AZ School District Putting Anti-Abortion Stickers In Science Textbooks


Registered Democrat.
Aug 9, 2015
What kind of stupid shit is this?
AZ School District Putting Anti-Abortion Stickers In Science Textbooks
An Arizona school district made students place stickers, which promote childbirth and adoption over abortion, inside their high school biology textbook.

New York Times bestselling author Suzanne Young, who lives in the district, told TPM in an interview on Thursday that she was stunned when her 14-year-old son showed her one of the stickers on his textbook.

"I read it, and just looked at him. Is this a joke?" Young told TPM.

She posted a photo of the sticker on Twitter on Wednesday afternoon.

This. THIS is a sticker my son's public high school just forced all students to put in their science books:

— Suzanne Young (@suzanne_young) August 19, 2015

Her son, a freshman at Gilbert High School in Gilbert, Arizona, told her that if students didn't put the abstinence-only education sticker in their textbooks, the student would have to speak with their grade-level administrator.

"They're teaching morality on an educational textbook," Young, a former high school teacher, said.

The sticker began: “The Gilbert Public School District supports the state of Arizona’s strong interest in promoting childbirth and adoption over elective abortion.”

This language was taken almost verbatim from an Arizona law that states that schools can only provide support (financial or instruction) to a sexual education program that presents giving birth and adoption as preferred to abortion

The sticker continued: “The District is also in support of promoting abstinence as the most effective way to eliminate the potential for unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. If you have questions concerning sexual intercourse, contraceptives, pregnancy, adoption, or abortion, we encourage you to speak with your parents.”

Young said the sticker assumes there are parents with the necessary medical education to talk to their children about these topics.

"Even if I ignore all the rest of it, it assumes these kids have supportive parents to talk to. Or their parents are even knowledgable," Young told TPM. "Since when is withholding education a good things for teens?"

"Not all parents are going to have knowledge of different STDs and different methods of prevention," she said. "They can talk about the morality of it but the facts should still come from schools."

The other law referenced on the sticker states Arizona schools may provide medically accurate and age-appropriate instruction on AIDS and HIV. The instruction must also promote abstinence, cannot promote “a homosexual life-style” and cannot “portray homosexuality as a positive alternative life-style.”
"The sticker continued: “The District is also in support of promoting abstinence as the most effective way to eliminate the potential for unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. If you have questions concerning sexual intercourse, contraceptives, pregnancy, adoption, or abortion, we encourage you to speak with your parents.”

Like that part. Sounds exactly like the teenagers I grew up with, or not. Hey Dad, when I'm fucking her from behind should I spank her, play with her tits, pull her hair, or all three? Yep, didn't happen, we figured that out on our own...
Childbirth and adoption VS abortion.

What a novel concept.

If your thoughts could have been interpreted mere months before you were born, for which would you have pleaded? :dunno:

Of course that's not possible. That's why there are those in this world who speak for the voiceless.

"Let me live"?

"Allow my progenitor to deny my birth"?

Rather than allow nature to take its course, we have allowed ourselves to alter the course of nature.
Childbirth and adoption VS abortion.

What a novel concept.

If your thoughts could have been interpreted mere months before you were born, for which would you have pleaded? :dunno:

Of course that's not possible. That's why there are those in this world who speak for the voiceless.

"Let me live"?

"Allow my progenitor to deny my birth"?

Rather than allow nature to take its course, we have allowed ourselves to alter the course of nature.
The course nature takes is mostly spontaneous abortions. Don't go there.
Childbirth and adoption VS abortion.

What a novel concept.

If your thoughts could have been interpreted mere months before you were born, for which would you have pleaded? :dunno:

Of course that's not possible. That's why there are those in this world who speak for the voiceless.

"Let me live"?

"Allow my progenitor to deny my birth"?

Rather than allow nature to take its course, we have allowed ourselves to alter the course of nature.
The course nature takes is mostly spontaneous abortions. Don't go there.
That is the course of man-determined law, not nature. :slap:
Childbirth and adoption VS abortion.

What a novel concept.

If your thoughts could have been interpreted mere months before you were born, for which would you have pleaded? :dunno:

Of course that's not possible. That's why there are those in this world who speak for the voiceless.

"Let me live"?

"Allow my progenitor to deny my birth"?

Rather than allow nature to take its course, we have allowed ourselves to alter the course of nature.
The course nature takes is mostly spontaneous abortions. Don't go there.
That is the course of man-determined law, not nature. :slap:
No, that's nature. Most conceptions will never see the light of day. Look it up.
I really feel sorry for kids in those crazy red NaziCon states.
Not to worry:

They turn into this and fuck married men at right-wing Family Values conferences...
Childbirth and adoption VS abortion.

What a novel concept.

If your thoughts could have been interpreted mere months before you were born, for which would you have pleaded? :dunno:

Of course that's not possible. That's why there are those in this world who speak for the voiceless.

"Let me live"?

"Allow my progenitor to deny my birth"?

Rather than allow nature to take its course, we have allowed ourselves to alter the course of nature.

In the first trimester the embryo does not have thoughts at all.
I bet if they put pro abortion stickers in you wouldn't have a problem with it.

I don't think stickers of any sort should be put on a textbook by some moron school district.

Let the textbook speak for itself. It's about learning, right, not promoting an agenda?
The idiots originally wanted to edit the textbook itself to censor out any facts about abortion.

The idea that a school shouldn't teach kids facts about how to protect themselves (i.e. Sex education) is idiotic.

People say Texas is crazy ... well, Arizona is really crazy.
I bet if they put pro abortion stickers in you wouldn't have a problem with it.
No one is pro-abortion...
No one is gay.
Not sure what that has to do with the price of tea in China but there are plenty of gays, but not pro-aborts.

Your post just reminded me of a guy who used to say "no one is gay". It was kind of ludicrous, but I think yours is a bit too. Seems to me that there are some extremist feminists out there who actually are pro abortion. I'd look it up, but I don't really care.

No one is gay.

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