Babbling Boobs ....

Lumpy 1

Diamond Member
Jun 19, 2009
Democrats just can't blame themselves.. is it a weakness of character, or what ?

[ame=]Sebelius blames Republicans for Obamacare rollout disaster - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Obama Blames Solyndra Scandal On...BUSH! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]65 Outrageous Lies by President Obama - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]53 seconds that should end a presidency - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Obama Supporters are Idiots! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Dean: Republicans to Blame for Botched Obamacare Rollout - YouTube[/ame]
Nothing like accountability, huh? Everything he touches turns to shit and it's always somebody else's fault.
I have heard a few babbling idiots blame Republicans for the piss poor rollout of Obamacare.

I guess they forgot that they didn't want any input from Republicans when they wrote the disastrous bill. They didn't want any open debates and Obama broke his promise about putting bills online for all to read prior to voting on them.

Then batshit crazy Pelosi announced that they had to pass the bill before anyone could see what was in it. None of the blithering idiots who voted for it had a fucking clue what was in it, but went out and supported it and made promises, using info they pulled out of their asses.

So, it passed and it totally sucks. Democrats get 100% of the credit for the language in the bill that is behind the cancellations of millions of insurance polices and the rising costs that will mean even more people are going to be uninsured because they can no longer afford it. Thank you, Obama, for your blatant lies and your refusal to be transparent about what was in your signature legislation.

They had three years to put together a website. Other companies had secure websites for years that helped people compare insurance rates and purchase online. Our government didn't want help from them in assisting people to sign up and tried it on their own. Our leaders proved themselves to be completely inept and uncaring about the hardships their law and their lies have put people through.

Now, they know people are rightfully angry. Being the chicken shits that they are, they quickly look to pass blame to anyone. It's the Republicans fault now?? If they did anything wrong, it was not trying to do more to stop this piece of shit law. They should have demanded a public debate and demanded that everyone be allowed to read it and analyze it before a vote. The House never even voted on this, which makes it illegal because revenue raising bills must pass the House.

The reason the libs are so desperately trying to convince people that Obamacare is good and that the serious problems are not their fault is because Obamacare represents liberalism. If this fails, their socialist dreams will turn to ashes.

By the way, several experts are testifying that the Obamacare website is not secure and anyone putting their information there is in danger of identity theft or even having their bank account drained. Nothing was done right with Obamacare, from the law itself to the rollout of it, it all sucks!!!
[ame=]Obama Blames His Own Government For ObamaCare Rollout - YouTube[/ame]
Damn! I was all excited when I clicked on this thread because I thought I would at least see some nice cleavage.
[ame=]Obama Blames the GOP for Health Care Bill on "60 Minutes" - YouTube[/ame]
The sad part is they think Americans will buy that. But the polls show otherwise. This is the most mendacious administration in history. And I include Saddam Hussein's.
It's bad enough they spin any success as being because of them. Now we discover they lie about success to win elections. But if you lie enough and get caught enough eventually you run out of credibility and no one bellieves you anymore. We're already at that point with foreign governments. None of them believes a word coming out of Washington. The rest of us are just slowly picking that up.
It's quite obvious Obama/Democrats lied, covered up and manipulated the facts on several occasions to cheat the last election.
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I have heard a few babbling idiots blame Republicans for the piss poor rollout of Obamacare.

I guess they forgot that they didn't want any input from Republicans when they wrote the disastrous bill. They didn't want any open debates and Obama broke his promise about putting bills online for all to read prior to voting on them.

Then batshit crazy Pelosi announced that they had to pass the bill before anyone could see what was in it. None of the blithering idiots who voted for it had a fucking clue what was in it, but went out and supported it and made promises, using info they pulled out of their asses.

So, it passed and it totally sucks. Democrats get 100% of the credit for the language in the bill that is behind the cancellations of millions of insurance polices and the rising costs that will mean even more people are going to be uninsured because they can no longer afford it. Thank you, Obama, for your blatant lies and your refusal to be transparent about what was in your signature legislation.

They had three years to put together a website. Other companies had secure websites for years that helped people compare insurance rates and purchase online. Our government didn't want help from them in assisting people to sign up and tried it on their own. Our leaders proved themselves to be completely inept and uncaring about the hardships their law and their lies have put people through.

Now, they know people are rightfully angry. Being the chicken shits that they are, they quickly look to pass blame to anyone. It's the Republicans fault now?? If they did anything wrong, it was not trying to do more to stop this piece of shit law. They should have demanded a public debate and demanded that everyone be allowed to read it and analyze it before a vote. The House never even voted on this, which makes it illegal because revenue raising bills must pass the House.

The reason the libs are so desperately trying to convince people that Obamacare is good and that the serious problems are not their fault is because Obamacare represents liberalism. If this fails, their socialist dreams will turn to ashes.

By the way, several experts are testifying that the Obamacare website is not secure and anyone putting their information there is in danger of identity theft or even having their bank account drained. Nothing was done right with Obamacare, from the law itself to the rollout of it, it all sucks!!!

Good post.

The Reps had absofuckinglutely nothing to do with Obamacare. The Dems and Barry didn't want to listen to anything the Reps had to say. They voted this POS in all on their own. They foisted this POS on the American taxpayer all on their own. They own this POS.

Now that they are seeing exactly what they voted for none of them want to take the blame for this POS so of course its the Rep's fault. I'm surprised they aren't blaming Bush.

Will just have to wait and see how many survive the 2014 elections.

Happy Trails Dems.

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