Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

really, so who wanted these Democrats to become one?

SEVEN OUT OF THE TOP TEN are Democrats...:eusa_whistle:

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Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas) $294.21 Million

$294.21 Million

$0.00 Million


When McCaul first appeared on Roll Call’s annual survey of the 50 Richest Members of Congress in 2005, he was a wealthy guy, reporting a minimum net worth of about $12 million.

His financial disclosure report now depicts a fortune worth almost 25 times that amount, making him the wealthiest Member of Congress, at least on paper.

McCaul ranked fifth among last year’s class of richest lawmakers, with a minimum net worth of at least $73.75 million, but has since risen to more than $294 million.

The lion’s share of McCaul’s wealth is held by his wife, Linda McCaul, the daughter of Clear Channel Communications CEO and founder Lowry Mays, and the Congressman’s dramatic rise in net worth in 2010 appears to be the product of generational wealth transfer.

A footnote to McCaul’s newest report noted that “certain assets” owned by his spouse were “acquired via a gift from spouse’s parents.” The accounts were not identified.

On his financial disclosure, McCaul listed a new asset — the Linda McCaul Descendant Trusts — owned by his wife that was valued at more than $50 million. According to his report, that trust was invested in several other family partnerships.

McCaul, likewise, added two trusts under the ownership of his dependent children, including one trust valued at $25 million to $50 million and another at $1 million to $5 million.

Another of Linda McCaul’s investment accounts also appears to have doubled in value, moving from a minimum worth of $25 million to a minimum of $50 million.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) $220.40 Million


Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) $193.07 Million


Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va.) $81.63 Million


Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) $76.30 Million


Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) $65.91 Million


Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) $55.07 Million


Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) $52.93* Million


Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) $45.39 Million


Rep. Vern Buchanan (R-Fla.)

all of it here
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Nobody would want to buy a book, or book a speaker for 6 figures if such politician were to try to make a living doing that after losing an election. It is far better to quit, blame it all on her political enemies, and play the victim card. If you don't believe me, ask Sarah.. She quit because all those nasty people were suing her while she was governor.
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what doesn't offend you oh so tolerant ones about a Republican woman?

you can't be anymore petty...what a life

There are a lot of very bright Republican women in Congress. I disagree with them on issues, but respect their views.

Then you have Bachmann, who is just plain batshit crazy and ignorant.

And that's the problem with the GOP. Not that Most Republicans are like Bachmann or West or Walsh, but that if they don't play along with the fringe, they can get primaried by someone like them.

yeah yeah...petty petty woman hating are the supreme judge of who is ignorant and who is not...PFEEEESH

Not one person has made one comment related to her gender except for you. You aren't playing the gender card are you?
There are a lot of very bright Republican women in Congress. I disagree with them on issues, but respect their views.

Then you have Bachmann, who is just plain batshit crazy and ignorant.

And that's the problem with the GOP. Not that Most Republicans are like Bachmann or West or Walsh, but that if they don't play along with the fringe, they can get primaried by someone like them.

yeah yeah...petty petty woman hating are the supreme judge of who is ignorant and who is not...PFEEEESH

Not one person has made one comment related to her gender except for you. You aren't playing the gender card are you?

oh ok, lets pretend Michelle Bachmann is a man..doesn't that PICTURE they posted look like a MAN?
Why so happy? Did she do something to you personally? Guess if you dislike her you must really hate Obama?

it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

It offends me that someone as profoundly ignorant as Obama can be elected president.

You know what offends me? It's when ignorant uneducated men (like Rush Limbaugh, for example) pass judgement on the intellectual abilities of people who spent years in pursuit of educational excellence (which they successfully attained), and somehow they still cling to the belief that they're somehow better prepared and qualified to make decisions on matters on which they have little or no knowledge, or training, or experience. Follow the advice of people like that at your own peril.
it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

It offends me that someone as profoundly ignorant as Obama can be elected president.

You know what offends me? It's when ignorant uneducated men (like Rush Limbaugh, for example) pass judgement on the intellectual abilities of people who spent years in pursuit of educational excellence (which they successfully attained), and somehow they still cling to the belief that they're somehow better prepared and qualified to make decisions on matters on which they have little or no knowledge, or training, or experience. Follow the advice of people like that at your own peril.

here we go with the snobby sermon about education
So what will Michelle Bachmann do after her congressional career? Star in a reality television show like Sarah Palin? Help O.J. find 'the real killers'? Market her own recipe of homemade jams and jellies? Write the Great American novel? Hang out with other Conservative glitterati like Karl Rove and Glenn Beck?

The world is her oyster. Is she smart enough to shuck it?
I just skimmed through this thread. This is a liberal clusterfuck in progress. Exiting.

Maybe because no sensible Republicans can find any defense for Michelle Bachmann anymore. The only Republican responses in this threads have been deflections towards Obama, and Stephanie playing the "woman card". I challenge you to find a legitimate defense of Michelle Bachmann made in this entire thread. This is another reason she is doing so terribly in the polls. Nobody has anything good to say about Michelle Bachmann, or her accomplishments. It always comes back to "But Obama hasn't..." or "It's because you hate women..."
So what will Michelle Bachmann do after her congressional career? Star in a reality television show like Sarah Palin? Help O.J. find 'the real killers'? Market her own recipe of homemade jams and jellies? Write the Great American novel? Hang out with other Conservative glitterati like Karl Rove and Glenn Beck?

The world is her oyster. Is she smart enough to shuck it?

she'll do whatever she likes, what business is it of you people..
So what will Michelle Bachmann do after her congressional career? Star in a reality television show like Sarah Palin? Help O.J. find 'the real killers'? Market her own recipe of homemade jams and jellies? Write the Great American novel? Hang out with other Conservative glitterati like Karl Rove and Glenn Beck?

The world is her oyster. Is she smart enough to shuck it?

she'll do whatever she likes, what business is it of you people..
It's hard to imagine you writing this without a 'holier than thou' smirk on your face.
So what will Michelle Bachmann do after her congressional career? Star in a reality television show like Sarah Palin? Help O.J. find 'the real killers'? Market her own recipe of homemade jams and jellies? Write the Great American novel? Hang out with other Conservative glitterati like Karl Rove and Glenn Beck?

The world is her oyster. Is she smart enough to shuck it?

she'll do whatever she likes, what business is it of you people..
It's hard to imagine you writing this without a 'holier than thou' smirk on your face.

not my problem that's what you again, what business is it of you people what she does..or this is that holier than thou way of being a smart ass.., help oj find the real killers..
It offends me that someone as profoundly ignorant as Obama can be elected president.

You know what offends me? It's when ignorant uneducated men (like Rush Limbaugh, for example) pass judgement on the intellectual abilities of people who spent years in pursuit of educational excellence (which they successfully attained), and somehow they still cling to the belief that they're somehow better prepared and qualified to make decisions on matters on which they have little or no knowledge, or training, or experience. Follow the advice of people like that at your own peril.

here we go with the snobby sermon about education

When I was in the service, we were warned about 'barracks lawyers." These were people who were not lawyers and didn't know the UCMJ, but they were quick to offer their opinion (uninformed though it may have been) about what COs or the military could or couldn't do. Unfortunately, not everyone was smart enough to heed the warning. They ended up finding out the hard way.

The point is this: Anyone who listens to people pontificate on a subject like a self-appointed expert on that subject when in reality they lack the education and expertise to offer an informed opinion is ultimately, sooner or later, going to be on the receiving end of some very bad advice.

What's the point? The point is that, in the age of specialization, it makes no more sense to take automotive advice from a doctor than it does to take medical advice from a mechanic.

I suppose that the bottom line is that men like Rush don't know shit about governance, or finance, or the military, or diplomacy, or risk management, or public policy, or any one of a hundred other subjects he feels personally 'qualified' to expound on over the airwaves.

Consider this a public service announcement.
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it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

It offends me that someone as profoundly ignorant as Obama can be elected president.

You know what offends me? It's when ignorant uneducated men (like Rush Limbaugh, for example) pass judgement on the intellectual abilities of people who spent years in pursuit of educational excellence (which they successfully attained), and somehow they still cling to the belief that they're somehow better prepared and qualified to make decisions on matters on which they have little or no knowledge, or training, or experience. Follow the advice of people like that at your own peril.

Rant much? It's insulting to me when people like you and the OP show such disdain for an opposing point of view. You so-called "elite" intellectuals are extremely closed minded but don't mind passing judgement on the intellectual abilities of the other party! Closed mindedness is extremely offensive. Outright rejection of a viewpoint because it conflicts with a narcissistic view of yourself and of your world is offensive. No wonder we are so divided as a nation.

For people like you who claim such great intelligence, you show a profound inability to think for yourself when it comes to political ideology.
Anyone notice how the GOP establishment hasn't been coming to her aid while she's being investigated by the mean, nasty Obama-run government.

With what's going on right now, you'd think they would totally jump at the chance to defend such a paragon of Conservative virtue as Missy Bachmann.

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