Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.

The second conclusion I've drawn after reading creationism vs. evolution threads is Creationists believe that God and evolution are somehow mutually exclusive. That merely proffering a theory of the evolution of the species means that God is rebuffed in the bargain.

Neither Darwin himself nor any responsible scientist involved in furthering the theory disputes the existence of God, only the myth of creation laid out in Genesis. But the Creationists pick up their pitchforks and cry "Blasphemer!" whenever evolution is discussed.

Now, does this mean that Creationists want to take everything from the Bible literally? If that's the case, I would demand more consistency. If the Genesis myth is sacrosanct, then why aren't we as vigilant concerning the laws laid out in Deuteronomy? Can my beloved Steelers play with the skin of a dead pig? Can the varsity at Notre Dame? What should be done about farmers who insist on planting one crop along side another? Can a cheeseburger be a hanging offense because we are not strictly following dietary laws?

Or does it means that Creationists are intellectually incapable of holding two divergent thoughts in their minds at once? And if this is the case, why are they allowed any influence over the education of children who are not theirs?


Christians are allowed to do all that.

just sayin
The whole self-serving thread provoked it.

I'm not the one here pimping for my academic jihad, perfesser....You are.

Here's something you probably didn't run around your supposedly scientific mind; what's in it for anyone here to go sign your silly petition to make this a federal issue?

Properly educated children.
https: //

Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.
Since Darwin's groundbreaking theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, scientists all around the world have found monumental amounts of evidence in favor of the theory, now treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of all scientists.

However, even after 150 years after the establishment of evolution, some schools across the US are "teaching the controversy," including Creationism and Intelligent Design. Both of these so-called "theories" have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.

Therefore, we petition the Obama Adminstration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.
Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

I thought science was open minded not close minded. Since they can't prove origins nor prove there is no God why would they rule out a possibility without proof.

You can't logically prove the non-existence of something so your comment is meaningless. Science IS open minded and accepts any scientific evidence. Creationism/ID is not scientific.
The last word is this: neither evolutionists nor IDers nor creationists will have any say in the feds making their cherished dreams come true with a federal-mandated curriculum for any subject. We ar not like the French with a national program for subjects etc.

Thus, evolution will continue in the science classroom and ID/creationism will continue in the liberal arts or humanities classroom.

The hardcore nonbelievers and believers will not succeed, because the great mainstream of America think both groups are goony on the subject.

This is not a battle between believers and non-believers. There are a whole lot of believers who accept evolution as fact and don't want our children's minds corrupted with junk science like creationism.
https: //

Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.

Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

I thought science was open minded not close minded. Since they can't prove origins nor prove there is no God why would they rule out a possibility without proof.

You can't logically prove the non-existence of something so your comment is meaningless. Science IS open minded and accepts any scientific evidence. Creationism/ID is not scientific.
Why not?
Which is why I have no problem with creationism. It is an excellent example of a theory which does not work.
Yes, it is good to teach pseudo-science as an example of what science is not. But that's not what the petition is concerned with.

The petition is about imposing a particular doctrine. That is why I am in opposition to it. I don't think the schools should be telling students what to think, I prefer they teach them how to think. I see no problem introducing creationism in a science class so long as the scientific method is applied. Banning it only gives it more weight.

No, it is about keeping religion out of the science classroom. If it is mentioned, it should be as an example of how NOT to do science.
They don't even consider spiritual beings. It's not brought up because it isn't part of science. Every time a right winger opens their mouth, they show off their ignorance.

When you look at all the success of scientists and compare it the "nothing" the right wing brings to the table, all you can say is "Are you kidding me?"

Still waiting for all the right wing scientific achievements. Show us the science. What do you have? Put it all out on the table.

You're what is wrong with this country instead of meeting in the middle your thinking only divides us and makes the country weaker.

If creationism is included in the discussion, then I want public schools to also include a lesson on how the Flying Spaghetti Monster created and rules the universe. I'd also like them to teach the stork theory of human reproduction.
They have gone to far with evolution, it to should not be taught in a science class and maybe in philosophy or allow both philosophies in to science.
Evolution is based on scientific methodology. It has a tangible fossil record documenting the evolution of the species.

Genesis is based on the writings of a Bronze Age philosopher who also believed that the earth was flat and at the center of the universe.

Which do you think belongs in science class and which belongs in philosophy class?

It's a theory filled with holes and conjecture that is not science. If they would have stopped and said yes changes happen within a family or group that would have been fine. They went way beyond the scientific method.

You're a bullshit artist. Then again, most creationists are out of necessity.
youwerecreated clearly gives us no reason to accept that he understands the situation.

ID is not scientific. Evolution is empirical. They do not belong in the same classroom.

Read the first quote in my sig line and you'll understand why trying to reason with YWC is a waste of time.
I thought science was open minded not close minded. Since they can't prove origins nor prove there is no God why would they rule out a possibility without proof.

You can't logically prove the non-existence of something so your comment is meaningless. Science IS open minded and accepts any scientific evidence. Creationism/ID is not scientific.
Why not?

Which part of my comment is your question addressing?
https: //

Ban Creationism and Intelligent Design in the science classroom as federal law.
Since Darwin's groundbreaking theory of Evolution by Natural Selection, scientists all around the world have found monumental amounts of evidence in favor of the theory, now treated as scientific fact by 99.9% of all scientists.

However, even after 150 years after the establishment of evolution, some schools across the US are "teaching the controversy," including Creationism and Intelligent Design. Both of these so-called "theories" have no basis in scientific fact, and have absolutely zero evidence pointing towards these conjectures. These types of loopholes in our education are partially to blame for our dangerously low student performances in math and science.

Therefore, we petition the Obama Adminstration to ban the teachings of these conjectures that contradict Evolution.
Please sign and promote via FaceBook, Twitter etc.

Evolution was created by our Creator to deceive man from the Truth during this age. Just like He created U.F.O.'s, Jesus, Mohammed, God of Abraham, Science, buildings, cars, planes, businesses, churches, Christians, Jews and everything else in this world to deceive man.

That is one of the most delusional claims I've ever heard. What book are you reading anyhow? It sure isn't the Torah or the Bible! - Jeremiah
Darwin is the spirtual father of communism. It doesn't surprise me to learn of this. - Jeri
That would be Karl Marx, actually.

Darwin is assigned many such phony titles on Christian fundie websites.
Darwin is the spirtual father of communism. It doesn't surprise me to learn of this. - Jeri
That would be Karl Marx, actually.

Darwin is assigned many such phony titles on Christian fundie websites.

People are still claiming that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed.
Oh yeah. It gets even worse. It was the fundamentalist Henry Morris of the ICR who proposed that: "Darwinism leads to social Darwinism, the policy that the weak should be allowed to fail and die."

It was largely the fundie Christian ministries that tried to associate "Darwinism" with eugenics.

Unfortunately, it is the extreme religious (Christian) right that still tries to further this nonsense.
That would be Karl Marx, actually.

Darwin is assigned many such phony titles on Christian fundie websites.

People are still claiming that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed.
Oh yeah. It gets even worse. It was the fundamentalist Henry Morris of the ICR who proposed that: "Darwinism leads to social Darwinism, the policy that the weak should be allowed to fail and die."

It was largely the fundie Christian ministries that tried to associate "Darwinism" with eugenics.

Unfortunately, it is the extreme religious (Christian) right that still tries to further this nonsense.

Coming from a group of people who preach about their high morals, such dishonesty is especially disturbing. Apparently lying is OK as long as the lying is for Jesus.
That would be Karl Marx, actually.

Darwin is assigned many such phony titles on Christian fundie websites.

People are still claiming that Darwin renounced evolution on his deathbed.
Oh yeah. It gets even worse. It was the fundamentalist Henry Morris of the ICR who proposed that: "Darwinism leads to social Darwinism, the policy that the weak should be allowed to fail and die."

It was largely the fundie Christian ministries that tried to associate "Darwinism" with eugenics.

Unfortunately, it is the extreme religious (Christian) right that still tries to further this nonsense.
Funny, but social Darwinism was the philosophy that lead to Manifest Destiny which rationalized the conquest and eradication of Native Americans in the 19th century.

Worked then for the ends they wanted, but today it's called evil.
The third conclusion I've reached after reading so many creationism vs. evolution threads is that Creationists refer to one book for all knowledge and all other books are false, misleading and essentially evil.

While the Bible contains good reading: sex, violence, poetry, greed, more violence, redemption and spiritual enlightenment, it is a lousy biology text book. A lousy astronomy text book, a lousy physics text book. But it is the only book endorsed and recommended by Creationists for all those studies.

One should be willing to compromise one's politics. In fact, in our version of democracy, compromise was a prized virtue known as statesmanship. Political compromise has become anathema to the rabid right wing who has settled into a role as obstructionist and saboteur. But compromise over one's faith is a wholly different situation. Why Creationists cannot understand that people of faith can also be people of science and enlightenment is baffling to me. My faith is wide enough and deep enough to accommodate knowledge and see mythology for what it is.

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