Attacks On Jews Around the World

[ All political events must stop at all Universities. They are places for learning ]

A 21-year-old New York University (NYU) student was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly assaulting a female pro-Israel demonstrator and another person in the school’s Elmer Holmes Bobst Library in Manhattan, according to NYU’s campus newspaper and the New York City Police Department (NYPD).

The NYPD told The Algemeiner on Wednesday that officers arrested 21-year-old Aiden Lopez and charged him with assault and criminal mischief. According to an account of the incident described by an unnamed male complainant, Lopez was arguing with the female pro-Israel demonstrator, who is also an NYU student, and “slammed a gate causing minor bruising to her thumb.” When the complainant attempted to intervene, Lopez allegedly punched “him in the face and neck” and destroyed his mobile phone.

The female student was at the Bobst Library to participate in a pro-Israel sit-in and said the male whom Lopez struck was a visitor to campus, according to Washington Square News, the official campus newspaper of NYU.

(full article online)

The Brazilian Federal Police, working in cooperation with Israeli intelligence agencies, says it has disrupted a suspected domestic terror plot against Israeli and Jewish targets believed to be in its initial stages.

Federal investigators said Tuesday that they had uncovered a scheme allegedly involving the recruitment of Brazilian citizens by the Lebanese terror group Hezbollah, an Iranian proxy, to orchestrate attacks against members of the 120,000-strong Brazilian Jewish community.

The intended targets reportedly included synagogues.

In Israel, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement Wednesday that the Mossad and other Israeli and international security and law enforcement agencies had worked with Brazilian authorities to foil an attack in Brazil that was planned by Hezbollah and directed and financed by Iran.

The PMO said that the “extensive network” was also operating “in additional countries.”

(full article online)

The victims were leaving a bar when they got into a verbal altercation with two unknown male suspects, Columbus police said.
“According to reports, the suspects yelled a derogatory term and assaulted two students while asking if they were Jewish,” OSU’s public safety notice stated.
Columbus police said both victims “believe this to be a hate crime” due to hearing an antisemitic slur and the suspects asking them their religion.
One victim reported being punched in the face, “causing redness and swelling to the left side of his face,” and the other reported being punched in the face, “causing a possible fractured nose, as well as redness and swelling,” Columbus police said.
Both students went to the hospital but were released. According to a public safety notice released this morning by the school, the attack meets the definition of a hate crime.

The assault was actually the 2nd incident that happened within a matter of hour. Earlier on Thursday, two women entered a Jewish Center and shouted anti-Israel slogans and vandalized property.

…two females went into the building, saying they wanted to look around. Because the building is secure, someone at the front desk allowed them inside after their request.
“Once inside, one female stood by the front door while the other went into a room and began taking small Israeli flags,” the report said. “When confronted by staff, the female ran out the door.”
The female who was inside the room then yelled obscenities, as well as “You support genocide” and “Free Palestine,” according to the report.
Both females then ran to a car that was waiting, driven by a male, and the vehicle fled the area. The female that had been holding the flags dropped them while leaving the building, the report said.

The incidents happened only a few blocks away from each other but so far there’s no indication they are connected. The suspects in both incidents have not been identified by police yet but the Jewish Center has cameras inside and out so it shouldn’t be too difficult to ID the two girls.

Gov. Mike DeWine put out a statement, calling the acts “despicable.” He also announced the Highway Patrol would be providing extra patrols in the area of the OSU campus.

(full article online)

[ From birth, taught that Jews are less than humans. This is the consequence of that today.
Any excuse is an excuse to attack Jews. Some pro Palestine supporters believe every word Hamas has said about the war and the number of victims in Gaza. No combatants, just notice that. No Hamas combatants. Freedom fighters. And the Pro Palestine supporter lies about not being at the scuffle which happened against a Pro Israel stand ]

Pro-Israel students face antisemitic harassment at Concordia University​

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[ From birth, taught that Jews are less than humans. This is the consequence of that today.
Any excuse is an excuse to attack Jews. Some pro Palestine supporters believe every word Hamas has said about the war and the number of victims in Gaza. No combatants, just notice that. No Hamas combatants. Freedom fighters ]

Pro-Israel students face antisemitic harassment at Concordia University​

Post your blood libel speak here
Not amazing that you say you are not against Jews, but here you are, on a thread which shows Jews around the world being attacked and what do you do?

Attack the Jews.

On this thread, on every thread you can find.

And you were not taught to hate Jews when you insist with the lie that Jews from Europe are actually indigenous from Europe instead or returning to their ancient homeland.

Your parents, Christianity and Islam really did a number on you.
Both students went to the hospital but were released. According to a public safety notice released this morning by the school, the attack meets the definition of a hate crime.

The assault was actually the 2nd incident that happened within a matter of hour. Earlier on Thursday, two women entered a Jewish Center and shouted anti-Israel slogans and vandalized property.

The incidents happened only a few blocks away from each other but so far there’s no indication they are connected. The suspects in both incidents have not been identified by police yet but the Jewish Center has cameras inside and out so it shouldn’t be too difficult to ID the two girls.

Gov. Mike DeWine put out a statement, calling the acts “despicable.” He also announced the Highway Patrol would be providing extra patrols in the area of the OSU campus.

(full article online)

One out of many
Not amazing that you say you are not against Jews, but here you are, on a thread which shows Jews around the world being attacked and what do you do?

Attack the Jews.

On this thread, on every thread you can find.

And you were not taught to hate Jews when you insist with the lie that Jews from Europe are actually indigenous from Europe instead or returning to their ancient homeland.

Your parents, Christianity and Islam really did a number on you.

No. I was never taught to hate Jews nor were they ever a topic of discussion.

I'm amazed that you report antisemitism all day every day and I've never seen it.

The European Zionists didn't speak Arabic or share in Arab culture.

They formed their terror gangs in the early 1920s and did the wrong thing from the very beginning.

Truman lamented how quickly the Jewish refugees became bullies after what they had suffered in Europe.
No. I was never taught to hate Jews nor were they ever a topic of discussion.

I'm amazed that you report antisemitism all day every day and I've never seen it.

The European Zionists didn't speak Arabic or share in Arab culture.

They formed their terror gangs in the early 1920s and did the wrong thing from the very beginning.

Truman lamented how quickly the Jewish refugees became bullies after what they had suffered in Europe.
You were taught to attack the right of Jews to be sovereign over their ancient Homeland. Even a small part of it.

Most people have not grown up seeing Jews being attacked or any anti Jew expression happen. But then, you were raised in Arabia. NO JEWS there since the 7th Century. Spent some time in Libya. No need for there to be any anti Jewish events there. There were too few Jews then and Libya did not care about them. The small numbers were not a threat.

You do nothing but repeat that Jews returning to their homeland do not have rights because they did not "speak Arabic", or share in the "Arab culture"? And why should they, then?

The Jews of Europe returning to their homeland, did not return to take any land away from their rightful owners, as lie after lie made Arabs believe that it was what they were doing.

It would be no different than many Africans returning to anywhere in Africa. They would not be speaking the native language, or be acclimated to the culture, unless they studied about it before they returned.

But the difference is, that a descendant of Kenyans can return to Kenya and it is not an issue because it is not colonized by others.

Palestine, in the turn of the 20th century WAS controlled by the Ottomans, having been colonized since the 7th century by the Arabs who migrated there.

The Arabs are the colonizers of everywhere outside of Arabia all the way to North Africa. And the indigenous people of all of those places are still considered to be the indigenous people. Berbers, Copts, Yazidi, Kurds, all of them.

But since there is nothing written against them in the Quran, or Hadiths, especially about killing them under trees and rocks, they are not as frequently attacked as the Jews are. There has been no delegitimization of their rights to the lands, or their history on their lands.

The attacks on the Jews who came from Europe is not because they did not speak Arab, or knew things about the culture. You do know that it is for only one reason. Because they were Jews. Although you may have said it yourself that they were not indigenous Jews, but Europeans. Which is not true.

You are GONE, with all the education you received in your Christian community and falling in love with Arabia. Nothing can ever make you see that even attacking me for starting a thread about Antisemitism, you ARE being antisemitic.

You do not know the foggiest thing about what it means, but you show it every time you post, and you deny and you come to this thread to attempt to delegitimize anything that is happening on this world today.

I report Antisemitism because it is THERE, on a daily basis these days. And you are not seeing it?

Attacking Jews who are not Israelis, is not Antisemitism? The attackers do not even know if the Jew is pro or against Israel. It does not matter to them anymore than it mattered to Hamas that some of the people they murdered or took are hostages were not Jews. Or were Muslims themselves.

You have never seen antisemitism in your life. You have seen in in movies, in the news, and it is now in full force with Hamas, the PA, Iran, Houthis, Hezbollah, and the "Arab Summit".

And I will always ask, WHERE in the world were those Arab League and Arab Summits during the Crusades and Ottoman Occupation?

It is called pure and simply ANTISEMITISM.

I prefer the clearer form: JEW HATRED

As learned in the New Testament and the Quran.

It is nothing but a pathetic disease which afflicts too many, because they choose to not think.
No. I was never taught to hate Jews nor were they ever a topic of discussion.

I'm amazed that you report antisemitism all day every day and I've never seen it.

The European Zionists didn't speak Arabic or share in Arab culture.

They formed their terror gangs in the early 1920s and did the wrong thing from the very beginning.

Truman lamented how quickly the Jewish refugees became bullies after what they had suffered in Europe.
Let me remind you of one thing, that even though you were just a guest in Arabia, not one of you ever bothered to learn Arabic during the 20 years you lived there.

Jews learned Arabic, Arabs learned Hebrew. That is what people do when they live together, in peace, as it is done in Israel.
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No. I was never taught to hate Jews nor were they ever a topic of discussion.

I'm amazed that you report antisemitism all day every day and I've never seen it.

The European Zionists didn't speak Arabic or share in Arab culture.

They formed their terror gangs in the early 1920s and did the wrong thing from the very beginning.

Truman lamented how quickly the Jewish refugees became bullies after what they had suffered in Europe.
You have NEVER seen Antisemitism? I will go so far as to call you a 🤥 LIAR . Try to READ about the Jewish Students who had their dorm room set on fire, The Swastika painted on their door? The PHYSICAL VIOLENCE and DEATH that has RECENTLY occurred. That JEWISH local politician stabbed to death in Michigan? Please tell me why my Grandfather told me he was told nobody would hire a HYMIE or my Grandmother’s family had to change their surname
You have NEVER seen Antisemitism? I will go so far as to call you a 🤥 LIAR . Try to READ about the Jewish Students who had their dorm room set on fire, The Swastika painted on their door? The PHYSICAL VIOLENCE and DEATH that has RECENTLY occurred. That JEWISH local politician stabbed to death in Michigan? Please tell me why my Grandfather told me he was told nobody would hire a HYMIE or my Grandmother’s family had to change their surname
I am very sure she meant, in person. And as I pointed out, a lot of people have not. And then how could she growing up in Arabia with no Jews around?
You were taught to attack the right of Jews to be sovereign over their ancient Homeland. Even a small part of it.

Most people have not grown up seeing Jews being attacked or any anti Jew expression happen. But then, you were raised in Arabia. NO JEWS there since the 7th Century. Spent some time in Libya. No need for there to be any anti Jewish events there. There were too few Jews then and Libya did not care about them. The small numbers were not a threat.

You do nothing but repeat that Jews returning to their homeland do not have rights because they did not "speak Arabic", or share in the "Arab culture"? And why should they, then?

The Jews of Europe returning to their homeland, did not return to take any land away from their rightful owners, as lie after lie made Arabs believe that it was what they were doing.

It would be no different than many Africans returning to anywhere in Africa. They would not be speaking the native language, or be acclimated to the culture, unless they studied about it before they returned.

But the difference is, that a descendant of Kenyans can return to Kenya and it is not an issue because it is not colonized by others.

Palestine, in the turn of the 20th century WAS controlled by the Ottomans, having been colonized since the 7th century by the Arabs who migrated there.

The Arabs are the colonizers of everywhere outside of Arabia all the way to North Africa. And the indigenous people of all of those places are still considered to be the indigenous people. Berbers, Copts, Yazidi, Kurds, all of them.

But since there is nothing written against them in the Quran, or Hadiths, especially about killing them under trees and rocks, they are not as frequently attacked as the Jews are. There has been no delegitimization of their rights to the lands, or their history on their lands.

The attacks on the Jews who came from Europe is not because they did not speak Arab, or knew things about the culture. You do know that it is for only one reason. Because they were Jews. Although you may have said it yourself that they were not indigenous Jews, but Europeans. Which is not true.

You are GONE, with all the education you received in your Christian community and falling in love with Arabia. Nothing can ever make you see that even attacking me for starting a thread about Antisemitism, you ARE being antisemitic.

You do not know the foggiest thing about what it means, but you show it every time you post, and you deny and you come to this thread to attempt to delegitimize anything that is happening on this world today.

I report Antisemitism because it is THERE, on a daily basis these days. And you are not seeing it?

Attacking Jews who are not Israelis, is not Antisemitism? The attackers do not even know if the Jew is pro or against Israel. It does not matter to them anymore than it mattered to Hamas that some of the people they murdered or took are hostages were not Jews. Or were Muslims themselves.

You have never seen antisemitism in your life. You have seen in in movies, in the news, and it is now in full force with Hamas, the PA, Iran, Houthis, Hezbollah, and the "Arab Summit".

And I will always ask, WHERE in the world were those Arab League and Arab Summits during the Crusades and Ottoman Occupation?

It is called pure and simply ANTISEMITISM.

I prefer the clearer form: JEW HATRED

As learned in the New Testament and the Quran.

It is nothing but a pathetic disease which afflicts too many, because they choose to not think.

Sovereign. Well, the Jews should have settled where there were no people or treated the Palestinians with respect.
Sovereign. Well, the Jews should have settled where there were no people or treated the Palestinians with respect.
The Jews should have settled where there were NO people? That says it all ! NJA ?? The Palestinians should have treated the Jews with respect starting with the year 1929
Sovereign. Well, the Jews should have settled where there were no people or treated the Palestinians with respect.
They did. They bought swamps and deserts. No one was living on those places. Made something out of them, like Tel- Aviv.

The Arabs respected the Jews so much they came to Palestine to work for them, until the 1920 riots.

Arabs continue to work for Jews, coming from areas A, B, C or Gaza.

Those know what respect is.
The Jews should have settled where there were NO people? That says it all ! NJA ?? The Palestinians should have treated the Jews with respect starting with the year 1929
1920. That was the first riot.
1921. Second riot.
1929 Hebron

Anyway, we are all getting off the subject of this thread which is nowadays attacks on Jews all over the world.

Please, do not get off the subject. There are the proper threads to discuss this. Surada likes trolling about it in all of them. Do not let her.


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