Attagirl, Ann!!


Let them eat arugala!


"all you people"

In the same thread you RWers are pleading and begging to stop "attacking" poor little Annie you resort to this shat?

It's no wonder why Americans view her as they do...


you go..:rolleyes:
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.

How do you think he managed to pay NO taxes? He paid $6.2 million on the two returns he has made public. And, gave $7 million to charity that helped a lot of those in need.
Really? Because I see all sorts of gray bars which would indicate a LOT of these posts are in defense of Mrs. Romney.

You do know what the word "some" means.

You do know what 216 posts about outrage means.

Yeah, it means that some people are really grasping at straws when it comes to taking down Romney over nonsensical issues. November is going to be a cold Month for you Lefties... Cold indeed.
What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.

How do you think he managed to pay NO taxes? He paid $6.2 million on the two returns he has made public. And, gave $7 million to charity that helped a lot of those in need.

Mormon charities.

YOU PEOPLE and your green eyed monster

then you turn around and vote for some of the richest people in congress

And of course the Obama's aren't exactly POOR FOLKS

cracks me up
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What Romney's returns will show is absolutely no wrongdoing. He has very good lawyers to prevent that sort of thing. However, as legal as they will be, they will also show someone in the upper 1% of wealth making millions and paying no taxes at the very time that so many of his fellow citizens lost their jobs, homes, and health insurance.

How do you think he managed to pay NO taxes? He paid $6.2 million on the two returns he has made public. And, gave $7 million to charity that helped a lot of those in need.

Mormon charities.

So what, Moonbeam?
#youpeople, way fun read on Twitter.

She may be the first lady, Del. I think it's good to know about her Marie Antoinette mentality. She should sound off more often.

You already have Marie Antoinette in the White House. Only difference is Michelle/Marie's quote is:

Let them eat arugala:D


Michelle Obama and her two daughters took a ski trip to Aspen over President’s Day weekend in February. Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates and fights government corruption, announced that the vacation cost at least $83,182.99.According to Judicial Watch’s report:
The bill for the U.S. Secret Service, including accommodations at the Fasching Haus Deluxe condominium and the Inn at Aspen, totaled $48,950.38.
The cost for the flight, per official Department of Defense published hourly rates, was $22,583.70.
Food and miscellaneous on-flight items cost $235.44.Rental car costs totaled $6,442.23.
Keep in mind, regardless of the President, he (or a future she) will spend startling amounts of money in travel. But, for a President that can’t get unemployment down and has earned the title of the ‘Undisputed Debt King,’ news of lavish vacations will certainly serve to be a slap in American faces. Even if a Republican was in office, it would still be a slap in my face to see the Secret Service spending a mere $50,000 on shelter over a weekend.
The Romney's are the owners of this society, they own these idiot rightwing racist pig fucks and they are telling you that....

They are informing you that you will be allowed to know only what they want you to know, end of story


Let them eat arugala!


"all you people"

In the same thread you RWers are pleading and begging to stop "attacking" poor little Annie you resort to this shat?

It's no wonder why Americans view her as they do...


Only the parasitic class members like you view mrs Romney like that. Contributing Americans respect her. I know I am being a little hard on you, but affirmative action does not apply to all areas of your life.
Ann Romney has an offensive, condescending attitude that continues to insult, demean and reveals much of how the Romney’s feel about the rest of America.

Ann and Mitt, Patrician republicans – how unsurprising.

She has long ago admitted she never suffered for money, but she undergone serious illnesses, the great leveler.
The Obama campaign doesn't like anti-Ann messaging. They know that dissing her will hurt Obama.

Please, more Ann Romney threads.
#youpeople, way fun read on Twitter.

She may be the first lady, Del. I think it's good to know about her Marie Antoinette mentality. She should sound off more often.

You already have Marie Antoinette in the White House. Only difference is Michelle/Marie's quote is:

Let them eat arugala:D


Michelle Obama and her two daughters took a ski trip to Aspen over President’s Day weekend in February. Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates and fights government corruption, announced that the vacation cost at least $83,182.99.According to Judicial Watch’s report:
The bill for the U.S. Secret Service, including accommodations at the Fasching Haus Deluxe condominium and the Inn at Aspen, totaled $48,950.38.
The cost for the flight, per official Department of Defense published hourly rates, was $22,583.70.
Food and miscellaneous on-flight items cost $235.44.Rental car costs totaled $6,442.23.
Keep in mind, regardless of the President, he (or a future she) will spend startling amounts of money in travel. But, for a President that can’t get unemployment down and has earned the title of the ‘Undisputed Debt King,’ news of lavish vacations will certainly serve to be a slap in American faces. Even if a Republican was in office, it would still be a slap in my face to see the Secret Service spending a mere $50,000 on shelter over a weekend.

And the president and family should never go on vacation?

1789: The year that George Washington was elected the first President of the United States. Washington traveled through the burgeoning country to introduce himself to the citizens and stayed in so many inns and private residences during this goodwill tour that the term "George Washington Slept Here" entered the popular culture.

7: The number of months that President John Adams spent at his Massachusetts farm to care for his ailing wife in 1798. Due to his long sabbatical, critics accused Adams of abdicating the presidency.

1902: Theodore Roosevelt invents the "modern presidential vacation" by traveling to Oyster Bay, New York to relax. Setting a precedent, President Roosevelt brought essential staff members and support personnel with him. He also established direct lines of communication with Washington, D.C. to keep on top of his day-to-day responsibilities as well as emergencies.

3 Number of weeks that Teddy Roosevelt spent on a bear hunting trip in 1905. The Hotel Colorado served as President Roosevelt's base of operations during that vacation.

29.1: The average number of days that Bill Clinton was out of the country each year during his two terms as president.

61: The number of vacation days that President Obama has spent away from the White House thus far in his term.

487: The number of days that George W. Bush spent at Camp David, the presidential retreat, during his two terms as president.

$181,757: The estimated hourly cost of operating Air Force One. Based on this estimate, it cost $1,000,000 for the president to fly round trip to Hawaii in December 2010.

$1,474,200: The known cost to taxpayers for that same Hawaii vacation.

$251,000: The amount of police overtime accrued while President Obama was in Hawaii.

18: Number of support vehicles, including Secret Service agents and an ambulance that accompanied President Obama whenever he left his Hawaiian vacation home.

$7,500: The current daily rental of the cottage used by President Lincoln during his vacation retreats. During the Civil War years, Lincoln and his family lived in the cottage, which is located approximately 3 miles from downtown Washington, D.C.

$0: Estimated cost for President Obama and his family to rent the Lincoln Cottage. The caretakers have said they would be willing to waive the rental fee for the First Family.
well I'll be!
#youpeople, way fun read on Twitter.

She may be the first lady, Del. I think it's good to know about her Marie Antoinette mentality. She should sound off more often.

You already have Marie Antoinette in the White House. Only difference is Michelle/Marie's quote is:

Let them eat arugala:D


Michelle Obama and her two daughters took a ski trip to Aspen over President’s Day weekend in February. Judicial Watch, a public interest group that investigates and fights government corruption, announced that the vacation cost at least $83,182.99.According to Judicial Watch’s report:
The bill for the U.S. Secret Service, including accommodations at the Fasching Haus Deluxe condominium and the Inn at Aspen, totaled $48,950.38.
The cost for the flight, per official Department of Defense published hourly rates, was $22,583.70.
Food and miscellaneous on-flight items cost $235.44.Rental car costs totaled $6,442.23.
Keep in mind, regardless of the President, he (or a future she) will spend startling amounts of money in travel. But, for a President that can’t get unemployment down and has earned the title of the ‘Undisputed Debt King,’ news of lavish vacations will certainly serve to be a slap in American faces. Even if a Republican was in office, it would still be a slap in my face to see the Secret Service spending a mere $50,000 on shelter over a weekend.

Obama's daughter took a Spring Break trip with 12 of her best buds and 25 Secret Service agents to Oaxaca, Mexico, a place where U.S citizens are asked to beware of because of security concerns. But Michelle seemed to be okay with it, let them eat cake!
jesus, these rightwingers never tell the truth


I consider them traitorous scum...but that is me

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