Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.

https: //

Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.
Since Darwin's groundbreaking theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, scientists all around the world have found monumental amounts of evidence in favor of the theory, now treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of all scientists.

However, even after 150 years after the establishment of evolution, some schools across the US are "teaching the controversy," including Creationism and Intelligent Design. Both of these so-called "theories" have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.

Therefore, we petition the Obama Adminstration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.
Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

Ban the conjecture that the union of two guys can be marriage in the real sense of the word (Husband & Wife). Ban the Federal government from playing Big Brother in the Classroom. Facts and opinions are what make up a well rounded thoughtful education. Blame people who are not educating students but preventing them from thinking.
Empirical lol.

1. Present your best evidence that shows the general theory of evolution is a fact? I don't want to see a simple change within a population that we both know is a Micro adaptation.

2. How bout fossils showing one major kind of organism changing into another?

This means an example of one taxon order becoming another.

I responded to your thread with a link with a rebuttal.

This did not answer my questions.

There is no argument at all that moonstruck IDers and Creationists will accept, though the evidence is obvious that they are very, very wrong.

Simply ignore further such requests other than "already answered and proven."

I responded to your thread with a link with a rebuttal.

This did not answer my questions.

There is no argument at all that moonstruck IDers and Creationists will accept, though the evidence is obvious that they are very, very wrong.

Simply ignore further such requests other than "already answered and proven."

No one has proven that all species evolved from one species. No one has ever proven that one species split into two species which are incompatible. In other words, there is no scientific proof that apes and man are the end result of an ancient ancestor that they both share. However, dogs and wolves are related but are still capable of breeding --- the only thing separating them is the human label and not a God created difference.
I responded to your thread with a link with a rebuttal.

This did not answer my questions.

There is no argument at all that moonstruck IDers and Creationists will accept, though the evidence is obvious that they are very, very wrong.

Simply ignore further such requests other than "already answered and proven."

No one has proven that all species evolved from one species. No one has ever proven that one species split into two species which are incompatible. In other words, there is no scientific proof that apes and man are the end result of an ancient ancestor that they both share. However, dogs and wolves are related but are still capable of breeding --- the only thing separating them is the human label and not a God created difference.
They don't even consider spiritual beings. It's not brought up because it isn't part of science. Every time a right winger opens their mouth, they show off their ignorance.

When you look at all the success of scientists and compare it the "nothing" the right wing brings to the table, all you can say is "Are you kidding me?"

Still waiting for all the right wing scientific achievements. Show us the science. What do you have? Put it all out on the table.

You're what is wrong with this country instead of meeting in the middle your thinking only divides us and makes the country weaker.

Actually, it's those with occult beliefs who trash science who are doing a disservice for the country. Try to figure out why.

I responded to your thread with a link with a rebuttal.

This did not answer my questions.

There is no argument at all that moonstruck IDers and Creationists will accept, though the evidence is obvious that they are very, very wrong.

Simply ignore further such requests other than "already answered and proven."

Typical Dodge!
There is no argument at all that moonstruck IDers and Creationists will accept, though the evidence is obvious that they are very, very wrong.

Simply ignore further such requests other than "already answered and proven."

No one has proven that all species evolved from one species. No one has ever proven that one species split into two species which are incompatible. In other words, there is no scientific proof that apes and man are the end result of an ancient ancestor that they both share. However, dogs and wolves are related but are still capable of breeding --- the only thing separating them is the human label and not a God created difference.


Revisiting an Old Chestnut: Retroviruses and Common Descent (Updated) - Evolution News & Views
Still waiting for all the right wing scientific achievements. Show us the science. What do you have? Put it all out on the table.

You're what is wrong with this country instead of meeting in the middle your thinking only divides us and makes the country weaker.

Actually, it's those with occult beliefs who trash science who are doing a disservice for the country. Try to figure out why.

Creationists produced the scientific method :eusa_eh:
No one has proven that all species evolved from one species. No one has ever proven that one species split into two species which are incompatible. In other words, there is no scientific proof that apes and man are the end result of an ancient ancestor that they both share. However, dogs and wolves are related but are still capable of breeding --- the only thing separating them is the human label and not a God created difference.


Revisiting an Old Chestnut: Retroviruses and Common Descent (Updated) - Evolution News & Views
"Evolution news" is another of the religious fundamentalist website that is a repository for ID'iot creationist loons.
The ultrareligious wacky reactionary far right remain silly and unbelievable. The youth in those families understand just how crack brained those parent are, truly.
Or, both Evolution & Big Bang Theory, and Creationism & Intelligent Design can be elective classes in public school systems?
how would creationism be taught without blurring the line between church and state.?
Creationism should be taught, among other religious ideas, IMO. Education is about equipping people with the means of understanding the world around them. In America and in countries with a strong Moslem influence, creation is a significant factor. But it should be taught in a way that educates people about it, rather than indoctrinating them in it. The same goes for science.
The last word is this: neither evolutionists nor IDers nor creationists will have any say in the feds making their cherished dreams come true with a federal-mandated curriculum for any subject. We ar not like the French with a national program for subjects etc.

Thus, evolution will continue in the science classroom and ID/creationism will continue in the liberal arts or humanities classroom.

The hardcore nonbelievers and believers will not succeed, because the great mainstream of America think both groups are goony on the subject.

He included your group and you thanked him lol.
thanks for proving my point about your proclivity fr making false statements and assumptions.
it's asshats like you that post was directed at.
youwerecreated clearly gives us no reason to accept that he understands the situation.

ID is not scientific. Evolution is empirical. They do not belong in the same classroom.

Empirical lol.

1. Present your best evidence that shows the general theory of evolution is a fact? I don't want to see a simple change within a population that we both know is a Micro adaptation.

2. How bout fossils showing one major kind of organism changing into another?

This means an example of one taxon order becoming another.
asked and answered in the creationist thread.
not relevant to this're attempting to use it to trot out more creationist bullshit.
https: //

Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.
Since Darwin's groundbreaking theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, scientists all around the world have found monumental amounts of evidence in favor of the theory, now treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of all scientists.

However, even after 150 years after the establishment of evolution, some schools across the US are "teaching the controversy," including Creationism and Intelligent Design. Both of these so-called "theories" have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.

Therefore, we petition the Obama Adminstration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.
Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

Ban the conjecture that the union of two guys can be marriage in the real sense of the word (Husband & Wife). Ban the Federal government from playing Big Brother in the Classroom. Facts and opinions are what make up a well rounded thoughtful education. Blame people who are not educating students but preventing them from thinking.
is it just me or does LN'S post have fuckall to do with the op?
No one has proven that all species evolved from one species. No one has ever proven that one species split into two species which are incompatible. In other words, there is no scientific proof that apes and man are the end result of an ancient ancestor that they both share. However, dogs and wolves are related but are still capable of breeding --- the only thing separating them is the human label and not a God created difference.


Revisiting an Old Chestnut: Retroviruses and Common Descent (Updated) - Evolution News & Views
non credible site...
youwerecreated clearly gives us no reason to accept that he understands the situation.

ID is not scientific. Evolution is empirical. They do not belong in the same classroom.

Empirical lol.

1. Present your best evidence that shows the general theory of evolution is a fact? I don't want to see a simple change within a population that we both know is a Micro adaptation.

2. How bout fossils showing one major kind of organism changing into another?

This means an example of one taxon order becoming another.
asked and answered in the creationist thread.
not relevant to this're attempting to use it to trot out more creationist bullshit.

What do you base your belief on if you do not have this evidence ? because without this evidence that is exactly what the theory is, a belief system.

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