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The world of Republican politics comes crashing down as Trey Gowdy releases his long awaited Benghazi report and comes up with......nothing

Then, minutes ago, the FBI releases their investigation of Hillary's email server and recommends no prosecution

But look at the bright side still got Trump


Well if you can't tell incompetence when you see it then there is no hope for you.

Comey said no prosecution but he also pointed out the stupidity and incompetence of both Hitlery and her staff. Doubt I'd be feeling so great about her skating by.

Incompetence is incompetence whether its at Benghazi or using your own server for top secret classified information.

Yup. You should be so proud of your hero. Hitlery. She's one helluva presidential candidate.

If your a Clown from DC that is. LOL

What happened to all that prison talk?

All we have heard for three years was how Hillary was going to prison for Benghazi and her emails

Looks like you got nothing

I never thought she would be prosecuted for Benghazi or for her e-mails. Woud have been nice but no way was it going to happen. . No way.

But it did feel good to hear the FBI director pretty much call Hitlery and her staff stupid and incompetent. Truer words were never spoken.

Oh and if you couldn't see her incompetence during Benghazi then you are a blind fool.

Looks like you support and incompetent idiot. Carry on.

Stupid and incompetent? Must have been another speech. That didn't happen in the one shown on TV a while ago.
The world of Republican politics comes crashing down as Trey Gowdy releases his long awaited Benghazi report and comes up with......nothing

Then, minutes ago, the FBI releases their investigation of Hillary's email server and recommends no prosecution

But look at the bright side still got Trump


Conservatives have been hanging their hopes on either of these fake investigations for at least 4 years now, only to have their hopes crushed again. Cons when will you learn, your party is in the business of selling you fantasy disguised as reality. You seem to have figured this out but you have gravitated to a gigantic orange loser as a result instead of purging your party of the scheisters that have foisted these lies on you for so long.

YOU elect these losers so the fault in the end is yours.

When their chosen candidate for President repeats every conspiracy theory that hits his mailbox, why should anyone be surprised?
The FBI wasnt there tho...Good luck on tying that into the conspiracy
you left out a very important part of my quote CC....."the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats"....i said this to you in another i guess we know where your head is stuck in...

Yes thats very important. It shows that only the smart people agree with you and all others are either stupid of dems or both.

"The FBI are liberals" I called it :badgrin:
all you are doing is just proving what i cant even admit that a hell of a lot of people are looking at this as hillary,being who she is,is being wont even admit that, the meeting between bill and loretta,with what is going on, was pretty stupid,and people were going to be asking many a question because of that meeting and the aftermath.....let me say this again......But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid.....i guess we know who one of them is.....

Oh I can admit there are people who think Hillary did something. But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid. I never watch Bigfoot hunters and go "Well, it must be a Bigfoot out there because they seem to really believe it" lol

Using the old..."Everyone who is smart can see it and I'm one of them" is the usual bullshit. Everyone can see you're a fool and only the stupid people cant see it.

Now does that statement mean you are stupid? According to you as soon as I said it its valid
geezus CC are you that far gone?......this "But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid."....that is not even close to my point.....

Sure it is...You say that I should admit that people think she's protected so that means it should be taken as real.

Something that is real is dont have proof just begging.
read my last sentence you see where you are....i can see the distrust this meeting brought out,you cant even say you can understand people seeing it that way.....i wonder why?....

Because he meeting had nothing to do with the FBI's decision.
you are to far gone bulldog to discuss this....will you at least admit this?.....that the stupid meeting between bill and loretta and the aftermath resulted in a lot of people thinking she is,because of who she is,she is being protected......can you see that?....

I can see that unfounded claims aren't unusual for the right.
you are as far gone as CC cant grasp what i was saying can you?...die hard party do have that problem with reality...

Perhaps you need help expressing your thoughts. All I can make out of your crap is that right wingers want to believe crap so it must be true.
if you got that out of what i said....your head is so far up the democrats collective asses there aint no way i can pull it out to help you...they have done their job on you.....
There is nothing worse than going on a fishing expedition and coming back with nothing. But hey, they got some nice stories to tell I guess
They came back with the limit.

To all intelligent people, Hillary is proven beyond any doubt to be an incompetent liar.

Of course there are a lot of stupid and naive people out there who will vote for her anyways, so it will still be a close race.

That is why I advocate raising the voting age to at least 25 and requiring voters to do above average on an IQ test. That would decimate the Democratic party get rid of that evil entity.
There is nothing worse than going on a fishing expedition and coming back with nothing. But hey, they got some nice stories to tell I guess
They came back with the limit.

To all intelligent people, Hillary is proven beyond any doubt to be an incompetent liar.

Of course there are a lot of stupid and naive people out there who will vote for her anyways, so it will still be a close race.

That is why I advocate raising the voting age to at least 25 and requiring voters to do above average on an IQ test. That would decimate the Democratic party get rid of that evil entity.

Coming from the party that thinks Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, tax cuts pay for themselves and evolution is a myth

The Party of Trump
The world of Republican politics comes crashing down as Trey Gowdy releases his long awaited Benghazi report and comes up with......nothing

Then, minutes ago, the FBI releases their investigation of Hillary's email server and recommends no prosecution

But look at the bright side still got Trump

You claim the same thing when Derp violates your brain passage...cause deep down you know its the only way to defend Incompecunt.
you left out a very important part of my quote CC....."the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats"....i said this to you in another i guess we know where your head is stuck in...

Yes thats very important. It shows that only the smart people agree with you and all others are either stupid of dems or both.

"The FBI are liberals" I called it :badgrin:
all you are doing is just proving what i cant even admit that a hell of a lot of people are looking at this as hillary,being who she is,is being wont even admit that, the meeting between bill and loretta,with what is going on, was pretty stupid,and people were going to be asking many a question because of that meeting and the aftermath.....let me say this again......But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid.....i guess we know who one of them is.....

Oh I can admit there are people who think Hillary did something. But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid. I never watch Bigfoot hunters and go "Well, it must be a Bigfoot out there because they seem to really believe it" lol

Using the old..."Everyone who is smart can see it and I'm one of them" is the usual bullshit. Everyone can see you're a fool and only the stupid people cant see it.

Now does that statement mean you are stupid? According to you as soon as I said it its valid
geezus CC are you that far gone?......this "But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid."....that is not even close to my point.....

Sure it is...You say that I should admit that people think she's protected so that means it should be taken as real.

Something that is real is dont have proof just begging.
geezus are you and bulldog that fucking dense?.....or am i right that only die hard lefties wont get this? you realize how many people,and not just righties,are looking at this as hillary,BECAUSE of who she being protected?...that has nothing to do if she is guilty or not,its how millions of people are looking at this because of the events that happened right before what the FBI had to say...IT DID NOT LOOK GOOD........take your head out clintons popo and you might see things differently....all this did is put more taint on her.....
There is nothing worse than going on a fishing expedition and coming back with nothing. But hey, they got some nice stories to tell I guess
They came back with the limit.

To all intelligent people, Hillary is proven beyond any doubt to be an incompetent liar.

Of course there are a lot of stupid and naive people out there who will vote for her anyways, so it will still be a close race.

That is why I advocate raising the voting age to at least 25 and requiring voters to do above average on an IQ test. That would decimate the Democratic party get rid of that evil entity.

Coming from the party that thinks Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, tax cuts pay for themselves and evolution is a myth

The Party of Trump
Of course you are simply lying.

Most Democrats believe in ghosts and space aliens visiting Earth. They have trouble with reality. They also have trouble discerning science from science fiction.
The world of Republican politics comes crashing down as Trey Gowdy releases his long awaited Benghazi report and comes up with......nothing

Then, minutes ago, the FBI releases their investigation of Hillary's email server and recommends no prosecution

But look at the bright side still got Trump


You still got hitlery....:lol:
Yes thats very important. It shows that only the smart people agree with you and all others are either stupid of dems or both.

"The FBI are liberals" I called it :badgrin:
all you are doing is just proving what i cant even admit that a hell of a lot of people are looking at this as hillary,being who she is,is being wont even admit that, the meeting between bill and loretta,with what is going on, was pretty stupid,and people were going to be asking many a question because of that meeting and the aftermath.....let me say this again......But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid.....i guess we know who one of them is.....

Oh I can admit there are people who think Hillary did something. But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid. I never watch Bigfoot hunters and go "Well, it must be a Bigfoot out there because they seem to really believe it" lol

Using the old..."Everyone who is smart can see it and I'm one of them" is the usual bullshit. Everyone can see you're a fool and only the stupid people cant see it.

Now does that statement mean you are stupid? According to you as soon as I said it its valid
geezus CC are you that far gone?......this "But people believing in stupid shit doesnt mean the stupid shit is valid."....that is not even close to my point.....

Sure it is...You say that I should admit that people think she's protected so that means it should be taken as real.

Something that is real is dont have proof just begging.
geezus are you and bulldog that fucking dense?.....or am i right that only die hard lefties wont get this? you realize how many people,and not just righties,are looking at this as hillary,BECAUSE of who she being protected?...that has nothing to do if she is guilty or not,its how millions of people are looking at this because of the events that happened right before what the FBI had to say...IT DID NOT LOOK GOOD........take your head out clintons popo and you might see things differently....all this did is put more taint on her.....

Quit crying. They did not recommend charges be placed because they didn't find enough to gain a conviction. Most Dems will agree what she did was not a smart move, but they also don't believe it is worthy of sending her to prison. There just isn't much there. It's time to move on, because she is going to be the next president. Republicans better get used to the idea and start thinking about how they will work with her. Surprisingly, I think she will work better with Republicans than Barry has.
The world of Republican politics comes crashing down as Trey Gowdy releases his long awaited Benghazi report and comes up with......nothing

Then, minutes ago, the FBI releases their investigation of Hillary's email server and recommends no prosecution

But look at the bright side still got Trump


You still got hitlery....:lol:

President Hitlery to you.
There is nothing worse than going on a fishing expedition and coming back with nothing. But hey, they got some nice stories to tell I guess
They came back with the limit.

To all intelligent people, Hillary is proven beyond any doubt to be an incompetent liar.

Of course there are a lot of stupid and naive people out there who will vote for her anyways, so it will still be a close race.

That is why I advocate raising the voting age to at least 25 and requiring voters to do above average on an IQ test. That would decimate the Democratic party get rid of that evil entity.

Coming from the party that thinks Obama is a Muslim born in Kenya, tax cuts pay for themselves and evolution is a myth

The Party of Trump
Of course you are simply lying.

Most Democrats believe in ghosts and space aliens visiting Earth. They have trouble with reality. They also have trouble discerning science from science fiction.

Tell us more about that global warming myth
do you realize how many people,and not just righties,are looking at this as hillary,BECAUSE of who she being protected?.

You keep saying this. What is your point? People think its real so it is?
my point is millions of peoples perception of what happened you get that?.....remember hillary isnt just some regular old lady living somewhere,she is one of the elite,they are perceived by many to be treated differently than the rest of us.....that is what is happening now.....many think she is being protected,so that will affect her character and trust worthiness...its another taint on her....if you dont get this than i dont know what to tell you,outside of the fact that you are to much of a diehard lefty and dont want to believe this....
do you realize how many people,and not just righties,are looking at this as hillary,BECAUSE of who she being protected?.

You keep saying this. What is your point? People think its real so it is?
my point is millions of peoples perception of what happened you get that?

YES BUT I KEEP ASKING YOU WHAT IS YOUR POINT!!!! People believe it so its true? People believe it so thats important? Whats your fucking point already?

.....remember hillary isnt just some regular old lady living somewhere,she is one of the elite,they are perceived by many to be treated differently than the rest of us.....that is what is happening now.....many think she is being protected,so that will affect her character and trust worthiness...its another taint on her....if you dont get this than i dont know what to tell you,outside of the fact that you are to much of a diehard lefty and dont want to believe this....

People think she is protected and that means something that is a secret. The best you can do is ask "Do you get it?" because a point is too hard to type
According to the FBI report Hillary was "extremely careless". Not really high praise regarding her handling of sensitive Government documents.

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

Statement by FBI Director James B. Comey on the Investigation of Secretary Hillary Clinton’s Use of a Personal E-Mail System


Hillary has already admitted she regrets using a private server

Doesn't that make you happy?
its still yet another taint on her RW.....this whole thing was a very stupid thing for bill and lynch to do with the shit happening right now.....just more baggage on her already huge pile....just sayin.....

Based on the last two reports it shows that baggage was empty
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT....the damage is done.....the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats....
Well, you lean and that "taint" and we'll see what the MAJORITY of American voters say come November. Hmmm....?!?
you dont get it do you? doesnt fucking matter.....a hell of a lot of people think she is being protected and something is being covered up,now more than ever because of this meeting between Bill and Loretta.....its called TAINT

The FBI wasnt there tho...Good luck on tying that into the conspiracy
you left out a very important part of my quote CC....."the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats"....i said this to you in another i guess we know where your head is stuck in...

Yes thats very important. It shows that only the smart people agree with you and all others are either stupid of dems or both.

"The FBI are liberals" I called it :badgrin:
all you are doing is just proving what i cant even admit that a hell of a lot of people are looking at this as hillary,being who she is,is being wont even admit that, the meeting between bill and loretta,with what is going on, was pretty stupid,and people were going to be asking many a question because of that meeting and the aftermath.....let me say this again......the only people who cant see this are the more die hard democrats.....i guess we know who one of them is.....
Harry, he was correct to ask what your point.

What are you saying is important about the FACT that "many people" believe that there's "taint" associated w/Hillary Clinton?

As if that's something new.

Our point is that, so what, those people already thought so anyway, moreover, they don't think that would make Trump a better option than Clinton.

Get it?

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