Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe

Somebody start the egg timer as to the "bombshell", "newly discovered", "whistleblower" stories in the Gateway Pundshit about how the counsel is the most crooked man to ever investigate anyone...ever!!!
Somebody start the egg timer as to the next immunity deal offered to Jr. In the Biden Crime Family Syndicate.
Why do they need a "special counsel" for a private citizen? The whole thing stinks. Either there are crimes or there is not. They have armies of prosecutors in place already.
Excellent point!

That appears to be from the Code of Federal regulations. I wonder how Garland got around that provision here?
No. I meant HIS special counsel days.

He is toing the Party line of the Democraps. You do know he works in a Democrap Administration, right?
Yes, I do know he works in a Democratic administration (I know spelling is hard. Maybe you should try second grade again?). Just like loads of registered Republicans work in Democratic administrations. Just like loads of Democrats work in Republican administrations. They call them career officials.

I still don't see why that would automatically mean they would toe the line of the administration they just happen to find themselves in. The evidence as we have now doesn't support your conclusions. In fact, they speak against them.

I can't force you to apply logic on your beliefs. I can't force good spelling or refraining from childish wordplays on you. I do have to say. The lack of these things does tell me something about the strength of your arguments.
Interesting that it’s the same person that tried to give Hunter the sweet heart plea deal that the judge blew up.

I think it is the same one that has let the statute of limitations lapse. Only difference is he has an official title now. Radio said plan is to let the rest of the charges lapse so Hunter does not even have to accept a plea agreement. And they like this better as it is 'no comment...under investigation.'

...until time runs out!
Biden just today defied the USSC so requirement for “outside government special counsel” will simply be ignored.
Yes, I do know he works in a Democratic administration (I know spelling is hard. Maybe you should try second grade again?).
I did misspell. I meant the Democrap Parody. My bad.
Yes, I do know he works in a Democratic administration (I know spelling is hard. Maybe you should try second grade again?). Just like loads of registered Republicans work in Democratic administrations. Just like loads of Democrats work in Republican administrations. They call them career officials.

I still don't see why that would automatically mean they would toe the line of the administration they just happen to find themselves in. The evidence as we have now doesn't support your conclusions. In fact, they speak against them.

I can't force you to apply logic on your beliefs. I can't force good spelling or refraining from childish wordplays on you. I do have to say. The lack of these things does tell me something about the strength of your arguments.
Aside from your petty concerns about spelling or wordplay, you are the one who fails to make use of logic.

I don’t care what you “still don’t see.” I learned long ago, fuckup, that you can lead a jackass to water but you cannot make it think. Or drink.
Yes, I do know he works in a Democratic administration (I know spelling is hard. Maybe you should try second grade again?). Just like loads of registered Republicans work in Democratic administrations. Just like loads of Democrats work in Republican administrations. They call them career officials.

I still don't see why that would automatically mean they would toe the line of the administration they just happen to find themselves in. The evidence as we have now doesn't support your conclusions. In fact, they speak against them.

I can't force you to apply logic on your beliefs. I can't force good spelling or refraining from childish wordplays on you. I do have to say. The lack of these things does tell me something about the strength of your arguments.
He was willing to sign off on that debacle of a plea deal for Hunter. That is very telling on which way he leans.
Good Lord, that plea deal was so loosely worded that Hunter would have had immunity on crimes he had yet to commit. :rolleyes-41:
David Wess appointed special counsel to head Hunter Biden Probe. Nominated by Trump in 2017. This works for me. If there is a there there then go for it.

Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe​

Of course it works for you. Appoint a stooge who is already compromised and clearly in the Bidens pocket to be "Special Counsel". I said all along Joe Biden will be protected by HIS Department of Justice and head stooge Merrick Garland.
The guy was appointed by Trump. Enough goofy victim-based paranoid conspiracy theories, please. They're boring.
Nope, you are confused.

This guy was temporarily put in position before Obama left office. Trump just kept him in the position like he did with most of the other appointees. It's hard to believe if Weiss wasn't a Biden team member he would have been fired when the Biden admin came in like most other Trump US Attorney appointments.
David Wess appointed special counsel to head Hunter Biden Probe. Nominated by Trump in 2017. This works for me. If there is a there there then go for it.

Attorney General Garland appoints a special counsel in Hunter Biden probe​

Of course it works for you, Simp.

Special Counsels are supposed to be from OUTSIDE the Government so they are independent. Merritless Gestapoland appointed the same clown who works for him that slow rolled the investigation so that the statute of limitations on Crackheaed's biggest tax crimes in 2014 and 2015 ran out. The guy who tried to slip an unprecedented sweetheart deal by the courts that would give Crackhead immunity from any other crimes he committed.

This is Gestapoland at his finest: Subverting the legal system to cover for the Biden Crime family.

Now everyone can just say "NO comment, there is a special counsel investigating".. Meanwhile, the hack Weiss does nothing.

What a racket.
The guy was appointed by Trump. Enough goofy victim-based paranoid conspiracy theories, please. They're boring.
He stupid, the two Demwinger Senators from Delaware recommended him. That's the same as a "blue slip" for judges. Presidents typically just rubber stamp them.

Are you ever not a dumbass hack? Ever?
Isn’t a special counsel usually someone brought in from outside the DOJ so there can not be conflict of interest and they can’t be pressured from within the DOJ. Giving Weiss the guy who tried to give Hunter the sweetheart deal a new title does not give the impression of impartiality or that there will be any serious investigation.
Yep. Special Counsels are supposed to come from outside the government, not a DOJ employee beholding to Merritless Gestapoland. Especially one who has demonstrated he is actively trying to sweep all of the Biden crimes under the rug.

This is a farce.
All a big smokescreen to justify false charges and judicial harassment of President Trump.

Now the mealy mouthed criminal busterds will say....."we treat all equally".

BS. ANTIFA BLM DEMS all running free from decades of massive crime but J6 trespassers doing years. In a just world....there will be hell to pay for these SocialistCommunistDems.
Over 10k people were arrested in association with riots, their punishment fit the crime.

Fortunately for them none committed seditious conspiracy against the United States.

Antifa/BLM may have been stupid in those crimes but at least they weren't traitors.

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