Baltimore Blacks Siding With Trump

Here is the Detroit home Mitt Romney grew up in before it was finally torn down....getting the picture yet?


You're such a fucking liar. Raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, by his parents, George and Lenore Romney, he spent two-and-a-half years in France as a Mormon missionary starting in 1966. Bloomfield Hills is and was for the wealthy. Not his house.
YOU are wrong.

Detroit wasnt always the way it is today. I barely remember how it was in the early 60s. The city was WEALTHY.

Yes, he lived in Detroit in the early 60s.

I am from there he did not grow up in the house op posted, he lived in Bloomfiled Hills in 1953 at the age of 6.


Mitt Romney's childhood home in Detroit razed

The OP does not support the title's assertion.

She has 68,000 followers

A few anecdotal videos are not proof or even supportive of the title's assertion. This does not show that Baltimore blacks are supporting Trump. This is likely because they are not.

The fact is that blacks are not generally supporting Trump. Pretending it is so does not help anything. Generally it seems to me that blacks are not equating any current success with Trump and not connecting failures with democrats.

When are you defenders of the shitholes going to wake the fuck up? Ytube is erupting with blacks laughing their asses off at Trump just telling the truth to trigger libtardos.

Read much? I have defended nothing. I have made no claims about who blacks should or should not support. I have made the very accurate statement that blacks are supporting democrats regardless of what both parties have done to earn it.

You're just refusing to see what's going on right in front of your eyes. These black people on social media have tens of thousands of followers and growing every day. Brexit, walkaway, are not declining in support. They're growing support and it isn't going to stop until Democrats quit treating them like rats. It's great to watch. Blacks self esteem is growing and it didn't happen under Obamakov. It happened under Trump..

No, I fully acknowledge those people and their followers. I acknowledge that they represent approximately 18 percent of non-white Americans (and that means an even lower percentage of blacks as they are even less supportive than Hispanics and other non white groups).

You seem to think that they represent even more. There is a huge void where your evidence of such should be.
There is a reason why the bottom of the barrel cities have such a hard time getting better. It's a catch 22 situation. A lot of the money allocated to a community has to do with factors like graduation rates, city income tax, healthy businesses doing business there providing jobs and also paying taxes that helps the city to rejuvenate itself.

So let me start with the first point and graduation rates. That is an issue that comes from a lot of problems. First the schools are working on a shoe string budget with horrible teacher to student ratios, old text books, less technology, and quite often zero extracurricular activities like sports, band, etc. because those are often the first budget cuts. On top of that, a lot of kids are forced to quit school to get a full-time job to help support their family.. or turn to crime. This is exacerbated by the high number of single parent homes due to the disproportionate number of minorities who have been incarcerated because the war on drugs. Crack cocaine were punished at a 100 to 1 those arrested for cocaine. It was an obvious attack on the minorities to help build the prison industrial complex. Then even when they get out of prison, the recidivism rates are through the roof because those convicted of felony drug charges are not eligible for social programs, or even allowed to move back in their home if they family gets Section 8 housing.

Now if we can have a civil discussion, I'll be happy to fill in the other issues. :)
i see the fire in trump's eyes when he spews his racist bile. its terrifying!

Anyone with an IQ of 20 can tell the orange buffoon is a racist.

So how do you account for the sudden drop in liberal IQ?
Liberals used to love the guy and they all of a sudden went stupid?

TDS confirmed.

Ask a liberal and it's the right that has TDS and that would be anyone obsessed with the orange buffoon. You are obsessed.

The best thing about Trump besides the incredible economy and job numbers?
Is how he makes liberals go into conniption fits on a regular basis!!:auiqs.jpg:

Calls Baltimore a rat infested shithole....and Baltimore blacks agree.:iyfyus.jpg:
Even if he is wrong.
According to you, Trump breathes incorrectly.
his not breathing would be an improvement, not that I ever approve of violence not directly in self defense.

So even if he is wrong, you are going to support him, no matter what, you support a lie?
Did I say that?
Tell me one thing about Trump you haven’t attacked.

There is nothing at all I like about him. Nothing.

Well thats a relief.
Here is the Detroit home Mitt Romney grew up in before it was finally torn down....getting the picture yet?


You're such a fucking liar. Raised in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan, by his parents, George and Lenore Romney, he spent two-and-a-half years in France as a Mormon missionary starting in 1966. Bloomfield Hills is and was for the wealthy. Not his house.

Do a google image search.

Buddy I just spend 5 weeks up there and I'm from there so kiss my ass.

Meh....I've been there several times to see my stepmoms family.
It's a shithole.
I wonder what kind of house Cummings lives in? He’s vacationing in Italy right now!

“Cummings’ congressional district received just under $15.7 billion in grants, benefits and other assistance from the federal government in Fiscal Year 2018”

And it’s still a shithole...but Cummings is richer at least.

Cummings lives in a $750,000 three story brownstone that he owns at 2000 Madison St in Baltimore.

He owns a house worth “between $500,000 and $1000000” in DC as well.

He owns another house at 221 Paul St in Baltimore worth “between $250000 and $500000”
Last edited:

She has 68,000 followers

A few anecdotal videos are not proof or even supportive of the title's assertion. This does not show that Baltimore blacks are supporting Trump. This is likely because they are not.

The fact is that blacks are not generally supporting Trump. Pretending it is so does not help anything. Generally it seems to me that blacks are not equating any current success with Trump and not connecting failures with democrats.

When are you defenders of the shitholes going to wake the fuck up? Ytube is erupting with blacks laughing their asses off at Trump just telling the truth to trigger libtardos.

Read much? I have defended nothing. I have made no claims about who blacks should or should not support. I have made the very accurate statement that blacks are supporting democrats regardless of what both parties have done to earn it.

You're just refusing to see what's going on right in front of your eyes. These black people on social media have tens of thousands of followers and growing every day. Brexit, walkaway, are not declining in support. They're growing support and it isn't going to stop until Democrats quit treating them like rats. It's great to watch. Blacks self esteem is growing and it didn't happen under Obamakov. It happened under Trump..

No, I fully acknowledge those people and their followers. I acknowledge that they represent approximately 18 percent of non-white Americans (and that means an even lower percentage of blacks as they are even less supportive than Hispanics and other non white groups).

You seem to think that they represent even more. There is a huge void where your evidence of such should be.

OK, then I'll just have to keep putting up videos of blacks making fun of these race hustling idiots. I think the tally on their followers is over one million

Enjoy, your plantation of voters is turning on you faster than you can import latinos. And just think, it's another 15 months before the election.

i see the fire in trump's eyes when he spews his racist bile. its terrifying!

Anyone with an IQ of 20 can tell the orange buffoon is a racist.

So how do you account for the sudden drop in liberal IQ?
Liberals used to love the guy and they all of a sudden went stupid?

TDS confirmed.

Ask a liberal and it's the right that has TDS and that would be anyone obsessed with the orange buffoon. You are obsessed.

The best thing about Trump besides the incredible economy and job numbers?
Is how he makes liberals go into conniption fits on a regular basis!!:auiqs.jpg:

Calls Baltimore a rat infested shithole....and Baltimore blacks agree.:iyfyus.jpg:
Here’s a vid of Baltimore residents agreeing with Trump....
Lawrence Jones investigates what's really happening on the streets of Baltimore
A few anecdotal videos are not proof or even supportive of the title's assertion. This does not show that Baltimore blacks are supporting Trump. This is likely because they are not.

The fact is that blacks are not generally supporting Trump. Pretending it is so does not help anything. Generally it seems to me that blacks are not equating any current success with Trump and not connecting failures with democrats.

When are you defenders of the shitholes going to wake the fuck up? Ytube is erupting with blacks laughing their asses off at Trump just telling the truth to trigger libtardos.

Read much? I have defended nothing. I have made no claims about who blacks should or should not support. I have made the very accurate statement that blacks are supporting democrats regardless of what both parties have done to earn it.

You're just refusing to see what's going on right in front of your eyes. These black people on social media have tens of thousands of followers and growing every day. Brexit, walkaway, are not declining in support. They're growing support and it isn't going to stop until Democrats quit treating them like rats. It's great to watch. Blacks self esteem is growing and it didn't happen under Obamakov. It happened under Trump..

No, I fully acknowledge those people and their followers. I acknowledge that they represent approximately 18 percent of non-white Americans (and that means an even lower percentage of blacks as they are even less supportive than Hispanics and other non white groups).

You seem to think that they represent even more. There is a huge void where your evidence of such should be.

OK, then I'll just have to keep putting up videos of blacks making fun of these race hustling idiots. I think the tally on their followers is over one million

Enjoy, your plantation of voters is turning on you faster than you can import latinos. And just think, it's another 15 months before the election.

So you will post more videos that prove nothing? My plantation voters?

I am not a democrat supporter but I can say that your delusion only helps the democrats continue to cultivate minority voters without having to do anything for it. The sad reality is that you cannot understand that they are winning when it comes to those voters and these delusions are helping them.
Even if he is wrong.
According to you, Trump breathes incorrectly.
his not breathing would be an improvement, not that I ever approve of violence not directly in self defense.

So even if he is wrong, you are going to support him, no matter what, you support a lie?
Did I say that?
Tell me one thing about Trump you haven’t attacked.

There is nothing at all I like about him. Nothing.
Thanks for your honesty.
Blacks are more republican then most white conservatives.. they just don’t realize it because of public education

Based on your lack of cognitive thinking, which carries over to your input on USMB,
indicates that even public schools presented a problem for you during your formative years.
This very sad event, that produced an underachieving life, is evident with you. I'm so sorry for you.
The media and their elite allies have been working on making it dangerous to question powerful privileged blacks for decades. Their Long March was not without a calculated objective...stifling dissent through black privilege.
What if, in the best traditions of open society and good government, somebody were to question them about why decade after decade of power and billions in handouts brings no improvement to their districts? What if somebody noticed the crime rate of blacks?
What if, Heaven forbid, blacks themselves look around and ask the same questions? Like “why am I third generation welfare in a slum after three generations of voting Democrats into office?”
To keep power they have to protect the powerful from criticism.

Trump pushes back. Black privilege dictates that Republicans take abuse without responding...thus the GOP failures since 1980. We did what they don’t want blacks doing...we asked what we were getting out of loyally voting for Republicans. And the answer sent us to the Trump ranks.
The media can’t undo that and their inability to openly face truth is why America is winning and they are losing and why it is such a shock to them every time.
Not tired of winning yet Mr President...but you promised to get us there!

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