Backwards Anderson Cooper Depriving a Child of Its Mother

Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

his mom, didn't want him to be hers, from the beginning.... thus a surrogate?
And I don’t want to pay my car note but I want to keep my car.
Personal responsibility is a thing of the past for leftovers. Leftovers being leftists stuck in an old time, out of date.
Absolute horseshit. They want children for the same reasons straight people want children.
Homo's want to raise kids to be gay so they and their friends can molest them. Sickening but true.

No, it is not true. The rate of children being gay is consistent, whether the parents are gay or straight. And the overwhelming majority of gay or lesbian parents do not molest their children. Those are the absolute facts.

Having Homosexual role models is much less than ideal.

I raised 4 children. Not once was I a role model for sexual activity. I taught them the facts of sexuality. But it was not something they saw.

But as far as role models go, a very successful journalist who had a rich and famous mother but decided to go out and create his own legacy, doesn't sound so bad.

But you were a model for gender role. You can't avoid that. Kids learn by watching you.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

This reminds me of what was talked about during last night episode of the Last Man Standing TV show. Sadly not everyone is blessed to have their birth parents especially should the mother die during the child birth and even though fathers are not who carry the babies during the pregnancies, anything can always happen to them too.

God bless you and those who are all by themselves for whatever reason always!!!

You’re wagging the dog. Those are excuses.
Absolute horseshit. They want children for the same reasons straight people want children.
Homo's want to raise kids to be gay so they and their friends can molest them. Sickening but true.

No, it is not true. The rate of children being gay is consistent, whether the parents are gay or straight. And the overwhelming majority of gay or lesbian parents do not molest their children. Those are the absolute facts.

Having Homosexual role models is much less than ideal.

I raised 4 children. Not once was I a role model for sexual activity. I taught them the facts of sexuality. But it was not something they saw.

But as far as role models go, a very successful journalist who had a rich and famous mother but decided to go out and create his own legacy, doesn't sound so bad.

But you were a model for gender role. You can't avoid that. Kids learn by watching you.

Indeed I was. And given the way my kids turned out, my role modelling was successful at teaching kindness, love, respect for others, being gentle with animals, personal responsibility, academic excellence, keeping your word, and helping those who need it when you can.

None of which are gender specific.

All of my children graduated high school with honors, attended & graduated college (1 is still attending & making Dean's List). None were ever suspended from school. There were no unintended pregnancies. No problems with drugs. No problems with the law.

Here is a part of my story that I rarely post online.
When my older kids were 7, 8, and 10 respectively, their mother and I divorced. It was amicable and friendly. My first wife left me for another woman. As I worked on the road, the kids lived with my ex and her partner until they were old enough to move out on their own. All are now in comfortable relationships with members of the opposite sex. My oldest is married with 2 kids. None of my older children seem to have any adverse effects from their primary parents being 2 women. My 4th child, my youngest daughter is technically my step-daughter. But I have always felt the word "step" has no place in a family relationship. She is my daughter. Her mother and I are divorced, but she is still my daughter. She had many problems growing up due to the hostile relationship between her parents (male & female). Whatever pluses there were to having a mother and a father were far outweighed by that conflict.
Why is it that far right conservatives don't give a fuck about kids, unless it is a gay man or a lesbian having them?

Someone else can't feed their kids? "You should have thought of that before you had them."

I am sure the kid will be loved and taken care of. The rest is no one's business but theirs.
you're so out of your league here. thanks for playing and showing off your ignorance.
Why is it that far right conservatives don't give a fuck about kids, unless it is a gay man or a lesbian having them?

Someone else can't feed their kids? "You should have thought of that before you had them."

I am sure the kid will be loved and taken care of. The rest is no one's business but theirs.
you're so out of your league here. thanks for playing and showing off your ignorance.

Ignorance? About what?
Absolute horseshit. They want children for the same reasons straight people want children.
Homo's want to raise kids to be gay so they and their friends can molest them. Sickening but true.

No, it is not true. The rate of children being gay is consistent, whether the parents are gay or straight. And the overwhelming majority of gay or lesbian parents do not molest their children. Those are the absolute facts.

Having Homosexual role models is much less than ideal.

I raised 4 children. Not once was I a role model for sexual activity. I taught them the facts of sexuality. But it was not something they saw.

But as far as role models go, a very successful journalist who had a rich and famous mother but decided to go out and create his own legacy, doesn't sound so bad.

But you were a model for gender role. You can't avoid that. Kids learn by watching you.

Indeed I was. And given the way my kids turned out, my role modelling was successful at teaching kindness, love, respect for others, being gentle with animals, personal responsibility, academic excellence, keeping your word, and helping those who need it when you can.

None of which are gender specific.

All of my children graduated high school with honors, attended & graduated college (1 is still attending & making Dean's List). None were ever suspended from school. There were no unintended pregnancies. No problems with drugs. No problems with the law.

Here is a part of my story that I rarely post online.
When my older kids were 7, 8, and 10 respectively, their mother and I divorced. It was amicable and friendly. My first wife left me for another woman. As I worked on the road, the kids lived with my ex and her partner until they were old enough to move out on their own. All are now in comfortable relationships with members of the opposite sex. My oldest is married with 2 kids. None of my older children seem to have any adverse effects from their primary parents being 2 women. My 4th child, my youngest daughter is technically my step-daughter. But I have always felt the word "step" has no place in a family relationship. She is my daughter. Her mother and I are divorced, but she is still my daughter. She had many problems growing up due to the hostile relationship between her parents (male & female). Whatever pluses there were to having a mother and a father were far outweighed by that conflict.

You can have a kid born in the gutter, with nothing, claw his way to a good life, while another child, is given every benefit and ends up dying in a Canton opium den. With billions of examples, you get plenty that manage to buck the trends.

But, the trends are still real. Men and women are different and fill different roles. You mess with that model, at your, no, at the child's peril.
Why is it that far right conservatives don't give a fuck about kids, unless it is a gay man or a lesbian having them?

Someone else can't feed their kids? "You should have thought of that before you had them."

I am sure the kid will be loved and taken care of. The rest is no one's business but theirs.
you're so out of your league here. thanks for playing and showing off your ignorance.

Ignorance? About what?
father's rights.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.
I don't think he is married. But given his career, I would be willing to bet there is a nanny. A nanny will provide the female role models, especially in the early years.
Okay. That's like a Victorian model where children were reared largely by nannies and such.
Better than no women in a child's life at all, I suppose.
Absolute horseshit. They want children for the same reasons straight people want children.
Homo's want to raise kids to be gay so they and their friends can molest them. Sickening but true.

No, it is not true. The rate of children being gay is consistent, whether the parents are gay or straight. And the overwhelming majority of gay or lesbian parents do not molest their children. Those are the absolute facts.

Having Homosexual role models is much less than ideal.

I raised 4 children. Not once was I a role model for sexual activity. I taught them the facts of sexuality. But it was not something they saw.

But as far as role models go, a very successful journalist who had a rich and famous mother but decided to go out and create his own legacy, doesn't sound so bad.
His mom disowned him. I heard he was a nice and polite boy.
Are they shortchanging the children? I think that is a generalization that ignores the loving homes created by so many gay and lesbian parents.
Perhaps. I can't comment on a specific example. Only that a home without both male and female roll models are not the ideal and children get shortchanged as a result. It's unavoidable.
I'm not a raging zealot about this but I do think a gay parent who takes on a child really has no idea what he's getting into and I say this as the father of three children myself.

Is Anderson Cooper married? I hope he as lots of help.

I don't think he is married. But given his career, I would be willing to bet there is a nanny. A nanny will provide the female role models, especially in the early years.
I can see that happening. Valid point.
I never said anything about people who chose to have and raise children by themselves at all, so long as they are actually doing it, and millions of couples are. Obviously, the parents of children who end up in foster care and up for adoption, unless dead, are not doing their jobs. This might provide some food for thought to people who spread unsupported accusations against LGBTs as a group who become parents by adoption or surrogacy without comparing their performance with the performance of non-LGBT parents.
Okay but by default this doesn't make single gay parents ideal either.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.
As far as illegals go: Keep them together and deport them as a family.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?
I didn’t do that. The irresponsible parents who are immigrating illegally are doing that.
Biblical-ly, it's taught that surrogates, don't work out too well....

Sarah could not bear a child so she gave her maid Haagar to Abraham, so Abraham could have a child...


And later ended up getting pregnant, and having,


And ever since there have been wars between the two tribes in the middle east.
Cool story...
Who starts the wars?
Why is Ishmael always trying to kill Eisav?
Biblical-ly, it's taught that surrogates, don't work out too well....

Sarah could not bear a child so she gave her maid Haagar to Abraham, so Abraham could have a child...


And later ended up getting pregnant, and having,


And ever since there have been wars between the two tribes in the middle east.
Cool story...
Who starts the wars?
Why is Ishmael always trying to kill Eisav?
Rival gangs?

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