Attn Republicans! I will vote to discriminate against gays if...

So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:
God tells you LIBTARDS all day long what you should do and you deny don't try your bullshit on this subject.
A perfect storm of womanly leftist hysteria, legal ignorance, and clueless self righteousness all wrapped up in one.

Will he? When should I be expecting that to happen?

Why don't you ask him, I seriously doubt you done that in many decades, they say prayer reduces the chance of suicide and helps you to live longer.
I'll pray for people like you who in this time of worldwide religious warfare and struggling economies, want to focus on preventing the happiness of gay people. Who, btw, you'd never even have a problem baking them a cake or anything else if they didn't tell you they were gay. :cool:

You really don't get it, I'm not a pathetically small, closed minded person like you. I just don't believe that anyone has the right to force their lifestyle, religion, non religion, or anything on anyone else. If you look at a large percentage of post from the left, the only thing that fuels your life is hate. Of course you try to project that on every one who doesn't share your hate, but that doesn't change the facts. You think you need to be upset about something in order to justify your life, relax, life is too short as it is.
Your completely wrong. Gay people are not 'forcing their lifestyle' on you. In fact they'd probably prefer if you ignored them. But here we are today with states passing laws that allow discrimination against the gay people you are so against. You want to see gay people and their supporters stop being upset? Stop demonizing them and literally passing legislation to discriminate against them. :cool:

Wrong again there bub, I don't support an atheist being forced to provide support to a Baptist activity any more than I'd support gays forcing a Christian to provide support to a gay activity. Should we require a Muslim caterer to provide pulled pork to anyone, I don't think so, why do you?
It's funny that you guys love to talk about slippery slopes when it comes to gay marriage but not about these despicable laws. In the 60's people were saying the SAME THINGS about black people.

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

Judge Leon M. Bazile, January 6, 1959
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:
God tells you LIBTARDS all day long what you should do and you deny don't try your bullshit on this subject.
Really? I must not be getting the daily memos. :cool:
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:

Here is what you can expect RIGHT NOW:

The same people shitting themselves over a religious opinion that marriage should be between a man and woman, are the same people appeasing and bowing before religions and nation states that believe homosexuality is punishable by death.
Oh yeah? Want to talk to us about the Bush family and Fox News' relationship to Saudi Arabia? Or how Ronald Reagan compared the Taliban to the founding fathers?

The people who are angry about discrimination against gays in America are the ones doing their best to prevent a catastrophic war you creep. Go ask any Democrat what they think of the horrific barbarism that happens in these countries where religion has complete control over everything. They all HATE it. And it's you _cunt conservatives making jokes here everyday about throwing gays off of buildings. Do some soul searching you chump.

No need to do research. You just made the argument for Democrats to stop appeasing what you deemed as horrific barbarism. I agree with you. You are the one that opened the thread to try an make this all about Republicans. Hate Republicans all you want but get your own house cleaned, first.
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:

Here is what you can expect RIGHT NOW:

The same people shitting themselves over a religious opinion that marriage should be between a man and woman, are the same people appeasing and bowing before religions and nation states that believe homosexuality is punishable by death.
Oh yeah? Want to talk to us about the Bush family and Fox News' relationship to Saudi Arabia? Or how Ronald Reagan compared the Taliban to the founding fathers?

The people who are angry about discrimination against gays in America are the ones doing their best to prevent a catastrophic war you creep. Go ask any Democrat what they think of the horrific barbarism that happens in these countries where religion has complete control over everything. They all HATE it. And it's you _cunt conservatives making jokes here everyday about throwing gays off of buildings. Do some soul searching you chump.

No need to do research. You just made the argument for Democrats to stop appeasing what you deemed as horrific barbarism. I agree with you. You are the one that opened the thread to try an make this all about Republicans. Hate Republicans all you want but get your own house cleaned, first.
Yeah that's what we're trying to do with America moron. Ironically you support legislation that makes us slightly more like those countries you hate. How amusing.
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:
God tells you LIBTARDS all day long what you should do and you deny don't try your bullshit on this subject.
Really? I must not be getting the daily memos. :cool:
The memos have been available for 2000 years...progs threw them in the garbage starting in the 60s...when they discovered they knew better.
I have just been given a vision fom Jesus to TH3 GAYZ!

Looks like a gay man about to perform a much asked for prostate exam.
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:
Yep, you are an idiot. The law just says that businesses have the right to do business with whom they want. You idiot libtards are lying, as usual.
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:
God tells you LIBTARDS all day long what you should do and you deny don't try your bullshit on this subject.
Really? I must not be getting the daily memos. :cool:
The memos have been available for 2000 years...progs threw them in the garbage starting in the 60s...when they discovered they knew better.
When we gave them damn n*ggers their rights?

In the words of a famous republicunt, "go fuck yourself" deltex.
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:
Yep, you are an idiot. The law just says that businesses have the right to do business with whom they want. You idiot libtards are lying, as usual.
Cool. I can't wait for the first lawsuit.
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:
Yep, you are an idiot. The law just says that businesses have the right to do business with whom they want. You idiot libtards are lying, as usual.

Oh, C_Clayton_Jones - could you do the honors, please...?
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:
Yep, you are an idiot. The law just says that businesses have the right to do business with whom they want. You idiot libtards are lying, as usual.

Pence said the law doesn't allow discrimination but then had to change to say it doesn't allow discrimination.

So, was he lying before? Or is he lying now?

(Hint: BOTH!)

So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:

How about something more simple. Instead of the left wishing to force their beliefs on everyone we let people live in their own little world. Denying to make a cake for a ceremony that one does not agree with hurts no one other then their feelings, maybe. Denying housing, I can see how that hurts someone, maybe. Denying making a cake, no way.

So why not let those who want to live in their little worlds the freedom to do so? Why MUST everyone conform to the ideology of the left? I don't like liver, maybe you do, are you going to force me to eat liver because you say it is good for me? A baker thinks GAY MARRIAGE is something he wishes not to show support, you see a problem with that. So by what power do you get to force your will upon the baker?

And if God came tomorrow I seriously doubt you would recognize Him.
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:
God tells you LIBTARDS all day long what you should do and you deny don't try your bullshit on this subject.
Really? I must not be getting the daily memos. :cool:
The memos have been available for 2000 years...progs threw them in the garbage starting in the 60s...when they discovered they knew better.
When we gave them damn n*ggers their rights?

In the words of a famous republicunt, "go fuck yourself" deltex.
What has you done with yo rights, niggah? Just what you would do if God appeared to you now...and dat be nuffin. GFY, old fool.
Why don't you ask him, I seriously doubt you done that in many decades, they say prayer reduces the chance of suicide and helps you to live longer.
I'll pray for people like you who in this time of worldwide religious warfare and struggling economies, want to focus on preventing the happiness of gay people. Who, btw, you'd never even have a problem baking them a cake or anything else if they didn't tell you they were gay. :cool:

You really don't get it, I'm not a pathetically small, closed minded person like you. I just don't believe that anyone has the right to force their lifestyle, religion, non religion, or anything on anyone else. If you look at a large percentage of post from the left, the only thing that fuels your life is hate. Of course you try to project that on every one who doesn't share your hate, but that doesn't change the facts. You think you need to be upset about something in order to justify your life, relax, life is too short as it is.
Your completely wrong. Gay people are not 'forcing their lifestyle' on you. In fact they'd probably prefer if you ignored them. But here we are today with states passing laws that allow discrimination against the gay people you are so against. You want to see gay people and their supporters stop being upset? Stop demonizing them and literally passing legislation to discriminate against them. :cool:

Wrong again there bub, I don't support an atheist being forced to provide support to a Baptist activity any more than I'd support gays forcing a Christian to provide support to a gay activity. Should we require a Muslim caterer to provide pulled pork to anyone, I don't think so, why do you?
It's funny that you guys love to talk about slippery slopes when it comes to gay marriage but not about these despicable laws. In the 60's people were saying the SAME THINGS about black people.

“Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix.”

Judge Leon M. Bazile, January 6, 1959

Deflection noted, why didn't you answer my question? I really shouldn't respond if you refuse to.

So you pull up some obscure quote from an obvious idiot who lacked the ability to know that the same God that created man also gave him the intellect to develop intercontinental travel. Which in the grand scheme of things has absolutely nothing to do with the freedom of association.
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:

You must be a pathetically small, closed minded person. With any luck God will speak to you with a bolt of lightening right through your little pea brain. You might want to avoid being outdoors during thunder storms.

Really? Two people thought this was a funny post! Mother-fucker! The humor bar is set low up in this bitch.
So obviously there have been many arguments about the new law in Indiana. I've seen a couple of these arguments through to the end and what it comes down to is that one side thinks that gay people deserve to be accepted, and the other side will NEVER accept them because of their religious beliefs.

So to finish my statement in the title of the thread:

I will vote to discriminate against gays if GOD HIMSELF descends from the heavens tomorrow and tells me to! And probably most other people who think like me will do the same! I will demand they go to gay conversion therapy! I'll vote to take their kids away! I'll vote to ban gay marriage! And to ban all gay activities in America! I'll even go to war to stop gays! I will take all the energy I've ever used supporting the right of gay people to be happy and turn it into an all out assault on all things gay! I'll be more anti-gay than you could ever HOPE to be!!! And I'll beg forgiveness for being so wrong!

IF... God tells me to. Tomorrow. Or whenever.

So can I expect that to happen anytime soon? :eusa_think:

You must be a pathetically small, closed minded person. With any luck God will speak to you with a bolt of lightening right through your little pea brain. You might want to avoid being outdoors during thunder storms.
Will he? When should I be expecting that to happen?

Why don't you ask him, I seriously doubt you done that in many decades, they say prayer reduces the chance of suicide and helps you to live longer.
"they say"

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