Baltimore Blacks Siding With Trump

A few anecdotal videos are not proof or even supportive of the title's assertion. This does not show that Baltimore blacks are supporting Trump. This is likely because they are not.

The fact is that blacks are not generally supporting Trump. Pretending it is so does not help anything. Generally it seems to me that blacks are not equating any current success with Trump and not connecting failures with democrats.

Lowest black UNemployment in history, fool....there is only one way out of poverty.....a job. You can't pretend otherwise or pretend blacks don't understand who is putting this country back to work. In the privacy of the voting booth, they'll reelect the man who's looking out for them.

Yes that has been a broken record.

Whenever he is accused of racism, which is frequently, Trump is quick to cite black unemployment rates, which are at historic lows. The president invokes this as if it’s a special favor he has bestowed on African Americans, rather than a self-evident policy goal of the government. Insofar as African American employment has improved, it’s simply as part of a generally growing economy, not targeted policies. Moreover, as Peter Nicholas reports, black unemployment remains twice as high as white rates, and the gap in wages between races is growing. Trump has at other times cited the First Step Act, a bipartisan criminal-justice-reform law he signed in late 2018. Advocates have widely hailed the law as a positive move.

Trump Makes Clear What Black Voters Had to Lose
meanwhile he is cutting social programs, Hud, Snap, Chip, Meals on Wheels, raising Medicare premiums and deductables, trying to raise Hud cost/share, and soon millions will not have health ins.

When President Barack Hussein Obama took office African-American unemployment was at 12.9%. The day he left office same unemployment rate was 7.9%.

Today it is around 6.0%, so Obama has the largest share of the reduction that the grifter claims.
When are you defenders of the shitholes going to wake the fuck up? Ytube is erupting with blacks laughing their asses off at Trump just telling the truth to trigger libtardos.

Read much? I have defended nothing. I have made no claims about who blacks should or should not support. I have made the very accurate statement that blacks are supporting democrats regardless of what both parties have done to earn it.

You're just refusing to see what's going on right in front of your eyes. These black people on social media have tens of thousands of followers and growing every day. Brexit, walkaway, are not declining in support. They're growing support and it isn't going to stop until Democrats quit treating them like rats. It's great to watch. Blacks self esteem is growing and it didn't happen under Obamakov. It happened under Trump..

No, I fully acknowledge those people and their followers. I acknowledge that they represent approximately 18 percent of non-white Americans (and that means an even lower percentage of blacks as they are even less supportive than Hispanics and other non white groups).

You seem to think that they represent even more. There is a huge void where your evidence of such should be.

OK, then I'll just have to keep putting up videos of blacks making fun of these race hustling idiots. I think the tally on their followers is over one million

Enjoy, your plantation of voters is turning on you faster than you can import latinos. And just think, it's another 15 months before the election.

So you will post more videos that prove nothing? My plantation voters?

I am not a democrat supporter but I can say that your delusion only helps the democrats continue to cultivate minority voters without having to do anything for it. The sad reality is that you cannot understand that they are winning when it comes to those voters and these delusions are helping them.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy but you know the blacks are getting so pissed off the blacklash from hearing the libtarded lines for decades is creating conservative voters faster than you can count them.

Hell, when the blacks are stripping the race hustlers of their black card you may want to start paying attention.

telling someone they cant criticize someone because he's black is the most racist thing there is!
Read much? I have defended nothing. I have made no claims about who blacks should or should not support. I have made the very accurate statement that blacks are supporting democrats regardless of what both parties have done to earn it.

You're just refusing to see what's going on right in front of your eyes. These black people on social media have tens of thousands of followers and growing every day. Brexit, walkaway, are not declining in support. They're growing support and it isn't going to stop until Democrats quit treating them like rats. It's great to watch. Blacks self esteem is growing and it didn't happen under Obamakov. It happened under Trump..

No, I fully acknowledge those people and their followers. I acknowledge that they represent approximately 18 percent of non-white Americans (and that means an even lower percentage of blacks as they are even less supportive than Hispanics and other non white groups).

You seem to think that they represent even more. There is a huge void where your evidence of such should be.

OK, then I'll just have to keep putting up videos of blacks making fun of these race hustling idiots. I think the tally on their followers is over one million

Enjoy, your plantation of voters is turning on you faster than you can import latinos. And just think, it's another 15 months before the election.

So you will post more videos that prove nothing? My plantation voters?

I am not a democrat supporter but I can say that your delusion only helps the democrats continue to cultivate minority voters without having to do anything for it. The sad reality is that you cannot understand that they are winning when it comes to those voters and these delusions are helping them.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy but you know the blacks are getting so pissed off the blacklash from hearing the libtarded lines for decades is creating conservative voters faster than you can count them.

Hell, when the blacks are stripping the race hustlers of their black card you may want to start paying attention.

A new poll shows that 80% of African-American (51% of all Americans) think the grifter is a racist.

Run on that.
Wonder what the final solution to this problem is...

Start with a forensic accounting of where the federal money has gone, and start issuing indictments. Thieves inevitably get greedy and sloppy and don't cover their tracks like they might have in the beginning. Make this a nationwide effort to look at all the major city inner-cities and follow the money.

Here is the 20 billion the city got since 2015 to help the city:

Baltimore Received $1.8 Billion from Obama’s Stimulus Law


'President gave $16B in 2018 ALONE to Elijah Cummings's district in federal grants': Donald Trump's aide Lynne Patton asks what Baltimore has done with its financial help as POTUS' row with 'rat-infested' city escalates

It appears that the 20 billion didn't appear to make a dent in improving the city, Corruption and incompetence are the likely reasons why the place is STILL a mess.
A few anecdotal videos are not proof or even supportive of the title's assertion. This does not show that Baltimore blacks are supporting Trump. This is likely because they are not.

The fact is that blacks are not generally supporting Trump. Pretending it is so does not help anything. Generally it seems to me that blacks are not equating any current success with Trump and not connecting failures with democrats.

Lowest black UNemployment in history, fool....there is only one way out of poverty.....a job. You can't pretend otherwise or pretend blacks don't understand who is putting this country back to work. In the privacy of the voting booth, they'll reelect the man who's looking out for them.

Why do they KEEP sending Elijah Cummings back to Congress?

Year, after Year, after Year?



Statistically, they vote partisan party and name recognition, despite results.
You're just refusing to see what's going on right in front of your eyes. These black people on social media have tens of thousands of followers and growing every day. Brexit, walkaway, are not declining in support. They're growing support and it isn't going to stop until Democrats quit treating them like rats. It's great to watch. Blacks self esteem is growing and it didn't happen under Obamakov. It happened under Trump..

No, I fully acknowledge those people and their followers. I acknowledge that they represent approximately 18 percent of non-white Americans (and that means an even lower percentage of blacks as they are even less supportive than Hispanics and other non white groups).

You seem to think that they represent even more. There is a huge void where your evidence of such should be.

OK, then I'll just have to keep putting up videos of blacks making fun of these race hustling idiots. I think the tally on their followers is over one million

Enjoy, your plantation of voters is turning on you faster than you can import latinos. And just think, it's another 15 months before the election.

So you will post more videos that prove nothing? My plantation voters?

I am not a democrat supporter but I can say that your delusion only helps the democrats continue to cultivate minority voters without having to do anything for it. The sad reality is that you cannot understand that they are winning when it comes to those voters and these delusions are helping them.

Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy but you know the blacks are getting so pissed off the blacklash from hearing the libtarded lines for decades is creating conservative voters faster than you can count them.

Hell, when the blacks are stripping the race hustlers of their black card you may want to start paying attention.

A new poll shows that 80% of African-American (51% of all Americans) think the grifter is a racist.

Run on that.

The average IQ in America is 100 so the people voting Democrat are basically stupid and the blacks are sick and tired of being race hustled when nothing ever gets better for them in the Democrat districts.

But then again you believed the polls in 2016.

Wonder what the final solution to this problem is...

Start with a forensic accounting of where the federal money has gone, and start issuing indictments. Thieves inevitably get greedy and sloppy and don't cover their tracks like they might have in the beginning. Make this a nationwide effort to look at all the major city inner-cities and follow the money.

Here is the 20 billion the city got since 2015 to help the city:

Baltimore Received $1.8 Billion from Obama’s Stimulus Law


'President gave $16B in 2018 ALONE to Elijah Cummings's district in federal grants': Donald Trump's aide Lynne Patton asks what Baltimore has done with its financial help as POTUS' row with 'rat-infested' city escalates

It appears that the 20 billion didn't appear to make a dent in improving the city, Corruption and incompetence are the likely reasons why the place is STILL a mess.
I'm sure Democrats used the money to produce and run a few public service ads...
A few anecdotal videos are not proof or even supportive of the title's assertion. This does not show that Baltimore blacks are supporting Trump. This is likely because they are not.

The fact is that blacks are not generally supporting Trump. Pretending it is so does not help anything. Generally it seems to me that blacks are not equating any current success with Trump and not connecting failures with democrats.

Lowest black UNemployment in history, fool....there is only one way out of poverty.....a job. You can't pretend otherwise or pretend blacks don't understand who is putting this country back to work. In the privacy of the voting booth, they'll reelect the man who's looking out for them.
You keep pointing out to why blacks SHOULD support Trump.

You keep failing to show that they ARE.

That is a very big difference. Unemployment is down nation wide for blacks. Support still remains low as hell across the country. This is 4 months old but looking for something more recent that is not an asinine news poll is not turning much up. Baltimore has been a shithole for far more than 4 months and the economic positives have also been going for more than 4 months.

Subgroup Differences in Trump Approval Mostly Party-Based

Non-white approval is at 18 percent. I am pretending nothing, black support has almost been exclusively for democrats for a very long time. You are pretending this is going to change without any actual supporting facts. It is rather apparent to me that the democrats have been VERY successful and continue to be successful in garnering support from black Americans weather or not they have earned it.

I agree.

Despite all of these videos and individual testimonials, the FACT remains, Elijah Cummings IS, and HAS BEEN the representative forever.

I don't see that changing anytime soon.

I have liberal friends on FB that live equally in an echo chamber and fantasy world as well. Folks on this site have a delusion that Trump and Republicans will win in 2020 by a landslide because they do not listen or read openly and unreservedly with critical thinking to other side.
A few anecdotal videos are not proof or even supportive of the title's assertion. This does not show that Baltimore blacks are supporting Trump. This is likely because they are not.

The fact is that blacks are not generally supporting Trump. Pretending it is so does not help anything. Generally it seems to me that blacks are not equating any current success with Trump and not connecting failures with democrats.

Lowest black UNemployment in history, fool....there is only one way out of poverty.....a job. You can't pretend otherwise or pretend blacks don't understand who is putting this country back to work. In the privacy of the voting booth, they'll reelect the man who's looking out for them.

Why do they KEEP sending Elijah Cummings back to Congress?

Year, after Year, after Year?



Statistically, they vote partisan party and name recognition, despite results.

It's all about we're gonna get you free shit and we're gonna stick it to the man!!!
Unfortunately for dims they're catching on.
Despite all of these videos and individual testimonials,

Folks on this site have a delusion that Trump and Republicans will win in 2020 by a landslide because they do not listen


I wrote "landslide."

I believe the fight will be easy do ya?
I quoted that part for context and nothing more. The point is YOU are not listening while pointing at others and making the same accusation.

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