Backwards Anderson Cooper Depriving a Child of Its Mother

Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?
I didn’t do that. The irresponsible parents who are immigrating illegally are doing that.
Nice way to excuse child abuse.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Oh, don't start this crap again. There are and have been plenty of kids raised by only one parent, and I'm sure that Cooper will have a lot of help. Plus, he's much, much more interested in being a parent than some parents are. He volunteered to become a parent and had to arrange it, so it is highly unlikely that he will become one of those parents who, even if living with the other parent, spend more of their time on leisure activities and with friends or outside lovers than they spend raising their children.
And depriving a kid of his parents is Ok. Human rights violator. Creepy. And way more kids are at risk because of unstructured families than the anomalous that you use as an excuse. More empirical data and facts that leftovers like you are so appalled by. You’re just another ultra-con.

Your "depriving a kid of his parents" is ridiculous. Who thought it up?
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?
I didn’t do that. The irresponsible parents who are immigrating illegally are doing that.
Nice way to excuse child abuse.
Child abuse is what cooper and your backwards democrats advocate with unstructured families.
Try progressing a little.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Oh, don't start this crap again. There are and have been plenty of kids raised by only one parent, and I'm sure that Cooper will have a lot of help. Plus, he's much, much more interested in being a parent than some parents are. He volunteered to become a parent and had to arrange it, so it is highly unlikely that he will become one of those parents who, even if living with the other parent, spend more of their time on leisure activities and with friends or outside lovers than they spend raising their children.
And depriving a kid of his parents is Ok. Human rights violator. Creepy. And way more kids are at risk because of unstructured families than the anomalous that you use as an excuse. More empirical data and facts that leftovers like you are so appalled by. You’re just another ultra-con.

Your "depriving a kid of his parents" is ridiculous. Who thought it up?
You’re backwards. You need to progress.
Why is it that far right conservatives don't give a fuck about kids, unless it is a gay man or a lesbian having them?

Someone else can't feed their kids? "You should have thought of that before you had them."

I am sure the kid will be loved and taken care of. The rest is no one's business but theirs.
you're so out of your league here. thanks for playing and showing off your ignorance.

Ignorance? About what?
father's rights.

Father's rights? Anderson Cooper is the father.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So why are you forceably seperating kids from their parents at the border?

Cause you can't put children in an adult jail. D'uh.
And you don’t have to put all those adults in jail either. Keep making excuses for child abuse.

Sure we do. You libs won't let us just send them back.

Numerous other administrations kept families together. Until you. Party of child abuse.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
.....he's 52? when the kid is 14 he'll be to old to be an efficient father/''mother''--like a lot of these jackasses having kids when they are 60 and 70
Isn’t he caught up in a child pedophile ring?Isn’t he caught up in a child pedophile ring
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
.....he's 52? when the kid is 14 he'll be to old to be an efficient father/''mother''--like a lot of these jackasses having kids when they are 60 and 70

So this is the reason you don't like him being a parent? Because he is too old? I mean, its not like the tax payer will have to care for the child.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
He's only 52. That's my age and my wife wants at least 2 more kids.

You are way too old. My Dad had me when he was 39 and could not keep up. I started at 23 and stopped at 33.
I raised 4 children. Not once was I a role model for sexual activity. I taught them the facts of sexuality. But it was not something they saw.

But as far as role models go, a very successful journalist who had a rich and famous mother but decided to go out and create his own legacy, doesn't sound so bad.
Children don't care about that. They care about what sort of parent a person is. Is the person caring and loving
or distant and harsh.

I would guess that the child would benefit from being wanted. Gays and lesbians have to make a conscious choice and go to some effort to have a child. Unlike the people who accidently get pregnant and find their lives radically changed because of it.

And I did not suggest that the child would care about it, especially in the beginning. I was responding to comments about role models.

There is no such thing as accidentally pregnant.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

I am more concerned that he waited until he was so old to have the kid. Kid could be an orphan before it graduates college
He's only 52. That's my age and my wife wants at least 2 more kids.
52? You'd better have twins.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

Oh, don't start this crap again. There are and have been plenty of kids raised by only one parent, and I'm sure that Cooper will have a lot of help. Plus, he's much, much more interested in being a parent than some parents are. He volunteered to become a parent and had to arrange it, so it is highly unlikely that he will become one of those parents who, even if living with the other parent, spend more of their time on leisure activities and with friends or outside lovers than they spend raising their children.

He's interested only in training a new generation of homosexuals. Men who want to be fathers marry the woman they want to be the mother.
Welcome back to the 1960’s cutting-edge democrat party and its propagandist media.
Kids need both of their parents and no human should ever be intentionally deprived of the opportunity to be raised by its actual parents. Human rights violations 101...

So you are against any form of sperm donation for couples who can't conceive without it?

But are okay with serial adulterers starting one family, and then going to a new trophy wife and starting another- and going to a new trophy wife and starting another.....
The CNN fake news douchebag is a raging a qu33r. So did they hire someone to extract his precious bodily fluids from his buddy's ass and insert it into an ovulating female? Curious minds want to know how the mechanics of this and how much the female was paid and if proper Personal Protection Equipment was used to prevent the spread of AIDS.
You do seem to be very curious about this- what is your fascination with Coopers sex life?

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