Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe

David Wess appointed special counsel to head Hunter Biden Probe. Nominated by Trump in 2017. This works for me. If there is a there there then go for it.

Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe​

The Democrats want him out--so Old Joe can exit stage Left now

Wah wah, sad trombone
are you saying trump did something right??

doesnt matter after he tried to sneak immunity into a bullshit plea deal,,
You mean an immunity deal that they now can't agree on? How does that work? "Hey, remember the immunity deal I tried to sneak in here on your behalf? Well, the judge found out I gave you this deal so now I won't give you that deal put everything else on the table and take you to court. See you later." There is nothing preventing them from reaching a deal if Weiss indeed wanted to "sneak immunity in." The lawyers simply don't agree to plead guilty on the parameters as they are now set so they are going to court.

But of course, it's much easier to simply assert bias no matter how non-sensical.

Let me do some very specific predictions. Chances are Hunter will be found guilty. More than likely the judge will sentence some form of probationary sentence. Paying taxes late and checking a box on a form corruptly aren't exactly capitol offences and Hunter would be a first-time offender.

This will cause the right-wing talking heads from which the good right-wing people here get their talking points, to claim this judge gave the minimum sentence, or say something like, "the punishment for these offences is x-amount of years and this judge simply gave probation." Failing of course to mention it is the maximum possible sentence.

After which the people on this board will immediately claim amnesia of the fact that this same judge torpedoed the original plea agreement causing the existence of the trial in the first place and cry. The judge is in the bag for Biden.

Who wants to give me odds?
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Okie dokie!
No. It’s not ok. Except for overtly and unduly left wing Democrap partisans.

By the way, the Speaker just said as much, too. He is right.

You mean an immunity deal that they now can't agree on? How does that work? "Hey, remember the immunity deal I tried to sneak in here on your behalf? Well, the judge found out I gave you this deal so now I won't give you that deal put everything else on the table and take you to court. See you later." There is nothing preventing them from reaching a deal if Weiss indeed wanted to "sneak immunity in." The lawyers simply don't agree to plead guilty on the parameters as they are now set so they are going to court.

But of course, it's much easier to simply assert bias no matter how non-sensical.

Let me do some very specific predictions. Chances are Hunter will be found guilty. More than likely the judge will sentence some form of probationary sentence. Paying taxes late and checking a box on a form corruptly aren't exactly capitol offences and Hunter would be a first-time offender.

This will cause the right-wing talking heads from which the good people right-wing people here get their talking points, to claim this judge gave the minimum sentence, or say something like the punishment for these offences is x-amount of years and this judge simply gave probation. Failing of course to mention it is the maximum possible sentence.

After which the people on this board will immediately claim amnesia of the fact that this same judge torpedoed the original plea agreement causing the existence of the trial in the first place and cry. The judge is in the bag for Biden.

Who wants to give me odds?
guilty of what??
Well I guess that would relieve republicans from investigating the "Biden FAMILY" and embarrassing themselves any more.

Looking for dirt on Joe Biden but could not find any.

So now get a special counsel who knows how to investigate and what laws that he can charge Hunter Biden. Yeah he is a druggie and likes to flash himself. yeah he didn't pay his taxes. Probably behind on his child support.

You know if Hunter Biden needs to be investigated, there are other people who were his partner that should be investigated.

Who gives Hunter more money for the big guy who is not a partner. There is no contract. Hunter must have been happy. These are the kind of people doing business.

Mo drugs, Mo woman,
I love our chances. There are many things that haven't happened yet, some none of us can predict.


God hates liars. He hates subterfuge. And the Bidens are nothing but from the jump.

Reaping and sowing. I'm ready.
All a big smokescreen to justify false charges and judicial harassment of President Trump.

Now the mealy mouthed criminal busterds will say....."we treat all equally".

BS. ANTIFA BLM DEMS all running free from decades of massive crime but J6 trespassers doing years. In a just world....there will be hell to pay for these SocialistCommunistDems.
guilty of what??
The immunity deal was originally for a guilty plea for tax-evasion and a deferred sentence on filling in a gun registration form wrongly. The Hunter lawyers understood the deal to also include immunity for other possible offences the prosecutor might uncover. The prosecution didn't agree that that was the case. Which leads us to this point.
Doesn’t look good

Hunter Biden could be impeached over this
Or, his dad could since his dad is the President bathed, now, in a stench of corruption. Better yet, the congressional investigation continues.
Why not just appoint Hunted Biden? He's some kind of lawyer, isn't he?

It's econmical - you'll save the $5 million Weiss will want to make this disappear.

decency 3.jpg
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Garland is the Jewish Goebbels of our time

You literally have a massive crime epidemic against Asians and whites and not a word
All to run out the clock. We can't comment on that "part of the investigation". Even if guilty of Tax fraud evasion....nothing will happen. String it out until nobody cares or Sniffy dies..then the sympathy play. Round up and destroy all the real evidence. Private citizen Hunter is guilty of ?????? what most of DC is guilty of?

Again, the big guy taking bribes for GOVT favors is the big issue here.

Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe​

So lessee: The democrat AG who has been PROTECTING Hunter Biden has now picked and appointed a lawyer to investigate and clear him of all charges before the GOP could get around to appointing their own who might actually prosecute him?

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