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Baltimore Cops Should Have Kicked Ass!

It wasn't hard to see what went wrong in Baltimore on Monday night. The mindless mayor, Stephanie Rawlings, pursued a very dumb policy > to leave the rioters alone, and let them loot, burn, throw rocks etc, so as to not offend them and "escalate" the rioting.

EARTH TO STEPHANIE (and anyone else dumb enough to follow this notion): The mayor got it WRONG. She thought tough tactics by police and the Guard would "escalate" the rioting. It was just the opposite. It was her weak, hands-off tactic that escalated it.

When we protested against the Vietnam War, Washington DC cops (black & white both) kicked ass. They cracked heads and busted legs with their billy clubs. When the National Guard was there, they had fixed bayonets on their rifles, and steel-tipped boots. If that was the case in Baltimore, there wouldn't have been looting, arson or rock-throwing.


In my opinion, citizens should arm themselves in a like manner. The "out-of-control" cops are taking their jobs to the extreme, in many ways. And, what's worse, all they have to say in order to walk is, "I feared for my life", "I feared for my safety", or "he was reaching for his waistband". Our judicial system shows tremendous bias and favoritism to cops, and other members of law enforcement. We have a system of injustice instead of justice. It's time to arrest, try, convict, and sentence cops for their obvious crimes. They get a free pass on murder, stealing, raping, taking bribes, planting evidence, lying in court, covering for other cops, destroying property, stealing and selling drugs, and other offenses they arrest John Q. Public for.

We need to see more cops in our prisons and jails, and by doing so, it'd send a very strong message to other cops that they must obey the same laws as everyone else has to obey. If you or I were to attack someone, beat and brutalize them, we'd go to jail in a heartbeat. If you or I were to shoot someone eight times in the back, we'd be serving time in the big house. If you or I were to break into the wrong house, shoot and kill a 92 year old lady, we'd get the death penalty. If you or I were to shoot and kill a 12 year old boy playing in the park, we'd get the death penalty. If you and I were to be caught on camera, along with 6 or 7 others, beating and kicking someone handcuffed, face down on the ground, we'd be put in jail, fined, and place on probation and have to do community service for a year.

Our problem is not young black males being at the wrong place at the wrong time, it's "out-of-control" cops filled with hate, prejudice, over-sized egos, and a license to basically do as they damn well please. And, our judicial system backs them up 99% of the time. Given a desk job and a paid vacation is really punishment, don't you think? In addition to getting a free pass by the judicial system, we have law enforcement investigating law enforcement when someone complains of wrong-doing by cops. That's the same as your brother doing the investigation if you're accused of a crime. We'd all like to have family and friends in charge of investigating should we be accused of wrong-doing.

Lets be honest here folks, the system is flawed, and recent events is a testament to the problems within law enforcement agencies. This has been going on for a very long time, but it's becoming a real issue since everyone is carrying a cell phone and can take real-time videos of cop misconduct. Cops are now being asked to wear body cameras, which is a great idea, and one that'll serve cops as well as the public. Also, dash cams in patrol cars are giving us better evidence of misconduct, and at the same time, serves as proof when cops are merely doing their job. Cameras can protect both the public and cops when questions are asked about encounters between law enforcement and the general public. We need to ensure the integrity of law enforcement, as well as ensure that citizens are protected against cop misconduct.

I'm embarrassed by the event in Maryland, and I'm ashamed they the world is watching this tragedy. We need to do a better job of ensuring justice and making members of law enforcement accountable for their actions. And, we need to severely punish those that loot, burn building and cars, and destroy property. They need to be placed behind bars for a very long time. I'm all for non-violent and peaceful protests, and we need to do a lot more of it in response to many issues. I'd like to see protests concerning government corruption, senseless deadly costly wars, the mistreatment of our Vets, the loss of privacy, and our growing poverty. But, we do NOT need looting, destruction of property, or violence to have our voices heard. We need to push back against oppression and the heavy hand of "out-of-control" members of law enforcement.
Posting this cop-hater idiocy is what you should be embarrassed about. The OP is talking about the appropriate response to destructive rioting, and has nothing to do with police behavior in general. Please stay ON TOPIC, and without being hysterical.

PS - nobody knows what happened to Freddie Gray as yet. There are investigations in process. For all anyone knows right now, he could have tripped and hit his spine against a large metal object. (toilet, bench, bars, etc) He also could have been assaulted by another inmate.
I'm NOT embarrassed by posting it at all, and stand by what I have posted. I'm well aware of what the root article is talking about. And, I have no idea as to what happened to Mr. Gray once he was in police custody, and have not stated that I know what happened to him. So, please do NOT say or imply something that I have NOT said. Thanks.
Yeah......we're simply unable to understand anything you post....cuz our read-comprehension is terrible.
1. The OP says nothing of "kick Black ass". Those are entirely YOUR words, not mine.

2. You have shown no evidence of any "double standard", and even if you did, that would be OFF TOPIC.

Baltimore cops should have kicked ass ...you mean they should not have kicked Black ass but should have randomly kicked ass on white people...no you meant kick ass in this neighborhood

Don't play dumb with me. YOU KNOW exactly what I mean. I mean just what I have said all along. I mean kicked ass on criminal, destructive rioters, period (whoever they may be).
Least I give the Baltimore cops credit where it's due. Their payout for " brutality" are miniscule in this age of easy money claims.
I give the Rioters credit unlike the Baltimore Police they did not snap anyone's spine
Where do you have a shred of evidence that the Baltimore Police snapped Freddie Gray's spine ? I know of no such evidence, and investigations are still underway.
it happened on its own no one is responsible it "just happened" by magic
As I said > "Where do you have a shred of evidence that the Baltimore Police snapped Freddie Gray's spine ?"

As I said in a previous post, there is no evidence that police had anything to do with Gray's spine. He could have tripped and fell and damaged his spine against a large metal object (ex, a toilet), could have been attacked by other inmates, etc.
He was never in a cell where there is a toilet...the Police snapped the man's spine in half...unless some kind of magical force did it
Posting this cop-hater idiocy is what you should be embarrassed about. The OP is talking about the appropriate response to destructive rioting, and has nothing to do with police behavior in general. Please stay ON TOPIC, and without being hysterical.

PS - nobody knows what happened to Freddie Gray as yet. There are investigations in process. For all anyone knows right now, he could have tripped and hit his spine against a large metal object. (toilet, bench, bars, etc) He also could have been assaulted by another inmate.
I'm NOT embarrassed by posting it at all, and stand by what I have posted. I'm well aware of what the root article is talking about. And, I have no idea as to what happened to Mr. Gray once he was in police custody, and have not stated that I know what happened to him. So, please do NOT say or imply something that I have NOT said. Thanks.
So if you're not talking about Freddie Gray, why all the yammering about police brutality ? That's not the TOPIC here. Please stay ON TOPIC.
I'm talking about Mr. Gray, and all the others. I'm aware of the topic.
So what about Mr. Gray ? What does he (or "the others" you speak of) have to do with the level of police force against rioters ? (ie. THE TOPIC)
Mr. Gray was the tipping point that started the protest and riot. Police force has been the subject of many riots and protests. Or, haven't you followed the news stories during the past year or so, and even before that? Excessive police force IS the topic and reason for the protests and riots in Missouri, and now in Maryland. The many stories have made headlines all across this nation. Yes, Mr. Gray is the catalyst that was the tipping point in Maryland, and Mr. Brown was the catalyst in Missouri. Excessive police force is nothing new, and has been discussed for a very long time now. We saw it in New York, and it has happened in many states.

Mr. Gray, riots, protests, and excessive police force is the topic of these discussions. We have been discussing this issue here on USMB for days now, and before that, we discussed Mr. Brown.
Deceptive media coverage of Freddie Grays arrest was the tipping point in Baltimore. Deceptive media coverage of the Michael Brown shooting was the tipping-point in Ferguson.......

Do you see a pattern by chance?

Of course not. . ....because you bought this crap about renegade cops the liberal media is passing off as reality.
Least I give the Baltimore cops credit where it's due. Their payout for " brutality" are miniscule in this age of easy money claims.
I give the Rioters credit unlike the Baltimore Police they did not snap anyone's spine
Where do you have a shred of evidence that the Baltimore Police snapped Freddie Gray's spine ? I know of no such evidence, and investigations are still underway.
it happened on its own no one is responsible it "just happened" by magic
As I said > "Where do you have a shred of evidence that the Baltimore Police snapped Freddie Gray's spine ?"

As I said in a previous post, there is no evidence that police had anything to do with Gray's spine. He could have tripped and fell and damaged his spine against a large metal object (ex, a toilet), could have been attacked by other inmates, etc.
He was never in a cell where there is a toilet...the Police snapped the man's spine in half...unless some kind of magical force did it
You don't know that. And where does this information come from that he was never in a cell with a toilet ? Doesn't sound right. You haven't refuted my possibility theories one iota.
I give the Rioters credit unlike the Baltimore Police they did not snap anyone's spine
Where do you have a shred of evidence that the Baltimore Police snapped Freddie Gray's spine ? I know of no such evidence, and investigations are still underway.
it happened on its own no one is responsible it "just happened" by magic
As I said > "Where do you have a shred of evidence that the Baltimore Police snapped Freddie Gray's spine ?"

As I said in a previous post, there is no evidence that police had anything to do with Gray's spine. He could have tripped and fell and damaged his spine against a large metal object (ex, a toilet), could have been attacked by other inmates, etc.
He was never in a cell where there is a toilet...the Police snapped the man's spine in half...unless some kind of magical force did it
You don't know that. And where does this information come from that he was never in a cell with a toilet ? Doesn't sound right. You haven't refuted my possibility theories one iota.
Your theories are desperate conjecture designed to keep Police out of the loop of responsibility..they took him into custody and incurred a bad bad fate ...spine snapped in half...he went to a station briefly before they even noticed his physical condition...they had trussed him up and left him unbuckled for a "nickel ride" as he bounced off the wall of the van being driven by the Police deliberately to punish him...they snapped his spine
Very pathetic ... to say the least ...........simply pathetic ........ twisting what I say around to mean something else just doesn't do it. Try reading comprehension, it might help you. If you're going to quote me, please say exactly what I have said. And, please don't try to affix your own meaning and interpretation to what I say. Thanks.
My comprehension is fine. The problem seems to be with your writing skills. You mentioned our need to be armed like riot police. That is what you said. The rest of your post was full of total Bullshit. Anyone who takes the time to talk to cops, or has dealt with crime on a regular basis knows what you said is Bullshit.
Instead of just saying it's bullshit, dispute it with a counter. Saying it's bullshit without a counter is void, and merits no response. If you disagree with what I have said, show it to be false and void of fact. Present something legit to dispute it and to prove it to be bullshit. Otherwise, what you've said holds no water.

The fact that you bought into this false narrative that cops are murdering blacks in record numbers.....that cops are arresting blacks because of racism instead of the obvious fact that blacks have less respect for authority than any other race in America? That blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 52% of the violent crimes in this country? That 70% of them are born into single-parent households, thus disadvantaged from day one?

Facts like that?
I have never ever said that cops are murdering blacks in record numbers. That is a lie. Please show where I have ever once said that cops are murdering blacks in record numbers. I have never ever said that cops are arresting blacks due to racism, never ever once have I said that. That's lie. Please show where I have ever once said those things, please.

I challenge you to find and show where I have ever said those things. Please do NOT lie and make stuff up here. Thanks.

I'm on a cell....but I can read.

You accused cops of just about every crime in the book.

Personally I think you're just trying to get me to lose my temper with your constant lies and deceptions.
Pathetic ... simply pathetic ... silly ...... and ridiculous. Well, obviously you can't read, or either it's that you can't comprehend what you're reading. You have made several statements ( which I have brought to your attention ) saying that I have said things that I have NOT said. I have asked you to please point them out, and you have yet to do so. Instead, you put your spin and interpretation to what I have said, in an attempt to change the meaning. Yes, I have accused cops of a lot of things, which are all true, and well documented. The many examples and stories have been made public for a very long time now. I did NOT make them up, fabricate them, nor did I pull them off the wall. Again, if you can dispute them, please do so. If you have a counter, please present it. But, please do not twist what I say around to mean something that I did not say. If you're going to quote me, please do so in the exact same words and context as I have written them.

I'm NOT trying to do anything concerning your temper. Your temper doesn't concern me, not in the least. If I have lied, please point out the lies. If I have said anything deceptive, please point it out. But, if you do, please do so in my exact words, and not the spin and misinterpretation that you have done thus far. Thanks
What is a Sovereign Citizen?

What is a Sovereign Citizen

On February 6, the Federal Bureau of Investigation held a news conference about a growing problem faced by local law enforcement agencies. According to the FBI, police all around the country have been contacting the Bureau with requests for information and training on the sovereign citizen movement.

Over the next week, the online reaction to the Bureau’s statements ranged from confused to outraged. Conservative pundits were wringing their hands, fearing that the FBI is going to target their Tea Party readership as enemies of the state, while liberal pundits expressed glee that the FBI now considers Tea Party supporters to be domestic terrorists.

should the GOP and the Tea Party be held responsible for Sovereign citizen attacks on Law enforcement ?



Sovereign Citizens Are America's Top Cop-Killers
OFF TOPIC! It remains to be seen whether the moderation in this forum (if there is any) will take action against you, or if they are like the Baltimore Police on Monday night, and just let wrongdoing proceed.
Have the rioters...been " brutalized"
for years and years apparently from this report


Undue force - Sun Investigates - The Baltimore Sun
Not off topic as it shows how applying the same thinking ...I call it Right wing kick ass on the Black folk thinking is precisely what has led to the current situation of citizen alienation and fear of authorities who are supposed to look out for folks not snap their spines in two...so it is not off topic to refute the assertion that Kicking more ass is the solution ..
What is a Sovereign Citizen?

What is a Sovereign Citizen

On February 6, the Federal Bureau of Investigation held a news conference about a growing problem faced by local law enforcement agencies. According to the FBI, police all around the country have been contacting the Bureau with requests for information and training on the sovereign citizen movement.

Over the next week, the online reaction to the Bureau’s statements ranged from confused to outraged. Conservative pundits were wringing their hands, fearing that the FBI is going to target their Tea Party readership as enemies of the state, while liberal pundits expressed glee that the FBI now considers Tea Party supporters to be domestic terrorists.

should the GOP and the Tea Party be held responsible for Sovereign citizen attacks on Law enforcement ?



Sovereign Citizens Are America's Top Cop-Killers
OFF TOPIC! It remains to be seen whether the moderation in this forum (if there is any) will take action against you, or if they are like the Baltimore Police on Monday night, and just let wrongdoing proceed.
It is not off topic because it points out a double standard in the approaches you favor...you favor tough kick ass Police tactic for Black folks while ignoring the violent aggressive anti authority white groups that are more of a danger to the US than a three day riot by fed up residents...
What is a Sovereign Citizen?

What is a Sovereign Citizen

On February 6, the Federal Bureau of Investigation held a news conference about a growing problem faced by local law enforcement agencies. According to the FBI, police all around the country have been contacting the Bureau with requests for information and training on the sovereign citizen movement.

Over the next week, the online reaction to the Bureau’s statements ranged from confused to outraged. Conservative pundits were wringing their hands, fearing that the FBI is going to target their Tea Party readership as enemies of the state, while liberal pundits expressed glee that the FBI now considers Tea Party supporters to be domestic terrorists.

should the GOP and the Tea Party be held responsible for Sovereign citizen attacks on Law enforcement ?



Sovereign Citizens Are America's Top Cop-Killers
OFF TOPIC! It remains to be seen whether the moderation in this forum (if there is any) will take action against you, or if they are like the Baltimore Police on Monday night, and just let wrongdoing proceed.
I have made my case ...let them read the thread ....let them read what I post vs what you post...if the thread is ONLY for those who agree with you then that should be prominently made clear...
Where do you have a shred of evidence that the Baltimore Police snapped Freddie Gray's spine ? I know of no such evidence, and investigations are still underway.
it happened on its own no one is responsible it "just happened" by magic
As I said > "Where do you have a shred of evidence that the Baltimore Police snapped Freddie Gray's spine ?"

As I said in a previous post, there is no evidence that police had anything to do with Gray's spine. He could have tripped and fell and damaged his spine against a large metal object (ex, a toilet), could have been attacked by other inmates, etc.
He was never in a cell where there is a toilet...the Police snapped the man's spine in half...unless some kind of magical force did it
You don't know that. And where does this information come from that he was never in a cell with a toilet ? Doesn't sound right. You haven't refuted my possibility theories one iota.
Your theories are desperate conjecture designed to keep Police out of the loop of responsibility..they took him into custody and incurred a bad bad fate ...spine snapped in half...he went to a station briefly before they even noticed his physical condition...they had trussed him up and left him unbuckled for a "nickel ride" as he bounced off the wall of the van being driven by the Police deliberately to punish him...they snapped his spine
Sure they are conjecture, because without any evidence (as you don't have) there is nothing else able to be done at this point, while investigations are still underway. But at least I am not jumping to reckless conclusions, based on nothing, like you're doing.
Nothing you said here is even close to evidence of police wrongdoing, except the unbuckling, which is unlikely to have had any relevance, since he died 2 WEEKS after being brought into custody, thereby taking the unbuckling out of the scenario.
My comprehension is fine. The problem seems to be with your writing skills. You mentioned our need to be armed like riot police. That is what you said. The rest of your post was full of total Bullshit. Anyone who takes the time to talk to cops, or has dealt with crime on a regular basis knows what you said is Bullshit.
Instead of just saying it's bullshit, dispute it with a counter. Saying it's bullshit without a counter is void, and merits no response. If you disagree with what I have said, show it to be false and void of fact. Present something legit to dispute it and to prove it to be bullshit. Otherwise, what you've said holds no water.

The fact that you bought into this false narrative that cops are murdering blacks in record numbers.....that cops are arresting blacks because of racism instead of the obvious fact that blacks have less respect for authority than any other race in America? That blacks make up 13% of the population but commit 52% of the violent crimes in this country? That 70% of them are born into single-parent households, thus disadvantaged from day one?

Facts like that?
I have never ever said that cops are murdering blacks in record numbers. That is a lie. Please show where I have ever once said that cops are murdering blacks in record numbers. I have never ever said that cops are arresting blacks due to racism, never ever once have I said that. That's lie. Please show where I have ever once said those things, please.

I challenge you to find and show where I have ever said those things. Please do NOT lie and make stuff up here. Thanks.

I'm on a cell....but I can read.

You accused cops of just about every crime in the book.

Personally I think you're just trying to get me to lose my temper with your constant lies and deceptions.
Pathetic ... simply pathetic ... silly ...... and ridiculous. Well, obviously you can't read, or either it's that you can't comprehend what you're reading. You have made several statements ( which I have brought to your attention ) saying that I have said things that I have NOT said. I have asked you to please point them out, and you have yet to do so. Instead, you put your spin and interpretation to what I have said, in an attempt to change the meaning. Yes, I have accused cops of a lot of things, which are all true, and well documented. The many examples and stories have been made public for a very long time now. I did NOT make them up, fabricate them, nor did I pull them off the wall. Again, if you can dispute them, please do so. If you have a counter, please present it. But, please do not twist what I say around to mean something that I did not say. If you're going to quote me, please do so in the exact same words and context as I have written them.

I'm NOT trying to do anything concerning your temper. Your temper doesn't concern me, not in the least. If I have lied, please point out the lies. If I have said anything deceptive, please point it out. But, if you do, please do so in my exact words, and not the spin and misinterpretation that you have done thus far. Thanks

What is truly pathetic is the way you keep making these statements and claiming you didn't mean what you posted.

As I said before.....I'm on a cell.....with terrible reception. Going back and pasting your exact words is a bit difficult.

When I get on a pc I'll gladly blow your denials all to hell.
It wasn't hard to see what went wrong in Baltimore on Monday night. The mindless mayor, Stephanie Rawlings, pursued a very dumb policy > to leave the rioters alone, and let them loot, burn, throw rocks etc, so as to not offend them and "escalate" the rioting.

EARTH TO STEPHANIE (and anyone else dumb enough to follow this notion): The mayor got it WRONG. She thought tough tactics by police and the Guard would "escalate" the rioting. It was just the opposite. It was her weak, hands-off tactic that escalated it.

When we protested against the Vietnam War, Washington DC cops (black & white both) kicked ass. They cracked heads and busted legs with their billy clubs. When the National Guard was there, they had fixed bayonets on their rifles, and steel-tipped boots. If that was the case in Baltimore, there wouldn't have been looting, arson or rock-throwing.


In my opinion, citizens should arm themselves in a like manner. The "out-of-control" cops are taking their jobs to the extreme, in many ways. And, what's worse, all they have to say in order to walk is, "I feared for my life", "I feared for my safety", or "he was reaching for his waistband". Our judicial system shows tremendous bias and favoritism to cops, and other members of law enforcement. We have a system of injustice instead of justice. It's time to arrest, try, convict, and sentence cops for their obvious crimes. They get a free pass on murder, stealing, raping, taking bribes, planting evidence, lying in court, covering for other cops, destroying property, stealing and selling drugs, and other offenses they arrest John Q. Public for.

We need to see more cops in our prisons and jails, and by doing so, it'd send a very strong message to other cops that they must obey the same laws as everyone else has to obey. If you or I were to attack someone, beat and brutalize them, we'd go to jail in a heartbeat. If you or I were to shoot someone eight times in the back, we'd be serving time in the big house. If you or I were to break into the wrong house, shoot and kill a 92 year old lady, we'd get the death penalty. If you or I were to shoot and kill a 12 year old boy playing in the park, we'd get the death penalty. If you and I were to be caught on camera, along with 6 or 7 others, beating and kicking someone handcuffed, face down on the ground, we'd be put in jail, fined, and place on probation and have to do community service for a year.

Our problem is not young black males being at the wrong place at the wrong time, it's "out-of-control" cops filled with hate, prejudice, over-sized egos, and a license to basically do as they damn well please. And, our judicial system backs them up 99% of the time. Given a desk job and a paid vacation is really punishment, don't you think? In addition to getting a free pass by the judicial system, we have law enforcement investigating law enforcement when someone complains of wrong-doing by cops. That's the same as your brother doing the investigation if you're accused of a crime. We'd all like to have family and friends in charge of investigating should we be accused of wrong-doing.

Lets be honest here folks, the system is flawed, and recent events is a testament to the problems within law enforcement agencies. This has been going on for a very long time, but it's becoming a real issue since everyone is carrying a cell phone and can take real-time videos of cop misconduct. Cops are now being asked to wear body cameras, which is a great idea, and one that'll serve cops as well as the public. Also, dash cams in patrol cars are giving us better evidence of misconduct, and at the same time, serves as proof when cops are merely doing their job. Cameras can protect both the public and cops when questions are asked about encounters between law enforcement and the general public. We need to ensure the integrity of law enforcement, as well as ensure that citizens are protected against cop misconduct.

I'm embarrassed by the event in Maryland, and I'm ashamed they the world is watching this tragedy. We need to do a better job of ensuring justice and making members of law enforcement accountable for their actions. And, we need to severely punish those that loot, burn building and cars, and destroy property. They need to be placed behind bars for a very long time. I'm all for non-violent and peaceful protests, and we need to do a lot more of it in response to many issues. I'd like to see protests concerning government corruption, senseless deadly costly wars, the mistreatment of our Vets, the loss of privacy, and our growing poverty. But, we do NOT need looting, destruction of property, or violence to have our voices heard. We need to push back against oppression and the heavy hand of "out-of-control" members of law enforcement.
Posting this cop-hater idiocy is what you should be embarrassed about. The OP is talking about the appropriate response to destructive rioting, and has nothing to do with police behavior in general. Please stay ON TOPIC, and without being hysterical.

PS - nobody knows what happened to Freddie Gray as yet. There are investigations in process. For all anyone knows right now, he could have tripped and hit his spine against a large metal object. (toilet, bench, bars, etc) He also could have been assaulted by another inmate.
I'm NOT embarrassed by posting it at all, and stand by what I have posted. I'm well aware of what the root article is talking about. And, I have no idea as to what happened to Mr. Gray once he was in police custody, and have not stated that I know what happened to him. So, please do NOT say or imply something that I have NOT said. Thanks.
Yeah......we're simply unable to understand anything you post....cuz our read-comprehension is terrible.
Yes, obviously there is a problem. And, it's obvious because you misquote me, add your own spin to what I have said, and inject your own interpretation to my comments and statements. In addition, when asked to show where I have said what you accuse me of saying, you continuously fail to do so. So, yes, it's either your reading comprehension, or your attempt to change what I say around to mean something entirely different from what I have said.
What is a Sovereign Citizen?

What is a Sovereign Citizen

On February 6, the Federal Bureau of Investigation held a news conference about a growing problem faced by local law enforcement agencies. According to the FBI, police all around the country have been contacting the Bureau with requests for information and training on the sovereign citizen movement.

Over the next week, the online reaction to the Bureau’s statements ranged from confused to outraged. Conservative pundits were wringing their hands, fearing that the FBI is going to target their Tea Party readership as enemies of the state, while liberal pundits expressed glee that the FBI now considers Tea Party supporters to be domestic terrorists.

should the GOP and the Tea Party be held responsible for Sovereign citizen attacks on Law enforcement ?



Sovereign Citizens Are America's Top Cop-Killers
OFF TOPIC! It remains to be seen whether the moderation in this forum (if there is any) will take action against you, or if they are like the Baltimore Police on Monday night, and just let wrongdoing proceed.
It is not off topic because it points out a double standard in the approaches you favor...you favor tough kick ass Police tactic for Black folks while ignoring the violent aggressive anti authority white groups that are more of a danger to the US than a three day riot by fed up residents...
FALSE! I never said one word about anything "for Black folks" (YOUR WORDS, not mine). As for YOUR OFF TOPIC subject about "violent aggressive anti authority white groups", for that, you have a perfect right to speak about (in another thread of that topic)
it happened on its own no one is responsible it "just happened" by magic
As I said > "Where do you have a shred of evidence that the Baltimore Police snapped Freddie Gray's spine ?"

As I said in a previous post, there is no evidence that police had anything to do with Gray's spine. He could have tripped and fell and damaged his spine against a large metal object (ex, a toilet), could have been attacked by other inmates, etc.
He was never in a cell where there is a toilet...the Police snapped the man's spine in half...unless some kind of magical force did it
You don't know that. And where does this information come from that he was never in a cell with a toilet ? Doesn't sound right. You haven't refuted my possibility theories one iota.
Your theories are desperate conjecture designed to keep Police out of the loop of responsibility..they took him into custody and incurred a bad bad fate ...spine snapped in half...he went to a station briefly before they even noticed his physical condition...they had trussed him up and left him unbuckled for a "nickel ride" as he bounced off the wall of the van being driven by the Police deliberately to punish him...they snapped his spine
Sure they are conjecture, because without any evidence (as you don't have) there is nothing else able to be done at this point, while investigations are still underway. But at least I am not jumping to reckless conclusions, based on nothing, like you're doing.
Nothing you said here is even close to evidence of police wrongdoing, except the unbuckling, which is unlikely to have had any relevance, since he died 2 WEEKS after being brought into custody, thereby taking the unbuckling out of the scenario.
he died one week after being taken in critical condition from a Police station ...he had been with an intact spine until the Police got done with him...
What is a Sovereign Citizen?

What is a Sovereign Citizen

On February 6, the Federal Bureau of Investigation held a news conference about a growing problem faced by local law enforcement agencies. According to the FBI, police all around the country have been contacting the Bureau with requests for information and training on the sovereign citizen movement.

Over the next week, the online reaction to the Bureau’s statements ranged from confused to outraged. Conservative pundits were wringing their hands, fearing that the FBI is going to target their Tea Party readership as enemies of the state, while liberal pundits expressed glee that the FBI now considers Tea Party supporters to be domestic terrorists.

should the GOP and the Tea Party be held responsible for Sovereign citizen attacks on Law enforcement ?



Sovereign Citizens Are America's Top Cop-Killers
OFF TOPIC! It remains to be seen whether the moderation in this forum (if there is any) will take action against you, or if they are like the Baltimore Police on Monday night, and just let wrongdoing proceed.
I have made my case ...let them read the thread ....let them read what I post vs what you post...if the thread is ONLY for those who agree with you then that should be prominently made clear...
The thread is for anyone to read, and for anyone to post in, who stays within THE TOPIC, as you have continuously refused to do.

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