Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe

It is an excuse. That’s exactly what it fucking is. You calling it the truth doesn’t change that fact.

You have absolutely no room to talk when you’re parroting the same exact fucking line that the rest of you people are whining about.

Bottom line: there’s nothing that can be done to prevent you crybabies from whining that the deck is stacked against you when you lose. Every time you lose an election, it’s because it was stolen. Every time you don’t get a court ruling you want, it’s because the system is rigged. You crybabies come up with excuses before you even lose.
Irony from the crowd who claims the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections were stolen, and want to pack the Supreme Court because of rulings you don't like.
Irony from the crowd who claims the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections were stolen, and want to pack the Supreme Court because of rulings you don't like.
I didn’t say that any of those elections were stolen. I’ve stated that we’re a nation of sore loser crybabies.

The left did it in 2016. You guys have been doing it since 2020.

Try harder, simp.
It is an excuse. That’s exactly what it fucking is. You calling it the truth doesn’t change that fact.

You have absolutely no room to talk when you’re parroting the same exact fucking line that the rest of you people are whining about.

Bottom line: there’s nothing that can be done to prevent you crybabies from whining that the deck is stacked against you when you lose. Every time you lose an election, it’s because it was stolen. Every time you don’t get a court ruling you want, it’s because the system is rigged. You crybabies come up with excuses before you even lose.
I've given you an example as why there is the potential for the sham. You gloss over the plea deal he struck
up with the defense. JUST LIKE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
It's okay, I've said you're a good minion. Just spin the yarn, it's what you and your ilk always do.
I've given you an example as why there is the potential for the sham. You gloss over the plea deal he struck
up with the defense. JUST LIKE IT DIDN'T HAPPEN.
It's okay, I've said you're a good minion. Just spin the yarn, it's what you and your ilk always do.
The only thing you’ve shown is that you’re going to whine this EXCUSE if you don’t get the result you want. Confirming exactly what I fucking said. There’s nothing that can be done for you crybabies to admit to reject what you’ve been spoon-fed to belief.

It’s not a coincidence that you sheep are whining the exact same thing at the exact same time. Baaahhhhh
The only thing you’ve shown is that you’re going to whine this EXCUSE if you don’t get the result you want. Confirming exactly what I fucking said.

It’s not a coincidence that you sheep are whining the exact same thing at the exact same time. Baaahhhhh
If you want to call the actual truth as an excuse....go ahead. Call if a tomato if you like.
Truth seems to kick your ass into next Tuesday.
If you want to call the actual truth as an excuse....go ahead. Call if a tomato if you like.
Truth seems to kick your ass into next Tuesday.
It’s an excuse. You calling it the “truth” doesn’t change that. You can call it a tomato if you like. It’s still an excuse.

The “truth” is what your master overlords tell you sheep to think. Baaaahhhh
You MAGA buffoons.

As long as the charges were in Delaware's jurisdiction, the prosecutor's powers were fine. But when it became obvious that DC and California were places of concern, his jurisdiction stopped.

So appointing him as a Special Prosecutor gives him more power and authority to chase Hunter.

Do you understand now?
You MAGA buffoons.

As long as the charges were in Delaware's jurisdiction, the prosecutor's powers were fine. But when it became obvious that DC and California were places of concern, his jurisdiction stopped.

So appointing him as a Special Prosecutor gives him more power and authority to chase Hunter.

Do you understand now?
That's funny, you have no clue and you call us buffoons. :laugh:
You MAGA buffoons.

As long as the charges were in Delaware's jurisdiction, the prosecutor's powers were fine. But when it became obvious that DC and California were places of concern, his jurisdiction stopped.

So appointing him as a Special Prosecutor gives him more power and authority to chase Hunter.

Do you understand now?
They just want an excuse ready for their failures. It’s always an elaborate conspiracy theory with them.

Personally, I’m open to the possibility of the special prosecutor uncovering evidence of what they claim. If it is found, then let’s see it.

But not them. Regardless of what is found or not found, they “know” that what Gateway Pundit tells them is true. If that is presented, great. If that’s not presented, then it’s because of the deep state conspiring against them.
We are experiencing the total collapse of the rule of law in the US. It has being going on for awhile now but really started to gain steam with the thievery of the 2020 Presidential election. Getting worse every day.
The 2024 election could be the point of no return for the country. We can't have 8 straight years of Democrat Regime rule, corruption of our justice system, demolishing law enforcement and our border controlled by the Drug Cartels.
They just want an excuse ready for their failures. It’s always an elaborate conspiracy theory with them.

Personally, I’m open to the possibility of the special prosecutor uncovering evidence of what they claim. If it is found, then let’s see it.

But not them. Regardless of what is found or not found, they “know” that what Gateway Pundit tells them is true. If that is presented, great. If that’s not presented, then it’s because of the deep state conspiring against them.
The orange MAGA are weenies, nothing more. They get what they want, and then they don't want it. It's like they are affected (infected?) by a group schizophrenia. They are infected with the same set of delusions.
You MAGA buffoons.

As long as the charges were in Delaware's jurisdiction, the prosecutor's powers were fine. But when it became obvious that DC and California were places of concern, his jurisdiction stopped.

So appointing him as a Special Prosecutor gives him more power and authority to chase Hunter.

Do you understand now?
So Garland and Weiss both lied when they claimed he had the power to charge anywhere in the country.
The 2024 election could be the point of no return for the country. We can't have 8 straight years of Democrat Regime rule, corruption of our justice system, demolishing law enforcement and our border controlled by the Drug Cartels.
Unfortunately I think the Democrats stealing the 2020 Presidential election was the point of no return.

I use to think electing that dipshit Obama was pretty much it but Trump turned things around and put on the right path. Of course Biden's Chinese buddies put an end to that and set things up for the Pandemic to be used to create fraudulent ballots. Now it is institutionalized. They used the same dishonesty in several of the states in the 2022 mid term.

I am just as guilty as anybody else but the thing that is killing us is that we are not fighting back against the Leftest destruction. Our country has been turned into a Banana Republic and Americans seem to be more interested in in laughing at the Masked Singer or whatever than fight to restore the Constitution.

Republican leaders are weak and don't have the courage to do the right thing. Worthless a tits on a boar. They let the goddamn Democrats get away with everything.

The US is too far gone to be fixed at the ballot box. We are fucked. We are turning into a Socialist shithole and I don't think there is any turning back now.

The penality for being weak. In 2020 we should have stormed DC and tarred and feathered everybody that had a hand in stealing the election or let it hapoppen. That is what our Founding Fthers wanted us to do. Instead we let them get away with it. Weak men deserve to be slaves.
The penality for being weak. In 2020 we should have stormed DC and tarred and feathered everybody that had a hand in stealing the election or let it hapoppen. That is what our Founding Fthers wanted us to do. Instead we let them get away with it. Weak men deserve to be slaves.
So why didn’t you?
So why didn’t you?

Because I am weak. I take responsibility for that. That weakness I have combined with the weakness of tens of millions of other Americans is what let the Democrat scum get away with destroying our country.

I was born in the greatest country on earth but I will die in a shithole. My grandkids will look back one day and wonder why we let it happen and me and the rest of America will deserve their scorn but it will too late.

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