Austrian Neo Nazi embraces the EU

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Yup. It appears he is backtracking. He did leave open a referendum if there is more centralization or if Turkey joins. But it's pretty obvious that he has changed his position. He wants to win.
You don't even make sense, are you drunk again? :alcoholic:

I am not.

I will be imbuing in a Bruichladdich 16, a Macallan 12 and a Bookers later.

Bruichladdich 16, an excellent choice.

We have been given an Glendiddich 30, we've had this since February unopened, we might open it in November when I'm officially allowed to have a drink again

It's description is: Finely balanced, with substantial oak matched by fruit and luscious sherry notes.

Palate: Complex and seductively woody, emphasised by a floral sweetness.

Finish: Exceedingly long, honeyed and warm.

I am distantly related to the original owners and distillers of Glenfiddich.

They don't make Bruichladdich 16 any more, and it's hard to buy. So I bought a half dozen bottles and drink it slowly.
As I say, if Roudy, ironrosie, Mindful, The Professor and jroc are fine, then WTF is the Toro types problem unless they've got issues that cause them to be obsessive weirdos where I'm concerned, who stalk me around a forum just to call me stupid names, they're losers with issues.

Personally, I don't like lowlife, inhumane, fascist racists such as yourself. Plus, you're a nutty conspiracy theorist. I'm sure you're a nice person and good mother IRL, but your political views are abhorrent and deserved to be exposed and mocked.

One can be against mass immigration without being a scummy nutter, lunazigrl.

"Personally, I don't like lowlife, inhumane, fascist racists such as yourself."

The only lowlife, inhumane, fascist racists I read here are all Leftists, championing the destruction of your own people isn't something that I'd call a good thing, but that's what the Leftists do, champion the destruction of their own nationals. Hating your own culture and hating your own heritage isn't something I'd call a good thing, but that's what the Leftists do.

Wanting to put EVERYONE else FIRST and your own people LAST isn't a good thing, but that's what the Leftists do.

I'm NOT a Conspiracy Theorist, the only one's I think have at least some weight are perhaps the JFK assassination and I think something is very strange about the suicide of that Dr. David Kelly.

If you don't like this, tough, I don't give a shit.
You don't even make sense, are you drunk again? :alcoholic:

I am not.

I will be imbuing in a Bruichladdich 16, a Macallan 12 and a Bookers later.

Bruichladdich 16, an excellent choice.

We have been given an Glendiddich 30, we've had this since February unopened, we might open it in November when I'm officially allowed to have a drink again

It's description is: Finely balanced, with substantial oak matched by fruit and luscious sherry notes.

Palate: Complex and seductively woody, emphasised by a floral sweetness.

Finish: Exceedingly long, honeyed and warm.

I am distantly related to the original owners and distillers of Glenfiddich.

They don't make Bruichladdich 16 any more, and it's hard to buy. So I bought a half dozen bottles and drink it slowly.

"I am distantly related to the original owners and distillers of Glenfiddich."

So do you get free stuff?

Another that's been discontinued is Ardbeg 17, my Father-in-Law is a fan, he's got a stock of them in the cellar.

People who drink regular whisky, don't know what a proper whisky tastes like, the stuff you can buy in shops is just pretty awful and actually just the aroma makes me feel sick.
Yup. It appears he is backtracking. He did leave open a referendum if there is more centralization or if Turkey joins. But it's pretty obvious that he has changed his position. He wants to win.

All that counts is winning, nothing else matters.

No candidate runs a campaign not to win.
Back to the topic under discussion.

This is a quote from the article.

After UK voters backed Brexit, he said Austria might also hold a referendum.
However, he has now made clear he thinks leaving would be a "mistake".
"I'm not in favour of an Austrian exit from the European Union; I've been annoyed for days that people have assumed I am," he told Die Presse newspaper (in German).

This is a huge shift of position and contrary to previous statements.

It would appear that the Presidential race is between two pro Europe candidates.

Yes we notice your new sig line picture, you don't even hide that you're just a little Troll do you. Is that your new jerk off material, staring at that picture, you'd love a black dick in your mouth wouldn't you? Maybe you've already sucked black dick.

Again my nation and my nations politics have nothing to do with you, it's none of your business. I'm not discussing things with you that have nothing to do with you and losers like you have no influence upon my people or my nation. Period.

You're so influential you couldn't even convince Wales to vote Remain.

When the Brexit thing was happening, I never made ONE comment during that, you being a typical busy body feel the need to comment on every nations political campaigns, again what does North Carolina and Oklahoma have to do with you, does what they do directly affect you? No.
Back to the topic under discussion.

This is a quote from the article.

After UK voters backed Brexit, he said Austria might also hold a referendum.
However, he has now made clear he thinks leaving would be a "mistake".
"I'm not in favour of an Austrian exit from the European Union; I've been annoyed for days that people have assumed I am," he told Die Presse newspaper (in German).

This is a huge shift of position and contrary to previous statements.

It would appear that the Presidential race is between two pro Europe candidates.

Yes we notice your new sig line picture, you don't even hide that you're just a little Troll do you. Is that your new jerk off material, staring at that picture, you'd love a black dick in your mouth wouldn't you? Maybe you've already sucked black dick.

Again my nation and my nations politics have nothing to do with you, it's none of your business. I'm not discussing things with you that have nothing to do with you and losers like you have no influence upon my people or my nation. Period.

You're so influential you couldn't even convince Wales to vote Remain.

When the Brexit thing was happening, I never made ONE comment during that, you being a typical busy body feel the need to comment on every nations political campaigns, again what does North Carolina and Oklahoma have to do with you, does what they do directly affect you? No.
Its a lovely pic showing inter-racial harmony at a time of great tension in the world. Only a sicko would have a problem with it.

Anyway.......perhaps you could provide me with a list of topics I am allowed OMG to discuss ? Huh.

You hit quite a nerve, there.

There are about 50 posts in this thread, and only one appears to have actually addressed the issue. The rest are ad hominem attacks.

The OP title is inaccurate.

No nerves have been hit, it's another of the Troll's garbage thread's.

Talking about the usual suspects, you're one of the usual suspects, I thought you'd have to comment, you being one of the only 4 people at this forum that like the Troll, you know who the other 3 are.

The Asian Stock Markets will be opening in a few hours, hadn't you better get ready to see what's happening, you know your ilk only cares about the filthy lucre.

Tommy's a Neo-Fascist Skinhead, typical that your ilk would like him.

Edited to add comment.

Lunazigrl says "what"

You really are SCUM!!!

Yup. It appears he is backtracking. He did leave open a referendum if there is more centralization or if Turkey joins. But it's pretty obvious that he has changed his position. He wants to win.

"He did leave open a referendum if there is more centralization or if Turkey joins."

This is, or these are the key points, Merkel and Juncker have already stated they want more centralisation, so there you have it on that one, they push forward with that and we'll be having a Referendum.

If Turkey joins, we're out and that's it, our leader HC Strache has said this for several years, if Turkey joins, we're out and he's even said that we won't have a Referendum, we'll just walk.

MORE Leftist violence now.

Linksradikale wüten: 123 Polizisten verletzt

Leftists have been violently rioting in Berlin, so far 123 police have been injured, so far 80 arrests. The police have had bottles, firecrackers, stones thrown at them and have been beaten and kicked by the Leftist scum.

Our people never act like this, our people never riot and we respect the police.

So are you going to condemn these Leftists, or are they okay with you because they're NOT Rightists?

This is the sort of thing Tommy Skinhead likes, in his youth he would have been a violent Leftist, he's made posts at this forum saying how he used to enjoy beating up the English.
Back to the topic under discussion.

This is a quote from the article.

After UK voters backed Brexit, he said Austria might also hold a referendum.
However, he has now made clear he thinks leaving would be a "mistake".
"I'm not in favour of an Austrian exit from the European Union; I've been annoyed for days that people have assumed I am," he told Die Presse newspaper (in German).

This is a huge shift of position and contrary to previous statements.

It would appear that the Presidential race is between two pro Europe candidates.

Yes we notice your new sig line picture, you don't even hide that you're just a little Troll do you. Is that your new jerk off material, staring at that picture, you'd love a black dick in your mouth wouldn't you? Maybe you've already sucked black dick.

Again my nation and my nations politics have nothing to do with you, it's none of your business. I'm not discussing things with you that have nothing to do with you and losers like you have no influence upon my people or my nation. Period.

You're so influential you couldn't even convince Wales to vote Remain.

When the Brexit thing was happening, I never made ONE comment during that, you being a typical busy body feel the need to comment on every nations political campaigns, again what does North Carolina and Oklahoma have to do with you, does what they do directly affect you? No.
Its a lovely pic showing inter-racial harmony at a time of great tension in the world. Only a sicko would have a problem with it.

Anyway.......perhaps you could provide me with a list of topics I am allowed OMG to discuss ? Huh.

You are the sicko you perverted freak.
As I say, if Roudy, ironrosie, Mindful, The Professor and jroc are fine, then WTF is the Toro types problem unless they've got issues that cause them to be obsessive weirdos where I'm concerned, who stalk me around a forum just to call me stupid names, they're losers with issues.

Personally, I don't like lowlife, inhumane, fascist racists such as yourself. Plus, you're a nutty conspiracy theorist. I'm sure you're a nice person and good mother IRL, but your political views are abhorrent and deserved to be exposed and mocked.

One can be against mass immigration without being a scummy nutter, lunazigrl.

You are being an idiot!!

As I say, if Roudy, ironrosie, Mindful, The Professor and jroc are fine, then WTF is the Toro types problem unless they've got issues that cause them to be obsessive weirdos where I'm concerned, who stalk me around a forum just to call me stupid names, they're losers with issues.

Personally, I don't like lowlife, inhumane, fascist racists such as yourself. Plus, you're a nutty conspiracy theorist. I'm sure you're a nice person and good mother IRL, but your political views are abhorrent and deserved to be exposed and mocked.

One can be against mass immigration without being a scummy nutter, lunazigrl.

You are being an idiot!!


The Conspiracy Theory thing that Toro mentions is bewildering to me, I've made posts saying that I don't go in for Conspiracy Theories though, except the one's I mention JFK and Dr. David Kelly, both considered Conspiracy Theories, but both are unsettling in their Official explanations.
You don't even make sense, are you drunk again? :alcoholic:

I am not.

I will be imbuing in a Bruichladdich 16, a Macallan 12 and a Bookers later.

Bruichladdich 16, an excellent choice.

We have been given an Glendiddich 30, we've had this since February unopened, we might open it in November when I'm officially allowed to have a drink again

It's description is: Finely balanced, with substantial oak matched by fruit and luscious sherry notes.

Palate: Complex and seductively woody, emphasised by a floral sweetness.

Finish: Exceedingly long, honeyed and warm.

I am distantly related to the original owners and distillers of Glenfiddich.

They don't make Bruichladdich 16 any more, and it's hard to buy. So I bought a half dozen bottles and drink it slowly.

Hey; you left out your Nazi shit. Good for you!!

Back to the topic under discussion.

This is a quote from the article.

After UK voters backed Brexit, he said Austria might also hold a referendum.
However, he has now made clear he thinks leaving would be a "mistake".
"I'm not in favour of an Austrian exit from the European Union; I've been annoyed for days that people have assumed I am," he told Die Presse newspaper (in German).

This is a huge shift of position and contrary to previous statements.

It would appear that the Presidential race is between two pro Europe candidates.

Yes we notice your new sig line picture, you don't even hide that you're just a little Troll do you. Is that your new jerk off material, staring at that picture, you'd love a black dick in your mouth wouldn't you? Maybe you've already sucked black dick.

Again my nation and my nations politics have nothing to do with you, it's none of your business. I'm not discussing things with you that have nothing to do with you and losers like you have no influence upon my people or my nation. Period.

You're so influential you couldn't even convince Wales to vote Remain.

When the Brexit thing was happening, I never made ONE comment during that, you being a typical busy body feel the need to comment on every nations political campaigns, again what does North Carolina and Oklahoma have to do with you, does what they do directly affect you? No.
Its a lovely pic showing inter-racial harmony at a time of great tension in the world. Only a sicko would have a problem with it.

Anyway.......perhaps you could provide me with a list of topics I am allowed OMG to discuss ? Huh.

You could post the picture of the little boy who's being "made" into a little girl, you've posted that on multiple occasions in other threads, so why not have that as your next sig line picture.

Yousaidwhat you've been in those threads where The Skinhead has posted the picture to which I refer.
You don't even make sense, are you drunk again? :alcoholic:

I am not.

I will be imbuing in a Bruichladdich 16, a Macallan 12 and a Bookers later.

Bruichladdich 16, an excellent choice.

We have been given an Glendiddich 30, we've had this since February unopened, we might open it in November when I'm officially allowed to have a drink again

It's description is: Finely balanced, with substantial oak matched by fruit and luscious sherry notes.

Palate: Complex and seductively woody, emphasised by a floral sweetness.

Finish: Exceedingly long, honeyed and warm.

I am distantly related to the original owners and distillers of Glenfiddich.

They don't make Bruichladdich 16 any more, and it's hard to buy. So I bought a half dozen bottles and drink it slowly.

Hey; you left out your Nazi shit. Good for you!!


It could be possible to have a normal discussion with Toro, like I'm able to have normal discussions with Roudy, ironrosie, The Professor, Mindful and jroc and vice-versa.
Yup. It appears he is backtracking. He did leave open a referendum if there is more centralization or if Turkey joins. But it's pretty obvious that he has changed his position. He wants to win.
Its a strange one.I think the Brexit fall out must have rattled him. Cant think of any other reason he would flip.
You don't even make sense, are you drunk again? :alcoholic:

I am not.

I will be imbuing in a Bruichladdich 16, a Macallan 12 and a Bookers later.

Bruichladdich 16, an excellent choice.

We have been given an Glendiddich 30, we've had this since February unopened, we might open it in November when I'm officially allowed to have a drink again

It's description is: Finely balanced, with substantial oak matched by fruit and luscious sherry notes.

Palate: Complex and seductively woody, emphasised by a floral sweetness.

Finish: Exceedingly long, honeyed and warm.

I am distantly related to the original owners and distillers of Glenfiddich.

They don't make Bruichladdich 16 any more, and it's hard to buy. So I bought a half dozen bottles and drink it slowly.

Hey; you left out your Nazi shit. Good for you!!


It could be possible to have a normal discussion with Toro, like I'm able to have normal discussions with Roudy, ironrosie, The Professor, Mindful and jroc and vice-versa.
With Toro no.
She is a frustrated lesbian.
Yup. It appears he is backtracking. He did leave open a referendum if there is more centralization or if Turkey joins. But it's pretty obvious that he has changed his position. He wants to win.
Its a strange one.I think the Brexit fall out must have rattled him. Cant think of any other reason he would flip.

Herr Hofer doesn't read your comments, so he doesn't give a shit what you think.

He also hasn't flipped you stupid Skinhead.
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