Bad Guys Try to Steal Tools from Store, 6 Customers Draw Guns

Apparently they followed the thieves outside, surrounded their car and fired shots at them. Stupid shit like that gets people killed. Dunno why eveybody wants to be a cowboy all of a sudden.
Apparently they followed the thieves outside, surrounded their car and fired shots at them. Stupid shit like that gets people killed. Dunno why eveybody wants to be a cowboy all of a sudden.
You validate my point about the left defending criminals.

“Court documents say the driver pulled forward, causing one man confronting him to land on the hood.”

THey should have blown his brains out rather than shooting his tires.
From the link to the original story...

Marysville police Cmdr. Mark Thomas on Monday said it’s unclear if the other people involved fired their guns lawfully, as they left before law enforcement got there. Security footage showed one of them getting in a vehicle just as the first officer arrived, Thomas said.

“Anytime you’re firing a weapon in a public place, especially a few days before Christmas in a crowded parking lot, it is a grave concern,” Thomas said.

The department is asking those who shot at the car to come forward and provide statements.
You validate my point about the left defending criminals.

You have no point.

Home Dopot has a loss department, cameras all over the place, including the parking lot to aquire their tag number, and they have a telephone to call the police.

If they wanna be cowboys and felt like they had the responsibility to police the shopping center, they could have pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote their tag number down and walked back in the store. That's what responsible people do.

What if one of the three shots that were fired in the shopping center parking lot killed someone's kid you stupid motherfucker? And for what? Some nail guns that weren't even their property in the first place? Whatt hey should have done was mind their business. There's a reason they put cameras in the parking lot after all.
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From the link to the original story...

Marysville police Cmdr. Mark Thomas on Monday said it’s unclear if the other people involved fired their guns lawfully, as they left before law enforcement got there. Security footage showed one of them getting in a vehicle just as the first officer arrived, Thomas said.

“Anytime you’re firing a weapon in a public place, especially a few days before Christmas in a crowded parking lot, it is a grave concern,” Thomas said.

The department is asking those who shot at the car to come forward and provide statements.

They were aiming at the tires.
Apparently they followed the thieves outside, surrounded their car and fired shots at them. Stupid shit like that gets people killed. Dunno why eveybody wants to be a cowboy all of a sudden.
No, they fired shots at the car’s tires in order to disable it so the dipshits couldn’t steal the nail guns, and the mission was a nice success.
The people who drew guns and fired at the tires did a good job in apprehending the criminals, but should decline on the opportunity to talk to the police. Nothing good can come from making a statement, which could be used against them.
Apparently they followed the thieves outside, surrounded their car and fired shots at them. Stupid shit like that gets people killed. Dunno why eveybody wants to be a cowboy all of a sudden.
By "all of a sudden" do you mean when the high IQ tool thieves tried to run over the man with the gun in front of their car?
A front and rear tire were shot out and from my understanding a couple of rounds were fired at the body of the car.
Much restraint was shown considering the situation.

Even when people do the right thing there will always be second guessing by uninformed sources. Sad.
You have no point.

Home Dopot has a loss department, cameras all over the place, including the parking lot to aquire their tag number, and they have a telephone to call the police.

If the wanna be cowboys felt like they had the responsibility to police the shopping center, they could have pulled out a piece of paper and a pen and wrote their tag number down and walked back in the store.

That's what responsible people do. What if one of the three shots that were fired in the shopping center parking lot killed someone's kid you stupid motherfucker? And for what? Some nail guns that weren't even their property in the first place?
So your contention is that several armed men standing a few feet from a vehicle might suddenly whirl around and fire indiscriminately in the air or at other cars?
Sure....:icon_rolleyes: . That's likely. Tires were shot out. Not children, stupid motherfucker!
So your contention is that several armed men standing a few feet from a vehicle might suddenly whirl around and fire indiscriminately in the air or at other cars?!

My contention is that it was none of their business.

The matter concerns Home Depot, their loss department, the police and the thieves.

And I think you'll find this to be Home Depot's corporate policy with regard to theft of their property if you bother to look.

Clearly the wanna be cowboys didn't bother reviewing the store's policy with regard to witnessing a theft before they went out their and surrounded the vehicle with guns drawn.
Did the “Good Samaritans” own interest in the store that was being robbed or were they just being assholes looking for an excuse to shoot their guns off?
Hard to believe it now but at one point in American history, before the rise of the virulent left, people who took it upon themselves to interdict criminals and stop things like a crime in progress were considered heroes and good citizens.

Now they are targets of sociopathic cranks who apparently don't have enough targets for their angry tirades and immense anger so they take it out on these people they don't even know. And that's pathetic.
So your contention is that several armed men standing a few feet from a vehicle might suddenly whirl around and fire indiscriminately in the air or at other cars?!

My contention is that it was none of their business.

The matter concerns Home Depot, their loss department, the police and the thieves.

And I think you'll find this to be Home Depot's corporate policy with regard to theft of their property if you bother to look.

Clearly the wanna be cowboys didn't bother reviewing the store's policy with regard to witnessing a theft before they went out their and surrounded the vehicle with guns drawn.
You need to watch the Andy Griffith Show episode concerning "citizens arrest", Gomer.

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