Attempted Military Coup in Turkey

Erdogan was playing footsie with ISIS, covertly supporting them against the Kurds. Erdogan aids ISIS, ISIS turns around and attacks Turkey with an airport bombing. I think that was the last straw for the Turkish military.
Far as I know, ISIS never claimed responsibility for the airport bombing.

And ISIS usually claims about everything.

Most likely it was a CIA / Mossad operation that didn't follow thru with the false flag component for some odd reason. ..... :cool:
france close his embassy in turkey just 1 weeks ago in . why ?
Clever aren't we?
Dani...are you hoping Turkey will be less Sunni-ish?
be less isis-ish
secular regime is good for iran .
but turkey in civil war is very dangerous for iran security :(

It's great for driving oil prices up :)
but we cant go to antalya :mad: :D

best hotel .best free food and liquor for 1 week : just 400$
i had plan to go antalya this summer:mad:

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There is a Military Coup underway in Turkey to oust the psychopath Erdogan, military jets, gun fire, tanks etc.

At this time the information is still coming in, but the Chief of the Armed Forces has said the military is now in charge and has taken control of Turkey.

The first below link is a Live Feed.

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Turkey coup: military attempt to seize power from Erdogan as low flying jets and gunfire heard in Ankara and bridges across Bosphorus in Istanbul closed

Apparent attempted military coup ongoing in Turkey

What's Going on in Turkey?

I figured it would be couple more years before they finally tossed the vermin out, so it caught me by surprise to hear it this morning.

Oh well, like the saying goes, "First come the refugees, then come the armies." At least they didn't go through that ridiculous "Arab Spring" farce first. I think a lot of people welcome the Army taking over rather than letting the psycho turn the country over to assorted lunatic Mullahs. Maybe they will also shut down the oil smuggling that's keeping ISIS alive.
Last edited:
Clever aren't we?
Dani...are you hoping Turkey will be less Sunni-ish?
be less isis-ish
secular regime is good for iran .
but turkey in civil war is very dangerous for iran security :(

It's great for driving oil prices up :)
but we cant go to antalya :mad: :D

best hotel .best free food and liquor for 1 week : just 400$
i had plan to go antalya this summer:mad:

Try Crimea or Sochi [Russia] now.
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Crimea Photos - Featured Images of Crimea, Europe - TripAdvisor
12 photos that explain why Russia is so crazy about Crimea
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images of sochi - Google Search

I'd love to visit Russia
Erdogan was playing footsie with ISIS, covertly supporting them against the Kurds. Erdogan aids ISIS, ISIS turns around and attacks Turkey with an airport bombing. I think that was the last straw for the Turkish military.

So, while one should not support a coup against a democratic state, Erdogan's government is not really a democratic government, being it's widely understood the last elections were rigged. The best case here is that the military steps in and out quickly, like it has done in the past.

And everyone, give the conservatives some breathing space. Their masters haven't instructed them yet whether to blame Obama for it, or blame Obama for not doing it sooner. That's why their talking points are all over the place.

Obama was oblivious and caught off guard....typical for the clueless blunder. He's too busy worrying about men in dresses taking a whiz in the girl's restroom

What does Obama have to do with it you moron. I really getting tired of you racist pieces of shit.
What racist about girls bathrooms?
Ataturk - the Father of the Army, and the Father of the Nation, is smiling down from on-high...

Yep. He was a total POS, too, but it's not like they produce much variety over there in Islmao-Land in 'leadership' choices.
Traditionally in Turkey the military have been a secular force for good and opposed to the Islamists

This coup could be the result of the recent Islamist massacre in Ankara airport....also Erdogan is supposed to have been a secret ally of the Islamic State and the army now may wish to stop the rot. Well done army! :2up:

Lets hope this coup is successful and restore basic freedoms from Erdogan dictatorial rule!
france close his embassy in turkey just 1 weeks ago in . why ?
Clever aren't we?
Dani...are you hoping Turkey will be less Sunni-ish?
be less isis-ish
secular regime is good for iran .
but turkey in civil war is very dangerous for iran security :(

It's great for driving oil prices up :)
but we cant go to antalya :mad: :D

best hotel .best free food and liquor for 1 week : just 400$
i had plan to go antalya this summer:mad:


You should still go. It's a relatively low risk of a terror attack. I'd stay away from some of those African nations that have terrorist attacks pretty much daily.
Erdogan was playing footsie with ISIS, covertly supporting them against the Kurds. Erdogan aids ISIS, ISIS turns around and attacks Turkey with an airport bombing. I think that was the last straw for the Turkish military.

So, while one should not support a coup against a democratic state, Erdogan's government is not really a democratic government, being it's widely understood the last elections were rigged. The best case here is that the military steps in and out quickly, like it has done in the past.

And everyone, give the conservatives some breathing space. Their masters haven't instructed them yet whether to blame Obama for it, or blame Obama for not doing it sooner. That's why their talking points are all over the place.

Obama was oblivious and caught off guard....typical for the clueless blunder. He's too busy worrying about men in dresses taking a whiz in the girl's restroom

What does Obama have to do with it you moron. I really getting tired of you racist pieces of shit.

The post I responded to referenced Obama? You stupid fucking twit.
Report: Police killed in attack on special forces HQ
Posted at07:14

The state-run Anadolu news agency reports that 17 police officers have been killed in an aerial attack on the Golbasi special operations department in Ankara.
The exiled leader is urging the people to take to the streets in protest.....but with guns and shit all over the place who is that brave.......Again the world is looking at the US to solve this mf problem, while China, the Saudis and the rest of the planet, count their coins and go with business as usual. Its time the US leave the muslim countries to their own demise, if their people don't give a shit and want to flee, than gotdamit why must we give a fuck>>>>>

Myopic moron.
Military faction 'struggling to take over streets' - government official
Posted at06:53

A senior Turkish government official tells the Reuters news agency that a faction of the military was attempting to seize power. It had control of some tanks and had ordered troops to try to take over the streets, but had been unable to do so in many areas, the official said.

Insecurity was likely to continue for the next 24 hours, the official added.
Ataturk was a great man, the father of the country. Hopefully, the military will take Turkey back to secularism and suppress the Islamization of Turkey.
Turkey's state agency Anadolu reports that the army's jets are flying over the capital Ankara to "neutralise" helicopters being used by those behind the coup.

Anadolu names the group "Feto", which is what Turkey's government calls the Hizment movement run by the cleric Fetullah Gulen.

You can read more on Gulen here.



Army fighter jets flying over Ankara to neutralize helicopters used by terrorist group FETO in coup attempt: sources

11:09 p.m. - 15 July 2016
Our report from 00:19BST suggests that a helicopter may well already have been shot down over Ankara.
Traditionally in Turkey the military have been a secular force for good and opposed to the Islamists

Well, I wouldn't go as far as believing they are a force for 'good', but certainly they are relative to Erdogan and the Islamo-Nazis.
Ataturk was a great man, the father of the country. Hopefully, the military will take Turkey back to secularism and suppress the Islamization of Turkey.

Lol ... sure he was ... Either you don't know how he 'secularized' Turkey, or you do know and you're vermin yourself.
Dani...are you hoping Turkey will be less Sunni-ish?
be less isis-ish
secular regime is good for iran .
but turkey in civil war is very dangerous for iran security :(

It's great for driving oil prices up :)
but we cant go to antalya :mad: :D

best hotel .best free food and liquor for 1 week : just 400$
i had plan to go antalya this summer:mad:

Try Crimea or Sochi [Russia] now.
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Crimea Photos - Featured Images of Crimea, Europe - TripAdvisor
12 photos that explain why Russia is so crazy about Crimea
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images of sochi - Google Search

I'd love to visit Russia
advise you to think twice before visiting Crimea)) Maybe in 10 years there will be competetive place to rest.

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