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Ban affirmative action. Support equality based on merit.

It is painfully obvious that affirmative action has produced a class of faux "educated" black bigots who do nothing but invent reasons to call whites racist. Their total hypocrisy on the issue of preferences and privilege is as breath taking as their contempt for members of their own race to have freedom of thought and the right to disagree with them.

95% of the racial bigotry and discrimination in America comes from the so called victims of racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti semitism.

It is high time to call out the card tossers and notice they lack a molecule of patriotism to America, truth, and merit.
Again literally every other society uses these tests

And math is universal....

Why would you think math is white?
In the back of their minds they believe blacks are inferior. They are racists pure and simple. One would think that even after a black President they would relent in their characterization of the U.S. as racist. I guess there is too much political capital in promoting on-going racism.
It is painfully obvious that affirmative action has produced a class of faux "educated" black bigots who do nothing but invent reasons to call whites racist. Their total hypocrisy on the issue of preferences and privilege is as breath taking as their contempt for members of their own race to have freedom of thought and the right to disagree with them.

95% of the racial bigotry and discrimination in America comes from the so called victims of racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti semitism.

It is high time to call out the card tossers and notice they lack a molecule of patriotism to America, truth, and merit.
Yes, AA has produced a small population of entitled, arrogant, black bigots who like to piss off whites and especially white law enforcement. Democrats use them to promote things like AA which has done the exact opposite of it's stated goal.
The locally famous 1980 Park and Planning verdict confirmed the violation due to a minority candidate meeting what Park and Planning considered to be its obligation regarding AA.
Specifically, they foolishly put in writing that although the non minority applicant was more experienced and more qualified, the minority applicant met minimum requirements. Thus to be in compliance with AA criteria, the minority candidate was hired.

This sort of shit still goes on and has but it’s just been disguised more cleverly. The public loses and pays for “minimum” where better is available
It is painfully obvious that affirmative action has produced a class of faux "educated" black bigots who do nothing but invent reasons to call whites racist. Their total hypocrisy on the issue of preferences and privilege is as breath taking as their contempt for members of their own race to have freedom of thought and the right to disagree with them.

95% of the racial bigotry and discrimination in America comes from the so called victims of racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti semitism.

It is high time to call out the card tossers and notice they lack a molecule of patriotism to America, truth, and merit.
Yes, AA has produced a small population of entitled, arrogant, black bigots who like to piss off whites and especially white law enforcement. Democrats use them to promote things like AA which has done the exact opposite of it's stated goal.
Wrong. Because whites have benefitted the most from the policy.
The locally famous 1980 Park and Planning verdict confirmed the violation due to a minority candidate meeting what Park and Planning considered to be its obligation regarding AA.
Specifically, they foolishly put in writing that although the non minority applicant was more experienced and more qualified, the minority applicant met minimum requirements. Thus to be in compliance with AA criteria, the minority candidate was hired.

This sort of shit still goes on and has but it’s just been disguised more cleverly. The public loses and pays for “minimum” where better is available
Unqualified whites do exist and unqualified white men/women continue getting most of the jobs.
Employers want employees that produce no matter what skin color. I am beginning to believe you are either a kid or someone who really hasn't ever held a real job or had to hire anyone. Do you get paid for spouting Anti-American crap?

Okay, here's the thing. YOu seem to have this idealized opinion of employers.

As someone who does job placement for a living, I can tell you, most employers kind of suck at picking employees and the system is kind of broken.

The problem starts at the job posting. They create job postings that more often than not look nothing like the job they are actually hiring for.

Then you get the resume itself. All the resume proves is "Who hired the best resume writer." Resumes aren't even read by people anymore, they are read by an abomination called "Applicant Tracking Software".

Next up is the interview. Interviews are often done by committee these days, not by the one guy who is going to supervise the person, much less the owner of the company. Of course, here's the problem with interviews. We select candidates/ take jobs based on one or two interviews.

Would you marry someone after one or two dates? Of course not, that would be crazy. But we make multi-year commitments based on two interviews.

Now, after all of that, the committee will pick the person they liked best. Not necessarily the best one for the job.

Edit- Oh, I almost forgot the most important thing. Salary negotiation. The most qualified candidate is usually the one who won't take what you are paying. So it's not that you picked the most qualified candidate, it's you picked the candidate most likely to work for what you offer.

Well then tell US all what YOU think it is. Maybe if you would at least TRY to answer some of the questions posed to you you could enlighten US a to why you think AA is such a great program. For instance, if you had a black and white applicant with EQUAL qualifications and your company had AA in place, which one would you hire? You haven't answered that yet. All you do is call me a 'dope' and claim I don't understand AA yet you offer no reasoning. Are you just a dumbfuck? Hint: Funnyfaces don't count.

The problem here is the human factor. Assuming "equal" qualifications, there is often an inclination to pick the person you most identify with. We like people who remind us of ourselves.

The primary beneficiaries of Affirmative Action have not been people of color, it's been white women.

Why would an employer want more skin color and which skin color? Geez are you a stupid shit.

Again- see above. Even if the person isn't a raving bigot, there is an inclination to identify with people who remind us of ourselves. As long as most HR departments and employers are white people, they are going to hire other white people.
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A concept completely anathema to you.
Answer the question. Which would you hire given you are under an AA policy? And why? Would you want 'more color' and if so, why? Why would you be so concerned with the color of an employee's skin? That seems racist to me.
There is no such choice, moron. A qualified candidate is a qualified candidate. It’s you who believe the minorities are somehow less qualified and hiring them is injurious to whites.
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It is painfully obvious that affirmative action has produced a class of faux "educated" black bigots who do nothing but invent reasons to call whites racist. Their total hypocrisy on the issue of preferences and privilege is as breath taking as their contempt for members of their own race to have freedom of thought and the right to disagree with them.

95% of the racial bigotry and discrimination in America comes from the so called victims of racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti semitism.

It is high time to call out the card tossers and notice they lack a molecule of patriotism to America, truth, and merit.
Yes, AA has produced a small population of entitled, arrogant, black bigots who like to piss off whites and especially white law enforcement. Democrats use them to promote things like AA which has done the exact opposite of it's stated goal.
Your white fragility has broken you.
It's very pragmatic to enforce racial diversity. If there are no black people in your office, you have to tell us why. If we don't like your answer, you pay a fine. Easy-peasy.

Complete idiocy.

Nope, it just means you are good at taking standardized tests.

The reason why you want "tests" is to protect white privilege.

Whites inherently do better on tests? Who knew? I guess only enlightened non-racists folks. How ironic.

Not at all. The fact is, being white is an economic advantage, puts you at the front of the line for wealth and prosperity.

Nope, it doesn't. That is a complete and absolute fallacy drummed up by the left to provide yet another excuse for why some can't seem to prosper. Why aren't you wealthy? Why aren't all white people wealthy? According to you, it is handed to white people on a platter. Did you simply choose not to accept that gift or could it be that there is much more to it than that? Don't cramp your brain too much, but deep down you know the correct answer to this question but you must fight with your indoctrination to admit it.
A concept completely anathema to you.
Answer the question. Which would you hire given you are under an AA policy? And why? Would you want 'more color' and if so, why? Why would you be so concerned with the color of an employee's skin? That seems racist to me.
There is no such choice, moron. A qualified candidate is a qualified candidate. It’s you who believe the minorities are somehow less qualified and hiring them is injurious to whites.
That’s a cop out. And, you’re lying I never said anything like that.
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Do any of you crackers ever deal with black military or law enforcement? Jesus too funny. It's like a Klan Koncert. And I'm not a great over of the masses.
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It is painfully obvious that affirmative action has produced a class of faux "educated" black bigots who do nothing but invent reasons to call whites racist. Their total hypocrisy on the issue of preferences and privilege is as breath taking as their contempt for members of their own race to have freedom of thought and the right to disagree with them.

95% of the racial bigotry and discrimination in America comes from the so called victims of racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti semitism.

It is high time to call out the card tossers and notice they lack a molecule of patriotism to America, truth, and merit.
What is painfully obvious is your idiocy. Nobody invents reasons to call white racists.
Do any of you crackers ever deal with black military or law enforcement? Jesus too funny. It's like a Klan Koncert. And I'm not a great over of the masses.

What the fuck does our criminal justice system being racist as fuck have to do with affirmative action for anything outside fucking police, judges, and prosecutors?
It is painfully obvious that affirmative action has produced a class of faux "educated" black bigots who do nothing but invent reasons to call whites racist. Their total hypocrisy on the issue of preferences and privilege is as breath taking as their contempt for members of their own race to have freedom of thought and the right to disagree with them.

95% of the racial bigotry and discrimination in America comes from the so called victims of racism, sexism, homophobia, and anti semitism.

It is high time to call out the card tossers and notice they lack a molecule of patriotism to America, truth, and merit.
What is painfully obvious is your idiocy. Nobody invents reasons to call white racists.

Making up reasons is very common among persecuted groups, including all women. Cuz they all think they're persecuted. haha

You may think it's crazy. But the more feminine out there don't

Jewish usually women get caught doing this shit on campus all the time, nice swastica on the dorm door, their parents swaddle them in victimhood. Smollett, i'm sure the Chinese will start doing it here soon. There are countless examples just people don't care. White women i'm sure do it too, although the social risks or so high now it's a bit out of style i'm sure. But i would certainly believe it was common in 1950

Wilfred Reilly wrote a book about some of them call "race crime hoax" or something close to that. He's black.

I've heard a fancy shrink term for it too but it eludes me.

Weird how the most feminine institution in modern America, academia, has such a high correlation with believing all this slop. Big difference between recognizing the obvious of banks and courts are against you and pretending that every facet of society is against you. One is rational one is hysterical. Especially considering we just had a half black president and African immigrants perform as well as any other modern legal immigrant group.

Most of this shit is just the reality of a capitalist society. If you're poorer than average things are not going to go as well as for the richer people.
Nope, it doesn't. That is a complete and absolute fallacy drummed up by the left to provide yet another excuse for why some can't seem to prosper. Why aren't you wealthy? Why aren't all white people wealthy? According to you, it is handed to white people on a platter. Did you simply choose not to accept that gift or could it be that there is much more to it than that? Don't cramp your brain too much, but deep down you know the correct answer to this question but you must fight with your indoctrination to admit it.

I think you mistake the difference between being rich and being well-off...

Most rich people are kind of assholes...

I might be an asshole, but I'm not that kind of asshole, the one who lives like a parasite off the hard work of others.


If there was a Vengeful Pixie in the Sky, I would be thanking him every day I was born a white dude. It has given me opportunities I simply wouldn't have if I were black.

The very fact my grandfather could get off the boat with a couple of steamer trunks and pull ahead of black and native Americans is testimony to that.

Here's the thing, Cleetus. The poor dumb white trash like you cling on to your double wide, living in fear of that inevitable day when White People are a minority and fearing you might get the ration of shit you've been giving minorities for centuries.

Me. I want it all to be fair and equal now.
Nope, it doesn't. That is a complete and absolute fallacy drummed up by the left to provide yet another excuse for why some can't seem to prosper. Why aren't you wealthy? Why aren't all white people wealthy? According to you, it is handed to white people on a platter. Did you simply choose not to accept that gift or could it be that there is much more to it than that? Don't cramp your brain too much, but deep down you know the correct answer to this question but you must fight with your indoctrination to admit it.

I think you mistake the difference between being rich and being well-off...

Most rich people are kind of assholes...

I might be an asshole, but I'm not that kind of asshole, the one who lives like a parasite off the hard work of others.


If there was a Vengeful Pixie in the Sky, I would be thanking him every day I was born a white dude. It has given me opportunities I simply wouldn't have if I were black.

The very fact my grandfather could get off the boat with a couple of steamer trunks and pull ahead of black and native Americans is testimony to that.

Here's the thing, Cleetus. The poor dumb white trash like you cling on to your double wide, living in fear of that inevitable day when White People are a minority and fearing you might get the ration of shit you've been giving minorities for centuries.

Me. I want it all to be fair and equal now.

The average black man when prompted wants more money than the average white man to change his race

You over estimate the appeal, or your age is skewing your view of this

That famous "average white guy wants 50 mil to change his race" headline that's supposed to prove "white privelege"

Black guys wanted the most, lol. They don't tell you that bit.

You could change me to any race for 50 mil i'd take it, easy.

What kind of self loathing fuck would change his race for free? Does white privilege exist? Yes

In the way you think? No. In 2021 being a white straight guy is less appealing by the minute anyway

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