Attorney says Trump team should NOT ask jury to bring charges down to misdemeanor

You almost got it right but not quite.

The payments are considered In kind campaign donations. This means they are indirect donations. Money spent to support the campaign but not actually donated to the campaign fund. Such spending counts towards the amount that an individual is allowed to donate. The payments were illegal because they exceeded the donation limit.

Coen used his own money to pay off Daniel's and others, not money from Trump's campaign.

Trump then allegedly used his company to repay Cohen, but had his accountants falsify the records to make the repayments look like payments for legal work that Cohen wasn't actually doing for the company. This becomes a felony if coupled with another crime. That other crime being conspiring to violate election finance laws by arranging for the illegal payoffs.
🥨 🥨 🥨

I wish I understood a few more details about this case, but I am piecing together that it's a matter of falsifying business records--or not. What Daniels' testimony had to do with is anyone's guess...

Oh wait... Guessing not needed. . it was only there to make Trump look bad.

Then there is the issue of the statute of limitations, which I understand has passed.. so why would Trump cop to lesser charges?

At Point 1.57 the attorney says there is no proof of falsifying records.
A misdemeanor becomes a felony in New York if it is used to cover up another crime.

Trump's falsifying of his business records was done to cover up the campaign election fraud by Cohen for Trump. The campaign election fraud was the payment to Stormy Daniels. The $130,000 was an in-kind contribution to Trump, directed to Daniels, which exceeds campaign finance limits.

Thus, felony.
If Dems can rig elections, they can also rig court cases.
You cucks need to give that "stolen election" horseshit up. You are going to be embarrassed one day at how credulous and stupid you sound.

All in support of a cretin who projects all of his failings onto others.
The defense will close it's questioning of witnesses tomorrow most likely. Of course trump did not take the stand as he promised. No surprise there. So we should have a verdict probably this week.
1. Today (Tuesday) will be the last witness.
2. The judge said he will have closing arguments and jury instructions next week.
3. So the verdict should happen next week.
Dude, the top witness for your side just admitted to stealing 30,000 dollars from Trump. He's a convicted liar, and now and ADMITTED THIEF.
It's a joke and ridiculous. Trump will be found not guilty.
1. Bragg had Cohen over a "30-year" barrel. His theft is much worse than than Trump's misdemeanor.
2. Did Bragg extort Cohen to roll over (lie about) on Trump "or else"?
3. The judge wants Trump convicted. These "kangaroo courts" need to be shut down.
A misdemeanor becomes a felony in New York if it is used to cover up another crime.

Trump's falsifying of his business records was done to cover up the campaign election fraud by Cohen for Trump. The campaign election fraud was the payment to Stormy Daniels. The $130,000 was an in-kind contribution to Trump, directed to Daniels, which exceeds campaign finance limits.

Thus, felony.
What other crime?
A misdemeanor becomes a felony in New York if it is used to cover up another crime.

Trump's falsifying of his business records was done to cover up the campaign election fraud by Cohen for Trump. The campaign election fraud was the payment to Stormy Daniels. The $130,000 was an in-kind contribution to Trump, directed to Daniels, which exceeds campaign finance limits. Thus, felony.
1. Actually the "crime" Bragg charged Trump with was (para) "hiding the affair with Stormy from voters"
2. NDAs are totally legal. There is no such election "crime". The judge won't allow a Fed election expert witness.
3. The bookkeeping errors had expired. Therefore no crimes were committed by Trump.
4. Total Kangaroo Court.
If there was no sex, payments to Cohen could have been see as legal fees by the jury, making her testimony necessary. It also brought into evidence the fact that Trump lied about it and what else is he lying about? :dunno:
Nope. Without her mere CLAIM of sex, the NDA would have never been challenged.

But whether or not any sex took place remains immaterial to the elements of the charged crime and therefore completely irrelevant.
Nope. Without her mere CLAIM of sex, the NDA would have never been challenged.

But whether or not any sex took place remains immaterial to the elements of the charged crime and therefore completely irrelevant.
While the sex wasn’t a crime, laundering the payment through his company to aid the campaign is a crime.
While the sex wasn’t a crime, laundering the payment through his company to aid the campaign is a crime.
An unproved claim. Actually, a combo of unproved claims, which rely on the word of the convicted perjurer and thief and serial liar, Cohen.

An unproved claim. Actually, a combo of unproved claims, which rely on the word of the convicted perjurer and thief and serial liar, Cohen.
The whole point of the trisl is to proves claims, though most would call them charges. As for Cohen, who did he lie and cheat for? :dunno:
The whole point of the trisl is to proves claims, though most would call them charges. As for Cohen, who did he lie and cheat for? :dunno:
The whole point of any trial is to try to prove the claims.

Cohen lied and stole and cheated for himself.

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