and the government can't find parents that will take them. Couples would rather adopt children from half way around the world that adopt children from the state system, may of which were born with drug addiction, history of abuse, children no longer infants and other issues. Foster care system only contributes to the problems as there are too many children per home and they live in marginal condition and often suffer some type of abuse within the foster home or lacks personal attention. The children are not loved, they are a paycheck for the foster parents. Not all foster parents are heartless but few really have the time or resources to properly attend to the children in their care.

Take care of the 400,000 or so children already in the system before forcing women to bring more into the world. Maybe 150,000 might ever be considered for adoption. Most couples are looking for healthy infants not toddler or school age children and few if any will take addicted children or those with emotional problems. There are more than a 125 million children world wide that are eligible for adoption.

Who Can Adopt National Adoption Center

Are you personally going to care for those hundred plus million children? Or at least a few hundred thousand of those in the US?

Time you wake up to the facts and stop trying to control the rights of women to choose what is best for them.
Isn't it funny they worry about a pre human not yet born but wish they'd just kill all the murderers in prison. Doesn't matter the horrible childhood they had.
and yet you two are the ones who argued we needed abortion because 30% of black males end up in prison say you don't want to kill the murderers in prison but you want to kill the children who MIGHT end up in prison....
I want to prevent a bad woman from having a baby with a bad man and then raising a bad child. If only she had 2 abortions she'd be free.

Surviving children say Detroit mom tortured them for years before killing and storing siblings in freezer
if she didn't want the children why not place them for adoption when they were born?......

She should not be required to carry the child and give birth. It is her body. There are far too many unwanted children in the world, far too many in foster care that can't find homes, far too many in poverty or abused.

Adoption is her choice, but so is having an abortion.
what is killed is not her body......there are no unwanted children, the problem of children in foster homes now is that the parents refuse to release them for adoption.....if they were truly "unwanted" by their parents they would have been adopted when they were infants......

Why don't you follow the example of the guy in NY and adopt 20 kids for a starter and stay out of a woman right to choose
Isn't it funny they worry about a pre human not yet born but wish they'd just kill all the murderers in prison. Doesn't matter the horrible childhood they had.
and yet you two are the ones who argued we needed abortion because 30% of black males end up in prison say you don't want to kill the murderers in prison but you want to kill the children who MIGHT end up in prison....
I want to prevent a bad woman from having a baby with a bad man and then raising a bad child. If only she had 2 abortions she'd be free.

Surviving children say Detroit mom tortured them for years before killing and storing siblings in freezer

Do you need an exchange brain? My good old friend Frankenstein got a new shipment. But in some of the old models the Nazis implemented a reset button: take Thors hammer and knock three times against your brain pan.

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Art Brochure

How do we 'frame' a sculpture/painting of water-guns within the context of modern era populism critique themed art?

When Alfred Hitchcock released his shock-exposition film "Psycho" (1960), art changed. People began to be more expressive about the liberties taken with social dialogue. While Sigmund Freud pioneered this way of thinking, it was Hitchcock who formally introduced this perspective in art.

I saw an MTV rap music video featuring an image of urban street gangs engaged in mock battles with water-guns instead of real weapons. I realized how various consumerism-related artifacts (i.e., toys) in the modern age could be referenced in symbolic social discussions about jurisprudence issues (i.e., crime and violence).

If I present a creative/expressive drawing of water-guns or sculpture of water-guns meant to signify modern-era meditation on social behavior and populism critique, can I use the work of art (since art, by definition, is self-expression) as a means to 'celebrate' liberty or atheism?


Water Fight

If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Erastosthenes presented about 2300 years ago all known facts why the Earth is a globe. The knowledge itselve was older. He calculated the circumference of the Earth is 50 times the distance between Assuan and Alexandria. (= 835 km = 519 mi). 519 *50 = 25950 mi. For the first approximation this was very good.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge.

What's wrong. Nicolaus Copernicus for example was a catholic capitular or Max Plank for example was a protestant. Both men believed in god.

Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

You are a Nazi. The Nazis "teached" for example the sun is a special form of iceberg. No joke. No one is able to make Nazis dump. Nazis are dumpness per se. Even if Nazis say something what could sound first as if it could be true - there is for sure something behind this "truth" no one likes really to know.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

He's a Christian. Christians don't live in fear of truth. Your are a Nazi. A Christian who would believe in anything what a Nazi says would be on the wrong way to Tipperary or any other place on Earth where's good to live. The Nazi-ideology (racism for example) leads everyone into death.

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They be come wards of the state and the government can't find parents that will take them. Couples would rather adopt children from half way around the world that adopt children from the state system, may of which were born with drug addiction, history of abuse, children no longer infants and other issues.

oh bullshit.....the kids in the foster system are either waiting for the courts to terminate parental rights or are too old for successful placement because it took so long for the courts to terminate parental both situations its because the parents DO want them instead of because they don't want them......
and yet you two are the ones who argued we needed abortion because 30% of black males end up in prison say you don't want to kill the murderers in prison but you want to kill the children who MIGHT end up in prison....
I want to prevent a bad woman from having a baby with a bad man and then raising a bad child. If only she had 2 abortions she'd be free.

Surviving children say Detroit mom tortured them for years before killing and storing siblings in freezer
if she didn't want the children why not place them for adoption when they were born?......

She should not be required to carry the child and give birth. It is her body. There are far too many unwanted children in the world, far too many in foster care that can't find homes, far too many in poverty or abused.

Adoption is her choice, but so is having an abortion.
what is killed is not her body......there are no unwanted children, the problem of children in foster homes now is that the parents refuse to release them for adoption.....if they were truly "unwanted" by their parents they would have been adopted when they were infants......

Why don't you follow the example of the guy in NY and adopt 20 kids for a starter and stay out of a woman right to choose
are you complaining that I haven't adopted any children?......
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Erastosthenes presented about 2300 years ago all known facts why the Earth is a globe. The knowledge itselve was older. He calculated the circumference of the Earth is 50 times the distance between Assuan and Alexandria. (= 835 km = 519 mi). 519 *50 = 25950 mi. For the first approximation this was very good.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge.

What's wrong. Nicolaus Copernicus for example was a catholic capitular or Max Plank for example was a protestant. Both men believed in god.

Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

You are a Nazi. The Nazis "teached" for example the sun is a special form of iceberg. No joke. No one is able to make Nazis dump. Nazis are dumpness per se. Even if Nazis say something what could sound first as if it could be true - there is for sure something behind this "truth" no one likes really to know.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

He's a Christian. Christians don't live in fear of truth. Your are a Nazi. A Christian who would believe in anything what a Nazi says would be on the wrong way to Tipperary or any other place on Earth where's good to live. The Nazi-ideology (racism for example) leads everyone into death.

Overuse of the words Nazi, socialist & communism?
I want to prevent a bad woman from having a baby with a bad man and then raising a bad child. If only she had 2 abortions she'd be free.

Surviving children say Detroit mom tortured them for years before killing and storing siblings in freezer
if she didn't want the children why not place them for adoption when they were born?......

She should not be required to carry the child and give birth. It is her body. There are far too many unwanted children in the world, far too many in foster care that can't find homes, far too many in poverty or abused.

Adoption is her choice, but so is having an abortion.
what is killed is not her body......there are no unwanted children, the problem of children in foster homes now is that the parents refuse to release them for adoption.....if they were truly "unwanted" by their parents they would have been adopted when they were infants......

Why don't you follow the example of the guy in NY and adopt 20 kids for a starter and stay out of a woman right to choose
are you complaining that I haven't adopted any children?......
You couldn't possibly adopt enough. Why doesn't Bill Gates instead of donating half his money to "charities" that won't do good with it, why doesn't he just give all the money to orphanages? Warren Buffet too.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

How did they know about the deep ocean sea floors?
The Bible explains both.
if she didn't want the children why not place them for adoption when they were born?......

She should not be required to carry the child and give birth. It is her body. There are far too many unwanted children in the world, far too many in foster care that can't find homes, far too many in poverty or abused.

Adoption is her choice, but so is having an abortion.
what is killed is not her body......there are no unwanted children, the problem of children in foster homes now is that the parents refuse to release them for adoption.....if they were truly "unwanted" by their parents they would have been adopted when they were infants......

Why don't you follow the example of the guy in NY and adopt 20 kids for a starter and stay out of a woman right to choose
are you complaining that I haven't adopted any children?......
You couldn't possibly adopt enough. Why doesn't Bill Gates instead of donating half his money to "charities" that won't do good with it, why doesn't he just give all the money to orphanages? Warren Buffet too.

For most charities less than 10 cents of every dollar actually go to use for the cause. The rest if for operation expenses.
if she didn't want the children why not place them for adoption when they were born?......

She should not be required to carry the child and give birth. It is her body. There are far too many unwanted children in the world, far too many in foster care that can't find homes, far too many in poverty or abused.

Adoption is her choice, but so is having an abortion.
what is killed is not her body......there are no unwanted children, the problem of children in foster homes now is that the parents refuse to release them for adoption.....if they were truly "unwanted" by their parents they would have been adopted when they were infants......

Why don't you follow the example of the guy in NY and adopt 20 kids for a starter and stay out of a woman right to choose
are you complaining that I haven't adopted any children?......
You couldn't possibly adopt enough. Why doesn't Bill Gates instead of donating half his money to "charities" that won't do good with it, why doesn't he just give all the money to orphanages? Warren Buffet too.

if it goes the way of the vaccines gates gave, I think we can come us with the better option. At lease gates gets in and gets his hands dirty, not just throw billions out the window.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

How did they know about the deep ocean sea floors?
The Bible explains both.

Because they had droughts where they witnessed what was once under water now above water. Don't make me explain every little thing that shocks and amazes simpletons. Nothing in the bible proves a god exists. Get over it. If it did why are their so many Jews and Muslims? You'll have an easier time convincing a Muslim or Jew than you will an atheist because at least they already believe in gods.
If ever a theist stumps you, come here and post what they said. There isn't one argument for God that doesn't come without some fatal flaw.

Today I was having breakfast and listening to some stupid hillbillies talking about abortion and what the bible says. Then it hits me just how far gone theists are. Where would I even begin with this woman? Doesn't she realize men wrote that book? Why do I care what guys 1500 years ago wrote about a guy 2000 years ago? Imagine if people 1500 years ago could come know what we know now. Do you think people today would swallow such stories? Actually 200 years ago a large segment of us swallowed the Joseph Smith story and Arabs swallow the Mohammad experience.

You're all swallowing a 2000 or 7000 year old story if you count the founders of our lie the Jews. Moses is a myth. Let's stop this nonsense. It's holding us back.

I don't believe what they said happened happened 2000 years ago. So stop telling me what your story book says. We don't buy it! So what other reasons do you think "we are the only animals on this planet that God made in his image"

That is what the woman in the restaurant said. What possibly would make her believe this? A 2000 year old story? Imagine how much smarter we are today than we were 2000 years ago. I really hope we aren't as dumb as we are now 2000 years from now

The people of 3000 years ago from the Bible knew that there was mountains and valleys deep in the ocean floor. They knew that the earth was round. How could ancient men know that way back then?
First, we didn't know the earth was round 3000 years ago.

Second, watch the cosmos. They explain how throughout history humans have discovered things like the earth is moving not in a fixed position and each time the churches and rulers stifled this knowledge. Even back during Plato's day, just before Christianity, they discovered science and math but they held it all back from the masses. Why? To keep us dumb.

They rather just keep feeding you a big lie and control you.

How did they know about the deep ocean sea floors?
The Bible explains both.
Or, ah, duh, they swam and unlike black people who don't like getting their hair wet they swam very deep.

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