Bad news for the income equalizers

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
It seems France cannot afford more taxes.

No, that is not a typo, I did not mean to say spending.

France's Socialist government has admitted that the country cannot cope with any further tax rises and promised no more hikes just days ahead of the country's largest ever tax bill.

Who'da thunk it?

I predict massive bouts of disinformation to come.

The rich will see the highest rises, following Mr Hollande's decision to raise the rate to 45 per cent for those earning more than 150,000 euros – effectively 49 per cent due to an additional levy. A rise in wealth tax coupled with another one-off levy means more than 8,000 French people will pay a top marginal rate of 100 per cent on income this year.
Amid discontent at the forthcoming rises, Jean-François Copé, head of the opposition Right-wing UMP party today pledged to enact "massive tax cuts" and to slash state spending by ten per cent should his party win power in 2017.
In a clear damage limitation exercise, a chorus of top Socialists spoke out against any more rises.

France cannot take any more taxes, government admits - Telegraph

On the other hand, maybe Wry could move to France, where rich people don't get to keep any of the money they earn.

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