Bachmann won't seek another term! Thank you, Jay-a-zus!!!

Anyone notice how the GOP establishment hasn't been coming to her aid while she's being investigated by the mean, nasty Obama-run government.

With what's going on right now, you'd think they would totally jump at the chance to defend such a paragon of Conservative virtue as Missy Bachmann.

the way the dems will defend Holder as they kick him under the bus?

Bachman probably has a valid discrimination/harrassment suit against the IRS. I would like to see her pursue it. Using IRS as a political tool must not be allowed no matter which party is in power-------
Anyone notice how the GOP establishment hasn't been coming to her aid while she's being investigated by the mean, nasty Obama-run government.

With what's going on right now, you'd think they would totally jump at the chance to defend such a paragon of Conservative virtue as Missy Bachmann.

the way the dems will defend Holder as they kick him under the bus?

Bachman probably has a valid discrimination/harrassment suit against the IRS. I would like to see her pursue it. Using IRS as a political tool must not be allowed no matter which party is in power-------

Well, damn. You oughtta call your rep and ask him/her to speak for poor, put-upon Michele, then. Those damn RINOS in the leadership need to step up for one of their most famous standard-bearers, wouldn't you say?
Michelle often looks mannish, Steph: tis what tis.

the woman is crazier than a shithouse rat. There is no need to disparage her for her looks.

Telling the truth is not disparaging.

And Steph complaining about how MB may be made to look, she will disparage the looks of women she does not like.

I think Michele's a pretty lady, actually. She's just made a lot less pretty when hearing her talk. Hopefully this news means we'll all be treated to a lot less of that now.
Michelle knows she would be primaried out next year.

Not likely, Jake.

You so-called Moderates haven't bounced out a Teabagger yet, and you weren't going to start here.

Ironically, her leaving problaby makes it easier for the GOP tokeep the seat just by nominating someone less crazy.
JoeB, you have no evidence of your silly statement. But since you made the affirmation, give us some evidence.

Your final statement is correct; less chance of the district voting a Dem when a solid Pub is running.
Michelle knows she would be primaried out next year.

Not likely, Jake.

You so-called Moderates haven't bounced out a Teabagger yet, and you weren't going to start here.

Ironically, her leaving problaby makes it easier for the GOP tokeep the seat just by nominating someone less crazy.
Precious! These idiots I always thought were one and the same. Both victims of grave injustice and Eisenhower Republicans.

Both little pieces of ...anyway, doubtless you understand.
JoeB, you have no evidence of your silly statement. But since you made the affirmation, give us some evidence.

Your final statement is correct; less chance of the district voting a Dem when a solid Pub is running.

No, guy, you see, the burden isn't on me.

You have to list where a really radical Teabagger was bounced out in a primary by someone more sensible and moderate.

A few Teabaggers DID win in 2008 in the primary, only to lose in the general. (Murdoch, Akin), but it wasn't due to Republicans cleaning house.
it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

It offends me that someone as profoundly ignorant as Obama can be elected president.

don't you mean someone as Black as Obama. Because he's accomplished more than your sorry ass ever will.

too bad you all can't just erase his mother who is white...tsk tsk
Obama is light skinned, though recently I think he got out the shoe polish
Michelle knows she would be primaried out next year.

Not likely, Jake.

You so-called Moderates haven't bounced out a Teabagger yet, and you weren't going to start here.

Ironically, her leaving problaby makes it easier for the GOP tokeep the seat just by nominating someone less crazy.
Precious! These idiots I always thought were one and the same. Both victims of grave injustice and Eisenhower Republicans.

Both little pieces of ...anyway, doubtless you understand.

Sure we do.

Did you remember to punch the holes in the boxes when you sent the Mail Order brides over who want to get the fuck out of your m iserable country?
OOOoooohh REALLY... you mean like a pathetic little COMMUNITY ORGANIZER from NOWHERE with ZERO EXPERIENCE AT ANYTHING getting elected PRESIDENT?

Shut the fuck up IDIOT. You got NO CASE.

Her point is that 8 years is enough. Her point is all elected officials should only spend 8 years, as in TERM LIMITS, shit for brains.

Get a fucking CLUE.

Oh, please.

She got some internal polling that her support was dwindling, money was drying up, the Feds are taking a close look at her campaign financing...

She knew she was done. She's just leaving on her own terms.
Well THERE'S a real fast BACK PEDDLE.

But no, she has released a video giving the reasons for her leaving, and clearly she states that she believes 8 years is enough, for herself and EVERYONE ELSE. She is trying to set an example.

I have some waterfront propery in Florida and a bridge in NYC I would like to sell to you.
Why so happy? Did she do something to you personally? Guess if you dislike her you must really hate Obama?

it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

Well then, Obama being elected President must slay you completely. BTW... Bachmann has a much more impressive professional resume than Barry Kardashian... like, she actually has practiced law, and at a pretty high level.

She also said things like HPV vaccine causes mental retardation....
Why so happy? Did she do something to you personally? Guess if you dislike her you must really hate Obama?

In your little black and white kindergarten world, it would probably shock you to learn there are people who detest both Obama and Bachmann.
Why so happy? Did she do something to you personally? Guess if you dislike her you must really hate Obama?

it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

Well then, Obama being elected President must slay you completely. BTW... Bachmann has a much more impressive professional resume than Barry Kardashian... like, she actually has practiced law, and at a pretty high level.

Then I guess she can't claim ignorance of the law in her illegal campaign finance case.
it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

Well then, Obama being elected President must slay you completely. BTW... Bachmann has a much more impressive professional resume than Barry Kardashian... like, she actually has practiced law, and at a pretty high level.

She also said things like HPV vaccine causes mental retardation....

And Obama said corpseman and blamed the downturn on ATM kiosks and he believes in AGW....

What's your point? That people say some dumb shit sometimes? And?
it offends me that someone that profoundly ignorant can get elected to Congress.

Well then, Obama being elected President must slay you completely. BTW... Bachmann has a much more impressive professional resume than Barry Kardashian... like, she actually has practiced law, and at a pretty high level.

She also said things like HPV vaccine causes mental retardation....

Not to mention that little FEMA camp conspiracy theory she spread on Glenn Beck.

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