Attorney says Trump team should NOT ask jury to bring charges down to misdemeanor

1. Why wouldn't the judge allow Shiller to be asked if he handed the phone to Trump?
2. Why wasn't Alan Weisselburg called as a witness?
3. Why wouldn't the judge allow Trump's expert witness on Federal Election law to testify?

There are (3) missing witnesses that should be mentioned in instructions to the jury.

Also, since Cohen lied to the jury, the judge needs to advise them that they can disregard his entire testimony.

This case should never even be handed to the jury, the state did not prove their case. It should be a "directed verdict" of not guilty.
I didn't buy that Cohen committed a felony in paying off the hooker and the nekkid model, but they nailed him on tax fraud too (and they had him by the balls on that) so he copped a plea and got 36 mos ... and no pardon. (Trump may rue that today, lol)

But even if he's convicted of Trumped up charges (imo) it's just helping him raise money
1. Why wouldn't the judge allow Shiller to be asked if he handed the phone to Trump?
2. Why wasn't Alan Weisselburg called as a witness?
3. Why wouldn't the judge allow Trump's expert witness on Federal Election law to testify?

There are (3) missing witnesses that should be mentioned in instructions to the jury.

Also, since Cohen lied to the jury, the judge needs to advise them that they can disregard his entire testimony.

This case should never even be handed to the jury, the state did not prove their case. It should be a "directed verdict" of not guilty.
I'm not a fan of the charges, but the expert witness thing is an easy question. Expert witnesses don't testify in criminal trials that the def in innocent. And the state doesn't have to prove Trump violated election laws, only that he attempted to do so with the payoffs.

The whole thing's bs. But Trump would be doing the same if he was potus. Lock her up. What goes around comes around in politics. I'm not looking forward to Trump's second term.
I'm not a fan of the charges, but the expert witness thing is an easy question. Expert witnesses don't testify in criminal trials that the def in innocent. And the state doesn't have to prove Trump violated election laws, only that he attempted to do so with the payoffs.
It wasn’t a payoff. And it’s kind of absurd to maintain that he attempted to commit a crime which isn’t a crime.

Logic ain’t your strong suit.
The whole thing's bs.
That’s true.
But Trump would be doing the same if he was potus.
No evidence of that.
Lock her up.
Zzz. Hyperbole. Not acted upon.
What goes around comes around in politics. I'm not looking forward to Trump's second term.
I am.
attempt to commit a crime is not only a crime, but generally the punishment is the same as for a completed crime.

I'd prefer an election between two people who are not retirement age.
The defense will close it's questioning of witnesses tomorrow most likely. Of course trump did not take the stand as he promised. No surprise there. So we should have a verdict probably this week.
why was he even thinking of it?

It is almost ALWAYS bad for the defendant to take the stand. "Everything [they] say, can and WILL be used against [them]"--especially if "they" is Trump et al
attempt to commit a crime is not only a crime, but generally the punishment is the same as for a completed crime.

I'd prefer an election between two people who are not retirement age.
so who asked what you prefer?

I rather like the way things look. OUr guy is ahead... Our guy manages to get more than 5 people to a rally..

I'm good w/ it

1. Why wouldn't the judge allow Shiller to be asked if he handed the phone to Trump?
2. Why wasn't Alan Weisselburg called as a witness?
3. Why wouldn't the judge allow Trump's expert witness on Federal Election law to testify?

There are (3) missing witnesses that should be mentioned in instructions to the jury.

Also, since Cohen lied to the jury, the judge needs to advise them that they can disregard his entire testimony.

This case should never even be handed to the jury, the state did not prove their case. It should be a "directed verdict" of not guilty.
None of them are trustworthy and don’t have Cohen’s documentation to back them up. Usually when Trump and his team say the judge didn’t allow something, it really means they don’t want to do it, but can’t admit it!
Laughing at the truth doesn’t make it go away, Konnie.
It's Alinsky BS

you know.. Ridicule the opposition and the opposition will back down.. I don't see too many Rs backing down.. It's just a stupid, vacuous lib tactic that I myself ignore
How do the documents lie?
How do you know what the documents say is current without calling Weisselburg?
His notes may be based on Cohen not Trump?

There is no dot connecting Trump to the bookkeeping misdemeanors. That was all Cohen.
There is also no dot connecting Trump to some other super-secret crime. There is no other crime.
attempt to commit a crime is not only a crime, but generally the punishment is the same as for a completed crime
Nope. An attempt to commit a crime in NY is, by law, almost always a lower degree.

Your pitiful ignorance is showing.
I'd prefer an election between two people who are not retirement age.
Nobody cares what you’d prefer.
WHAT CRIME? The fucking judge won't say.
I said that I'm not a fan of the prosecution. Although, the gop and Trump play the same game.

The "crime" is an attempt to influence the election via an illegal campaign contribution. There's no doubt or issue that Cohen made an illegal contribution to Trump's campaign in using his own money to pay off the porn star and naked model. Cohen copped a plea. That cannot be relitigated.

I assume (although I haven't seen the jury instructions, and I don't think they've been given) the jury will have to decide whether Trump attempted to influence the election via Cohen. If that's the "case" (lol) the jury has documentary evidence as well as Cohen's "word."

BUT AGAIN, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Trump is still running for potus, and his followers are paying hls legal fees. Trump gets free press (no criticism) and he'll have enough cash for commercials in the fall
I said that I'm not a fan of the prosecution. Although, the gop and Trump play the same game.

The "crime" is an attempt to influence the election via an illegal campaign contribution. There's no doubt or issue that Cohen made an illegal contribution to Trump's campaign in using his own money to pay off the porn star and naked model. Cohen copped a plea. That cannot be relitigated.

I assume (although I haven't seen the jury instructions, and I don't think they've been given) the jury will have to decide whether Trump attempted to influence the election via Cohen. If that's the "case" (lol) the jury has documentary evidence as well as Cohen's "word."

BUT AGAIN, IT DOESN'T MATTER. Trump is still running for potus, and his followers are paying hls legal fees. Trump gets free press (no criticism) and he'll have enough cash for commercials in the fall
1. The "crime" says that NDAs are illegal. I think that is total bullshit. NDAs are ALWAYS legal.
The "real crime" is that Trump is leading Biden in the polls so the democrats want to tie Trump up in court.

2. Trump tried to call a Federal Election expert witness, and the judge said no. That shows right there that there is no election related crime.
1. The "crime" says that NDAs are illegal. I think that is total bullshit. NDAs are ALWAYS legal.
The "real crime" is that Trump is leading Biden in the polls so the democrats want to tie Trump up in court.

2. Trump tried to call a Federal Election expert witness, and the judge said no. That shows right there that there is no election related crime.
I don't think the State alleges all NDAs are illegal. But an NDA is ILLEGAL if it's used to hide a crime.

Look, I thought the gop was insane for teeing up WJC for blowjobs, and I'm less than impressed with the case against Trump. So he paid off a hooker, and lied about it. THAT's what we men do ... we lie about going to hookers and geting bjs from interns. Better yet, don't do hookers and interns.

We're going down a partisan sewer.

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