Baltimore Blacks Siding With Trump

Nothing in your linked article says people from Baltimore are sending mountains of letters to the White House thanking Trump for his comments nor that blacks in Baltimore agree with him

You may want to rethink the way you approach myself and others if you want a straight answer, which I doubt you do. Your superiority complex doesn't show up as talent in your own posts which may explain why you target posters you envy. Seeing as how you were too lazy to read the thread, the link was to point out the depraved state inner-city Baltimore lives in. The headline came from having just watched the President say on C-Span that the WH was being deluged with thanks from the people of Baltimore. You can call him a liar as others of your ilk here regularly do, I couldn't care less. The fact that he'd just said it, Fake News wouldn't cover such information, and several posters posted YouTube vids as anecdotal proof of it being true, fortified the claim. I also have the feeling that "basqueromance" is your gay sock.
WATCH: Video Emerges Of Elijah Cummings Calling Baltimore ‘Drug Infested’

This isn’t faked.

This is 20years Later and things are Worse?

Way to go, Baltimore.

So what are we suppose to watch, NO VIDEO or you put up a wrong link.

Give me a new one.

It’s there.

WATCH: Video Emerges Of Elijah Cummings Calling Baltimore ‘Drug Infested’

You know what the difference is, he sounded like he cared, the potus didn't give a rip , he said it just to put down Cummings. To say people are drug infested, aren't a lot of places drug infested and I bet Cummings was trying to make a bill. This is what tramp said, see the difference:

Sunday's outburst came after a day of heated rhetoric from the president lobbed at Cummings. Early Saturday, Trump referred to Cummings' district as "a disgusting, rat and rodent infested mess" and said that "no human being would want to live there."
Wow, you sure did a smear job on Cummings, its all over the net, on every right wing channel and news and fake blogs and fake news tidbits. You should really be ashamed of yourselves.

How many decent men are going to do down and have their reputations ruined for Donald Tramp?

How many?
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I do not believe Tramp, not a word.

Sounds like a personal problem.

No just that he is a compulsive and pathological liar, but you know that, how could you not.

I gave up on believing most politicians after Bubba made an art form out of lying.
I thought you were supposed to lie about secret love affairs. What a pile of crap, compared to the fact that everything GOP dupes know is a lie. Lock her up, the rich pay too much in taxes, we should be ashamed of free stuff that we earn, Obama gave nukes to Iran LOL, there is a crisis at the border etc etc etc. There's one crisis, the rich do not pay enough in taxes and everyone else is screwed because of it. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far. Thank you scumbag GOP and brainwashed dupes...

You don't lie about anything when under oath. All smart people know that.

The rest of your screed is stupid crap.
Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda knows what I say is true. Only you idiots in the GOP don't. hey whatever you do don't change the channel or read a newspaper LOL. Ignoramus
Sounds like a personal problem.

No just that he is a compulsive and pathological liar, but you know that, how could you not.

I gave up on believing most politicians after Bubba made an art form out of lying.
I thought you were supposed to lie about secret love affairs. What a pile of crap, compared to the fact that everything GOP dupes know is a lie. Lock her up, the rich pay too much in taxes, we should be ashamed of free stuff that we earn, Obama gave nukes to Iran LOL, there is a crisis at the border etc etc etc. There's one crisis, the rich do not pay enough in taxes and everyone else is screwed because of it. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far. Thank you scumbag GOP and brainwashed dupes...

You don't lie about anything when under oath. All smart people know that.

The rest of your screed is stupid crap.
Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda knows what I say is true. Only you idiots in the GOP don't. hey whatever you do don't change the channel or read a newspaper LOL. Ignoramus

Still think you're supposed to lie under oath? I don't think Bubba does any more.
No just that he is a compulsive and pathological liar, but you know that, how could you not.

I gave up on believing most politicians after Bubba made an art form out of lying.
I thought you were supposed to lie about secret love affairs. What a pile of crap, compared to the fact that everything GOP dupes know is a lie. Lock her up, the rich pay too much in taxes, we should be ashamed of free stuff that we earn, Obama gave nukes to Iran LOL, there is a crisis at the border etc etc etc. There's one crisis, the rich do not pay enough in taxes and everyone else is screwed because of it. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far. Thank you scumbag GOP and brainwashed dupes...

You don't lie about anything when under oath. All smart people know that.

The rest of your screed is stupid crap.
Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda knows what I say is true. Only you idiots in the GOP don't. hey whatever you do don't change the channel or read a newspaper LOL. Ignoramus

Still think you're supposed to lie under oath? I don't think Bubba does any more.
He became more popular than ever after that GOP witch Hunt, ambush, and overreach....
its the political newcomer Trump the sinewy tiger taking on the established old lion in Cummings. i dont see anything wrong with that. i think its healthy for our democracy, and we should respect both sides...
I gave up on believing most politicians after Bubba made an art form out of lying.
I thought you were supposed to lie about secret love affairs. What a pile of crap, compared to the fact that everything GOP dupes know is a lie. Lock her up, the rich pay too much in taxes, we should be ashamed of free stuff that we earn, Obama gave nukes to Iran LOL, there is a crisis at the border etc etc etc. There's one crisis, the rich do not pay enough in taxes and everyone else is screwed because of it. Worst inequality and upward Mobility ever and in the modern world by far. Thank you scumbag GOP and brainwashed dupes...

You don't lie about anything when under oath. All smart people know that.

The rest of your screed is stupid crap.
Everyone outside your bubble of garbage propaganda knows what I say is true. Only you idiots in the GOP don't. hey whatever you do don't change the channel or read a newspaper LOL. Ignoramus

Still think you're supposed to lie under oath? I don't think Bubba does any more.
He became more popular than ever after that GOP witch Hunt, ambush, and overreach....

And lost his law license for a while, and had his handlers pay more than 90 grand in fines, etc. Plus had to deal with Hillary being pissed that he got caught and forced her to "stand by her man". That's probably the worst punishment he could have been given.
its the political newcomer Trump the sinewy tiger taking on the established old lion in Cummings. i dont see anything wrong with that. i think its healthy for our democracy, and we should respect both sides...

Republicans aren't supposed to fight back. They're supposed to be genteel and ignore the ankle biters. Trump does not.
Not the trash political hacks lining their pockets with taxpayer dollars, but the PEOPLE of that city are burying the WH in letters and emails thanking the President. Cummings is a piece of shit, living off a beating he took on the Selma Bridge 54 years ago.....that's supposed to be a legacy? His wife is a thief, his cronies in Baltimore are all crooks, and Trump is a "racist" for bringing out the truth? Trump is destroying the Rat party brick by brick, kilo by kilo...Pelousy's filthy district is also now in the spotlight....they are FINISHED as a political party in 2020 thanks to Trump. :badgrin:


FACT: Baltimore Is Now More Dangerous than 99.2% of Cities in the U.S.

1.8 Billion Dollars sent to Baltimore under the Obama Admin. and the pictures look worse today then back then. The rats got Bigger and the money evaporated. The very same people who watched out for the welfare of Baltimore (very caring liberals) would like to have complete control of the Nations healthcare because they think of themselves as so smart and effective.

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