Bad Day For Trump GOP

It was the father who gifted the pistol to the juvenile, not the mother.
It was wrong to convict the mother for not wanting to get her son in criminal intervention trouble.
She is naturally going to miss the signs of danger.
She did nothing wrong.
It is the school who should have searched the kids stuff and found the pistol.
The jury disagrees with you.
While all president do lose immunity after office, no presidential crime has ever been prosecuted after office because it would violate basic principles.
There no longer is any executive power after office that can be used to commit crimes, so there is no point in prosecuting

Not sure.
I would not have bought a pistol for a kid like this father did.
A .22 rifle maybe.
And I do not think it is legal for a juvenile to own a pistol?
And all the crimes intended with guns, are going to happen regardless of whether or not they can get the gun legally or illegally.
I mistyped legal gun owners are not the ones causing problems, there are instances where a kid gets a hold of a legal gun owners firearm and something bad happens. Thai is not the norm!
So if Biden loses, you have no problem with the VP ignoring the state-certified results because some congressman jackass says he questions the results. Right?
They changed the law after the 2020 election. The VP no longer has that power. Try to keep up.

Also that Congressman is representing his constituents. You aren't too bright, are you?
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They changed the law after the 2020 election. The VP no longer has that power. Try to keep up.

Also that Congressman is representing his constituents. You aren't too bright, are you?
So would you have a problem with the VP ignoring the state-certified results if a congressman says he questions it? You didn’t answer.
$118.3 billion. That includes:
  • About $60 billion in military aid for Ukraine
  • $14.1 billion in aid for Israel
  • $4.83 billion in aid for the Indo-Pacific region
  • $10 billion in humanitarian assistance for Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, among other places
  • $2.3 billion in refugee assistance inside the U.S.
  • $20.2 billion for improvements to U.S. border security
  • $2.72 billion for domestic uranium enrichment

The ONLY one that deserves any money at all is Palestine, since we are the ones who caused all their problems.
The jury disagrees with you.

Juries are easily manipulated.
All the jury understands is that someone was killed and someone has to be blamed.
The problem is the prosecutor charged the mother instead of the father.
It is the prosecutor who should be in jail.
So would you have a problem with the VP ignoring the state-certified results if a congressman says he questions it? You didn’t answer.
No. Why would it bother me if fraud was suspected? If the results cannot stand up after an investigation I would like to know. I want honest elections. You have shown you do not care.
So if Biden loses, you have no problem with the VP ignoring the state-certified results because some congressman jackass says he questions the results. Right?
I don't recall Mike Pence doing that because that's not what the Constitution says, is it?
So would you have a problem with the VP ignoring the state-certified results if a congressman says he questions it? You didn’t answer.

All elections should always be questioned and not certified until absolutely satisfied.
The ONLY one that deserves any money at all is Palestine, since we are the ones who caused all their problems.
So giving Israel thousands of bombs ($millions) to bomb the shit out of Gaza and then giving Gaza $3b of borrowed money to rebuild Gaza makes sense to you? That makes no sense to me.
I don't recall Mike Pence doing that because that's not what the Constitution says, is it?

I believe the Constitution does say that the VP has to certify before its official and the point is the VP is not supposed to certify if there is any doubt.

That is exactly how it should be.
I believe the Constitution does say that the VP has to certify before its official and the point is the VP is not supposed to certify if there is any doubt. That is exactly how it should be.
I think that means that Mike Pence adds the certified State EC votes and certifies the totals as added correctly.

Not that the States ran bad elections and their certified vote counts are bad and tossed out.
So giving Israel thousands of bombs ($millions) to bomb the shit out of Gaza and then giving Gaza $3b of borrowed money to rebuild Gaza makes sense to you? That makes no sense to me.

We should never have armed Israel in 1948, since the first thing they did was murder the British peacekeepers
The second thing they did was to gun down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator.
The third they did was massacre hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin.

So why had Israel not been invaded over their obvious war crimes?
I think that means that Mike Pence adds the certified State EC votes and certifies the totals as added correctly.

Not that the States ran bad elections and their certified vote counts are bad and tossed out.

The whole implication and reason for words like "certify" is more than just "counting".
Anyone can count.
The point is the means of fraud are infinite, so they wanted a reliable oversight of the whole process.

If there was any doubt, and I think there was, Pence should not have certified.
The next day or after a 2 week investigation, would have saved a lot of frustration and contention.
We should never have armed Israel in 1948, since the first thing they did was murder the British peacekeepers
The second thing they did was to gun down Folke Bernadotte, the UN moderator.
The third they did was massacre hundreds of native villages like Deir Yassin.
So why had Israel not been invaded over their obvious war crimes?
Every time the neighbors gather for war the IDF takes them out, like in 1967.
The whole implication and reason for words like "certify" is more than just "counting".
Anyone can count.
The point is the means of fraud are infinite, so they wanted a reliable oversight of the whole process.

If there was any doubt, and I think there was, Pence should not have certified.
The next day or after a 2 week investigation, would have saved a lot of frustration and contention.
One person, the VP, picture Kamala Harris, cannot inspect the election processes in 50-states.
She might be able to total up the 50 states' certified EC votes.
I think that means that Mike Pence adds the certified State EC votes and certifies the totals as added correctly.

Not that the States ran bad elections and their certified vote counts are bad and tossed out.
I think what I am reading you tell us is that States can do plenty of wrong and we are only allowed to accept what they do wrong. Take Colorado. Do we have any doubt how they will vote in the fall of this year? From top to bottom, they signaled they are for Biden.
I think what I am reading you tell us is that States can do plenty of wrong and we are only allowed to accept what they do wrong. Take Colorado. Do we have any doubt how they will vote in the fall of this year? From top to bottom, they signaled they are for Biden.
Like most voters across the nation will be.

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