Baby Boom

Young people of today know it takes two full salaries to make it comfortably. When one is working 40 plus hours a week they want to relax and not deal with kids. Now not every couple thinks that way but a growing number do. They want to travel, have nice cars, etc. So it's come down to a choice.
With all this Shelter in Place what have couples been doing with that extra time together?
There might be a baby boom in January 2020.
America needs more children because children are our future, so this might be a good thing.
It will be interesting to see if that happens.

How do you make babies when you’re 6 feet apart?

A 6' long appendage might work.
I don't think we are going to see that. I will bet contraceptive sales have gone up big time. More and more young married couples are choosing not to have kids which doesn't hurt a thing.
Yes it does.

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