Axenic Horse Manure


Sep 23, 2010
Reforming the tax code is pure fecal matter:

That is at the root of a proposal to sunset the current tax code on Dec. 31, 2019. Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., has introduced the Tax Code Termination Act (HR 27), which would do exactly that.


“We must force Congress to tackle tax reform head on. The best way forward is to scrap the current tax code and start fresh. This legislation would allow us, as a nation, to collectively decide what the new tax system should look like. There are many competing alternatives, but having a set date to end the current tax code will force the issue and the debate to the top of the national agenda.”

Start From Scratch on Taxes? Why There’s a Bipartisan Push to Sunset the Tax Code
Kevin Mooney / April 09, 2015

Should We Start From Scratch on Taxes

The American people will never be better off until the income tax is repealed. Replacing the current tax code with a flat tax, a VAT (Value-added tax), or every other tinker tool they talk about leaves the parasite class intact. Reforming the tax code is a waste of time when the talk begins by NOT separating federal tax revenues required for necessary government from the demands of the parasite class. Then-Rep. Ron Paul touched on the problem:

For people who dislike taxes, the only thing better than an ultra-low flat tax is the notion of no tax at all. That is the goal behind former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) position. The leader of the libertarian wing in the Republican Party feels that the income tax, in particular, is a problem:

“I want to abolish the income tax, but I don’t want to replace it with anything. About 45 percent of all federal revenue comes from the personal income tax. That means that about 55 percent — over half of all revenue — comes from other sources, like excise taxes, fees, and corporate taxes. We could eliminate the income tax, replace it with nothing, and still fund the same level of big government we had in the late 1990s.”​

History may be on Paul’s side. Framing the argument that taxes restrict liberty, one would search for a part of the Constitution to reinforce their position. In this case, they would strike down the Sixteenth Amendment, which solidified the income tax after much debate.

Proponents of this stance point to the unconstitutionality behind the Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894. This income revenue act was the first to levy a peacetime tax on income — the original breakdown was 2 percent over $4,000. This was to make up the revenue lost by reducing tariffs, one of the same tools Paul would use to fund the government in lieu of income taxes.

The following year, the Supreme Court ruled that the act was unconstitutional in Pollock v. Farmers Loan Trust Co. The Sixteenth Amendment was adopted 18 years later in 1913, making taxes a constitutional right of the federal government.​

4 Tax Reform Proposals to Simplify the Tax Code
By Brandon Fallon

4 Tax Reform Proposals to Simplify the Tax Code -

Incidentally, there is ample evidence to support this:



It only took 19 years between the unconstitutional Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894 before IMPLEMENTING the XVI Amendment in 1913. It is going to take a helluva lot longer than 19 years to drive the parasites away from the public trough.

Believe what you will about ratification dupery, but it is impossible to deny that today’s lying scum entrenched in the federal government employ the same tricks implementing unconstitutional laws they shove down the public’s throat.

More than every other adjustment progressive hustlers make to accommodate their ‘economic’ agenda, the XVI Amendment transformed the Constitution into a Government Bill of Rights. On top of it all, the original Bill of Rights is gradually being suffocated by the government’s Bill of Rights.

NOTE: The XVII Amendment was never ratified either. That one IMPLEMENTED long-serving traitors in the US Senate.

Examination shows that “About 45 percent of all federal revenue . . .” is collected to feed the parasite class. Whether it be 45% —— or 1% —— a tax on income is exactly why every debate should begin and end with one premise: THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT ENGAGE IN CHARITY. Indeed, when did Harry Reid decide that a tax on income should VOLUNTARILY fund coerced charity?

NOTE: Tax revenues pay for the United Nations, all of its agencies, and foreign aid. Logically, repealing the XVI Amendment would eliminate membership in the United Nations. Hell, United Nations parasites even demand tax dollars.

Finally, see this thread for more details about reforming the tax code:

Reforming the tax code is pure fecal matter:

That is at the root of a proposal to sunset the current tax code on Dec. 31, 2019. Rep. Bob Goodlatte, R-Va., has introduced the Tax Code Termination Act (HR 27), which would do exactly that.


“We must force Congress to tackle tax reform head on. The best way forward is to scrap the current tax code and start fresh. This legislation would allow us, as a nation, to collectively decide what the new tax system should look like. There are many competing alternatives, but having a set date to end the current tax code will force the issue and the debate to the top of the national agenda.”

Start From Scratch on Taxes? Why There’s a Bipartisan Push to Sunset the Tax Code
Kevin Mooney / April 09, 2015

Should We Start From Scratch on Taxes

The American people will never be better off until the income tax is repealed. Replacing the current tax code with a flat tax, a VAT (Value-added tax), or every other tinker tool they talk about leaves the parasite class intact. Reforming the tax code is a waste of time when the talk begins by NOT separating federal tax revenues required for necessary government from the demands of the parasite class. Then-Rep. Ron Paul touched on the problem:

For people who dislike taxes, the only thing better than an ultra-low flat tax is the notion of no tax at all. That is the goal behind former U.S. Rep. Ron Paul’s (R-TX) position. The leader of the libertarian wing in the Republican Party feels that the income tax, in particular, is a problem:

“I want to abolish the income tax, but I don’t want to replace it with anything. About 45 percent of all federal revenue comes from the personal income tax. That means that about 55 percent — over half of all revenue — comes from other sources, like excise taxes, fees, and corporate taxes. We could eliminate the income tax, replace it with nothing, and still fund the same level of big government we had in the late 1990s.”​
History may be on Paul’s side. Framing the argument that taxes restrict liberty, one would search for a part of the Constitution to reinforce their position. In this case, they would strike down the Sixteenth Amendment, which solidified the income tax after much debate.

Proponents of this stance point to the unconstitutionality behind the Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894. This income revenue act was the first to levy a peacetime tax on income — the original breakdown was 2 percent over $4,000. This was to make up the revenue lost by reducing tariffs, one of the same tools Paul would use to fund the government in lieu of income taxes.

The following year, the Supreme Court ruled that the act was unconstitutional in Pollock v. Farmers Loan Trust Co. The Sixteenth Amendment was adopted 18 years later in 1913, making taxes a constitutional right of the federal government.​

4 Tax Reform Proposals to Simplify the Tax Code
By Brandon Fallon

4 Tax Reform Proposals to Simplify the Tax Code -

Incidentally, there is ample evidence to support this:



It only took 19 years between the unconstitutional Wilson-Gorman Tariff Act of 1894 before IMPLEMENTING the XVI Amendment in 1913. It is going to take a helluva lot longer than 19 years to drive the parasites away from the public trough.

Believe what you will about ratification dupery, but it is impossible to deny that today’s lying scum entrenched in the federal government employ the same tricks implementing unconstitutional laws they shove down the public’s throat.

More than every other adjustment progressive hustlers make to accommodate their ‘economic’ agenda, the XVI Amendment transformed the Constitution into a Government Bill of Rights. On top of it all, the original Bill of Rights is gradually being suffocated by the government’s Bill of Rights.

NOTE: The XVII Amendment was never ratified either. That one IMPLEMENTED long-serving traitors in the US Senate.

Examination shows that “About 45 percent of all federal revenue . . .” is collected to feed the parasite class. Whether it be 45% —— or 1% —— a tax on income is exactly why every debate should begin and end with one premise: THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT ENGAGE IN CHARITY. Indeed, when did Harry Reid decide that a tax on income should VOLUNTARILY fund coerced charity?

NOTE: Tax revenues pay for the United Nations, all of its agencies, and foreign aid. Logically, repealing the XVI Amendment would eliminate membership in the United Nations. Hell, United Nations parasites even demand tax dollars.

Finally, see this thread for more details about reforming the tax code:

Harry Reid is partially correct, paying taxes is voluntary for Democrats in the government.
Careful, there. The workers you dismiss as the "parasite class" are the very ones that built the country and fought its wars. It's true that between these activities, they are provided with some food money and living allowances--but that only protects aristocrats and owners from riots. It is just bribery in exchange for acceptance. Take away the bribe money, and this "parasite class" might well revolt.

Also, taxation supports the entire military/industrial complex and has been the backbone of wealth creation and business activity in this country; what do you propose to do when you remove about 1/3 of our ecocomic activity?
Careful, there. The workers you dismiss as the "parasite class" are the very ones that built the country and fought its wars. It's true that between these activities, they are provided with some food money and living allowances--but that only protects aristocrats and owners from riots. It is just bribery in exchange for acceptance. Take away the bribe money, and this "parasite class" might well revolt.

Also, taxation supports the entire military/industrial complex and has been the backbone of wealth creation and business activity in this country; what do you propose to do when you remove about 1/3 of our ecocomic activity?

To Freemason9: This must have challenged your reading comprehension skills:

Examination shows that “About 45 percent of all federal revenue . . .” is collected to feed the parasite class. Whether it be 45% —— or 1% —— a tax on income is exactly why every debate should begin and end with one premise: THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT ENGAGE IN CHARITY.
Careful, there. The workers you dismiss as the "parasite class" are the very ones that built the country and fought its wars. It's true that between these activities, they are provided with some food money and living allowances--but that only protects aristocrats and owners from riots. It is just bribery in exchange for acceptance. Take away the bribe money, and this "parasite class" might well revolt.

Also, taxation supports the entire military/industrial complex and has been the backbone of wealth creation and business activity in this country; what do you propose to do when you remove about 1/3 of our ecocomic activity?

To Freemason9: This must have challenged your reading comprehension skills:

Examination shows that “About 45 percent of all federal revenue . . .” is collected to feed the parasite class. Whether it be 45% —— or 1% —— a tax on income is exactly why every debate should begin and end with one premise: THE GOVERNMENT CANNOT ENGAGE IN CHARITY.

You may not have been able to grasp this, but the "charity" you refer to only serves to keep a large impoverished segment of our population in line. You know as well as I do that TPTB has no "charitable" interests at all. Also, your quote ("THE GOVERNMENT . . .") is only somebody's opinion. It doesn't carry any authority or weight.
It was then-Speaker of the House Denny Hastert who said the public would save 2 billion dollars a year in fees paid to tax preparers simply by abolishing the IRS. In 2003, H & R Block alone took in 1.9 billion dollars in fees. God only knows how much the entire industry rakes in today.

Have you heard anybody say they want to eliminate the INCOME TAX RETURN under any system they happen to advocate. Filing a tax return is a trusted method of colleting taxes. No tax code reform will put several million tax preparers on the unemployment rolls. They are the Cadillacs of the parasite class who take down a nice year’s income for three months work. And that’s not counting the schools paid tax dollars to train tax preparers.

Incidentally, 1986 was the last time the tax code was reformed. The joke is that the “reformed tax code” was written by parasites —— exactly like the insurance industry reformed healthcare.

A Lot Has Changed in the 27 Years Since the Last Major Tax Reform
October 22, 2013
By Andrew Lundeen

A Lot Has Changed in the 27 Years Since the Last Major Tax Reform Tax Foundation

Working Americans have been getting the shaft for 29 years. Incomes went down standard of living decreased, unemployment is higher than 10 percent irrespective of what government is saying. Throughout those 29 years parasites absorbed more of the nation’s wealth. Now the parasites are back for more.

NOTE: I want to point out that bipartisanship, and reform, are words that become weapons of mass destruction in the hands of parasites. Repeal the XVI Amendment. That is the only way there is to disarm the pack of liars getting set to reform the tax code again.

And exactly why in hell should Americans listen to an expert on international taxes? The only international tax I am aware of is the one the experts have been trying to levy through United Nations treaties.

Curtis S. Dubay, a leading expert on tax reform, income tax, corporate tax, international taxes, and the estate tax, is a research fellow in tax and economic policy at The Heritage Foundation.​

Congress Can Raise Your Income 10 Percent By Updating the Tax Code
Curtis Dubay / April 10, 2015

How Congress Can Raise Your Income 10 Percent

Bottom line: The only expert who can be trusted is the guy who says “Repeal the XVI Amendment.”
In 2003, H & R Block alone took in 1.9 billion dollars in fees. God only knows how much the entire industry rakes in today.

tax preparers are just a tiny part of it. You could eliminate whole industries and groups. GE for example has 1000 full time tax people. multiply that by all the corporations in the world
and you get an idea of the incredible waste. Then you could eliminate the life insurance industry, municipal bond industry, much of the legal industry etc etc which are all based on tax scams of one kind or another. Off shoring for tax purposes would stop and bring back 10 million jobs.
tax preparers are just a tiny part of it. You could eliminate whole industries and groups. GE for example has 1000 full time tax people. multiply that by all the corporations in the world
and you get an idea of the incredible waste. Then you could eliminate the life insurance industry, municipal bond industry, much of the legal industry etc etc which are all based on tax scams of one kind or another. Off shoring for tax purposes would stop and bring back 10 million jobs.

To EdwardBaiamonte: Right on the money. Tax-form preparers lubricate the machinery that runs the entire rotten welfare state.

Accountants do exceptionally well at the tax tub with a lot of help from lawyers who deliberately make tax codes more complicated than the other laws they impose on the rest of us. The ACA is their crowning achievement.

Lawyers have seniority at the tax tub which is not an endorsement for their necessity. There is even some doubt about the legal profession’s position in the food chain. Angry skeptics list them as practitioners of the oldest profession. I admit the list is getting fuzzy now that hustling girls engage in both.

Fictional attorneys are portrayed as the noblest of God’s creatures. In real life, lawyers have the scruples of a Dickensian bookkeeper.

Accountants learned from lawyers —— federal, state, and local tax codes prove it. Accountants are the most interesting of the major parasite ‘industries’ because they grabbed a prominent spot at the trough without benefit of a long public relations campaign. That is quite an accomplishment when you stop and think about it.

The images of priests, doctors, lawyers, and teachers always benefitted immensely from literature, stage plays, radio, talking pictures, and TV. On the other hand, the only image accountants have is the one that Charles Dickens gave them in David Copperfield.

Should accountants ever be required to upgrade their professional image, I can just imagine the TV shows that will suddenly appear. One such show might be titled Uriah Heep: Inner-City Tax Consultant. Another might be titled Uriah Heep: For the Defense.

And you can easily picture a scene in a hospital emergency room where a gurney, piled high with bloodstained IRS forms, is being rushed into surgery as our accountant hero barks money-saving commands at admiring female assistants?

I can even envision a fictional tax preparer administering the last rites to a tax cheat on his death bed.

Lest I be called too cynical, let me say that civilization will be well-served when every one of the highly sought after afore named professions practice their trade without benefit of tax dollars.
tax preparers are just a tiny part of it. You could eliminate whole industries and groups. GE for example has 1000 full time tax people. multiply that by all the corporations in the world
and you get an idea of the incredible waste. Then you could eliminate the life insurance industry, municipal bond industry, much of the legal industry etc etc which are all based on tax scams of one kind or another. Off shoring for tax purposes would stop and bring back 10 million jobs.

To EdwardBaiamonte: Right on the money. Tax-form preparers lubricate the machinery that runs the entire rotten welfare state.

Accountants do exceptionally well at the tax tub with a lot of help from lawyers who deliberately make tax codes more complicated than the other laws they impose on the rest of us. The ACA is their crowning achievement.

Lawyers have seniority at the tax tub which is not an endorsement for their necessity. There is even some doubt about the legal profession’s position in the food chain. Angry skeptics list them as practitioners of the oldest profession. I admit the list is getting fuzzy now that hustling girls engage in both.

Fictional attorneys are portrayed as the noblest of God’s creatures. In real life, lawyers have the scruples of a Dickensian bookkeeper.

Accountants learned from lawyers —— federal, state, and local tax codes prove it. Accountants are the most interesting of the major parasite ‘industries’ because they grabbed a prominent spot at the trough without benefit of a long public relations campaign. That is quite an accomplishment when you stop and think about it.

The images of priests, doctors, lawyers, and teachers always benefitted immensely from literature, stage plays, radio, talking pictures, and TV. On the other hand, the only image accountants have is the one that Charles Dickens gave them in David Copperfield.

Should accountants ever be required to upgrade their professional image, I can just imagine the TV shows that will suddenly appear. One such show might be titled Uriah Heep: Inner-City Tax Consultant. Another might be titled Uriah Heep: For the Defense.

And you can easily picture a scene in a hospital emergency room where a gurney, piled high with bloodstained IRS forms, is being rushed into surgery as our accountant hero barks money-saving commands at admiring female assistants?

I can even envision a fictional tax preparer administering the last rites to a tax cheat on his death bed.

Lest I be called too cynical, let me say that civilization will be well-served when every one of the highly sought after afore named professions practice their trade without benefit of tax dollars.
and, on top of all that we have to consider all the other economic inefficiencies that take place to avoid taxes from John Lennon moving to France, GE moving to China, and athletic stadiums being built with tax free dollars.

We would not recognize the world without the huge, expensive, poverty inducing distortions that liberal taxation causes as it take 75% of the nations earnings

I still will not waste a fig on the presidential race, but at this point in time Carly Fiorina looks a lot better to me than does media choices Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio:

Can you ever remember a single ‘reg’ ever being appealed?


Her bottom line on the tax code? “Simple, simple, simple. … You can’t have a 26,000-page tax code.”

Carly Fiorina’s Simple Solution for America’s Complex Tax Code
David Brody April 17, 2015

Carly Fiorina s Simple Solution for the Complex Tax Code

I just wish Fiorina —— or somebody —— would explain why it takes 26,000 pages to enforce 30 words:

The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several States, and without regard to any census or enumeration.​

Simple, simple, simple. Repeal the XVI Amendment and you erase 26,000 pages of regulations.
Incomes went down standard of living decreased, unemployment is higher than 10 percent irrespective of what government is saying.


Please read this brief article for a clarification on the above chart.

December 30, 2015
Obamanomics explained in one chart
By Thomas Lifson

Blog: Obamanomics explained in one chart
Incomes went down standard of living decreased, unemployment is higher than 10 percent irrespective of what government is saying.


Please read this brief article for a clarification on the above chart.

December 30, 2015
Obamanomics explained in one chart
By Thomas Lifson

Blog: Obamanomics explained in one chart
U6 and working age out of labor force has come down steadily so unemployment is full I"m afraid. Big issue is that income is down thanks to liberal off shoring and liberal illegals driving down wages.

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