Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

The people of Mexico and South America OUTNUMBER the Cartels by a VAST number of people.

Perhaps one day............they will STOP RUNNING...........and kill the Cartels and restore their country.........

Stop running.

There is really only one true way to stop that sort of evil. That includes terrorist groups .

That is go full burning man or in the case of the cartels.....Los Pepes.

Watch this when you get a chance.

Correct, so we'd have to control the process entirely.

Been there, done that, in India, Korea, and other places. Local politicians and their henchmen show up to local corporate offices with regular timing that the Swiss would admire (the only thing that runs efficiently in shitholes is corruption). Their hands are out for permits, licenses, OH&S regulations (the only companies subject to worker safety laws are foreign companies), and all forms of governmental or union fees.

If you don't pay the fees, your suppliers dry up, your workers stop coming to work, your landlord stops supplying services, until you pay up or get frustrated and walk away. Put up too much of a fuss and you'll find your managers and execs in local jail.

There is no legal recourse, the courts will always rule in favor of the locals.
We Americans do love our band aids. If we don't what someone says, we shut 'em down. We don't like abortions, so we try to make 'em illegal. If we want to deal with illegal immigration, we build a wall. If we're afraid of a ragtag group of South Americans headed our way, we send the freakin' military.

Seems to me we've become pretty lazy. Instead of dealing with the underlying issues of major problems, we just slap a band aid on them and walk away, feeling all good about ourselves. Bing! Instant gratification! Yay!

So, as your new King, here is the Five Year Plan: We're going to calm down this immigration shit, we're going to reduce the reasons people are so fucking desperate to escape their shit hole countries in the FIRST fucking place (what an amazing idea!), and we're going to massively reduce our dependence on, and trade deficit with, China, all in the same plan. Here we go!
  1. Legalize everyone who is here today and put them at the end of the line for regular citizenship, with a sinister hidden agenda of making the countries they use to want to escape a much more attractive place to live, see below
  2. Deport those who break the law.
  3. Strictly enforce all hiring laws with American employers, with heavy fines
  4. Re-examine and modernize guest worker programs so people are not falling through the cracks
  5. Toss out anything resembling NAFTA and prepare the Americas for the below plan
  6. Create a new GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to protect American companies in the below plan
  7. Have serious "this is your one chance" conversations with South American leaders to aggressively address the drug cartels. And yes, by "aggressively address", that could include partnership with the American military. This is a public health and safety issue that has been ignored & avoided long enough.
  8. Partner with Canada and South American countries (those that work with us on #7 above) to issue GSE-backed bonds and invest heavily in infrastructure and low-end to mid-level manufacturing and support facilities up and down the Americas. Invite South American countries to, um, liberate the money they get from the cartels to finance some of this. Get these people good jobs, keep them home with their families, and stabilize the region.
Create a new, Americas-based manufacturing, distribution and consumption behemoth that would re-direct our dollars from China to the Americas.

There. That's a start. If you see something wrong, instead of tossing the whole thing out, let's tweak and improve it. The biggest problem is pretty obviously #7. Let's talk about that.

We used to do that here in America. Collaborate. Innovate.
Looks like what Trump is in effect actually doing.
Why would people rather live in a shit hole than America?

That's why we need the border. And the military. The people want America, but don't want the values that produce the said America. Bunch of opportunists that shouldn't be given a second thought.
Who's the shithole now?
We Americans do love our band aids. If we don't what someone says, we shut 'em down. We don't like abortions, so we try to make 'em illegal. If we want to deal with illegal immigration, we build a wall. If we're afraid of a ragtag group of South Americans headed our way, we send the freakin' military.

Seems to me we've become pretty lazy. Instead of dealing with the underlying issues of major problems, we just slap a band aid on them and walk away, feeling all good about ourselves. Bing! Instant gratification! Yay!

So, as your new King, here is the Five Year Plan: We're going to calm down this immigration shit, we're going to reduce the reasons people are so fucking desperate to escape their shit hole countries in the FIRST fucking place (what an amazing idea!), and we're going to massively reduce our dependence on, and trade deficit with, China, all in the same plan. Here we go!
  1. Legalize everyone who is here today and put them at the end of the line for regular citizenship, with a sinister hidden agenda of making the countries they use to want to escape a much more attractive place to live, see below
  2. Deport those who break the law.
  3. Strictly enforce all hiring laws with American employers, with heavy fines
  4. Re-examine and modernize guest worker programs so people are not falling through the cracks
  5. Toss out anything resembling NAFTA and prepare the Americas for the below plan
  6. Create a new GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to protect American companies in the below plan
  7. Have serious "this is your one chance" conversations with South American leaders to aggressively address the drug cartels. And yes, by "aggressively address", that could include partnership with the American military. This is a public health and safety issue that has been ignored & avoided long enough.
  8. Partner with Canada and South American countries (those that work with us on #7 above) to issue GSE-backed bonds and invest heavily in infrastructure and low-end to mid-level manufacturing and support facilities up and down the Americas. Invite South American countries to, um, liberate the money they get from the cartels to finance some of this. Get these people good jobs, keep them home with their families, and stabilize the region.
Create a new, Americas-based manufacturing, distribution and consumption behemoth that would re-direct our dollars from China to the Americas.

There. That's a start. If you see something wrong, instead of tossing the whole thing out, let's tweak and improve it. The biggest problem is pretty obviously #7. Let's talk about that.

We used to do that here in America. Collaborate. Innovate.
Looks like what Trump is in effect actually doing.

Pandemic supply chains are not at all bearing that out.
On #1, I have never been a fan of granting immunity to people that came here illegally, but I cannot see sending adults that were brought here as children back to a country they don't know.
opOn #7 I can see partnering with Canada but there is so much corruption in Mexico and some other South American Countries that any investment would be wasted. Until the problem of criminal gangs and corrupt politicians is addressed I wouldn't like any investment.
Why would people rather live in a shit hole than America?

That's why we need the border. And the military. The people want America, but don't want the values that produce the said America. Bunch of opportunists that shouldn't be given a second thought.
Who's the shithole now?

Venezuela is still the shithole. They have devolved to piracy now, oil is the only asset they have.

You should move there immediately, if you believe they are less of a shit hole. It's fucking stupid associating a virus with the people and the system we have. But then, dishonesty comes to far leftists naturally.

Let us recall that it is the Chinese communists who are responsible for the virus debacle.
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Legalize everyone who is here today and put them at the end of the line for regular citizenship,
That idea sucks

we have tried amnesty and all it does is encourage more illegal migration

a limited amnesty in the future that grants conditional permeant residency to aliens of the very highest standards is possible

but only after we stop the flow of illegal aliens to almost zero
Why would people rather live in a shit hole than America?

That's why we need the border. And the military. The people want America, but don't want the values that produce the said America. Bunch of opportunists that shouldn't be given a second thought.
No honey the statements here from the left says America is the most racist country on earth so why would anyone want to come here?
On #1, I have never been a fan of granting immunity to people that came here illegally, but I cannot see sending adults that were brought here as children back to a country they don't know.
opOn #7 I can see partnering with Canada but there is so much corruption in Mexico and some other South American Countries that any investment would be wasted. Until the problem of criminal gangs and corrupt politicians is addressed I wouldn't like any investment.
Mexico is the classic example of a failed nation-state.
we're going to reduce the reasons people are so fucking desperate to escape their shit hole countries in the FIRST fucking place


We can't even pacify or fix our own 3rd world shitholes (every major inner city) and you want to fix someone else's shitholes?

We Americans do love our band aids. If we don't what someone says, we shut 'em down. We don't like abortions, so we try to make 'em illegal. If we want to deal with illegal immigration, we build a wall. If we're afraid of a ragtag group of South Americans headed our way, we send the freakin' military.

Seems to me we've become pretty lazy. Instead of dealing with the underlying issues of major problems, we just slap a band aid on them and walk away, feeling all good about ourselves. Bing! Instant gratification! Yay!

So, as your new King, here is the Five Year Plan: We're going to calm down this immigration shit, we're going to reduce the reasons people are so fucking desperate to escape their shit hole countries in the FIRST fucking place (what an amazing idea!), and we're going to massively reduce our dependence on, and trade deficit with, China, all in the same plan. Here we go!
  1. Legalize everyone who is here today and put them at the end of the line for regular citizenship, with a sinister hidden agenda of making the countries they use to want to escape a much more attractive place to live, see below
  2. Deport those who break the law.
  3. Strictly enforce all hiring laws with American employers, with heavy fines
  4. Re-examine and modernize guest worker programs so people are not falling through the cracks
  5. Toss out anything resembling NAFTA and prepare the Americas for the below plan
  6. Create a new GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to protect American companies in the below plan
  7. Have serious "this is your one chance" conversations with South American leaders to aggressively address the drug cartels. And yes, by "aggressively address", that could include partnership with the American military. This is a public health and safety issue that has been ignored & avoided long enough.
  8. Partner with Canada and South American countries (those that work with us on #7 above) to issue GSE-backed bonds and invest heavily in infrastructure and low-end to mid-level manufacturing and support facilities up and down the Americas. Invite South American countries to, um, liberate the money they get from the cartels to finance some of this. Get these people good jobs, keep them home with their families, and stabilize the region.
Create a new, Americas-based manufacturing, distribution and consumption behemoth that would re-direct our dollars from China to the Americas.

There. That's a start. If you see something wrong, instead of tossing the whole thing out, let's tweak and improve it. The biggest problem is pretty obviously #7. Let's talk about that.

We used to do that here in America. Collaborate. Innovate.

Being America in the sense of America's place and standing on the global stage is both the same as being the proverbial prodigal son, and the prodigy son at once. Everyone not America seeks a laurel of hatred to rest upon, so they can kick back and say, "see, I told you America was an evil empire, am I right?" while many of the same foreigners wish to view America as some kind of godlike savior-nation who must be held to a higher standard than any other country or empire in world history.

While I get where you're coming from, Mac and appreciate your efforts to solve critical woes, the world cannot have it both ways. Either we're the "evil empire" from hell, or we're the saviors of the whole rest of the world. But what if, my USMB compadre, neither our American leaders or us American people want to be either villain or savior? What then?
Wow, thank you. I was hoping someone would see a bigger picture.

And crap, you're making me think here.

I'd think the goal, to put it simplistically, would be to cut through that binary choice and lead by example. Right now, we're an easy target, an almost cartoonishly chauvinistic bully that all but revels in annoying those who used to be our friends. I guess that's an attempt to lead by example, but it's just so naive that it won't accomplish anything in the long term.

Something like this would check so many boxes that, in my little dreamworld scenario, we'd quietly go about proceeding step by step and gain converts along the way.

I gotta think about that one.

Trust me, I want us—our America—to be the savior, the Saint Salvador and I believe most other breathing Americans feel the same. Just that, that we as an entire people are constantly drawn and quartered emotionally by pundits, priests and politicians and philosophers, so mostly we just end up chasing our tails despising each other and the rest of the world. My wise pappy wolf once told me to worry only about my own backyard and focus on raising a good litter of wolf cubs. However, if we all follow his sage advice, we'll be a nation horde of isolationist individuals. Still I don't think we can individually or collectively function as the world's red white and blue Christ. Must be a middle ground.

What's wrong with being "isolationist" as you put it? What's wrong with going back to being a self-sufficient nation who only trades for things when it's in OUR best interest to do so? What's wrong with worrying about OUR people FIRST? What is wrong with ONLY doing that which will advance OUR nation, our people? America has no business attempting to shove its belief systems onto the rest of the world. What's good for one is not necessarily what's good for all. Contrary to the Communist regime beliefs, we are NOT all the same. Nor was America founded to "save" the world. Leading by example would be a noble way to lead.
This "global" world we've had shoved down OUR throats only benefits a select few at the top. The majority of peoples from most nations have paid a very heavy price for this. If given a choice in the matter I don't believe most would think the price was worth paying. I think America should stay out of wars that benefit it nothing - such as Middle East wars, wars for Israhell. We are NOT Israels bitch, we should stop acting like it.

Having said all that Americans have ALWAYS been a very generous people, there's nothing wrong with giving help when it's asked for. We've freely given the road map we used to build our society. Whether they choose to use that is not our problem, nor should we feel as though it's our place to take in the worlds refugees. We fought bloody wars to rid ourselves of tyrants, they must be willing to do the same in their nations. We own them NOTHING.
We Americans do love our band aids. If we don't what someone says, we shut 'em down. We don't like abortions, so we try to make 'em illegal. If we want to deal with illegal immigration, we build a wall. If we're afraid of a ragtag group of South Americans headed our way, we send the freakin' military.

Seems to me we've become pretty lazy. Instead of dealing with the underlying issues of major problems, we just slap a band aid on them and walk away, feeling all good about ourselves. Bing! Instant gratification! Yay!

So, as your new King, here is the Five Year Plan: We're going to calm down this immigration shit, we're going to reduce the reasons people are so fucking desperate to escape their shit hole countries in the FIRST fucking place (what an amazing idea!), and we're going to massively reduce our dependence on, and trade deficit with, China, all in the same plan. Here we go!
  1. Legalize everyone who is here today and put them at the end of the line for regular citizenship, with a sinister hidden agenda of making the countries they use to want to escape a much more attractive place to live, see below
  2. Deport those who break the law.
  3. Strictly enforce all hiring laws with American employers, with heavy fines
  4. Re-examine and modernize guest worker programs so people are not falling through the cracks
  5. Toss out anything resembling NAFTA and prepare the Americas for the below plan
  6. Create a new GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to protect American companies in the below plan
  7. Have serious "this is your one chance" conversations with South American leaders to aggressively address the drug cartels. And yes, by "aggressively address", that could include partnership with the American military. This is a public health and safety issue that has been ignored & avoided long enough.
  8. Partner with Canada and South American countries (those that work with us on #7 above) to issue GSE-backed bonds and invest heavily in infrastructure and low-end to mid-level manufacturing and support facilities up and down the Americas. Invite South American countries to, um, liberate the money they get from the cartels to finance some of this. Get these people good jobs, keep them home with their families, and stabilize the region.
Create a new, Americas-based manufacturing, distribution and consumption behemoth that would re-direct our dollars from China to the Americas.

There. That's a start. If you see something wrong, instead of tossing the whole thing out, let's tweak and improve it. The biggest problem is pretty obviously #7. Let's talk about that.

We used to do that here in America. Collaborate. Innovate.

Being America in the sense of America's place and standing on the global stage is both the same as being the proverbial prodigal son, and the prodigy son at once. Everyone not America seeks a laurel of hatred to rest upon, so they can kick back and say, "see, I told you America was an evil empire, am I right?" while many of the same foreigners wish to view America as some kind of godlike savior-nation who must be held to a higher standard than any other country or empire in world history.

While I get where you're coming from, Mac and appreciate your efforts to solve critical woes, the world cannot have it both ways. Either we're the "evil empire" from hell, or we're the saviors of the whole rest of the world. But what if, my USMB compadre, neither our American leaders or us American people want to be either villain or savior? What then?
Wow, thank you. I was hoping someone would see a bigger picture.

And crap, you're making me think here.

I'd think the goal, to put it simplistically, would be to cut through that binary choice and lead by example. Right now, we're an easy target, an almost cartoonishly chauvinistic bully that all but revels in annoying those who used to be our friends. I guess that's an attempt to lead by example, but it's just so naive that it won't accomplish anything in the long term.

Something like this would check so many boxes that, in my little dreamworld scenario, we'd quietly go about proceeding step by step and gain converts along the way.

I gotta think about that one.

Trust me, I want us—our America—to be the savior, the Saint Salvador and I believe most other breathing Americans feel the same. Just that, that we as an entire people are constantly drawn and quartered emotionally by pundits, priests and politicians and philosophers, so mostly we just end up chasing our tails despising each other and the rest of the world. My wise pappy wolf once told me to worry only about my own backyard and focus on raising a good litter of wolf cubs. However, if we all follow his sage advice, we'll be a nation horde of isolationist individuals. Still I don't think we can individually or collectively function as the world's red white and blue Christ. Must be a middle ground.

What's wrong with being "isolationist" as you put it? What's wrong with going back to being a self-sufficient nation who only trades for things when it's in OUR best interest to do so? What's wrong with worrying about OUR people FIRST? What is wrong with ONLY doing that which will advance OUR nation, our people? America has no business attempting to shove its belief systems onto the rest of the world. What's good for one is not necessarily what's good for all. Contrary to the Communist regime beliefs, we are NOT all the same. Nor was America founded to "save" the world. Leading by example would be a noble way to lead.
This "global" world we've had shoved down OUR throats only benefits a select few at the top. The majority of peoples from most nations have paid a very heavy price for this. If given a choice in the matter I don't believe most would think the price was worth paying. I think America should stay out of wars that benefit it nothing - such as Middle East wars, wars for Israhell. We are NOT Israels bitch, we should stop acting like it.

Having said all that Americans have ALWAYS been a very generous people, there's nothing wrong with giving help when it's asked for. We've freely given the road map we used to build our society. Whether they choose to use that is not our problem, nor should we feel as though it's our place to take in the worlds refugees. We fought bloody wars to rid ourselves of tyrants, they must be willing to do the same in their nations. We own them NOTHING.

Democracy does not work even here, yet we shove it up the ass of other nations. It is a joke, that is more akin to religion than doing something productive.
Mac uses this thread in other threads to say how he is not from the FAR

Yawn......................the left are for open borders...........
Legalize everyone who is here today and put them at the end of the line for regular citizenship, with a sinister hidden agenda of making the countries they use to want to escape a much more attractive place to live, see below
aka...................give everyone of them amnesty and trust Mac to follow through on everything else.............

ROPE A DOPE..............NOPE.
We Americans do love our band aids. If we don't what someone says, we shut 'em down. We don't like abortions, so we try to make 'em illegal. If we want to deal with illegal immigration, we build a wall. If we're afraid of a ragtag group of South Americans headed our way, we send the freakin' military.

Seems to me we've become pretty lazy. Instead of dealing with the underlying issues of major problems, we just slap a band aid on them and walk away, feeling all good about ourselves. Bing! Instant gratification! Yay!

So, as your new King, here is the Five Year Plan: We're going to calm down this immigration shit, we're going to reduce the reasons people are so fucking desperate to escape their shit hole countries in the FIRST fucking place (what an amazing idea!), and we're going to massively reduce our dependence on, and trade deficit with, China, all in the same plan. Here we go!
  1. Legalize everyone who is here today and put them at the end of the line for regular citizenship, with a sinister hidden agenda of making the countries they use to want to escape a much more attractive place to live, see below
  2. Deport those who break the law.
  3. Strictly enforce all hiring laws with American employers, with heavy fines
  4. Re-examine and modernize guest worker programs so people are not falling through the cracks
  5. Toss out anything resembling NAFTA and prepare the Americas for the below plan
  6. Create a new GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to protect American companies in the below plan
  7. Have serious "this is your one chance" conversations with South American leaders to aggressively address the drug cartels. And yes, by "aggressively address", that could include partnership with the American military. This is a public health and safety issue that has been ignored & avoided long enough.
  8. Partner with Canada and South American countries (those that work with us on #7 above) to issue GSE-backed bonds and invest heavily in infrastructure and low-end to mid-level manufacturing and support facilities up and down the Americas. Invite South American countries to, um, liberate the money they get from the cartels to finance some of this. Get these people good jobs, keep them home with their families, and stabilize the region.
Create a new, Americas-based manufacturing, distribution and consumption behemoth that would re-direct our dollars from China to the Americas.

There. That's a start. If you see something wrong, instead of tossing the whole thing out, let's tweak and improve it. The biggest problem is pretty obviously #7. Let's talk about that.

We used to do that here in America. Collaborate. Innovate.
Alot of that is good, but people who enter illegally break the by rule 2, that would be all illegals
Even if we ignore that rule, what do we do with the people that come here illegally?
What does rule 4 mean?

Rule 8, that was supposed to happen via we wouldn't have immigrants coming here...but it never did...their governments aren't stable.....
We Americans do love our band aids. If we don't what someone says, we shut 'em down. We don't like abortions, so we try to make 'em illegal. If we want to deal with illegal immigration, we build a wall. If we're afraid of a ragtag group of South Americans headed our way, we send the freakin' military.

Seems to me we've become pretty lazy. Instead of dealing with the underlying issues of major problems, we just slap a band aid on them and walk away, feeling all good about ourselves. Bing! Instant gratification! Yay!

So, as your new King, here is the Five Year Plan: We're going to calm down this immigration shit, we're going to reduce the reasons people are so fucking desperate to escape their shit hole countries in the FIRST fucking place (what an amazing idea!), and we're going to massively reduce our dependence on, and trade deficit with, China, all in the same plan. Here we go!
  1. Legalize everyone who is here today and put them at the end of the line for regular citizenship, with a sinister hidden agenda of making the countries they use to want to escape a much more attractive place to live, see below
  2. Deport those who break the law.
  3. Strictly enforce all hiring laws with American employers, with heavy fines
  4. Re-examine and modernize guest worker programs so people are not falling through the cracks
  5. Toss out anything resembling NAFTA and prepare the Americas for the below plan
  6. Create a new GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to protect American companies in the below plan
  7. Have serious "this is your one chance" conversations with South American leaders to aggressively address the drug cartels. And yes, by "aggressively address", that could include partnership with the American military. This is a public health and safety issue that has been ignored & avoided long enough.
  8. Partner with Canada and South American countries (those that work with us on #7 above) to issue GSE-backed bonds and invest heavily in infrastructure and low-end to mid-level manufacturing and support facilities up and down the Americas. Invite South American countries to, um, liberate the money they get from the cartels to finance some of this. Get these people good jobs, keep them home with their families, and stabilize the region.
Create a new, Americas-based manufacturing, distribution and consumption behemoth that would re-direct our dollars from China to the Americas.

There. That's a start. If you see something wrong, instead of tossing the whole thing out, let's tweak and improve it. The biggest problem is pretty obviously #7. Let's talk about that.

We used to do that here in America. Collaborate. Innovate.
Alot of that is good, but people who enter illegally break the by rule 2, that would be all illegals
Even if we ignore that rule, what do we do with the people that come here illegally?
What does rule 4 mean?

Rule 8, that was supposed to happen via we wouldn't have immigrants coming here...but it never did...their governments aren't stable.....
If they break the law, they break the law, and are treated accordingly.

Line 4 is about making sure that we're clarifying and enforcing existing laws properly and making adjustments as needed.
We Americans do love our band aids. If we don't what someone says, we shut 'em down. We don't like abortions, so we try to make 'em illegal. If we want to deal with illegal immigration, we build a wall. If we're afraid of a ragtag group of South Americans headed our way, we send the freakin' military.

Seems to me we've become pretty lazy. Instead of dealing with the underlying issues of major problems, we just slap a band aid on them and walk away, feeling all good about ourselves. Bing! Instant gratification! Yay!

So, as your new King, here is the Five Year Plan: We're going to calm down this immigration shit, we're going to reduce the reasons people are so fucking desperate to escape their shit hole countries in the FIRST fucking place (what an amazing idea!), and we're going to massively reduce our dependence on, and trade deficit with, China, all in the same plan. Here we go!
  1. Legalize everyone who is here today and put them at the end of the line for regular citizenship, with a sinister hidden agenda of making the countries they use to want to escape a much more attractive place to live, see below
  2. Deport those who break the law.
  3. Strictly enforce all hiring laws with American employers, with heavy fines
  4. Re-examine and modernize guest worker programs so people are not falling through the cracks
  5. Toss out anything resembling NAFTA and prepare the Americas for the below plan
  6. Create a new GSE (Government-Sponsored Enterprise) to protect American companies in the below plan
  7. Have serious "this is your one chance" conversations with South American leaders to aggressively address the drug cartels. And yes, by "aggressively address", that could include partnership with the American military. This is a public health and safety issue that has been ignored & avoided long enough.
  8. Partner with Canada and South American countries (those that work with us on #7 above) to issue GSE-backed bonds and invest heavily in infrastructure and low-end to mid-level manufacturing and support facilities up and down the Americas. Invite South American countries to, um, liberate the money they get from the cartels to finance some of this. Get these people good jobs, keep them home with their families, and stabilize the region.
Create a new, Americas-based manufacturing, distribution and consumption behemoth that would re-direct our dollars from China to the Americas.

There. That's a start. If you see something wrong, instead of tossing the whole thing out, let's tweak and improve it. The biggest problem is pretty obviously #7. Let's talk about that.

We used to do that here in America. Collaborate. Innovate.
Alot of that is good, but people who enter illegally break the by rule 2, that would be all illegals
Even if we ignore that rule, what do we do with the people that come here illegally?
What does rule 4 mean?

Rule 8, that was supposed to happen via we wouldn't have immigrants coming here...but it never did...their governments aren't stable.....
If they break the law, they break the law, and are treated accordingly.

Line 4 is about making sure that we're clarifying and enforcing existing laws properly and making adjustments as needed.
Ok, if we count entering illegally (entering at ports is considered legal) then I'm cool with it
Line 4, I though we did this under Bush, but maybe it wasn't we could clarify this, true.
Wanna see shitholes just drive through the country and see how people are living.
That's what I love about living rural! :)

You can tell how resourceful a homesteader is by how much what y'all would call junk, is in their yard/on property! :D

Waste not, want not!
Wanna see shitholes just drive through the country and see how people are living.
Wanna see shitholes just drive through the inner city and see how people are living.
there I fixed it for you, I will take country living anytime

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