Bain Capital closing Illinois Plant

SO the Obama admin and the MSM have you convinced the middle class is shrinking? Great.
Eh... It's been shrinking for decades. I've known since before Obama was president or even before he was governor. Simple google buddy.
Really?...How so?
There are many reasons. Wages haven't kept pace with inflation is a pretty easy one to see though. Flat out the more the government spends past what it makes in taxes the worse the middle class is going to get.

Can you link me to whatever information you have that you thought it was growing? I mean... Not even Fox is saying that for the last decade. ( Obama hasn't been in office for 10 years just in case your partisan side shows up, how about we actually talk about the issue? )
By every yardstick, we are better off than we were in the 1970s. That's a statistical fact, jack. We make more money, we live longer, we work less, we work in less hazardous jobs, we have more choice in consumer goods, and so on.

That is true for every single cohort except one - white, uneducated males. A white male without a high school education makes less today than in 1970, adjusted for inflation. But other than that, everyone else is better off.


the Voice of the Parasites speaks nonsense.

The Middle Class is not better off, and people with college degrees aren't doing as well as HS graduates were 40 years ago. This is a simple fact.
NO..The free market capitalists just foot the bill so that the engineers and others can do the inventing. Of course it is the property of the "capitalist"...THEY PAID FOR IT!!!! This is the way it works.
Without venture capital or some other source of funding, nothing gets done.
No money. No business. No jobs.

Again, you are mistaking a parasite for a vital organ.

Most of these capitalists become rich investing "other people's money".

That's what the 2008 crash was about. Guys like our friend Toro playing Monopoly on Wall Street with our 401k's and mortgages and WHOOOOOOOOPS the bottom fell out, we need you all to bail us out and can we please keep our bonuses!

It's about time we realized the people wearing Steel Toe shoes are vastly more important to our economy than the people wearing wingtips.
By every yardstick, we are better off than we were in the 1970s. That's a statistical fact, jack. We make more money, we live longer, we work less, we work in less hazardous jobs, we have more choice in consumer goods, and so on.

That is true for every single cohort except one - white, uneducated males. A white male without a high school education makes less today than in 1970, adjusted for inflation. But other than that, everyone else is better off.


the Voice of the Parasites speaks nonsense.

The Middle Class is not better off, and people with college degrees aren't doing as well as HS graduates were 40 years ago. This is a simple fact.

Massive epic fail.

Vitriolic hatred warps cognitive processing. You are a walking billboard for that.




I have lots more, if you want.
Guy, you're bullshit charts don't mean anything.

20K in 1976 is worth a lot more than 40K in 2006.

I also note your dishonest charts stop in 2006... you know, right before you douchebags crashed the entire economy.

Fuck, I'd love to have my 2006 salary back. So would most people I know.
Guy, you're bullshit charts don't mean anything.

20K in 1976 is worth a lot more than 40K in 2006.

I also note your dishonest charts stop in 2006... you know, right before you douchebags crashed the entire economy.

Fuck, I'd love to have my 2006 salary back. So would most people I know.

Those charts are adjusted for inflation. Inflation-adjusted income is roughly flat compared to 2006. I've got more to back it up.

See, JoeAmpad, this is what happens when you are warped with hatred. You get stuck in an ideology and engage in massive confirmation bias. And because you can't back it up, you offer anecdotes at best and bluster and anger at worst.
I have lots more, if you want.
How much was gas in 1976?

More to the point... It doesn't account for inflation. The numbers are being dealt to you in such a way that it gives you what you want to hear, and not the truth. Honestly... Just look around.
NO..The free market capitalists just foot the bill so that the engineers and others can do the inventing. Of course it is the property of the "capitalist"...THEY PAID FOR IT!!!! This is the way it works.
Without venture capital or some other source of funding, nothing gets done.
No money. No business. No jobs.

Again, you are mistaking a parasite for a vital organ.

Most of these capitalists become rich investing "other people's money".

That's what the 2008 crash was about. Guys like our friend Toro playing Monopoly on Wall Street with our 401k's and mortgages and WHOOOOOOOOPS the bottom fell out, we need you all to bail us out and can we please keep our bonuses!

It's about time we realized the people wearing Steel Toe shoes are vastly more important to our economy than the people wearing wingtips.

Amen, brother.
NO..The free market capitalists just foot the bill so that the engineers and others can do the inventing. Of course it is the property of the "capitalist"...THEY PAID FOR IT!!!! This is the way it works.
Without venture capital or some other source of funding, nothing gets done.
No money. No business. No jobs.

Again, you are mistaking a parasite for a vital organ.

Most of these capitalists become rich investing "other people's money".

That's what the 2008 crash was about. Guys like our friend Toro playing Monopoly on Wall Street with our 401k's and mortgages and WHOOOOOOOOPS the bottom fell out, we need you all to bail us out and can we please keep our bonuses!

It's about time we realized the people wearing Steel Toe shoes are vastly more important to our economy than the people wearing wingtips.

Amen, brother.
I have steel toe slip on shoes. What do those count as?
Eh... It's been shrinking for decades. I've known since before Obama was president or even before he was governor. Simple google buddy.
Really?...How so?
There are many reasons. Wages haven't kept pace with inflation is a pretty easy one to see though. Flat out the more the government spends past what it makes in taxes the worse the middle class is going to get.

Can you link me to whatever information you have that you thought it was growing? I mean... Not even Fox is saying that for the last decade. ( Obama hasn't been in office for 10 years just in case your partisan side shows up, how about we actually talk about the issue? )

Which goes right to the failure of the the Obama admin. Obama ran his campaign on helping the middle class, cutting the deficit in half, keeping unemployment below 8% and having a transparent government. No more of the status quo. None of which has happened.
Obama is running as though he were the challenger and not the incumbent.
Obama and Biden now claim the middle class is struggling. Of course they are STILL blaming Bush.
Guy, you're bullshit charts don't mean anything.

20K in 1976 is worth a lot more than 40K in 2006.

I also note your dishonest charts stop in 2006... you know, right before you douchebags crashed the entire economy.

Fuck, I'd love to have my 2006 salary back. So would most people I know.

Those charts are adjusted for inflation. Inflation-adjusted income is roughly flat compared to 2006. I've got more to back it up.

See, JoeAmpad, this is what happens when you are warped with hatred. You get stuck in an ideology and engage in massive confirmation bias. And because you can't back it up, you offer anecdotes at best and bluster and anger at worst.

What I'm caught in is the actual damage you people did.

And all the lying ass charts you pull out of your ass don't change that.
Again, you are mistaking a parasite for a vital organ.

Most of these capitalists become rich investing "other people's money".

That's what the 2008 crash was about. Guys like our friend Toro playing Monopoly on Wall Street with our 401k's and mortgages and WHOOOOOOOOPS the bottom fell out, we need you all to bail us out and can we please keep our bonuses!

It's about time we realized the people wearing Steel Toe shoes are vastly more important to our economy than the people wearing wingtips.

Amen, brother.
I have steel toe slip on shoes. What do those count as?

That counts as the "you are MY people" contingent of the "omg its time to go already" scheduled to an inch of our lives crowd. Welcome :) We don't have cake, mind you, but there's spaghetti and meatballs in the fridge.
I have lots more, if you want.
How much was gas in 1976?

More to the point... It doesn't account for inflation. The numbers are being dealt to you in such a way that it gives you what you want to hear, and not the truth. Honestly... Just look around.

about 40 to 60 cents per gallon for regular. In 1977 I got my first car. It cost $0.55 for a gallon of regular..
How much was gas in 1981..$1.30....Adjusted for inflation that would be about $2.69 per gallon.
Gas is not a real good indicator because other forces besides just inflation affect the price.
If one takes the minimum wage in 1982 vs the present....The federal min wage was $3 per hour in 1980....At $1.30 per gallon, it took a min wage worker about 25 minutes to make enough to purchase a gallon of gas.
Today it's $7.25 per hour and in some states is as much as 8.50 per hour. However we'll stay consistent and use the fed wage. Based on the avg price of $3.80 per gallon, it takes a min wage worker about 35 minutes to purchase a gallon of gas
Let's take the average price of a 2 lb loaf of bread.
In 1980 it cost about 75 cents for that loaf. Today it's $2.50
The ratio is about the same.
Maybe a little more costly today.
To be clear, housing costs, communications( television, phone, internet) and autos are the main examples of items that have seen prices race well ahead of the rate of inflation
Note...Gasoline was $1.80 in Jan 2009. The oil market had collapsed after hyper speculation which drove the wholesale price to over $3.40 per gallon by mid 2008
Guy, you're bullshit charts don't mean anything.

20K in 1976 is worth a lot more than 40K in 2006.

I also note your dishonest charts stop in 2006... you know, right before you douchebags crashed the entire economy.

Fuck, I'd love to have my 2006 salary back. So would most people I know.

yeah yeah yeah..
In 1976 compared to 2006..
20k in 1976 dollars was $57k in 2006
Lets look at this a little more objectively

by 1985. just 9 years after your arbitrary year of 1976
$20k USD in 1985 was worth $33k in 2006 dollars
You can put out the fire now..
Oh...just to help you out
$20k on 2006 is $22k today.
If you are making less than you made 6 years ago, that's kinda YOUR problem. You fucked up. Nobody else did.,
Last edited:
Guy, you're bullshit charts don't mean anything.

20K in 1976 is worth a lot more than 40K in 2006.

I also note your dishonest charts stop in 2006... you know, right before you douchebags crashed the entire economy.

Fuck, I'd love to have my 2006 salary back. So would most people I know.

You crashed the economy. Unions, government interference in the real estate marketplace, monetizing the debt...all liberal policies.
I don't need your idiot history, unions are now a drag on the country especially public sector unions which shouldn't even exist maybe you should learn a little more instead of spewing your brainwashed liberal talking points

Public servie unions need to exist for the same reason private sector ones do.

Because despite the best efforts, idiots still end up being bosses. Private or Public sector.

Ideal world, we wouldn't need unions. only the best people would advance to leadership, and they would always make fair decisions and treat their people decently.

Having served in the military and worked in private enterprise, I can tell you that this is the exception more than the rule.
Public sector unions are one of the main causes of corruption in government. One of the largest contributors to confiscatory tax rates and bills.
Public worker union bosses use their power and influence to arm twist politicians into giving the unions favorable legislation. In return the union bosses promise the workers will be loyal on election day. The system fed on itself for decades. Until that is, when property owners began to fight back. They told their state governments to rein in these unions and their outrageous costs or else. We got "else"..Whole state legislatures were turned over by pissed off taxpayers. We had a governor in Wisconsin promise to rein in unions there and reduce the budget deficit crippling the state. He did juts that. The union people flipped out. They tried to crash the capitol. There friends in the government RAN AWAY out of the state in order to prevent a vote on legislation. The people told them to get their asses to work.
Out of state influences were contracted to run a recall against the governor. The effort failed miserably. All across the nation, taxpayers are urging their state legislatures to get control of the unions or get rid of them.
NO..The free market capitalists just foot the bill so that the engineers and others can do the inventing. Of course it is the property of the "capitalist"...THEY PAID FOR IT!!!! This is the way it works.
Without venture capital or some other source of funding, nothing gets done.
No money. No business. No jobs.

Again, you are mistaking a parasite for a vital organ.

Most of these capitalists become rich investing "other people's money".

That's what the 2008 crash was about. Guys like our friend Toro playing Monopoly on Wall Street with our 401k's and mortgages and WHOOOOOOOOPS the bottom fell out, we need you all to bail us out and can we please keep our bonuses!

It's about time we realized the people wearing Steel Toe shoes are vastly more important to our economy than the people wearing wingtips.

stop with the pro labor talking points.
Question....If people with wealth do not invest, who starts a business?
On the Wall Street issue, you are simply ignoring the facts. You can blame the people who made these risky investments all you like. The fact of the matter is without government intervention in the real estate marketplace and creating the market for these investments, none of this would have happened.
You hatred for all who earn more than you and who use their brains instead of brawn to make it is duly noted..
Once again, without the guy with wingtips, the guy with the steel toed shoes cannot afford the steel toed shoes..Period.
By every yardstick, we are better off than we were in the 1970s. That's a statistical fact, jack. We make more money, we live longer, we work less, we work in less hazardous jobs, we have more choice in consumer goods, and so on.

That is true for every single cohort except one - white, uneducated males. A white male without a high school education makes less today than in 1970, adjusted for inflation. But other than that, everyone else is better off.


the Voice of the Parasites speaks nonsense.

The Middle Class is not better off, and people with college degrees aren't doing as well as HS graduates were 40 years ago. This is a simple fact.

Middle class is hurting because of Obama policies.
Guy, you're bullshit charts don't mean anything.

20K in 1976 is worth a lot more than 40K in 2006.

I also note your dishonest charts stop in 2006... you know, right before you douchebags crashed the entire economy.

Fuck, I'd love to have my 2006 salary back. So would most people I know.

you don't like facts that controvert your agenda...Figures
Really?...How so?
There are many reasons. Wages haven't kept pace with inflation is a pretty easy one to see though. Flat out the more the government spends past what it makes in taxes the worse the middle class is going to get.

Can you link me to whatever information you have that you thought it was growing? I mean... Not even Fox is saying that for the last decade. ( Obama hasn't been in office for 10 years just in case your partisan side shows up, how about we actually talk about the issue? )

Which goes right to the failure of the the Obama admin.
( Obama hasn't been in office for 10 years just in case your partisan side shows up, how about we actually talk about the issue? )

Just couldn't do it could you?

Obama ran his campaign on helping the middle class, cutting the deficit in half, keeping unemployment below 8% and having a transparent government. No more of the status quo. None of which has happened.
Obama is running as though he were the challenger and not the incumbent.
Obama and Biden now claim the middle class is struggling. Of course they are STILL blaming Bush.
Bush or Obama is not responsible for inflation before they were in office other than what they voted for while in other government positions.

Lets try again:

Can you link me to whatever information you have that you thought it (the middle class) was growing? I mean... Not even Fox is saying that for the last decade. ( Obama hasn't been in office for 10 years just in case your partisan side shows up, how about we actually talk about the issue? )

Or: Do you agree that your assertion of the middle class was growing was wrong?

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