Avenatti is a scumbag

You know that ship has already sailed, stupid?

{The former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper raised eyebrows throughout Washington Thursday night; bizarrely calling allegations the FBI “spied” on the Trump campaign a “good thing” for the country.}
INSIDE MAN: James Clapper Says Spying on Trump was ‘A GOOD THING’ | Sean Hannity

Hannity? LoL - Clapper is right on the money

“If there was someone that was observing that sort of thing,” said Clapper, “That’s a good thing because the Russians pose a threat to the very basis of our political system.”
Nah, he's just a blowhard, we're already finding out this guy is a paid political hack and more will come out.....you lefties really shot you wad to get trump.
I mean the media is full on hard left now
you're using spies in campaigns.....very illegal and un-American
and now you've hooked up this guy to the stormy daniels situation (he's getting paid but not by her) trying to make it look like a non political attack....yet that's being unraveled......I mean every shot you fire is a blank.......and you guys are using some really desperate and sick methods.....and in the end Trump will just shit all over you guys. When trump is not impeached I hope the suicide hotlines are fully staffed for you lefties........it's gonna be rougher than election night.

LoL - Nobody is using spies in campaigns. Hell, even Crazy Rudy walked that one back yesterday.

They rightfully used informants to court the idiots who were talking constantly with Russians like Goofy Carter Page. Nothing sketchy about it.

If anything, it proves that US Intel was concerned about Russian interference LONG before the Dossier came out.

Officials Dispute Trump’s Talk of an FBI Spy Planted in His Campaign

But you'll believe every plume of orange smoke getting blown up your ass ;-)

You know that ship has already sailed, stupid?

{The former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper raised eyebrows throughout Washington Thursday night; bizarrely calling allegations the FBI “spied” on the Trump campaign a “good thing” for the country.}
INSIDE MAN: James Clapper Says Spying on Trump was ‘A GOOD THING’ | Sean Hannity

this country has had a close eye on Russia since Kennedy then Reagan was in office .. Trump fell into the Russia loop ALL BY HIMSELF - Hillary didnt hold a gun to his head ... his sorry fat Russian loving ass NEEDS TO BE WATCHED !!!

F Trump.

sail that ship.
Avenatti is a SB?? How can anyone believe any of repub shit when they could bash Kerry McCain and Mueller all who served and 2 of the 3 are republicans,,,,,while their vermin punked out?
You know that ship has already sailed, stupid?

{The former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper raised eyebrows throughout Washington Thursday night; bizarrely calling allegations the FBI “spied” on the Trump campaign a “good thing” for the country.}
INSIDE MAN: James Clapper Says Spying on Trump was ‘A GOOD THING’ | Sean Hannity

Hannity? LoL - Clapper is right on the money

“If there was someone that was observing that sort of thing,” said Clapper, “That’s a good thing because the Russians pose a threat to the very basis of our political system.”

So, Clapper already acknowledged that the Obama administration collaberated with a foreign agent to rig the 2016 election.

Obama spied on Trump, fact.
Anenatti is certainly a slickster, so yeah, he can be called scum.
But I am always amazed, that little Trumpsters are so easily manipulated, that they look pass the mountains of Trump's historical and ongoing acts being a piece of shit, to jump all over a minor league scum.
This is like equalizing a traffic ticket to a capital offense.

Are you deMS-13 shocked, SHOCKED I tells ya, that Trump used a prostitute?

What happened to you shitwads claiming "it's only about sex?"

Oh, that's right, you're fucking hypocrites. :thup:

Funny, how you use a singular subject, especially when I used the term "mountains of Trump's historical and ongoing acts being a piece of shit". That term, is all inclusive.
Secondly, regarding "it's only about sex?", I suspect you are referring to Willie's (Clinton) inability with keeping his fly shut. I never did like the Clinton's and Willie being a sex predator (much like Trump). I have never voted for a Clinton.
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia
I don't let ideology get in the way of common sense.
So, Clapper already acknowledged that the Obama administration collaberated with a foreign agent to rig the 2016 election.

Obama spied on Trump, fact.

Obama spied on Trump = Alternative Fact

Uncensored: :)

Are you part of the best and brightest Trump promised us?? lol lol

Eddie, I just took a shit that had double your IQ.

You morons want to change the rules based on who is in office. We normals won't go along with your idiocy. YOU fuckwads made the rules that sex doesn't matter - now you're stuck with them.
Better check that shit out before you flush Your brains are in it
sorry Edwards he's right, you guys are all left all politics all the time......it's hilarious.
Bucky I was a Republican all my life even voting for GWB in 2000 That was my last repub vote Never again

I loved guys, so what did he do to piss you off?
Nah, he's just a blowhard, we're already finding out this guy is a paid political hack and more will come out.....you lefties really shot you wad to get trump.
I mean the media is full on hard left now
you're using spies in campaigns.....very illegal and un-American
and now you've hooked up this guy to the stormy daniels situation (he's getting paid but not by her) trying to make it look like a non political attack....yet that's being unraveled......I mean every shot you fire is a blank.......and you guys are using some really desperate and sick methods.....and in the end Trump will just shit all over you guys. When trump is not impeached I hope the suicide hotlines are fully staffed for you lefties........it's gonna be rougher than election night.

LoL - Nobody is using spies in campaigns. Hell, even Crazy Rudy walked that one back yesterday.

They rightfully used informants to court the idiots who were talking constantly with Russians like Goofy Carter Page. Nothing sketchy about it.

If anything, it proves that US Intel was concerned about Russian interference LONG before the Dossier came out.

Officials Dispute Trump’s Talk of an FBI Spy Planted in His Campaign

But you'll believe every plume of orange smoke getting blown up your ass ;-)

informants are spies, wtf....it doesn't have to be James bond to be a spy.

and they had these guys and still have nothing, I cant wait to see you guys scream at the sky and cry like the pansy ass pussies you are.
Anenatti is certainly a slickster, so yeah, he can be called scum.
But I am always amazed, that little Trumpsters are so easily manipulated, that they look pass the mountains of Trump's historical and ongoing acts being a piece of shit, to jump all over a minor league scum.
This is like equalizing a traffic ticket to a capital offense.

Are you deMS-13 shocked, SHOCKED I tells ya, that Trump used a prostitute?

What happened to you shitwads claiming "it's only about sex?"

Oh, that's right, you're fucking hypocrites. :thup:

Funny, how you use a singular subject, especially when I used the term "mountains of Trump's historical and ongoing acts being a piece of shit". That term, is all inclusive.
Secondly, regarding "it's only about sex?", I suspect you are referring to Willie's (Clinton) inability with keeping his fly shut. I never did like the Clinton's and Willie being a sex predator (much like Trump). I have never voted for a Clinton.
Donald Trump Access Hollywood tape - Wikipedia
I don't let ideology get in the way of common sense.

well I agree but don still hasn't had anything credible. the access tape was not about him, he was like the culture of Hollywood is like that and he was right. for the right movie part people allow way too much shit. but when you say that, pe OP please call you a bible thumper.
informants are spies, wtf....it doesn't have to be James bond to be a spy.

and they had these guys and still have nothing, I cant wait to see you guys scream at the sky and cry like the pansy ass pussies you are.

The FBI was entitled to investigate Popadopoulos and Page when it was determined that they were running around conspiring with Russian spies.

You acting like a pansy ass pussy won't change that fact. A spy or a mole would be one who infiltrates a campaign and becomes an active member of that campaign.

These guys did neither.
Avanati, who claims to be so fucking smart is about to be charged with receiving stolen goods.
The scumbag KNEW Cohen's private financial records had been stolen.
The asshole who stole the records is about to be charges and sent to prison.
anyone that exposes Trump fat ass is a scumbag. Trump cant fire this scumbag and get rid of him like he does his personal scumbags.
Beg to differ Anyone exposing the orange anus is a hero,,imho

That was sarcasm you moron...she's on your side.....Man, you guys really aren't that smart.
And yes I know that's how you think, it's why you guys love terrorists and ignore what extreme Muslims (aka terrorists like ISIS, Taliban, Hamas, PLO, and Al Qaeda) do to women and gay people, because they hate America, like you do.
I know who's side the poster is on I've been here a while and agree with all their posts
I notice you ignored the rest...but know you didn't know...it's kind of funny......when I think of you I get dueling banjos in my head.
That's what I think of when I see a photo of Joe Scarborough.
Avanati, who claims to be so fucking smart is about to be charged with receiving stolen goods.
The scumbag KNEW Cohen's private financial records had been stolen.
The asshole who stole the records is about to be charges and sent to prison.
wishes in one hand shit in the other ,,,see which comes true first

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