*Attacks On Patriots At Trump Star*

Will this ignite into the war the Democrats desire?

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They came looking for conflict and they found it.

No, they came looking to see what sort of response they would get. What they found is the progressives, like you, don't value the Free Speech aspect of this country. So, since you deny that Right to others, expect it to be denied to you as well.

Elections have consequences. So does violent behavior, such as that which you progressives seem to enjoy engaging in.
Well hopefully they learned to keep their stupid asses on the couch next time
Sorry bout that,

  1. So they were attacked and mugged.
  2. That's going to inflame the right, and you know where that will lead!
  3. This is just about to blow up!
  4. National Guard might need to be called in early.
  5. Marine Veteran, Man Wearing Trump Shirt Violently Attacked Near Trump Star in L.A.
  6. Comment on this link: So when is this virtual Klan rally gonna end here you idiots. Whens this CIVIL WAR gonna start??????
The left is off the reservation..............They are violent and unhinged............We will see more of this when people are simply tired of their shit...........

Pardon my French............
Sorry bout that,

  1. So they were attacked and mugged.
  2. That's going to inflame the right, and you know where that will lead!
  3. This is just about to blow up!
  4. National Guard might need to be called in early.
Nah that won’t happen
Sorry bout that,

  1. *NOTE*, Please stay on Topic, everyone!, mod team wants total focus here.
  2. The Trump Star was a place of violence by un-named violent people, looking dark skinned.
  3. SHOCK VIDEO: Brawl Breaks Out at Trump’s Star on Hollywood Blvd. - Youth Pastor Assaulted-Robbed for Wearing MAGA Gear
  4. This story is not over an attack on Trumps Star has really signaled the Patriots to show up.
  5. Its not blown over.

The answer to your poll question is NO, Leftists in general are Low Energy and Leftist men are devoid of the sort of Testosterone it takes to engage in anything more than throwing some sticks and smashing in windows, Right-Winger's have MORE guns than the Beta Cuck Faggot Leftists do this also is a problem for them and as most are on some type of Anti-Psych drugs and/or Meth and/or Skunk Weed so they are unable to function at MAXIMUM level and when confronted either start Bedwetting and throwing things until a FIST shuts them up OR start crying like the Soy Boi Loser Faggots that they are MOST are just Keyboard Warriors, the MAJORITY of Law Enforcement HATE them and certainly the Military HATE them and the latter would like nothing more than the OPPORTUNITY to give a group of them the Rachel Corrie Treatment.
Sorry bout that,

  1. So they were attacked and mugged.
  2. That's going to inflame the right, and you know where that will lead!
  3. This is just about to blow up!
  4. National Guard might need to be called in early.
Nah that won’t happen

It will happen because that seems to be the goal of the progressives. Just remember....you ASKED for it.
yes they are itching for a fight

It will not end well for them, they would be wise - IF they possessed wisdom which they do NOT - but they would be wise to STFU and get to the back of the Short Bus they belong on.

Thank you to Marion Morrison for explaining the Short Bus, this is the first time I have used it in a response comment.
Anyone have any smelling salts they can give to conservative posters on this thread? They seemed to have lost their senses over Trump's Hollywood Star.
anyonwle that thinks that either sides goofy little fuckboy militias have the numbers it'd take for a civil war needs their heads examined.

also apology accepted for every chesswars post ever
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Sorry bout that,

  1. Another comment from that last link a certain John Doe, "Am I not supposed to notice these were all Hispanics violently intimidating and physically assaulting white people? Am I supposed to pretend that is not relevant? Am I to play pretend that these people do not openly hate us? And are the very racist I am endlessly accused of being? Lets stop playing pretend. They hate us. They hate white people. They are not here to join us. They are here to take from us. Go ahead and call me racist. See how much impact that word still has left."
  2. Its going to get ugly in LA very soon.
  3. Marine Veteran, Man Wearing Trump Shirt Violently Attacked Near Trump Star in L.A.
  4. Another comment: From relee, he says;
  5. Lock and load, be ready to use counter force when necessary. Any threats to personal safety must be countered with protection. They will keep doing these things...and unfortunately, guess what is going to happen."
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

  1. *NOTE*, Please stay on Topic, everyone!, mod team wants total focus here.
  2. The Trump Star was a place of violence by un-named violent people, looking dark skinned.
  3. SHOCK VIDEO: Brawl Breaks Out at Trump’s Star on Hollywood Blvd. - Youth Pastor Assaulted-Robbed for Wearing MAGA Gear
  4. This story is not over an attack on Trumps Star has really signaled the Patriots to show up.
  5. Its not blown over.

Hmm yeah, lots of clearly distinguishable accents in the attacking crowd, That first guy thought he was Tony Montana. :auiqs.jpg:

Gawd help the illegals should things really get out of hand. It would be a turkey shoot.
Anyone have any smelling salts they can give to conservative posters on this thread? They seemed to have lost their senses over Trump's Hollywood Star.


Retail value about $3000. Who cares?

The act however is a dangerous catalyst.
Please remember where this is. Los Angeles home of the free and the land of the brave. When a star is removed the reich comes out and gets bounced back into oblivion.
Shorter version: There is no level of vandalism or violence we on the left won’t cheer for.

If The Donald was assassinated, these satanic POS would CELEBRATE in the streets, Leftists Worldwide would CELEBRATE in the streets, they already have an ongoing fetish about The Donald being murdered, they are basically demons. This is why no matter how much Bedwetting they do they should be ignored, NEVER apologise to them for ANYTHING and at any opportunity tell them to GTFO.
These are the same people that wear abortion pride shirts. Nothing is below them.
Please remember where this is. Los Angeles home of the free and the land of the brave. When a star is removed the reich comes out and gets bounced back into oblivion.
Now if it was in a sissy place like tezass well who knows

Home of the freaks and land of the gender confused.

Needs cleansed by a shake and bake = earthquake and fires.
When do the water cannons come in and start knocking them all down............That's always cracks me up......

I feel sorry for the Trump Star

We will have no way of remembering him now

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