Ban This Breed

Which is fine. Some people feel the same way about guns.
Yep! The do! That makes them fascists apparently! But, I would argue that guns are a tool. Are these miserable fucking killer dogs tools?
They are pets, companions, and tools.
Sweet little doggies huh?
Depends how you train them. Just like a gun.

No, guns are all the same. They do not have temperaments or personalities or tendencies. They are machines with quantifiable predictable results every time.
Guns are not all the same anymore than dogs are.
Yes. Guns are the same always.

The gun is the tool. The person using it is the weapon.
We should ban American negroes. They have shown much more violent tendencies than all the other human breeds.
There is no legitimate reason for having a dog that another breed isn’t better suited. People who insist on keeping pits are irresponsible douche bags.
Typically you are a reasoned poster.
Today, the douche.

Reason suggests it is irresponsible to keep an animal out of childish vanity that is more likely to endanger human life than another better suited to the purpose of keeping said animal.
Better not have children on farms or buy ponies for the kids.
They may get trampled or thrown and injured or killed by your ridiculous logic.

You are hyperventilating like the OP.

There is no role a dog can legitimately play that another breed does not for fill much better than a pitbull. Therefore, there is no reason to have one other than childish stubbornness selfishness and irresponsibility. That people, especially children, sometimes die for such asinine juvenile irresponsible nonsense is unforgivable.

I agree.

I was in a bar once and was talking to a man about dogs. He was a dog fighter.

He told me that any pit bull that showed the least aggression toward a human was killed by the owner and they didn't care how good a fighting dog he was.

The men have to be in the pit with the fighting dogs and none of them would ever want one of the dogs going after them.

I don't condone fight dogs but what he said struck a tone. ANY of the fighting dogs that showed the least bit of aggression toward a human was destroyed by the dogs owner.

They are smarter than some pit bull owners who never control their dogs, let them run and couldn't care less if their dogs kill another dog, cat or human.

Of course if the human was a victim the police would get involved. For a dog or a cat or any other animal, not so much.
We should ban American negroes. They have shown much more violent tendencies than all the other human breeds.
Your train has jumped the track!
Hey it's your argument lol.

Let’s see now

You want to ban him


But not the dog! Right?
We should ban American negroes. They have shown much more violent tendencies than all the other human breeds.
Your train has jumped the track!
Hey it's your argument lol.

Let’s see now

You want to ban him

View attachment 219681

But not the dog! Right?
He has much more violent tendencies than other American breeds.

Your logic says to ban them both as dangerous.
ANY breed can flip on an owner. ANY breed.

Some are more likely than others, and not any breed is likely to kill a human being should that happen.

A pit bull can pin a wild hog to the ground without either of them getting killed. They are tough dogs, they are smart dogs, and they will do what you train them to.

Yes pits are great hog dogs and you can bet the people that own them don't let them run loose.

They are penned, exercised and used when needed. They sure don't let their great hog dogs run loose.
We should ban American negroes. They have shown much more violent tendencies than all the other human breeds.
Your train has jumped the track!
Hey it's your argument lol.

Let’s see now

You want to ban him

View attachment 219681

But not the dog! Right?
He has much more violent tendencies than other American breeds.

Your logic says to ban them both as dangerous.
Willow is a racist fascist! The worst kind!! :(
We should ban American negroes. They have shown much more violent tendencies than all the other human breeds.
Your train has jumped the track!
Hey it's your argument lol.

Let’s see now

You want to ban him

View attachment 219681

But not the dog! Right?
He has much more violent tendencies than other American breeds.

Your logic says to ban them both as dangerous.
Well again! The subject is pit bull dogs not African Americans. Focus!
We should ban American negroes. They have shown much more violent tendencies than all the other human breeds.
Your train has jumped the track!
Hey it's your argument lol.

Let’s see now

You want to ban him

View attachment 219681

But not the dog! Right?
He has much more violent tendencies than other American breeds.

Your logic says to ban them both as dangerous.
Well again! The subject is pit bull dogs not African Americans. Focus!
The subject is banning breeds because they are dangerous.
Your train has jumped the track!
Hey it's your argument lol.

Let’s see now

You want to ban him

View attachment 219681

But not the dog! Right?
He has much more violent tendencies than other American breeds.

Your logic says to ban them both as dangerous.
Well again! The subject is pit bull dogs not African Americans. Focus!
The subject is banning breeds because they are dangerous.
Nope, libtard! The subject is Ban This Breed. It does not imply more than one breed but this breed! Got it now?
Notice to All libtards! We are talking about PitBull dogs. Not Chimpanzees and Not African Americans! Make a note! Pin it on your chest!
Hey it's your argument lol.

Let’s see now

You want to ban him

View attachment 219681

But not the dog! Right?
He has much more violent tendencies than other American breeds.

Your logic says to ban them both as dangerous.
Well again! The subject is pit bull dogs not African Americans. Focus!
The subject is banning breeds because they are dangerous.
Nope, libtard! The subject is Ban This Breed. It does not imply more than one breed but this breed! Got it now?
Why not all breeds you deem dangerous? personal attack removed
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