Atlanta worker shot dead over mayonnaise

Oh please, the colonies were getting their arses whipped and the French came to their rescue. Try going to Paris, they have statues of French generals etc.. to do with American Independence. I don't think America has won any wars.
No worries, we'll leave you folks to fight the next one yourselves. Better work on your Russian and get a taste for borscht.

After that the real plan to crush you begins. We'll back Harry's illegitimate claim on the throne and have an American king in a generation.
Remember that scene in the Albert Brooks’ movie “Defending Your Life?” A common question in Heaven is “how’d you die?” Tripping over lawn furniture was funny.

But dying because of mayonnaise is just downright embarrassing.
"I don't think America has won any wars.".
You'd be speaking German and Heil Hitlering to this day if we hadn't.
More fallacies. You are a typical Yank without a passport, "The bravest on the planet with fuck all knowledge of other countries". I'm surprised you didn't adopt French as your first language.

As for Scotland, they wanted to join the union because of England's wealth, they weren't conquered or anything like that.

Your knowledge of the two World Wars is dreadfully bad. The world knows them as WWII 1914-1918 and WWII 1939-1945. Most Americans think it's WWI 1917 - 1918 and WWII 1941-1945. As for WWI, the only advantage America troops gave was fresh legs, American tactics were dreadful and got their arses kicked until the allies organised American troops. As for WWII, you don't even know who you fought and why.

And what this has got to do with a good guy with a gun turning into a bad guy with a gun over Mayo, is anyone's guess. But I appreciate your outstanding level of pure ignorance.
More fallacies. You are a typical Yank without a passport, "The bravest on the planet with fuck all knowledge of other countries". I'm surprised you didn't adopt French as your first language.

As for Scotland, they wanted to join the union because of England's wealth, they weren't conquered or anything like that.

Your knowledge of the two World Wars is dreadfully bad. The world knows them as WWII 1914-1918 and WWII 1939-1945. Most Americans think it's WWI 1917 - 1918 and WWII 1941-1945. As for WWI, the only advantage America troops gave was fresh legs, American tactics were dreadful and got their arses kicked until the allies organised American troops. As for WWII, you don't even know who you fought and why.

And what this has got to do with a good guy with a gun turning into a bad guy with a gun over Mayo, is anyone's guess. But I appreciate your outstanding level of pure ignorance.
"As for WWII, you don't even know who you fought and why."
- The Germans - to save your limey asses.
- The Japanese - because they fucked with us.
That about right?
"As for WWII, you don't even know who you fought and why."
- The Germans - to save your limey asses.
- The Japanese - because they fucked with us.
That about right?
Yup, you have Mayo clouding your brain. Quit the fatty foods fatty Septic Yank.

Good ole 2nd Amendment allowing "so called" good guys wander about in public with guns and when perturbed (perturbed means Agitated, disturbed, troubled) over a blob of Mayo, turns into a "so called" bad guy and starts shooting. I use the term "so called" because they're one of the same person.

I can just imagine the gun nuts answer, ban Mayo. "But I have alienable Rights to Mayo", lol.

Your turn to reduce me in the imaginary status hierarchy, (that means, you will have to say (attempt) another put down).
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