Austrian Neo Nazi embraces the EU

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The Austrians dont even want a referendum apart from a few fringe nutters.

Although latest polls give him a lead over Mr Van der Bellen, a Gallup poll of 600 Austrians suggested 60% opposed any referendum and only 30% favoured an "Oexit".

Another survey by the Austrian Society for European Politics suggested that only 23% wanted to leave the EU, a decline of eight percentage points since its last poll in late April and early May.
None of you is on topic. Par for the course when you have no argument.

Austrias leading neo nazi, contrary to what we have been told, wants to remain a part of the EU.

Mrs Merkel will be well pleased.

You IDIOT!!!

According to Article I VerbotsG, the Nazi Party, its paramilitary organisations such as SS, SA, the National Socialist Motor Corps and National Socialist Flyers Corps, as well as all affiliated associations were dissolved and banned; any restructuring is forbidden. To underpin the prohibition, the Verbotsgesetz itself, though constitutional law, comprises several penal provisions classifying any act of (re-)engagement in National Socialist activities (Wiederbetätigung) as a punishable offense. Section 3 h VerbotsG included in 1992 states that

whoever in a printed work, on broadcasting or in any other media,
or whoever otherwise publicly in a matter that it makes it accessible to many people,
denies, belittles, condones or tries to justify the Nazi genocide or other Nazi crimes against humanity
shall be punished with imprisonment for one year up to ten years, in the case of special perilousness of the offender or the engagement up to twenty years. All cases are to be tried by jury.

The provisions concerning the denazification in Austria have been rendered inoperative by a 1957 amnesty. Former members of Nazi organisations were banned from the 1945 legislative election. The initial death penalty was abolished in 1950.

In 1985 the Austrian Constitutional Court ruled that the remaining regulations are directly applicable in the country's legal system, binding every court and every administrative agency of Austria. Upon the 1992 amendment, the Austrian Supreme Court stated that any reasoning or argumentation concerning the Nazi genocide and the Nazi crimes against humanity is no admissible evidence.

Up to today numeorus verdicts are handed down by Austrian courts based on the Verbotsgesetz, most notably the conviction of David Irving at the Vienna Landesgericht für Strafsachen on 20 February 2006.

Even a casual perusal of wiki shows that your premise is bollocks!!!

None of you is on topic. Par for the course when you have no argument.

Austrias leading neo nazi, contrary to what we have been told, wants to remain a part of the EU.

Mrs Merkel will be well pleased.

You IDIOT!!!

According to Article I VerbotsG, the Nazi Party, its paramilitary organisations such as SS, SA, the National Socialist Motor Corps and National Socialist Flyers Corps, as well as all affiliated associations were dissolved and banned; any restructuring is forbidden. To underpin the prohibition, the Verbotsgesetz itself, though constitutional law, comprises several penal provisions classifying any act of (re-)engagement in National Socialist activities (Wiederbetätigung) as a punishable offense. Section 3 h VerbotsG included in 1992 states that

whoever in a printed work, on broadcasting or in any other media,
or whoever otherwise publicly in a matter that it makes it accessible to many people,
denies, belittles, condones or tries to justify the Nazi genocide or other Nazi crimes against humanity
shall be punished with imprisonment for one year up to ten years, in the case of special perilousness of the offender or the engagement up to twenty years. All cases are to be tried by jury.

The provisions concerning the denazification in Austria have been rendered inoperative by a 1957 amnesty. Former members of Nazi organisations were banned from the 1945 legislative election. The initial death penalty was abolished in 1950.

In 1985 the Austrian Constitutional Court ruled that the remaining regulations are directly applicable in the country's legal system, binding every court and every administrative agency of Austria. Upon the 1992 amendment, the Austrian Supreme Court stated that any reasoning or argumentation concerning the Nazi genocide and the Nazi crimes against humanity is no admissible evidence.

Up to today numeorus verdicts are handed down by Austrian courts based on the Verbotsgesetz, most notably the conviction of David Irving at the Vienna Landesgericht für Strafsachen on 20 February 2006.

Even a casual perusal of wiki shows that your premise is bollocks!!!


Tommy-girl just needs something new to lie about, especially since his "Brexit Busted" thread blew up in his face.
None of you is on topic. Par for the course when you have no argument.

Austrias leading neo nazi, contrary to what we have been told, wants to remain a part of the EU.

Mrs Merkel will be well pleased.

You IDIOT!!!

According to Article I VerbotsG, the Nazi Party, its paramilitary organisations such as SS, SA, the National Socialist Motor Corps and National Socialist Flyers Corps, as well as all affiliated associations were dissolved and banned; any restructuring is forbidden. To underpin the prohibition, the Verbotsgesetz itself, though constitutional law, comprises several penal provisions classifying any act of (re-)engagement in National Socialist activities (Wiederbetätigung) as a punishable offense. Section 3 h VerbotsG included in 1992 states that

whoever in a printed work, on broadcasting or in any other media,
or whoever otherwise publicly in a matter that it makes it accessible to many people,
denies, belittles, condones or tries to justify the Nazi genocide or other Nazi crimes against humanity
shall be punished with imprisonment for one year up to ten years, in the case of special perilousness of the offender or the engagement up to twenty years. All cases are to be tried by jury.

The provisions concerning the denazification in Austria have been rendered inoperative by a 1957 amnesty. Former members of Nazi organisations were banned from the 1945 legislative election. The initial death penalty was abolished in 1950.

In 1985 the Austrian Constitutional Court ruled that the remaining regulations are directly applicable in the country's legal system, binding every court and every administrative agency of Austria. Upon the 1992 amendment, the Austrian Supreme Court stated that any reasoning or argumentation concerning the Nazi genocide and the Nazi crimes against humanity is no admissible evidence.

Up to today numeorus verdicts are handed down by Austrian courts based on the Verbotsgesetz, most notably the conviction of David Irving at the Vienna Landesgericht für Strafsachen on 20 February 2006.

Even a casual perusal of wiki shows that your premise is bollocks!!!

No it isnt. You have produced fuck all.
None of you is on topic. Par for the course when you have no argument.

Austrias leading neo nazi, contrary to what we have been told, wants to remain a part of the EU.

Mrs Merkel will be well pleased.

You IDIOT!!!

According to Article I VerbotsG, the Nazi Party, its paramilitary organisations such as SS, SA, the National Socialist Motor Corps and National Socialist Flyers Corps, as well as all affiliated associations were dissolved and banned; any restructuring is forbidden. To underpin the prohibition, the Verbotsgesetz itself, though constitutional law, comprises several penal provisions classifying any act of (re-)engagement in National Socialist activities (Wiederbetätigung) as a punishable offense. Section 3 h VerbotsG included in 1992 states that

whoever in a printed work, on broadcasting or in any other media,
or whoever otherwise publicly in a matter that it makes it accessible to many people,
denies, belittles, condones or tries to justify the Nazi genocide or other Nazi crimes against humanity
shall be punished with imprisonment for one year up to ten years, in the case of special perilousness of the offender or the engagement up to twenty years. All cases are to be tried by jury.

The provisions concerning the denazification in Austria have been rendered inoperative by a 1957 amnesty. Former members of Nazi organisations were banned from the 1945 legislative election. The initial death penalty was abolished in 1950.

In 1985 the Austrian Constitutional Court ruled that the remaining regulations are directly applicable in the country's legal system, binding every court and every administrative agency of Austria. Upon the 1992 amendment, the Austrian Supreme Court stated that any reasoning or argumentation concerning the Nazi genocide and the Nazi crimes against humanity is no admissible evidence.

Up to today numeorus verdicts are handed down by Austrian courts based on the Verbotsgesetz, most notably the conviction of David Irving at the Vienna Landesgericht für Strafsachen on 20 February 2006.

Even a casual perusal of wiki shows that your premise is bollocks!!!


Tommy-girl just needs something new to lie about, especially since his "Brexit Busted" thread blew up in his face.
I am just quoting the Fuehrer from a news article. How is that a lie ?
Where does it say neo-Nazi, Tommy??

Austrian far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer

Plus I reject the "far right" label. So you are claiming something that isn't in their article, Pinko!!!

Where does it say neo-Nazi, Tommy??

Austrian far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer

Plus I reject the "far right" label. So you are claiming something that isn't in their article, Pinko!!!

Why are you nazis so sensitive about being called out ? You should embrace your deviancy.
Where does it say neo-Nazi, Tommy??

Austrian far-right presidential candidate Norbert Hofer

Plus I reject the "far right" label. So you are claiming something that isn't in their article, Pinko!!!

Why are you nazis so sensitive about being called out ? You should embrace your deviancy.

There is a lovely Gulag at the end of your useful idiot life to the CAUSE, Comrade!!!

To lament over the defeat that led to islam being kicked out of Europe, I wonder who you will side with this time round?

Tommy should be easy to recognise in Wien, he'll be the Welsh fat fuck waddling about dragging his knuckles across the asphalt.

We better warn Wien that later this year it's about to be polluted by an uneducated fat fuck who couldn't find his ass with a map and a torch, WTF someone as unsophisticated as Idiot Troll wants to go to Wien for beats me.
Meanwhile Austrias leading neo nazi clings to the EU.
Suck it up you nazi slag.

Your 'nazi slag' jibe is disgusting.

Tommy's also Welsh. He belongs to some Football team and brags about being a hooligan in his younger days. Wrexham nobodies!!! He bragsd about being a Communist.

Meanwhile; love Cardiff Arms Park!!!! I booed Finane when the maggot king hit Price.

What a champion!!!


I have never been a hooligan.


Tammy: "...I am Welsh and in my younger days I liked nothing more than laying fists on our English oppressors..."

Backing the Rebs !!

And another gem from Tommy Traitor, on hearing female nationalist party leader had cake thrown in her face:

Tammy: "A house brick would have been more appropriate."
Fascist Slag gets Caked

More pacifism from Tammy, on the Christian preacher who sustained severe head injuries from being attacked with a baseball bat:

Tammy: "But not hard enough in my opinion."

"Christian" with "you deserve rape" banner gets hit with baseball bat.

But Tammy himself thinks sexual assault and rape when it happens to the women of Cologne is no worse than Wrexham football fans singing:

Tammy: "And I have heard 30,000 football fans sing "get yer tits out for the lads,"

Tammy, you certainly are a vulgarian AND a liar, AND a hypocrite AND a hooligan. Lol.
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Tommy should be easy to recognise in Wien, he'll be the Welsh fat fuck waddling about dragging his knuckles across the asphalt.

We better warn Wien that later this year it's about to be polluted by an uneducated fat fuck who couldn't find his ass with a map and a torch, WTF someone as unsophisticated as Idiot Troll wants to go to Wien for beats me.
Meanwhile Austrias leading neo nazi clings to the EU.
Suck it up you nazi slag.

Your 'nazi slag' jibe is disgusting.

Tommy's also Welsh. He belongs to some Football team and brags about being a hooligan in his younger days. Wrexham nobodies!!! He bragsd about being a Communist.

Meanwhile; love Cardiff Arms Park!!!! I booed Finane when the maggot king hit Price.

What a champion!!!


I have never been a hooligan.


Tammy: "...I am Welsh and in my younger days I liked nothing more than laying fists on our English oppressors..."

Backing the Rebs !!

And another gem from Tommy Traitor, on hearing female nationalist party leader had cake thrown in her face:

Tammy: "A house brick would have been more appropriate."
Fascist Slag gets Caked

More pacifism from Tammy, on the Christian preacher who sustained severe head injuries from being attacked with a baseball bat:

Tammy: "But not hard enough in my opinion."

"Christian" with "you deserve rape" banner gets hit with baseball bat.

But Tammy himself thinks sexual assault and rape when it happens to the women of Cologne is no worse than Wrexham football fans singing:

Tammy: "And I have heard 30,000 football fans sing "get yer tits out for the lads,"

Tammy, you certainly are a vulgarian AND a liar, AND a hypocrite AND a hooligan. Lol.

Lol - there is no proof that I am any of those things. You are clutching at straws because you are fundamentally a liar.
Meanwhile Austrias leading neo nazi clings to the EU.
Suck it up you nazi slag.

Your 'nazi slag' jibe is disgusting.

Tommy's also Welsh. He belongs to some Football team and brags about being a hooligan in his younger days. Wrexham nobodies!!! He bragsd about being a Communist.

Meanwhile; love Cardiff Arms Park!!!! I booed Finane when the maggot king hit Price.

What a champion!!!


I have never been a hooligan.


Tammy: "...I am Welsh and in my younger days I liked nothing more than laying fists on our English oppressors..."

Backing the Rebs !!

And another gem from Tommy Traitor, on hearing female nationalist party leader had cake thrown in her face:

Tammy: "A house brick would have been more appropriate."
Fascist Slag gets Caked

More pacifism from Tammy, on the Christian preacher who sustained severe head injuries from being attacked with a baseball bat:

Tammy: "But not hard enough in my opinion."

"Christian" with "you deserve rape" banner gets hit with baseball bat.

But Tammy himself thinks sexual assault and rape when it happens to the women of Cologne is no worse than Wrexham football fans singing:

Tammy: "And I have heard 30,000 football fans sing "get yer tits out for the lads,"

Tammy, you certainly are a vulgarian AND a liar, AND a hypocrite AND a hooligan. Lol.

Lol - there is no proof that I am any of those things. You are clutching at straws because you are fundamentally a liar.

Your own words, and these are just a few of many, show you for the lying, hypocritical, violence-embracing, vulgarian, ill-educated, hooligan you are.
Fascist tubby Tammy :)
To lament over the defeat that led to islam being kicked out of Europe, I wonder who you will side with this time round?

Tommy should be easy to recognise in Wien, he'll be the Welsh fat fuck waddling about dragging his knuckles across the asphalt.

We better warn Wien that later this year it's about to be polluted by an uneducated fat fuck who couldn't find his ass with a map and a torch, WTF someone as unsophisticated as Idiot Troll wants to go to Wien for beats me.
Meanwhile Austrias leading neo nazi clings to the EU.
Suck it up you nazi slag.

Your 'nazi slag' jibe is disgusting.

Tommy's also Welsh. He belongs to some Football team and brags about being a hooligan in his younger days. Wrexham nobodies!!! He bragsd about being a Communist.

Meanwhile; love Cardiff Arms Park!!!! I booed Finane when the maggot king hit Price.

What a champion!!!


I have never been a hooligan.


I'm tempted to ask a bizarre question, then ... have you even READ all your posts ??
Tommy should be easy to recognise in Wien, he'll be the Welsh fat fuck waddling about dragging his knuckles across the asphalt.

We better warn Wien that later this year it's about to be polluted by an uneducated fat fuck who couldn't find his ass with a map and a torch, WTF someone as unsophisticated as Idiot Troll wants to go to Wien for beats me.
Meanwhile Austrias leading neo nazi clings to the EU.
Suck it up you nazi slag.

Your 'nazi slag' jibe is disgusting.

Tommy's also Welsh. He belongs to some Football team and brags about being a hooligan in his younger days. Wrexham nobodies!!! He bragsd about being a Communist.

Meanwhile; love Cardiff Arms Park!!!! I booed Finane when the maggot king hit Price.

What a champion!!!


I have never been a hooligan.


Tammy: "...I am Welsh and in my younger days I liked nothing more than laying fists on our English oppressors..."

Backing the Rebs !!

And another gem from Tommy Traitor, on hearing female nationalist party leader had cake thrown in her face:

Tammy: "A house brick would have been more appropriate."
Fascist Slag gets Caked

More pacifism from Tammy, on the Christian preacher who sustained severe head injuries from being attacked with a baseball bat:

Tammy: "But not hard enough in my opinion."

"Christian" with "you deserve rape" banner gets hit with baseball bat.

But Tammy himself thinks sexual assault and rape when it happens to the women of Cologne is no worse than Wrexham football fans singing:

Tammy: "And I have heard 30,000 football fans sing "get yer tits out for the lads,"

Tammy, you certainly are a vulgarian AND a liar, AND a hypocrite AND a hooligan. Lol.

LMAO. I'm glad this board has hacks like Tommy-girl. It's good to expose these leftist nuts to show everyone exactly what they are...dumb c-nts.

You hit quite a nerve, there.

There are about 50 posts in this thread, and only one appears to have actually addressed the issue. The rest are ad hominem attacks.

The OP title is inaccurate.

No nerves have been hit, it's another of the Troll's garbage thread's.

Talking about the usual suspects, you're one of the usual suspects, I thought you'd have to comment, you being one of the only 4 people at this forum that like the Troll, you know who the other 3 are.

The Asian Stock Markets will be opening in a few hours, hadn't you better get ready to see what's happening, you know your ilk only cares about the filthy lucre.

Tommy's a Neo-Fascist Skinhead, typical that your ilk would like him.

Edited to add comment.
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None of you is on topic. Par for the course when you have no argument.

Austrias leading neo nazi, contrary to what we have been told, wants to remain a part of the EU.

Mrs Merkel will be well pleased.
Since the topic you possited is full of shit your thread failed right out of the gate.

He should be happy that his garbage thread has been livened up, I mean he's lucky when he posts a thread if it gets more than 20 comments, he's posted more threads that have had less than 5 comments and dropped like a rock.
None of you is on topic. Par for the course when you have no argument.

Austrias leading neo nazi, contrary to what we have been told, wants to remain a part of the EU.

Mrs Merkel will be well pleased.

You IDIOT!!!

According to Article I VerbotsG, the Nazi Party, its paramilitary organisations such as SS, SA, the National Socialist Motor Corps and National Socialist Flyers Corps, as well as all affiliated associations were dissolved and banned; any restructuring is forbidden. To underpin the prohibition, the Verbotsgesetz itself, though constitutional law, comprises several penal provisions classifying any act of (re-)engagement in National Socialist activities (Wiederbetätigung) as a punishable offense. Section 3 h VerbotsG included in 1992 states that

whoever in a printed work, on broadcasting or in any other media,
or whoever otherwise publicly in a matter that it makes it accessible to many people,
denies, belittles, condones or tries to justify the Nazi genocide or other Nazi crimes against humanity
shall be punished with imprisonment for one year up to ten years, in the case of special perilousness of the offender or the engagement up to twenty years. All cases are to be tried by jury.

The provisions concerning the denazification in Austria have been rendered inoperative by a 1957 amnesty. Former members of Nazi organisations were banned from the 1945 legislative election. The initial death penalty was abolished in 1950.

In 1985 the Austrian Constitutional Court ruled that the remaining regulations are directly applicable in the country's legal system, binding every court and every administrative agency of Austria. Upon the 1992 amendment, the Austrian Supreme Court stated that any reasoning or argumentation concerning the Nazi genocide and the Nazi crimes against humanity is no admissible evidence.

Up to today numeorus verdicts are handed down by Austrian courts based on the Verbotsgesetz, most notably the conviction of David Irving at the Vienna Landesgericht für Strafsachen on 20 February 2006.

Even a casual perusal of wiki shows that your premise is bollocks!!!


Tommy-girl just needs something new to lie about, especially since his "Brexit Busted" thread blew up in his face.
I am just quoting the Fuehrer from a news article. How is that a lie ?

Hey Welsh Skinhead.

You're so stupid you don't even understand how stupid you are. Don't push it you fat Skinhead, you're already on thin ice.
Tommy should be easy to recognise in Wien, he'll be the Welsh fat fuck waddling about dragging his knuckles across the asphalt.

We better warn Wien that later this year it's about to be polluted by an uneducated fat fuck who couldn't find his ass with a map and a torch, WTF someone as unsophisticated as Idiot Troll wants to go to Wien for beats me.
Meanwhile Austrias leading neo nazi clings to the EU.
Suck it up you nazi slag.

Your 'nazi slag' jibe is disgusting.

Tommy's also Welsh. He belongs to some Football team and brags about being a hooligan in his younger days. Wrexham nobodies!!! He bragsd about being a Communist.

Meanwhile; love Cardiff Arms Park!!!! I booed Finane when the maggot king hit Price.

What a champion!!!


I have never been a hooligan.


Tammy: "...I am Welsh and in my younger days I liked nothing more than laying fists on our English oppressors..."

Backing the Rebs !!

And another gem from Tommy Traitor, on hearing female nationalist party leader had cake thrown in her face:

Tammy: "A house brick would have been more appropriate."
Fascist Slag gets Caked

More pacifism from Tammy, on the Christian preacher who sustained severe head injuries from being attacked with a baseball bat:

Tammy: "But not hard enough in my opinion."

"Christian" with "you deserve rape" banner gets hit with baseball bat.

But Tammy himself thinks sexual assault and rape when it happens to the women of Cologne is no worse than Wrexham football fans singing:

Tammy: "And I have heard 30,000 football fans sing "get yer tits out for the lads,"

Tammy, you certainly are a vulgarian AND a liar, AND a hypocrite AND a hooligan. Lol.

Tommy's a Skinhead, he can't do the Hooligan thing anymore because he's too fat and waddles.
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