Attack on gay couple in London

The woman will be persecuted for this minor "assault". Hardly even an assault, but technically it is, so she's gonna be destroyed by that evil government I bet the perverts did it to get a response

From the article:

Victims ‘slapped’ for kissing​

A bystander, who claims to have witnessed the incident outside the Two Brewers, posted on social media: “Two innocent gay men standing next to me were slapped by a woman for kissing.”
True story, years ago my husband and I were with our then 4 year old daughter at a restaurant. Two fairy fine fellers lip locked and our daughter told them "stop that".

Even children know
The gay lifestyle is being treated as normal.
Being treated as a hate crime

Being treated as a hate crime


Ohio just lost an entire town, and won't receive a dime of help from Biden.

But you say two gays in London got assaulted?

Do tell.
Schools in our country are promoting the gay lifestyle as normal to young children.
As this thread demonstrates.

Our society's first mistake was saying of the gay freaks "not that there is anything wrong with that".

It all began when POLITICAL pressure ended the medical profession calling it a mental disorder.

Now haif the population has been brainwashed to not thinking two guys missing isn't just plain weird.

And half of those who know it's wrong are too afraid to say they oppose it because of public pressure
It all began when POLITICAL pressure ended the medical profession calling it a mental disorder.

Now haif the population has been brainwashed to not thinking two guys missing isn't just plain weird.

And half of those who know it's wrong are too afraid to say they oppose it because of public pressure

Just like NAZI Germany.

Those that realize run the risk of great damage if they open their mouths.


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