Austrian Neo Nazi embraces the EU

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The Austrians dont even want a referendum apart from a few fringe nutters.

Although latest polls give him a lead over Mr Van der Bellen, a Gallup poll of 600 Austrians suggested 60% opposed any referendum and only 30% favoured an "Oexit".

Another survey by the Austrian Society for European Politics suggested that only 23% wanted to leave the EU, a decline of eight percentage points since its last poll in late April and early May.

Your Opinion Polls said that the British election was a hung parliament and Cameron won, your opinion polls said Remain would win and Leave won.

Opinion Polls, who cares what they say.

Why are you so bothered with my nation, it's none of your business you fat Skinhead.

All you should be afraid of and ilk like you, is that WE are going to win, my nation is going to have Patriotic leadership and there's not a thing that losers like YOU can do about it.

You're a loser, you were born to be a loser, you're nothing, you're a fat sad Skinhead and a keyboard warrior, you're in no position to change anything, you know nobody in a position of actual power, you never have, you never will, you're a sad idiot and as such you exist just for people like me to laugh at and make fun of, you're nothing, you're an insect.

Nobody cares what you think or comment on ANY topic, you're only being tolerated because it's entertaining for so many people to make fun of you and show how pathetic you are.

You hit quite a nerve, there.

There are about 50 posts in this thread, and only one appears to have actually addressed the issue. The rest are ad hominem attacks.

The OP title is inaccurate.

No nerves have been hit, it's another of the Troll's garbage thread's.

Talking about the usual suspects, you're one of the usual suspects, I thought you'd have to comment, you being one of the only 4 people at this forum that like the Troll, you know who the other 3 are.

The Asian Stock Markets will be opening in a few hours, hadn't you better get ready to see what's happening, you know your ilk only cares about the filthy lucre.

Tommy's a Neo-Fascist Skinhead, typical that your ilk would like him.

Edited to add comment.

Lunazigrl says "what"
The Austrians dont even want a referendum apart from a few fringe nutters.

Although latest polls give him a lead over Mr Van der Bellen, a Gallup poll of 600 Austrians suggested 60% opposed any referendum and only 30% favoured an "Oexit".

Another survey by the Austrian Society for European Politics suggested that only 23% wanted to leave the EU, a decline of eight percentage points since its last poll in late April and early May.

Your Opinion Polls said that the British election was a hung parliament and Cameron won, your opinion polls said Remain would win and Leave won.

Opinion Polls, who cares what they say.

Why are you so bothered with my nation, it's none of your business you fat Skinhead.

All you should be afraid of and ilk like you, is that WE are going to win, my nation is going to have Patriotic leadership and there's not a thing that losers like YOU can do about it.

You're a loser, you were born to be a loser, you're nothing, you're a fat sad Skinhead and a keyboard warrior, you're in no position to change anything, you know nobody in a position of actual power, you never have, you never will, you're a sad idiot and as such you exist just for people like me to laugh at and make fun of, you're nothing, you're an insect.

Nobody cares what you think or comment on ANY topic, you're only being tolerated because it's entertaining for so many people to make fun of you and show how pathetic you are.

It's entertaining how yoar his bitch!

None of you is on topic. Par for the course when you have no argument.

Austrias leading neo nazi, contrary to what we have been told, wants to remain a part of the EU.

Mrs Merkel will be well pleased.

You IDIOT!!!

According to Article I VerbotsG, the Nazi Party, its paramilitary organisations such as SS, SA, the National Socialist Motor Corps and National Socialist Flyers Corps, as well as all affiliated associations were dissolved and banned; any restructuring is forbidden. To underpin the prohibition, the Verbotsgesetz itself, though constitutional law, comprises several penal provisions classifying any act of (re-)engagement in National Socialist activities (Wiederbetätigung) as a punishable offense. Section 3 h VerbotsG included in 1992 states that

whoever in a printed work, on broadcasting or in any other media,
or whoever otherwise publicly in a matter that it makes it accessible to many people,
denies, belittles, condones or tries to justify the Nazi genocide or other Nazi crimes against humanity
shall be punished with imprisonment for one year up to ten years, in the case of special perilousness of the offender or the engagement up to twenty years. All cases are to be tried by jury.

The provisions concerning the denazification in Austria have been rendered inoperative by a 1957 amnesty. Former members of Nazi organisations were banned from the 1945 legislative election. The initial death penalty was abolished in 1950.

In 1985 the Austrian Constitutional Court ruled that the remaining regulations are directly applicable in the country's legal system, binding every court and every administrative agency of Austria. Upon the 1992 amendment, the Austrian Supreme Court stated that any reasoning or argumentation concerning the Nazi genocide and the Nazi crimes against humanity is no admissible evidence.

Up to today numeorus verdicts are handed down by Austrian courts based on the Verbotsgesetz, most notably the conviction of David Irving at the Vienna Landesgericht für Strafsachen on 20 February 2006.

Even a casual perusal of wiki shows that your premise is bollocks!!!

No it isnt. You have produced fuck all.

Typical Nazi trait when losing the argument, dissolve the debate into a foul mouthed tirade because there is nothing else to resort to. We see it all the time with the racist members of the union who blame the English for everything that goes wrong
The Austrians dont even want a referendum apart from a few fringe nutters.

Although latest polls give him a lead over Mr Van der Bellen, a Gallup poll of 600 Austrians suggested 60% opposed any referendum and only 30% favoured an "Oexit".

Another survey by the Austrian Society for European Politics suggested that only 23% wanted to leave the EU, a decline of eight percentage points since its last poll in late April and early May.

Your Opinion Polls said that the British election was a hung parliament and Cameron won, your opinion polls said Remain would win and Leave won.

Opinion Polls, who cares what they say.

Why are you so bothered with my nation, it's none of your business you fat Skinhead.

All you should be afraid of and ilk like you, is that WE are going to win, my nation is going to have Patriotic leadership and there's not a thing that losers like YOU can do about it.

You're a loser, you were born to be a loser, you're nothing, you're a fat sad Skinhead and a keyboard warrior, you're in no position to change anything, you know nobody in a position of actual power, you never have, you never will, you're a sad idiot and as such you exist just for people like me to laugh at and make fun of, you're nothing, you're an insect.

Nobody cares what you think or comment on ANY topic, you're only being tolerated because it's entertaining for so many people to make fun of you and show how pathetic you are.

It's entertaining how yoar his bitch!


Um no, as usual you're wrong, you're as stupid as he is.

Tommy is EVERYONE else's bitch, which is why every thread he posts or posts in he gets his ass handed to him.

Toro The Stupid Dumb Fuck.

You hit quite a nerve, there.

There are about 50 posts in this thread, and only one appears to have actually addressed the issue. The rest are ad hominem attacks.

The OP title is inaccurate.

No nerves have been hit, it's another of the Troll's garbage thread's.

Talking about the usual suspects, you're one of the usual suspects, I thought you'd have to comment, you being one of the only 4 people at this forum that like the Troll, you know who the other 3 are.

The Asian Stock Markets will be opening in a few hours, hadn't you better get ready to see what's happening, you know your ilk only cares about the filthy lucre.

Tommy's a Neo-Fascist Skinhead, typical that your ilk would like him.

Edited to add comment.

Lunazigrl says "what"

You don't even make sense, are you drunk again? :alcoholic:
Where does it say neo-Nazi, Tommy??

Austrian far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer

Plus I reject the "far right" label. So you are claiming something that isn't in their article, Pinko!!!

Why are you nazis so sensitive about being called out ? You should embrace your deviancy.

And just were have you called them out, as all you have done is show that you are as clueless as monte the know nothing
None of you is on topic. Par for the course when you have no argument.

Austrias leading neo nazi, contrary to what we have been told, wants to remain a part of the EU.

Mrs Merkel will be well pleased.

You IDIOT!!!

According to Article I VerbotsG, the Nazi Party, its paramilitary organisations such as SS, SA, the National Socialist Motor Corps and National Socialist Flyers Corps, as well as all affiliated associations were dissolved and banned; any restructuring is forbidden. To underpin the prohibition, the Verbotsgesetz itself, though constitutional law, comprises several penal provisions classifying any act of (re-)engagement in National Socialist activities (Wiederbetätigung) as a punishable offense. Section 3 h VerbotsG included in 1992 states that

whoever in a printed work, on broadcasting or in any other media,
or whoever otherwise publicly in a matter that it makes it accessible to many people,
denies, belittles, condones or tries to justify the Nazi genocide or other Nazi crimes against humanity
shall be punished with imprisonment for one year up to ten years, in the case of special perilousness of the offender or the engagement up to twenty years. All cases are to be tried by jury.

The provisions concerning the denazification in Austria have been rendered inoperative by a 1957 amnesty. Former members of Nazi organisations were banned from the 1945 legislative election. The initial death penalty was abolished in 1950.

In 1985 the Austrian Constitutional Court ruled that the remaining regulations are directly applicable in the country's legal system, binding every court and every administrative agency of Austria. Upon the 1992 amendment, the Austrian Supreme Court stated that any reasoning or argumentation concerning the Nazi genocide and the Nazi crimes against humanity is no admissible evidence.

Up to today numeorus verdicts are handed down by Austrian courts based on the Verbotsgesetz, most notably the conviction of David Irving at the Vienna Landesgericht für Strafsachen on 20 February 2006.

Even a casual perusal of wiki shows that your premise is bollocks!!!

No it isnt. You have produced fuck all.

Typical Nazi trait when losing the argument, dissolve the debate into a foul mouthed tirade because there is nothing else to resort to. We see it all the time with the racist members of the union who blame the English for everything that goes wrong

The OP is a Skinhead, he's also a bigot and a racist and a Xenophobe.

You hit quite a nerve, there.

There are about 50 posts in this thread, and only one appears to have actually addressed the issue. The rest are ad hominem attacks.
Usual suspects as well.

You being the biggest culprit

Someone who champions The Perverts Agenda of Transgendering and men doing men and women doing women, as being in any way normal and healthy, has no moral ground to stand upon.

How many men in their mid-50s who say that they're Heterosexual champion the above, not to mention fanatically posting pro-Islam Propaganda, even trashing their own nationals to suggest that the Islamics are better than the native Brits.
I had better be careful because OMG I am "on thin ice" so I had "better watch out".:badgrin:

But surely there is an expectation that people will actually engage with the topic rather than act like infants ?

You hit quite a nerve, there.

There are about 50 posts in this thread, and only one appears to have actually addressed the issue. The rest are ad hominem attacks.

The OP title is inaccurate.

No nerves have been hit, it's another of the Troll's garbage thread's.

Talking about the usual suspects, you're one of the usual suspects, I thought you'd have to comment, you being one of the only 4 people at this forum that like the Troll, you know who the other 3 are.

The Asian Stock Markets will be opening in a few hours, hadn't you better get ready to see what's happening, you know your ilk only cares about the filthy lucre.

Tommy's a Neo-Fascist Skinhead, typical that your ilk would like him.

Edited to add comment.

Lunazigrl says "what"

I see you've read the below book also :thup:

Where does it say neo-Nazi, Tommy??

Austrian far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer

Plus I reject the "far right" label. So you are claiming something that isn't in their article, Pinko!!!

Why are you nazis so sensitive about being called out ? You should embrace your deviancy.

And just were have you called them out, as all you have done is show that you are as clueless as monte the know nothing

The OP thread title is horsecrap, nowhere in the BBC linked article is that thread title included, as usual the Skinhead is full of excrement.

What would happen if someone posted a thread about say, Hillary, and had the title.

Hillary The Commie blah blah.

The link they included was entirely different, yes they'd get called out for being full of horsecrap. Don't forget, this stupid fat pervert also thinks UKIP are "Neo-Nazi's", actually everyone it doesn't like is a "Nazi" or a "Neo-Nazi", it even called Mindful a "Nazi slag" showing how stupid it is, considering Mindful is Jewish herself.

I should add, Roudy, ironrosie, Mindful, The Professor, jroc, for most part I get along fine with them all and for most part they get along fine with me, maybe it's because they're emotionally mature people who are devoid of psychological issues and/or other issues.

The Toro type, have some issues, that's their problem and not mine.

As I say, if Roudy, ironrosie, Mindful, The Professor and jroc are fine, then WTF is the Toro types problem unless they've got issues that cause them to be obsessive weirdos where I'm concerned, who stalk me around a forum just to call me stupid names, they're losers with issues. No wonder they comprise the 4 people who like The Skinhead, he's a loser with issues also.

The Skinhead is as dumb as a box of hammers, like all stupid people, it thinks it's clever.

I've never not laughed out loud at the stupid Skinhead's comments, each one is more hilariously stupid as the previous one, he's got actual comedic talent going on, only he's unintentionally funny.

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Where does it say neo-Nazi, Tommy??

Austrian far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer

Plus I reject the "far right" label. So you are claiming something that isn't in their article, Pinko!!!

Why are you nazis so sensitive about being called out ? You should embrace your deviancy.

And just were have you called them out, as all you have done is show that you are as clueless as monte the know nothing

The OP thread title is horsecrap, nowhere in the BBC linked article is that thread title included, as usual the Skinhead is full of excrement.

What would happen if someone posted a thread about say, Hillary, and had the title.

Hillary The Commie blah blah.

The link they included was entirely different, yes they'd get called out for being full of horsecrap. Don't forget, this stupid fat pervert also thinks UKIP are "Neo-Nazi's", actually everyone it doesn't like is a "Nazi" or a "Neo-Nazi", it even called Mindful a "Nazi slag" showing how stupid it is, considering Mindful is Jewish herself.

It's as dumb as a box of hammers, like all stupid people, it thinks it's clever.

I've never not laughed out loud at the stupid Skinhead's comments, each one is more hilariously stupid as the previous one, he's got actual comedic talent going on, only he's unintentionally funny.

But the substance is sound. Herr Fuehrer has been widely quoted on this. Maybe he wants to secure a better future for young Austrians like the two young lads in my signature pic.

He loves the European Union. Loves it.
I had better be careful because OMG I am "on thin ice" so I had "better watch out".:badgrin:

But surely there is an expectation that people will actually engage with the topic rather than act like infants ?

You are on thin ice.

You hardly engage on the topic in threads, most of your comments are designed to begin arguments.

Why should anyone engage on the topic in this thread, your OP title is inaccurate, it's horsecrap, therefore all this thread deserves is what it's been getting from everyone, derision.

My name for you is The Skinhead, it's what I'll refer to you as now. Now fuck off.
As I say, if Roudy, ironrosie, Mindful, The Professor and jroc are fine, then WTF is the Toro types problem unless they've got issues that cause them to be obsessive weirdos where I'm concerned, who stalk me around a forum just to call me stupid names, they're losers with issues.

Personally, I don't like lowlife, inhumane, fascist racists such as yourself. Plus, you're a nutty conspiracy theorist. I'm sure you're a nice person and good mother IRL, but your political views are abhorrent and deserved to be exposed and mocked.

One can be against mass immigration without being a scummy nutter, lunazigrl.
Back to the topic under discussion.

This is a quote from the article.

After UK voters backed Brexit, he said Austria might also hold a referendum.
However, he has now made clear he thinks leaving would be a "mistake".
"I'm not in favour of an Austrian exit from the European Union; I've been annoyed for days that people have assumed I am," he told Die Presse newspaper (in German).

This is a huge shift of position and contrary to previous statements.

It would appear that the Presidential race is between two pro Europe candidates.
You don't even make sense, are you drunk again? :alcoholic:

I am not.

I will be imbuing in a Bruichladdich 16, a Macallan 12 and a Bookers later.

Bruichladdich 16, an excellent choice.

We have been given an Glendiddich 30, we've had this since February unopened, we might open it in November when I'm officially allowed to have a drink again

It's description is: Finely balanced, with substantial oak matched by fruit and luscious sherry notes.

Palate: Complex and seductively woody, emphasised by a floral sweetness.

Finish: Exceedingly long, honeyed and warm.
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