Axelrod wants Republicans to vote for Obamacare so they can run against it...


VIP Member
Mar 16, 2010
328 November. Do you believe that? They don't have the votes. These are desperate people.

Expressing an increasing confidence that a massive health care overhaul will pass Congress -- despite dire warnings from Republicans about its impact on Democrats in November -- White House officials on Sunday dared the GOP to bring it on during this fall's 2010 midterm election.
"We're happy to have the 2010 elections be about the achievement of health care reform. That's a debate I think we're obviously comfortable having," White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said on "Fox News Sunday."
"Make my day," added senior White House adviser David Axelrod.
"If the Republican Party wants to go out and say to that child who now has insurance or say to that small business that will get tax credits this year ... you know what, we're actually going to take that away from you and we don't think that's such a good idea, I say let's have that fight," Axelrod told ABC'S "This Week." "I'm ready to have that and every member of Congress ought to be willing to have that debate as well."

Maybe the child won't realize that he didn't actually receive anything to take away, but I'm betting that a small businessman will know that in the long run he is getting screwed by the WH because he is one of the 60+% of people that are against Obamacare.

Which, of course, this healthcare bill will help out about 7%. What a price to pay for the small business owners.
The dissociation of the Obammybots with actual reality is truly astonishing.

Go ahead....Run on towering dismal failure.
Barry needs some actual viewers, the three guys watching MSNBC already support him.
Anybody WITH a functioning braincell can already run against the Obamacare Health Care Legislation (in whatever version, permutation or hideous malignant mutated form it takes) WHETHER OR NOT IT PASSES. The thing is, any Democrat congress-cretin wishing to avoid the likely devastation in the upcoming midterm elections can try to salvage his or her electoral prospects by FIRMLY and LOUDLY arguing and voting AGAINST the liberal Democrat plot.

The GOP certainly doesn't need to assist the retarded Democratics in PASSING that monstrosity to benefit from it.

This is one self-inflicted wound that just WILL NOT HEAL!

Good. :cool:
Barry needs some actual viewers, the three guys watching MSNBC already support him.

You think he's actually going to rock that boat?

Obama to Be Interviewed by Bret Baier of Fox News -

What is MSNBC out of business---:lol::lol::lol: Obama goes on FOX---he better have some real answers.

$Leave Barack alone.jpg
If the WH really believes this they are dumber and more out of touch than I thought.
Really I think the comment was not directed at Republicans, who are against the bill anyway,but Democrats who are leaning against it. It is a way to get them to vote for the bill, telling them how to spin it in Nov.
THey are dead wrong. More and more people are against any version the Dums are pushing, more and more are against the shenanigans and downright unconstutional procedures they are using the get this passed.
If Obama and his pals don't see the writing on the wall they are in for a shock.

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